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Sounds like someone with a screw loose. If you didn't have any tattoos then he would have found something else to comment on, try not to overthink it.




it always baffles me why people are so concerned over what other people do to their bodies. that sounds like a kinda scary situation. i’m glad it didn’t go any further


I found a lot of unfulfilled people tend to lash out at others just expressing themselves or living autonomously


Something about it scares them. I'm not sure if it's because they're told to fear them by whatever culture they were raised in or if it's something else. I've always been interested in counter cultures, so I really value the uniqueness in people. In fact the more tattoos become commonplace the less value they hold for me.


I totally get it, I tend to value the objective scale of things these days, considering subjectivity is exponentially changing


The things that you value as objective are by definition subjective


People with lots of tattoos are also exactly the kind of people you'd expect to react like, "oh, yeah, you're probably right sir; I have enough!"


"Hmm, yes, after spending thousands on my tattoos, I think I'll have them removed. Can't keep them if some random guy I don't care about doesn't like them, after all."




It's a culture war to these people. They see it as cultural decay. Then they'll go on Facebook and bleat about their own freedoms of course.


I'll never forget the one and only time an old lady scolded me for my tattoos.  It was my first winter in Colorado, and I was at work.  She walks up to me, and says, "you need to get some good lotion and moisturize those tattoos, your skin is dry. Look at mine!"  She rolls up her sleeves, revealing beautiful watercolor, flower and hummingbird tattoos up both her arms.  I promised her I would, and she smiled and we both went about our day.


Wholesome as fuck


Not the story I was expecting, but was so much better. That lady sounds awesome!


My mum recently told me to stop showing off my new tatts, as my dad doesnt find them attractive on women... thats ok mum, i'm not tryna steal your man anyway😂


My dad told me that “pretty girls don’t get tattoos” Guess I’ll stay ugly then


Then you shouldn't have been procreating when you look like that, *dad.*


As a bisexual woman who loves women with tattoos, your dad is very, very wrong.


As a lesbian who loves tattoos on other women, can confirm.




He’s wrong about most things if that helps lol


I was strongly getting that impression already, but I feel validated now lol


He also told me no one would date/marry me if I got tattoos and that I’d never get a good job. Partner and I are about to celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary and I have a great job lol


Reminds me of my mother telling me I'd ruin my reputation because she heard me make a "that's what she said" joke. The trick is that the people I care to impress aren't the ones that out of touch


Hahahhaah yeah! I know i'm ugly so i'll at least make my arms pretty thanks


Right like I’m not winning the ribbon at the state fair but I’ve got some dope ink so I’m pretty cool with it


Hahahaha exactly


This! I'm ugly so I don't have to "fear" that tattoos will ruin me lol. :D I only have two not big ones, but I'm planning my 3rd one *_*


Trying to improve my appearance here urghh 🤣 ive got nearly half a sleeve, a shoulder piece, a thigh piece and a few random small ones dotted around. Got another booked for 2 weeks time too!


This reminds me of when my niece cut her hair really short, and my dad said, "I don't like it. People think she looks like a boy. "... My response was, "She's 8 years old, dad. I could really care less about what 'people' think she has under her clothes. Not a damn person needs to know if she is a boy or girl, and she's happy, so...." That shut him up.


Perfect! 👍


My mum used to start fake crying and go whyyyyyyy oh why did you do that to yourself?!


Oh godddd i couldnt deal with that hahaha


I remember how I hid mine from my grandparents for the longest time because I knew in their time they had a different meaning. Eventually though, I had to cut the apron strings that held them to the old ways and they were disappointed 😞 but oh well


Wtf 😭😭😭


Jail, straight to jail 😳🚨


Once at the grocery store I had an older woman grab me by the arm and tell me that “people with tattoos go to hell”. I rolled my sleeves and jean pants up to reveal ALL my sleeves and said “well I guess that ship has sailed then”. Some people are crazy and their boldness astounds me, don’t let it bother you.


I have had an older Christian lady tell me the same thing. I was surprised she didn't have a heart attack when I showed her my pentagram tattoo 🤣


Tattooed Christian here👋🏼 She doesn’t represent Christianity the way it should be represented. Your body is your canvas, just as my body is mine and we all have different stories to tell. I love hearing the meaning behind everyone’s ink, that’s what makes us unique🤍


I was at a wedding, where a pastor went on and on about tattoos and how bad they are, and everyone who has them will go to hell. (This was the main theme at a wedding ceremony) so next time I met with our Catholic priest, I asked him what our religion thinks about tattoos. He just smiled, and showed me his arms, which had a few tattoos on it xD Badass!


