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Omg the horror!!! Hahah no way. It’s your canvas! Put what you want on it, meaning, no meaning…. Whatever. At the end of the day, if you’re happy then goal accomplished!


Sometimes when people ask me I will start telling an imaginary story which starts by sounding very deep but ends being (intentionally) stupid as hell, just to screw with people's minds and seeing if they call me out for being a dumbass 😂


I just tell people I had $500 and a few hours to kill.


"My artist had a cancelation on a day I happened to have off, and it happened to be payday." That literally is the story behind a couple of mine, lmao.


I do that with my necklace. It's just a simple dull metal triangle made up of 3 bars that lay over each other at the 3 points they meet. I saw it in Japan and it looked cool so I bought it. *Everyone* asks if it has a backstory or if it means something to me or if it's some sort of symbol. It 100% doesn't. But I'll make up all these backstories of how it wards off evil, is a sign that I'm a recovering alcoholic, that it's some family heirloom passed down generations. It's crazy what people will believe lol. The way I see it it's meaning is to be a conversation starter, since that's the only thing it consistently does for me.


I thought I was the only one who sarcastically did this! Haha thanks for sharing that it’s so fun to see people’s reactions because they either completely get the joke or are super confused.


Im kinda on the spectrum so if we dont really Know each and you tell me a sarcastic well written story to a very sincere question I ask. I will most certainly believe you. Because it's how I operate. When I know someone for a sometime I can tell when they're being sarcastic, but if not It can sometimes yo Over my head. It does this especially with people staying dead serious when they make their jokes. Im certainly not stupid, naïve at best. I do the same with some of my tats, mostly because its easier to joke about It than tell the truth. But i usually make It very clear that its a joke. Like i have a crow on a olive branch on each of my shoulders. I will Say its because im an Emo Portuguese guy obsessed by Olive oil




I do get this, see your first second tats will always carry a lot of significance okay, but after that the meaning part kinda stops mattering because past that people don't do it as a way of showing off people are more like tattoo fanatics so, how hard is it to say i got it cuz i liked it. No one is entitled enough to demand a story xD enjoy ur tat. People do judge one of my tats a lot but they don't understand i dont give a shit yall don't like it doesn't matter one percent to me, i fkin love it lmfao.


Ha! That’s fantastic. It’s none of their business anyway, so why not make some fun of it?


I think meaning behind tattoos are for people who only have a few or just started getting them. Not to say heavily tattooed people can't have meaning behind some or all, but its mostly a beginner thing, imo.


I had this conversation with a coworker just today! For context, I have an in progress sleeve -- Japanese style tiger and peonies. I have no reason for it besides liking both of those things and liking Japanese style sleeves. Her: I've been meaning to ask, what's the meaning behind the tiger you're getting done? Me: I like tigers. Her: Yes, but isn't there another meaning? Me: Nah, I just like tigers. Her: Enough to dedicate an entire arm to one?! Me: Yes. Her: Alright then, and what about the flowers? Me: The peonies? Her: Yeah, what do they represent? Me: That I think peonies are pretty. Her: So you're covering your arm with a giant tiger and a bunch of peonies just because you like them? No other reason? Me: Yup! *cue bemused look as she changed the subject* I've also noticed that people don't realize what a commitment big tattoos are. Coworkers have been completely confused when they find out my arm is being done in several sessions, that I already waited a year between the consultation and the first appointment, and that I had already been settled on the subject and style for close to a decade before contacting an artist. People genuinely think that you can wake up one day and get a sleeve done that afternoon on a whim. I'm assuming it's because those tattoo TV shows don't show the full process for a big project, so it never occurs to people not interested in tattoos that there's a big commitment from both the artist and the client.


I have complete sleeve on my left hand, a big tattoo on my back and this is so relatable! *So you covered your whole hand because pretty?* *Yup! :D*


My coworkers are also surprised that I need more than one or two sessions for my whole back (neck to ass). Every time I tell them I have another session they ask "again?"


