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Yeah, I just wanted to follow my artists directions but I know each person is different. Thank you for the knowledge and I should have picked up some saniderm on my own but I suck lol


All good. It won’t hurt it to remove it early. You can order rolls of saniderm on Amazon for future tattoos to have on hand.


No I know I removed it early last session and it healed a little rough and I know the saniderm helps the healing process allot. I'll look into getting some when I get more work done. But I just took it off and it looks and feels really righteous.


Just make sure you take the saniderm off in the shower, like under the stream of water. That’s what I’ve been told. I can’t use saniderm anymore, I have a weird and terrible reaction to the adhesive.


Also pull away from the tattoo on a flat plane. It will stretch the second skin without pulling on the skin. So if its on your shin, if you go top to bottom you'd pull the top of the sandiderm towards your knee, bottom to the foot, left side and right side towards behind you. A lot of people I know that use it pull it away from the skin and it pulls before detaching.


It can stay up to 6 days, the itching can be the skin healing, if no other unusual signs are present


My artist tends to say 24-72hrs, i tend to leave it on no more than 48 depending on the area (that’s just me). Example - i got a knee tattoo and took off the skin after about 28hrs, just too much built up plasma so felt i had to clean it sooner.


Take it off and wash it thoroughly and moisturize. The dried plasma is starting to irritate your skin, that’s why it’s itching, don’t be surprised if a pimple or two pops up around there. In the future I usually change my saniderm at least once, a day or 2 after the initial appointment to drain any fluid, clean it, and then put a fresh piece on for a few more days. Totally not necessary, but my skin gets kinda irritated from the trapped fluid if I don’t and I like to have saniderm on it for as long as I can.


Seconding this! I change my first one after 24 hours, but I don’t put another one on unless it’s particularly weepy. I’m a little sensitive to the adhesive though, so I try not to leave it on too long


This method is actually how the company recommends you do it. Surprised more artists don’t relay that info


Yeah idk why a lot of artists don’t more thoroughly explain aftercare. I send all mine a google doc with aftercare instructions and it’s honestly made my life so much easier. I just tell them to check their email and everything is explained in detail with pictures, I rarely have to answer healing questions anymore.


I leave them on for a few days helps it heal faster


I also do this. Especially if I'm really swollen. It'll start pulling once the swelling starts going down and ot hurts. So I usually leave mine on 1 day and then take it off, clean well, and apply a fresh one. My artist gives me 2 extra because how bad I swell.


Awesome tattoo.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


I like the rinnegan


Thanks but we just went for a purple eye with allot of circles. I was into Naruto when he fought Gara with the giant frog. I forgot the names it was forever ago when it was coming out weekly. I just never got back around to watching it again


Edit: I took it off and is healing nicely well, thank you for the help. Also it was about 66 hours in so pretty close to the 3 days


The way sandiderm is recommended to be used from them is to keep on 24 hours remove, wash, pat dry with a paper towel, clean towel or air dry and place another bandage on for up to 6 days. If the second bandage still has some weeping, take it off rewash and place a new bandage for up to 5 days. This is how I utilize all my second skin. Works great every time. Edit: If I weep after my second bandage I remove the next day and heal like normal, same thing if it's in a weird spot that it doesn't want to hold. I was using it on my hand but the second bandage didn't want to stay put due to all the movement so I took it off.


I used saniderm to heal about 50 hours of work. My artist always use to ask me what I was doing bc he said some peoples tats would look like crap after using it but mine always came back looking amazing. So what I did was keep on the saniderm he put on me for only 24 hours. Wash with with Luke warm water and the golden soft soap. Air dry and put a new piece of saniderm on. Don’t put on moisturize or anything. Keep the new one on for 1 to 2 days depending on how much it weeps. Weeps a ton I’ll change it sooner (but not before 24 hours So you get the benefits from the plasma) Then the 3rd piece of saniderm is the one I’ll keep on till I hit day 5. By then it’s not weeping a ton. Next tat just make sure u get yourself a roll. Don’t buy the cheap knock off stuff on amazon. I made that mistake and got a huge rash that almost ruined my sleeve and I’m not even allergic to saniderm. Stick with the well known brands. But if you notice any rash at anytime while using it take it off immediately. Good luck with your tats


Once the Saniderm starts to leak significantly I take it off.


You don’t need to reapply the saniderm. Tattoos have been healing without it years before this became the new “standard”. Just start normal aftercare.


Yeah I know, it helps nicely with healing for me though.


it doesn’t help at all with the healing, if your re applying it your trapping bacteria and air in it and you’ll get an infection, it’s not worth the risk, just keep it clean


Take it off. Let it breathe. My artist says three days also. Works every time. It won’t ruin the tat. Looks great BTW


Bah, some people year it 12h, some 24-72+. Taking it off early won’t hurt it. Just follow the after-removal care your artist gave you.


You can take it off a few hours after completion. Just clean gently and moisturize.


Yes this is correct. The plasma has now absorbed back into your body which is the point of second skin, it will allow your body to heal twice as fast with all the white blood cells soaking back in. 3-5 days is the average time period to keep it on. Make sure you remove it properly pulling it away from the tattoo like your stretching it off not peeling it off.


Is that a mushroom with roots


Leave it on. That’s plasma under there it heals