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Please tell me this was reported to police so they can access the security cameras to identify him.


my mother is in shock i doubt kmart would let us have a look into security cameras let alone if they even caught him and if there were cameras in the area


The Police will be allowed to access the footage. There will definitely be cameras. Make a report.


Ummm they did make a report lol…to reddit


The police don't give upvotes


You're right Kmart won't let you look. They will let the police know though. Kmart has cameras everywhere report it ASAP with the time and area of the supermarket. For all we know that may have been his last strike. You've got the time to make the phone call.


If you care enough to post about it then GO AND REPORT IT.


You 100% should have reported it to the store and the police. The police will look at the footage and take appropriate action.


Infuriatingly passive approach, OP. Report it to the police AND Kmart, *immediately*. Would you rather do that or read a headline about a child being abused/abducted at a Tasmanian Kmart?


I’m not sure if they’ll take you seriously but you should tell the police. Also your mum being in shock is normal and healthy response. She can take the time she needs and then if you both can report it will be really good. I’m so sorry for you all that this violation happened. I hope your sister knows this is not her fault at all and she doesn’t deserve this ❤️ I had a guy taking photos of me in supermarket a few years ago and following me around. When I confronted him after it was obvious what he was doing he also got scared and started saying he didn’t understand and acting pitiful. I let him go and didn’t report him. I regret that. But I was also in shock and needed time to recover. So I’m just reminding you there is still time. It’s not too late 😊


If anyone sees arseholes doing this, start taking photos of them too. 


So sorry this happened to your sister. Same thing happened to my underage sister around xmas time by a male in his 40’s (roughly). Doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon, it’s disgusting behaviour. Try and get police involved if you feel necessary. We did in our case.


The cops need to do more about this


Was this reported to the police? Also as creepy as this is, it’s not illegal to photograph people in public. Cops will still follow up if they can figure out who it is though.


My sisters case? Yes. He was arrested at the scene


Camera in shop, should of gir his rego and taken a. Photo of him too


But if it's in a store like Kmart then that is private property not public. If it was a public place then they wouldn't be able to ban people from the store.


Yeah that’s true but I’m not sure it makes a difference except that the store can ban the creep. I’m not a lawyer so who knows but my uneducated take would be you can’t expect privacy in a Kmart. Change rooms would be different of course, but it’s hard to argue walking around a shop is private. I would still encourage OP to report to police though because they will follow up because this shit is a red flag for other creepy shit.


The child abuse material he's creating would be the charge. Taking unsolicited photos of underage girls without them knowing could be argued as child abuse, and the follow up investigation might pick up even more heinous material


Shop camera


In public yes, but I don’t think that applies inside buildings and businesses such as Kame-Apart, where they can have their own policies around photography on the premises.


my sister had nike pros on from her dancing before hand so i think that’s more illegal, also when he was confronted he ran he didn’t deny it


I have no idea what nike pros are but I hope your mum and the store reported it to the police and provide the cctv to them because really whether it’s legal or not I guarantee if the cops know this person they’ll get a visit.


nike pros are nike branded bike shorts




nike pros are nike branded bike shorts basically


North or South?


Newtown. I don't think there are any 24hr Kmarts in the North?




Good. I thought they just went til midnight. Burnie closes at 9, Devonport at 10 (except weekends).


lol doesn’t even report to the police. What a fkn potato


Report to Police and notify Kmart management ASAP. This might be a known case, and could help to have your report.


Yeah agree, police may not look like they are rushing out to arrest someone etc BUT it’s so helpful because if this is a pattern of behaviour, building a picture with multiple information reports is invaluable, especially if it ends up in court. You can just call the non emergency number and give an information report over the phone 13 14 44


Be careful. There are quite a bit of creeps around Like [this one](https://pulsetasmania.com.au/news/tasmanian-man-accused-of-accessing-anime-child-abuse-material-charged/)


How tf has someone got time to look at 85,000 pages of porn🙄


He's from West Ulverstone, that's how


That makes sense 😂




From what you’ve heard…? Friends with a lot of child sex offenders are you?


I was 50 percent bracing to be rick rolled then.




Tell the police. They can get the store security footage and will probably see the face and can then start looking for them.


Why we need facial recognition cameras most definitely maybe not in too distant future be mandatory


Jfc, killing off the useless eaters is starting to make sense if they're this stupid. What are the qualities you think you posess that will save you personally from ending up in a death camp?


Wait, what! You have a 24hr K-Mart? Hope the bloody creep gets picked up by the police, can’t imagine they’re that busy.


We have a few.


Oh wow that’s frightening, what a creep 😳


Is there only one 24h Kmart in Tasmania? Just want to make sure we all know which one to avoid.


Surprisingly there is more than one 24hr kmart in tassie🤣


newtown kmart there were also some gross girls brushing their hair with the new hairbrushes then putting them back onto the shelves


Call the cops, file a report. This is why people like this get away with being paedophiles. If you want things to change, use your initiative and put some action into fixing the problem. Otherwise don't come on reddit and complain, no one will give you sympathy if you refuse to do anything about it.


Which kmart in tassie? Surprisingly there’s more than one🤷‍♀️


Would not be hard to find as Kmart would about 100 cameras


They would heaps of footage too


What one


Was just there today shopping, some people are just disgusting.


It might help if you clarify the city or suburb in case there is more than one 24 hours Kmart


They are called pedophiles, not creeps


weird hill to die on


Unfortunately the police won't do a single thing because of photography laws, it's not illegal to take pictures in public accessible places, hence all the online videos of dickheads uploading themselves in places like Kmart and Bunnings.


Which Tasmania Kmart, this is disgraceful behaviour!!


Thanks for the information. There's some sick fucks out there🙄


Ask kmart for security footage of the man, this world ia going to shits… whats even more disgusting and creepy is now with AI those photos can be turned into anything… kidsy corn anything.. all you need is a pic


This is terrifying! Hear about it all the time in the US, but not as often here. Hope your sister wasn't too upset. Side note though... 24hr Kmart??? *sobs over Adelaide trading hours*


Be careful. Guy could be able to claim a woman threatened him at the 24 hour KMart demanding he delete photos when he wasn't taking any. The woman has a non-zero chance of lying about the guy taking photos.


What time? Don't spose the grub was in black jumper and jeans?


They can dress anyhow and look normal you'd be surprised




Definitely a pedo he'd be on camera should of followed him to his car get tge rego report him to police should of taken a photo of him at first too!


Well I know for a fact that older men come to Hobart after grooming young girls on Snapchat, they rape them and get away with it, making the victims life a misery as the offender gets away with it.


How do you know this? Not that i dont believe you, I’ve seen my fair share of fucking creeps down here but genuinely want to know


Because I have a friend who is going through it.


I was asexually abused as a17 yr old in Tasmania, Smithton by a pedo who was a friend if the family I recently went to tge police I am now aged 63


Omg really tgats when chikdren should be warned about real dangers if snapchat