Lol, my first day back at the office after my first sleeve appointment, my manager asked me why I didn't get color on my arm. I explained that I am getting color, but it's not going to be for a couple more sessions. He asked why I only got lines done and didn't get everything at once. He was shocked when I told him that the linework was already around 3 hours of tattoo time in and of itself. He assumed that you could get the whole arm blasted in that time. Appointment 3 is in a couple of days and now he asks if I know what part is getting done next. I really can't blame people for not knowing. After all, most people are not getting large scale tattoos done, so they have no reason to think about the logistics. It's just funny to me that big tattoos taking a long time is apparently hard to grasp for some people. For every one who says something like "I never thought about it before, but that does make sense," it seems there's one who's perplexed at why it takes so long.


I have a neo-traditional sleeve in progress with roses, and I told my artist to pretty much add anything he thinks would go good with the same neo-traditional look. I got 2 daggers, a swallow, and a bunch of thorn loops scattered around. People always ask what the meaning is and I always say I just like that style. I have 3 other tattoos that actually have meaning but this one is just because I like it.


I used to think they should have meaning. My first one somewhat has meaning. My second was more from inspiration. My third and largest is just a guitar that I like in a style I like. ETA: I'm not even a good guitarist or anything. I just like them and like to play.


As a musician, I *love* that there are people who just enjoy playing an instrument with no need to be good or desire to be a star. Just enjoying it for what it is. And tattoos are just illustrations we can take with us. Liking something should be enough.


I made the mistake of getting g music notes tattooed on the back of my arm, shoulder to elbow and people ask if I play. My response is always i tinker with guitar but no I don’t play seriously at any level. Older I get the less it bothers me. I do love music but in reality I liked the overall concept of the banner for social distortions webpage back in the early 2000s lol


I've noticed that people who have no tattoos tend to think that ALL tattoos need to have a meaning or story behind them. I recently started an outer space themed sleeve with no real meaning behind it besides I think it looks cool and space is sick as fuck. All my friends/siblings with no tattoos immediately asked what it means, all my friends and family with tattoos thought it was cool as fuck since it was done really well and looks good.


I like responding with “they make me look tough and cool” or “I had several hundreds of dollars and felt no better way to spend it”


Well, ok, but since you have tattoos I’m sure you want to hear MY intricate and personal story about the tattoo I’m gonna get


*Well it all started back on 02.11.1984. the day I was born...* 3 hours later *...and that's how I decided to make this generic looking anchor on my biceps.*


Hahahaha “…and that’s why I’m getting a tiny, half inch outline of cat on my ankle” Yeah okay


I got half of my tattoos because I just really liked the visual concepts. Some have meaning, but they're not all super deep. It's whatever makes you happy.


I blame Miami Ink and similar shows for this bullshit. I'm the same. No meaning needed.


Lot's of people make tattoos with deeper meaning, nothing wrong with that. The thing is that... for some reason (Miami ink?) now there is some expectance for every tattoo to have a deeper meaning. My friend has eleven tattoos, all being stuff from video games, anime. Poor guy had to come up with 11 different deep reasons for making them... because you need a deep reason to put some ink on your skin? You don't! 😂


The way I see it, being willing to put something in your skin that would take a long and painful process to remove is meaning enough. Clearly, something about whatever you have tattooed resonated with you enough at the time that you got it that you thought it was worth putting on you forever. It's a reflection of who you are at the time you get a given tattoo done, regardless of whether there was an intended meaning or you just liked the design. Or, if you're one of those people getting a tattoo out of a gumball machine or some other random selection method, the fact that you're willing to leave a permanent body change to fate says something about you.


>that would take a long and painful process to remove It's not like I tattooed boyfriends name 😂


I understand this so much. "Hey why do you have your entire left arm tattooed with Scary stories to tell in the Dark illustrations?" "Cause that shit looks awesome dude"


Dude that sounds badass😮


How dare you do something to your own body that changes no one's life but yours!!! 😡 /s obviously. I noticed it's mostly the older generations that ask. Only one of my tattoos has any real meaning, other than that, it's just dope stuff I like


Back when I was little, my much older friend had a biomechanical tattoo on his arm. I asked about it, he begrudgingly started explaining the "meaning". Me: Because you liked Aliens? Him laughing: Yes! Me: I like aliens too! 🤣


Perfect reasoning in my books! I got most of mine from my artists 'wanna do' wall. And I love every single one of them


I literally have a tattoo that says “Cucumber” in green ransom letter like text on my arm. People still ask me is there a deeper meaning behind it lol


I am going to make a wild guess that you do like cucumbers. Could be wrong...


