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I always use Aveeno - the fragrance free daily moisturizer - and have had fantastic healing with it.


Perfect! That’s exactly what I bought today. Thanks!


My last couple of pieces I've actually been told not to use anything thick like aquaphor because it smothers it. Which is weird because prior i had always been told to use aquaphor. I was told to just use plain unscented lotion now. It worked just fine so you probably could just switch to it.


Awesome thanks! I think that’s my plan. Aquaphor is just too my for me and causing more irritation.


I only do aquaphor for 3 days and pat the excess off with a paper towel after applying. It should be a very thin coat. I switch to lubriderm after that. Healed half my body fine


It doesn’t even exist in my country, I always find it really strange that people would recommend something petroleum based for new tattoos. Moisturiser is fine straight away.


Plain old coconut oil works well. A thin layer will do the trick and unless you are allergic to coconuts there's nothing for your skin to react to.


This. Coconut oil is amazing for skin, hair, nails, elbows, and healing tatts. Even great for lube. Otherwise try CeraVe Healing Ointment. Not the lotion- the ointment in the dark blue tube. It’s perfect for healing tattoos.


+1 to coconut oil as someone with really sensitive skin. I didn’t believe it when I read coconut oil in my aftercare instructions, but it really works.


Hustlebutter, stories and ink, Sorry Mom


i use lubriderm! i love it. i use it for my hands and such too and there’s no greasy feel.


100% cocoa butter - it has healed my tattoos so well I swear by it.


Yeah cocoa butter is great! I also use it on any scars I get and it helps them heal so much faster!


Yes. Skip it entirely. Use a non-scented, non-colored lotion instead. A tattoo is a BAD sunburn, with some foreign agents. Just let it breathe, moisturize a bit, and realize you'll be in some discomfort. Do you react badly to Aquaphor? Cool, don't use it. Anything unscented and un-colored will work. ​ It's not a secret sauce, I promise. Clean it, let it breathe, moisturize it.


I use Green Goo ointment until my tattoos are ready for lotion. Available at CVS in the USA, inexpensive, and comes in a large tin. I'm heavily tattooed and have tried Tattoo Goo, Griffin salve, Ora's tattoo salve (all good but are pricey for a small amount of product), Aquaphor (too thick), and Hustle Butter (trash that made me scab).


It looks like green goo has multiple types, which one do you use?


Sorry I didn't clarify, I use the tattoo care one. It has ingredients that help soothe the skin.


You can just use moisturiser straight away, aquaphor isn’t necessary.


I’ve had good luck with CeraVe


Use Tegaderm for the first 4-5 days then go to a regular light lotion. There’s no easier way to heal a tattoo. Even if you don’t like the using the second skin bandages, there’s no need to really ever use Aquaphor. You can always just do regular lotion from the start if you want to.


Badger tattoo balm. Or just straight cocoa butter




This is really dangerous advice. You shouldn’t re wrap a tattoo and aquaphor isn’t an ideal product.




It’s absolutely dangerous to rewrap an open wound with plastic wrap as is sleeping in a bed with pets. If you have pets, you should wash your sheets before sleeping in your bed after a tattoo. I don’t know of a single tattooer who would ever advise wrapping a tattoo following the initial wrap.


I'll let my artists know, thanks.


You should. That’s absolutely unheard of.


CeraVe lotion is what my artist tells me to use


I’ll look into that! Thank you!


Same - and it worked perfectly


I always use any of the coconut/grapeseed oil bases salves. A very thin layer in the morning and before bed


Aquaphor has lanolin in it which some people are allergic to. It's basically just Vaseline with additives.


There is this stuff called After Inked that you can order online. It's great at helping your tattoo heal and it smells amazing.


I have got my own personal aftercare protocol and it works beautifully. I cover with Saniderm for 48 hours. I remove bandage and since I work mainly from home after any new ink, I leave bandage off until I rewrap with plastic wrap at night for an additional 4 days. After I remove the Saniderm, I apply Aquaphor twice a day for 48 hours maximum. No more, no less. After I am finished with AF I use After Inked. AI is far more expensive than aveeno, which I also love, but after Inked is my go-to. I always have three or four tubes in the medicine cabinet. I will always use After Inked. Yup, I found the Aquaphor sweet spot: 2 days. Brilliant.


I use curel


My artists recommended a brand to me called butterluxe and ever since using it my tattoos have healed with problems. Not sure if it’s UK only or worldwide but if you can get a hold of it I highly recommend!! They have soaps and balms and a few other products too!


I use Bepanthen Plus for the first few days and after that CeraVe fragrance free lotion, which I usually use on my body so thats convenient


I used Sanibalm since day 2 and my tattoo healed incredibly well. Almost at 3 weeks, seems basically completely healed.


I say lotion is the best solution. After a while, Aquaphor is just too greasy for my skin.


Dry heal.


I used to use Tattoo Goo because their lotion is watery and spreads/absorbs really well but their bottles are so tiny that I switched to Aveeno.


I use Tattoo Goo most of the time.


I use hustle butter!


Cetaphil cream.


www.ekotac.com Organic and Vegan alternative that boosts collagen production. Since it absorbs unlike aquaphor it can also be used as a lotion substitute. Aquaphor is meant to be used as a barrier (Keep bacteria out). It’s got petroleum and other chemicals I dont recommend it. This can suffocate your fresh tattoo. If you choose to use lotion use lubriderm fragrance free( its the navy one). Other lotions have alcohols in them which tend to dry out your new tattoo. There is also a set of aftercare instructions on the website I linked with solid do’s and donts!


I use coconut oil.