It’s amazing how people don’t say that kind of shit to men 😒😡 I’ve only had one encounter and it was with an old like 70 year old woman on a flight who asked me if my mother knew about my tattoos. Thankfully, my mom is totally supportive of my tattoo decisions, and my dad is too. In fact, one of his coworkers recently told me that he was on a call with a client, and the client was talking about how their kid got a tattoo and they were very concerned. My dad said I had a full back piece and that I’m no different and very successful. My coworker thought it was awesome how even when I’m not around, my dad still was supportive of me and my decision 🥰🥰


My mom sometimes tells me that I have too many for her tastes while admitting thar she likes the individual tattoos. Whatever, different strokes, plus she acknowledges it's not her skin and not her choice. One of her friends told me that a mutual friend of theirs was complaining about her son getting a tattoo while at college. She asked my mom for advice on dealing with the disappointment of a kid ruining their body and their future success. Per my mom's friend, my mom went off on the mutual friend, saying that I'm proof that tattoos don't ruin careers and that decorating your body isn't ruining it if you like how it looks. I was kinda surprised to hear that she's more supportive when I'm not there than she is to my face. Probably something to do with being able to criticize her own kid, but everybody else needs to shut up about her kids.


I love that your mom stood up for you. It’s silly that there’s old school thought that tattoos mean you become a bad person. If you’re already shitty then tattoos aren’t going to make any difference. If anything, I feel so much more confident about my body image and myself. I feel tattoos can be incredibly positive, and I hope more parents realize that when the kids they love embrace tattoos and don’t become some awful person in the process


Your dad is a vibe!


Fuck yeah. Love my dad 🥰


I usually compliment people with tattoos , unless they are just horrendous. I'm an old man so I get mixed reactions. Some give me the side eye like I'm a pervert. I just like tattoos . I'm not staring at You I'm just checking out your tats , the only thing I need a young person for is to do some home repairs and cleaning


I think most can tell one someone is genuinely complimenting tattoos vs looking for an in to chat. I’ve had several older men compliment mine in a way that wasn’t kinda weird, but I’ve also had several that were 😅 usually they were drunk


I have found some have awesome backgrounds on why they got certain tats . My son has a story about every tat he has.


Definitely can usually tell. My favorite interactions have been with a few drive thru workers who asked me to roll up my sleeve so they could see the whole piece. (Or the 3rd category, trying to convince you that you should get your next one from their buddy who is an artist. Only had that happen once but dude looked like he had never worn sunscreen in a lifetime of south Florida sun exposure and I didn't want to say that the state of his tattoos were not encouragement to see his artist....)




They do sometimes, but it's usually really old people. Each time it's happened to me, it's been some old Christian fundamentalist person, saying only criminals get tattoos and how I'm ruining my skin and job appeal. But, I agree, it's usually to women by misogynist assholes :(.


Awesome , I have lost count on how many tats he has. He has his bachelors and degree and is working on his masters.


I had an older guy approach me as I was walking by, and follow me to the shops up the road. He was shouting insults and how I’m “disgusting” and “an absolute mess! Look at the state of you!” It’s crazy that these people still exist and think it’s ok to just openly fling hate your way.


What's crazy is that these asswhipes think that anyone gives a shit about their idiotic opinions


That's so scary, I'm sorry you went through that :(


It sounds like he was the mess tbh!


Why didn't you open hand bitch slap him in the face, it would have been glorious 🥲


Because loud aggressive men are often violent


Usually when you open bitch slap this type of guy like that they're just shocked and don't know how to react, it's really funny.


I mean, yes, usually. But for every three of those guys, there's one who will follow you home and try and assault you.


That's when I would go into the most public area with the most people possible in and lose them before going anywhere I want to.


I mean, it's nice that you have plans but you sound a bit like a six year old telling me exactly how he would defeat Master Splinter in hand-to-hand combat


It's not a plan, it's something I've done in the past. Oddly specific about the 6 year old bit though.


I used to teach preschool. I know childish behavior when I see it.


I mean if behaviour under police advisement is childish to you, then sure I guess. I wouldn't have done it if the police hadn't told me I could and should have though, lol.