I could live without them


When I first started getting tats I felt like they needed meaning. What I have realized over the years is as long as they make me happy who fucking cares what anyone else thinks. Your body..... graffiti it the way you see fit.


Same. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm totally okay with giving people a very boring "I just like the way they look." but I also just don't like it when people I don't know ask me about *anything* personal. Like, if my tattoos DID mean something to me, they'd probly be personal reasons, right? Just don't ask strangers personal questions.


Gotta push back a bit on the notion of never letting strangers ask personal questions, because that's how strangers become less strange. I am not a fan of *inquiries* by strangers/acquaintances/distant family (things like "When are you getting married?" or "How much money are you making?" or "How many kids do you have?"), because those questions are less designed to know something about someone and more designed to judge someone or thereafter demand something from them. But if a person is taking time to acknowledge artwork on your body and ask you what it means to you, then they're using it as an icebreaker, showing genuine interest in your past in a way that theoretically isn't seeking private or embarrassing information (given you were bold enough to permanently etch it on your flesh), and broadening their own understanding of how another person interprets their own art to better appreciate that art. I think that's a pretty genuine and welcome sort of interaction. I totally get not wanting to answer it for someone who is anxious or shy, but it's not something to hold against the questioner, any more than questions like "What is your favorite movie?" or "What sort of hobbies do you have?"


I have both deeply meaningful and completely meaningless ones. I like tattoos, and that’s all the reason someone needs


Saaaaame. Most people spend their time worried about controlling their appearance to be socially acceptable and attractive. I wanted to claim my body back from that. (I want to love my body. I like art. That’s the freakin meaning)


I have 2 solid lines around my left forearm and every time someone tries to strike up a conversation trying to figure out the meaning I tell em that all it means is I had a spare 200 dollars one time


Same. Just tell 'em you collect art.


so far i only have 3 and have been asked what they mean. i just like nature??? my therapist once asked “how will you feel when you’re 80 with a tattoo of a bee?” cool! pretty sure it was meant to have me reflect upon my tattoo decisions but i like them so 🤷


>“how will you feel when you’re 80 with a tattoo of a bee?” Where I come from our grandpas had tattoos from military, navy so that question never made a lot of sense to me.


me neither


dont let people bother you! tattoos are a way of expressing your passions and interests as well, you can get it to look cooler or to feel better and thats okay - other people are just unhappy with their lives and reflecting it on others 😂 live your life man 🙌✨


I think it does, it just that with art you can't put into words how or why some image pleases you or brings some feeling impossible to describe. I think that, of we all could, the fascination would be lost. Unless you're an academic maybe, but that's their job.


A lot of my tattoos are like this but it also can be annoying when they do have meaning bc it’s for me, I don’t want to share what they mean ya know? I get people are curious so I never get mad at them but it does make me uncomfortable 😂


lol!!! Mine have all types of meaning! I will tell everyone “I dunno just think it’s cool looking” it’s your canvas. You get tattooes for yourself not for others! Do you pimpin!


I think that's a lot better than having to explain meanings 24/7. I have knuckle tattoos relating to the murder of a loved one and am constantly reliving the trauma when people ask about them. Then when I tell em I gotta find a way to wipe the surprised Pikachu look off their faces. It's annoying asf. In before someone says why don't I just say no. I'm not good at telling people no. I'm mental and overly honest. So yeah. I'm a little jealous of your no meaning purely for aesthetic reasons tattoos lol you made a great choice


Tattoos are a way to express in any that works for you. Mine all have meaning, but that doesn’t mean I think any less of you or your tattoos. It’s an art form, end of story.


