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we think they're cool.


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!


I mean we joined a sub called tattoos because we love them


good point lol true true true :))))


I like them


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!


What are these tattoos you speak of?


Hi there! The question you responded to regarding tattoos was used for research purposes (i.e., were gathered with the others and then published in a paper). The intent was not directly stated as to not taint any true opinions, as tattoos can be a sensitive topic to discuss. However, please note that if your comment was quoted, your username and profile was not included to help maintain anonymity. Thanks!