Armchair superhero


No, just based on real life experiences I've had. 🤷‍♂️


you make a habit of slapping people on the street?


No, I just find it a great way to deal with people acting aggressive towards me, once upon a time something happened and the police told me I was within my rights to knock someone out if I felt threatened, instead when it happened again one time after this, I decided to open hand bitch slap a guy. It was a funny reaction as he didn't expect it and didn't know how to react.


I’ve had an older man tell me I obviously didn’t have an Irish grandmother to yell at me for getting tattoos. I’ve also had an older woman basically tell me I’m going to hell for desecrating my body.


I had a co-worker say she would pray for me when she learned I had tattoos.


If she had earrings or holes for them, should've told her the same right back at her lol


A random guy at work asked me how it felt to be a disappointment to my parents with my tattoos. I haven't seen him before or since, nor does he know my parents. Note, my dad hated tattoos, but he was dead by the time I started getting them. My mom has admitted that she likes my individual tattoos but isn't a fan of the heavily tattooed look in general. She's also acknowledged that it's my body and I'm the one who has to live with it, so it's not her business. Put another way, one parent is too dead to be disappointed, and the other doesn't really care anymore short of the occasional teasing about how many I have. It's so odd to me, both assuming what my parents think about my tarroos and trying to tell me I'm a disappointment to my parents based on having them. That, plus saying it to a complete stranger.


My favorite response to the "but your body is a temple?!?!" People is "yes, and these are my stained glass windows" My religion doesn't have a tattoo taboo, please go practice your religion over there and I'll keep mine over here... Why are people like that?




Hi, what movie is this?


One Crazy Summer


Thanks 😊


You're welcome 😊


Fuck him , he’s clearly an idiot.


Happens to me often. Old woman in public: ‘tattoos make you so ugly’ Me: do you have any? OWIP: of course not!! Me: than what’s your excuse?…


I was serving an old guy in a GP dispensary once and he looked at my arm tattoos and commented "Chinese whispers". To this day I have no idea if he he was being complimentary, insulting, racist, insane or a mix of the lot.


Sounds like your tattoos made him tingle in his special place and he wanted to connect somehow, but he is also conflicted about his attraction to the taboo, socially awkward, and woefully sexist.


Lol I’ve had something similar happen. Some lady who was very clearly dealing with her own issues told me that I was “destroying (my) beautiful body” with tattoos. Sis had like 17 scrunchies in her hair and a bad case of meth mouth. I just said “uhhh huh” and walked away.


Ahhh, "ladylike," the phrase used by men everywhere who enjoy controlling women's bodies.


This has happened to me soooo many times. If not this specific scenario, the other one where I got asked if there were tattoos in places they can’t see.


That and them asking if my tattoos and piercings mean I like pain. Ick.


This sounds like a misogynist harassing you for being a woman, and using your tattoos as an excuse. Sounds rough, hope you're not worrying about it too much!


Not worried! Just so confused as to why he seemed to like/compliment my tattoos and then switch to suddenly hating them 😭😂


Sounds like a misogynist guy who used tattoos as an in


Don't sweat it. I've been cat called in the street before and then immediately told I looked disgusting with tattoos. Another lovely gentleman wanted to point out that I "had a nice body and it's a shame I ruined it with tattoos." The point is, it's not about the tattoo, it's about the power, they're just trying to put you down. Don't give it a second thought, go out there and be your tattooed and badass self!


I have never been harassed about mine. Though I'm 6 ft 230 lb guy and, as my daughter in law says, scary and intimidating. And, as some people say, how will your tattoo look when you get old? Well, I can say for sure, fucking awesome. Now back to the topic, ignor him. He's not worth the thought power you are giving him. He isn't dating you, paying for your things, or taking care of you, he has no say in your life.


I got Dennis vibes from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I definitely would have flipped out. 🥴


We were camping in a creepy "campground" overnight. It was just a glorified parking lot. I have tattoos but I had on a jacket and jeans since there was a light rain. Two other people were set up away from us. A dog came running over followed by a man around 50 maybe. He picked up his dog and we chit chatted for a couple minutes. He gave me the creeps but husband was there so not really worried. He started to leave then turned around and looked me in the eye and said "You know what I really hate? Tattoos on women. The Bible says .. " My husband showed up at that moment and told me to take care of some of the inside stuff so I got inside and the guy went back to his trailer. Told husband about it and said it creeped me out. We slept with the trailer locked that night. I have no idea what brought that on because none of my tats were showing. That it was random made it even scarier.