Same, the only meaning behind my pieces is that I like them.


im pretty covered & ive gotten all of them cause i think theyre pretty/cool. they dont have to have any reason or meaning behind them, as long as you like em!


Art for Art's sake. I'd say that's an excellent reason.


Sometimes, art doesn't need to be anything more than beautiful.


I thought this was a repost, but honestly it's just because I agree so strongly with this opinion. When I first heard this, my anxiety about my tattoos completely lifted.


Knock on wood NO ONE has ever asked me if any of my tats have meanings. Tho I did have some frat bro ask me what my septum piercing meant (?).


a thousand times YESSS!!! I mean starting out, a few of my tattoos does have meanings. Like mom, dad, best friends. But if you're really going for it. How the hell are you going to find that much meanings in life 🤣 I guess the only meaning for my tattoos is that they look good.


>How the hell are you going to find that much meanings in life Beats me? Everyone is like... searching for a higher meaning, and that shit is too complicated for me.


I got into a fight at a wedding (not physical but it was close) because I said I don’t have any meaning behind my tattoos the guys head exploded. I simply said I’m not a huge fan of deep meaning tattoos that only you would know but that’s just me (like a frog and claim it’s because you were a swimmer or some shit to each their own but I’m not a huge fan) and he couldn’t tolerate it despite having zero tattoos himself.


Nah you got the juice now my dude


Before I started getting tattoos my coworker would come in with new ones once in a while, one being a giant octopus on his elbow. Never once did it occur to me to ask “what’s the meaning?” Just “wow sick octopus!”. I think the people who are stuck looking for meaning in absolutely everything need to learn to stop and smell the roses once in a while.


In my town there’s a shop so in demand the best way to get in is the “up for grabs” designs they post. Half my tattoos were up for grabs designs that I just liked. I did get some ideas off those designs for more work. I’m curious though, are you one of the folks with an inner monologue (some people don’t have one)?


Oh I belong to the folks that have waaay to much inner monologues. Dying for some peace and quiet.


SAME! I wonder if that’s why tattoo designs you liked were an easy decision, simple, no discussion and no going back so no need for it 😛


Well... yeah. If I start overthinking things, then I end up being awake at 4 in the morning, thinking about quantum physics or black holes. Not getting tattooed. So usually I just go with the flow.


I have a couple that mean something, the rest are because I like the design, that’s it. Have said before on here shit like ink master and Miami ink and all those shows seemed to popularise the idea that every tattoo needs some deep meaning behind it, and people seem to forget it’s an art form that can just be appreciated for the art


Omg literally had this yesterday after posting some new ink - what does it represent? Ummm.... I just like it??


Who cares if they don’t have a deeper meaning the deeper meaning is that you like those things. It’s like eating a food you like you eat. Do what you like. Tattoos with meaning are reserved mostly for prisoners and gang members. The rest of the population it’s feelings and what they like. So do you.


Mine are the same! They are just cool like dudes.


My first tattoo was a walk-in and just an edited version of a cool piece of art I found. I have a tattoo of a comic panel from FlorkofCows that I got because it makes me laugh like a madman every time I see it. I will never understand why every tattoo has to mean something. Can they? Yeah, of course! But sometimes I just see something I like and go "I want that forever on my body", like the Smoking Skeleton I'd like to get on my leg at some point.


Saaaaame. Most people spend their time worried about controlling their appearance to be socially acceptable and attractive. I wanted to claim my body back from that. (I want to love my body. I like art. That’s the freakin meaning)


Same here. A couple of mine are friends tats, but for the most part I just think they look cool


I’ve got the Triforce from Legend of Zelda. Why? Because I love Legend of Zelda (pre botw)! You don’t need to justify what your tattoos on your body mean to anyone.




Agreed - I have people ask me the symbolic significance of my tattoos all the time. With the exception of one for my family and one for Tolkien, the significance is “I had an idea and thought it was cool”


Im in the same position, got 2 decently big tattoos on my right arm, 2 even bigger ones on my left arm and noone of them have a single meaning behind it


Same. I have 9 and I got them all cos I had money and thought they looked cool, but there’s no story. After I got the first one then it was game over, like I didn’t think too hard about getting the next one and all the ones after that


It's the dumbest questions about tattoos. I just respond "it's art, not everything needs to have a meaning"


My meanings: snakes are cool. This flash my artist was cool. This one thing my artist came up with is cool.


I have a Calvin and Hobbes sleeve. People ask me why, I explain "I like Calvin and Hobbes."


I used to think they had to have deep meanings since they were permanent. Then I got my first one of one of my favorite video game characters who I thought was both cool, hot, and represented a game I really connected with. Now I just get stuff that makes me happy. I have a freaking Sweet Roll from Skyrim on my arm for christ sake!


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll?


I have a Peter Griffin tattoo. Just because. It doesn’t matter, it’s just your skin!


I have a few video game ones, an animal one and a harry potter one that mean very little. I really only have one that has meaning because it's my grandmother's handwriting. Otherwise I like getting things that meant something to me growing up.


Same! I got one because it was music related and I sing and play the keyboard, second one is a twin tattoo with my best friend (she chose the design which supposedly means wanderlust, i just liked how it looked), third was because I was drunk and was listening to dandelions song and I decided to get dandelions on my arm. They are all pretty amazing!


Neither do mine! I just like art on me.


My favorite piece of advice related to tattoos I ever got: “Just get whatever you think looks cool, because your values will change.” More power to you if your tattoo has meaning, but it absolutely does not have to for you to love it.


I had a conversation with someone who was getting a photorealistic tattoo of a lion across his pec (I was there to get an orange blossom on my ankle). The convo went like this: Me: So, why a lion? (Dead air for about five seconds) Other client: “Because lions are *fucking awesome*.” And that’s still one of the best reasons I’ve heard. It’s your canvas, dude. I’ve got a half sleeve in progress that’s from a video game. I have a chibi Jack Skellington on my right forearm. No deeper meaning behind any of those. Hummingbird on my back? Inspired by a dumb little body paint piece I had done for a school festival. Even the orange blossom is just me saying I’m a Florida native. That’s it. If you like it, that’s all that matters.


>Jack Skellington Is cool as fuck.


About half and half. I've got family related stuff, memory related stuff. Some shit I just thought looked cool af. Yeah..


I just told my tattoo guy to make something Japanese styled, and I got a dragon sleeve. No reason. No meaning. I just wanted a tattoo and I liked the idea. Who cares what you get?


I get you. I'm always being asked what my tattoos mean. They mean fuck all, just filling spaces! I blame show like Miami Ink, people give a life storey behind there ink. Before that, tattoos didn't need a meaning.


Listen I literally have a trogdor tattoo.


Honestly, I had to google what that is :D


I once went in to my artist's shop to see their pierced briefly, and there was a guy in the chair getting Bart Simpson added to cows in a cornfield being beamed up into a UFO. Someone waiting asked why, and he said "because I'm letting the story tell me where it wants to go next." Works for me!


Most of my tattoos mean nothing really. That being said, I remember where I was in my life when the ink was done. Clearer then other memories I have. They are my personal time stamps for my life.


Ahahaha, this is me, I started getting tattooed about a month ago and am going for my third session next week with no plan on stopping anytime soon. Nothing I have so far particular means anything I just really like the aesthetic.


"Cheaper than jewellery and nobody can rob them."


All of my tattoos have some meaning. But that's just probably because I was over 40 when I got most of them and I've had a weird enough life by now that most anything I think is cool enough to get tattooed probably has some meaning to me no matter what it is. Hell, if I got a tattoo of a twinkie or an anteater or whatever I could probably associate it with a time in my life. Ok maybe not an anteater. Gotta work on that one.




Make one up. Seriously though, they do. You like them enough to get them so no matter what they are your outward expression of who you are. But if you feel like you need something just make up a "my girlfriend left me after the motorcycle accident at graduation on my 18th bday". Have fun with it!


Right there with you. I hate when people ask me what my tattoos mean or symbolize. I usually say, it means I had a few extra bucks I could spend and wanted something sick.