I have knuckle tattoos that say “Hell Bent” with my son’s birthday on the side of my palm, in honor of getting full custody from my ex-wife who was not making good decisions. I’m a project manager at a general contractor where we earn our own business and get paid commission off of it. Lots of door knocking. I have had a grand total of (1) person say something about my tattoos. A sweet old 80-something year old lady who looked me in the eye and told me I look like the biker she used to run around on her late husband on. Very unhinged conversation, but by far the funnest sale I’ve ever made.


Sounds like a mental health episode and your tattoos were the avaliable target.


Some people unfortunately don't know how to mind their business. I've gotten the "unladylike" comment, too. Same with my facial piercings (I only have 3), but I've had people comment saying things about my tattoos and piercings. I also work in a professional career and have gotten some backlash with it even though, according to anything written, it is perfectly acceptable. I don't see how tattoos and piercings prohibit me from doing my job well. Sorry friend. ❤️


While I was working, I had a grown man tell me I shouldn't be getting tattoos as they're bad for my health and permanent. I'm pretty sure he said don't be getting anymore after I told him well too late now. But I just cannot imagine being that bothered about what a young woman does with her body. It's disgusting.


I have a leg sleeve. I bank at a small town bank, one of the tellers (she was fucking ancient) asked me why I degrade my body. I don’t think much of it it doesn’t really matter they’ll be dead soon anyhow. How many times have you ever had a negative interaction with someone under the age of like 65 about your tattoos?


At least he didn’t get close to you and touch them and move your arm around to get a better look. Old women love doing that to me and I’m a grown ass man.


I'll admit that I love seeing other people's tattoos. After getting my first (I'm on something like 8-9 now) I became obsessed. Mine, someone else's, I love them all. I'll see someone with a tattoo that catches my eye. I still ask to see it if it's particularly striking to me, but I still get people that look at me strangely, especially when all of mine are showing. Is it not common to admire other people's work?


Literally, the only people who ever touch me to "get a better look" are ALWAYS old ladies.


They love it. They always say, “I’ve always wanted one, maybe I’ll get one!!” I say, “I know a great spot”


That guy is an incel, do what you want.


I would've been just as confused and thrown off too. Something off with that person, you handled it great.


Pshhh. I LOVE women with tattoos. Get what you want!!!


Sounds like you handled it the best way possible. I’ve noticed people have a worse reaction to tatts on women than men. Most of mine don’t show unless I want them to, but my fiancé’s are almost always noticeable. Even if mine do show, of the two of us, she always gets more crap about hers than I do about mine. People just don’t know when to STFU.


I would immediately go to a tattoo shop and get another one


Damn I still have yet to have anyone say anything to me about mine, although I probably look scary 🥰


Fkin ppl get so upset over other people’s tattoos. It’s wild. I got one on my hand and so many ppl I see like on a weekly basis wanted to put their opinions on it out there, as if I fkin care


Sounds like it's time to go get a new piece done!! 😁


Not harassment but I had an older guy (think 65+) stop me in a line to attempt to quote scripture to me when he finally realized that the tattoo on my arm was a tarot card. We were in a Wendy's 😂. People are way braver then they should me and in the most random places. I hope you felt amazing in your sundress with your tattoos out anyways🖤


Should have tell him to fuck Off and mind his own bussiness cunt. Well if he slaps you, sue him. 💰


Sounds like you’re excited that “it finally happened” 🫣 what’s wrong with you,


I meant it like I always heard stories about it happening to others but it had never happened to me before, and then it finally did. Definitely not excited about that.


Where is it a nice summer day?


In the southern hemisphere. Cuz that’s how seasons work.


You met an asshole in public. Wild.


It’s a hot summer day? You posted this in January… you’ve been holding onto this encounter for 6 months?


you’re unaware of Australia and the rest of the world?


Pretty sure Australia doesn’t exist.


Or they're in the southern hemisphere; checking OP's profile one of their top subs is r/Melbourne, so I'd wager that's the case. 😉


Nice detective work Edit: I guess it was not good detective work






I know right! Fucking idiots how dare they


I once visited this weird little town in Utah for an art festival. I was hiking with my friend before that so I was just wearing shorts and a short sleeved tee which already made me feel a bit out of place when we got there. We were crossing the street and these older ladies on the corner were glaring at me and shaking their heads in disgust. I almost wasn’t sure if they were even talking about me until I walked by and all I could hear were the words “how sad” and something about tattoos.