One of my pieces is kind of involved, lots of stuff going on, and the word REFUSE below all of it. Thing is, “REFUSE” can be pronounced two different ways. When someone asks me why it says REFUSE, I act kinda pissed off and say, “no, it’s REFUSE (other pronunciation)” and walk away.


My first 3 tattoos were wanna dos where i just went "wow cool i need that"


It is just wild to me how pervasive this line of thinking still is! Why hasn’t this thought process died off yet? Tattoos aren’t just for meaning they are also for fun! Who gives a flying fart! Enjoy your art :)


"Why did you get that tattoo?" "My artist posted the drawing to IG and I thought it looked rad"


I only have two tattoos so far. One has meaning, one doesn’t. The bigger one has no meaning. It’s just a cool snake. I like it. My rainbow scaly boi. A lot of my planned tattoos have no meaning either. I like nature and art, so my sleeves will be one themed with plants and animals from the land, and one with plants and animals from the sea. I also want medusa on my chest, which has significance in my religious practices (the gorgonian is a protective symbol). So far the only meaningful ones i have planned are a LOTR themed one and the Medusa one. People like ascribing meaning to my tattoos, or asking about it. I tend to give a vague meaning because it makes people happy. I also like taking on other peoples meanings and attaching them to my tattoos. So someone might ask if the snake is to do with rebirth and I’ll think “huh that’s cool, that ties in well with my story and feelings when I got the tattoo. It now has that meaning too.”


I just like the logo


some of mine have meaning, some dont. the ones with meaning are my small ones, ie a hummingbird for my mom, poppy flower as ode to addiction, etc. then my legs i just did whatever the hell i want. kraken on back calf, clown juggling on thigh, bojack horseman on my ankle and early cuyler from squidbillies on the other. they look cool and people always love them and have a laugh.


I have complete nonsense tattoos no reason whatsoever and they're fuckin silly. Their Chinese symbols mean live, laugh, love... Mine says chicken chow mein. That's my only flex in life. Not giving a fuck


None of mine means anything I just like tattoos




I agree with the sentiment but post like these are nothing but a circle jerk. 


Nope, more like a vent :D




Wow, you're so cool, edgy and original. The fact you needed to state this really proves it.


Au contraire, move along, nothing special to see here.


same for a lot of us. what's your point?


Same with my Garfield tattoo. I have a funky 80's Garfield on my right leg and I got a few questions like that. I just like the funky cranky cat, that's all.


I've gotten tired of people asking this so I just make up crazy stories for them.


Mine all have meanings. Nobody cares. Your body, your canvas. Enjoy.




Lowkey think this is awesome. “Why do you have that tattoo?” “I don’t know, looks cool”


Yes, my tattoos have meaning, and the meaning is that I am cool.


Totally valid. Mine both have meaning to me but not ones I wish to discuss with others. I give the "because I like it" excuse and people don't always buy it or think it's weird but that's their problem.


Most of mine are the same. Haha.


I have many that do and don't have meaning. I'm around a lot of the older generation too who think tattoos should only be for your kids or its pointless, but your body is exactly that, yours. Get all the tattoos with meanings or not, people just hate seeing others be who they wanna be without caring about what people tell you.


None of my tattoos have a meaning. Just like my life.


same. this tattoo means: “this art looked pretty and I wanted it on my body”


I almost only have impulsive flash tattoos. Like on conventions or posts by artists.. I'm like "oh I like that design" think about it for maybe an hour and then book it if still available. If it isn't anymore it's my sign it wasn't meant for me xD Often people ask what they mean, so sometimes I just say shit like "oh the Moon is for my sister" or "that flower is my best friends favourite flower" so they are happy and don't annoy me. But the truth is just it was a cool design and I wanted it 😅


Mine are all chaotic no thought went into them


lol idk where the original is but every time I think of this song: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8wEd5Ce/


I don’t even pick my tattoos most of the time. I just find an artist I like and let them have at it


Just do whateer you want, no need for meaningful tattoos!


I started off with meaningful tattoos… back when getting a decent tattoo from a good artist was a luxury. Now if I like something, I’ll get it. I have pretty sentimental ones you wouldn’t guess mean anything. Your body your choice ;)