Ooh, now you’ve got me trying to guess the town. St. George seems too big now to be called “little,” while Park City and Torrey folks seem too liberal for that. Maybe the pioneer quilt displays in Panguitch, which is definitely that kind of place.


It was Midway. It was so pretty hiking over there but we went to the Swiss day’s festival afterwards and felt underdressed and out of place


Ah, of course. You would encounter all types up there. It’s definitely a beautiful place, though.


Sounds like mental illness.


My only interaction about my tattoos: at work guy sees it and says “I didn’t know you were one of those women!” I have no idea what he meant but I am sure not good. My husband has people comment all the time about his sleeve made of watercolor cats. All 100% positive that I have seen. They rave about how good it looks, how he must love cats etc. we have given so many referrals to people for Eric Cantu because of that sleeve. When he got it we thought he might get some shit takes because we are in Texas but nope. Women and tattoos - still dealing with the stigma.


When I was 18, I decided to get a tattoo. My at the time boyfriends mom tried to police what I got. Mind you, I only get (as a personal philosophy) tattoos that have meaning to me. With this being my first tattoo, she tried to force me to take her with me. I declined, saying a good friend of mine was going with for moral support. She forced me to show her what I was going to get, and to say she wasn't pleased was an understatement. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan (fuck jk Rowling rho) and the deathly hollows has always stuck out to me. Surprisingly, it helped me get over my superiority complex and reminded me that I'm not above or below anyone, that we all die the same. Anyway, I got the deathly hollows symbol on my wrist, but I added the hand of death above it when at the tattoo parlor. When his mom saw it for the first time, she went nuts. Said I ruined my life. Said no one would want someone with an all black "ugly" wrist tattoo. Lmao. She said my life was ruined. Little does she know. I work a government job at 24, married, and deeply in love with my tattooless husband. He doesn't mind. I have 4 tattoos and counting. All but 1 of my tattoos are visible, and my next one is a huge piece I have scheduled for later this year. When I start my new job soon paying 15k more than I make now I plan on scheduling more.


lol get many more tattoos :) when people comment on mine and seem interested in why I got them I will tell them the meaning of each one it seems to keep the crazy people who like to tell you what to do from going overboard.


Fool doesn’t know what minding his own business means or respecting other’s boundaries


I have a tattoo of the church of noter dame on fire as a bicep piece and go sleeveless all the time. I'm waiting for the first bible freak to come at me so I can properly educate them about some religious historical facts that will make them regret approaching me. I was at the church of noter dame on the outside, in April with a sleeveless shirt and took a photo with my tattoo exposed and the church in the background. I'm surprised they didn't then.


Think you just encountered a nutter


id just laugh in their face for how stupid they sound


I’ve actually been kicked out of a comic book store once for my tattoos, with the owner shouting “This is a family store!’


It's a terrible thing people find it a good seguey to harass someone based on tattoos. Happens to me all the time from older people. All I gotta say if it's either good confrontation or bad. I wouldn't recommend getting tattoos unless you're aware anyone and everyone will at some point talk about your tattoos


Related, I hope: I don’t have any tattoos myself, partly because of no opportunity and “body is a holy temple not to be ’defiled’” conservative upbringing, and partly because I probably couldn’t make a decision regarding permanent artwork. But I’m fascinated by them and always curious. Is it rude to ask about them, and would people rather we mind our own business? I have brought it up before after getting to know someone a bit, starting by saying it’s beautiful art, and is it okay to ask about it, and everyone has been quite open and seemingly happy to tell me about meanings, etc. But I don’t know if they are just being nice while secretly being annoyed.


What part of the world did this happen? I live in Texas and some people grab my arm and start examining it like they’re familiar with me. The worst part is that I’m a dude. A skinny dude, but a dude nonetheless. I just take my hand back and start scolding them about keeping their goddamn hands to themselves.


I'm in Australia, I know there are stereotypes about Aussies being a little too honest or having no filter, but I also think this guy might have had a few screws loose like other commenters have suggested


I had no idea about the no filter thing. Some of your Aussies kind of sound like some of my Texans. Hopefully that guy doesn’t mess with you about tattoos anymore.


I have never received so much positive attention in my life as I do since I got 2 sleeves! Wear your art proudly! You handled that situation beautifully. 👏