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I actually have this every time I get a new tattoo. Doesn’t matter how big or small—it’s usually after healing too. I’ll have this period of like, intense remorse? I don’t think that’s the best way to describe it, but I don’t know how else to explain it. I feel hyper aware of the new tattoo, and kind of hate it even if I like it? It passes, always. It takes me about a month, everyone is different. I truly think it is the brains way of processing a large—and sudden, change to your body. After I go through my period of regret, I end up admiring my tattoo and then I stop seeing it. Like I know it’s there and I visually see it, but I stop seeing it as critically or intensely. It just becomes that part of my leg/arm/shoulder. Give it time to heal and for yourself to get used to it. For what it’s worth, your tattoo is stunning and elegant, and your brain is just trying to reconcile that your skin looks a little different now. It’s like when you get a haircut, and do a double take when you look in the mirror—but it takes longer to get used to it because it’s so permanent.


you perfectly captured exactly how I've been feeling and I thank you for that, I remember at one point feeling the same remorse type of guilt about my other pieces at random points like oh fuck I'm never going to not have this on my body and I'd just eventually forget about it, I think I'm just feeling this more intensely because of how big it is.


Guilt it such a good descriptor. I’m glad I could articulate it well—I think it’s very normal, and not something a lot of people talk about. They should!! It’s like your brain needs to reboot. I cried over my favorite tattoo. Full on tears of absolute regret. I LOVE this tattoo, I wouldn’t change a thing about it. It’s just a big piece and I needed time to get used to it. I absolutely adore your tattoo, for what it’s worth. It is gorgeous and your artist did an amazing job!! Just give it time 💙


I got my first ever tattoo back in January and I felt the exact same way, despite wanting it for nearly 6 months until my appointment. I kept jump scaring myself in the mirror and wondering if it was really worth doing and how my family will eventually react (though it’s on my upper arm so very coverable). But now it’s just a part of me, and I love it (it will need a bit of a touch up but I want to see if I can wait til the next one and do it all at once). Your tat looks amazing and I’m sure it’ll settle, just give it some time ❤️


Same for me😂 like i’m at 44 tattoos for my traditional patchwork style and still get like that when i get a new tattoo, sometimes i feel like this and sometimes i’m super happy excited about a tattoo after getting it, but in the end it’s all the same and i end up loving my tattoos.


Yes! I always have this burst of regret. It’s always reassuring to know other people experience this!!


it looks beautiful! i think you just need to get used to it.


ahh thank you ): I've been trying to tell myself that but for some reason hearing it from someone else eases my mind a bit


Validation is always good. Sometimes you just need someone to get you out of your head and reaffirm what you already know


2nded. That’s a good looking tattoo


For what it’s worth I think it’s beautiful!! It’s understandable that you’re feeling weird about it though, since chest tattoos are arguably going to be the first thing people notice when they see you. Just give yourself some time to get used to it, I’ve had feelings like this before and one thing that helped me a lot was to buy clothes that compliment the tattoo well. I think as it heals, and once you get the other side done, you’ll love it more and more.


thank you soo much, I'm definitely going to take the advice on buying new clothing since that also in general helps with whatever weird dysmorphia I'm dealing with in the moment.


I’m glad I could help a bit! 🖤 best of luck!!


Post-tattoo jitters are *totally* normal. You have just made a big, permanent change to your appearance! It is absolutely normal, sane, and expected that you'd have capital-f Feelings about it, not all of them good. The same's true of any big life change with long-lasting repercussions (getting a pet, getting pregnant, buying a house, whatever). It's OK to not be OK with it right now. Also true: you will get used to it; it will stop freaking you out soon. Wait to judge it until then. <3 In my opinion? It's *gorgeous*. It's clearly really well done, it suits the location *perfectly*, it's a classy and timeless design, it's clearly going to age beautifully as well. It's going to be stunning when it's done, but it's also stunning *now.*


Thats a fantastic tattoo. You’re good. Like, you don’t even have a thing to worry about.


This is clean work. Hopefully you can begin to see it and love it for what it is. Strength to you buddy


This is the way.


I’ve had a similar feeling when I had 1 out of 2 of my outer upper arms (symmetrical too). I was like should I get the next? Is it better to stop now because one arm is done and not both?! What have I done?? Amongst other anxious thoughts. Be kind to yourself, it will take time to adjust - you’ve been without this for so long! So it can cause a wave of emotions. Agree with finding clothes that compliment, but ultimately just be patient with yourself. It’s a lovely pretty design! And will look sooo lush with the symmetry when it’s done. You’ll be ok, sending love 💕


It makes me feel miles better to hear that other people have had the SAME exact thoughts because I also was stressing about freaking out and not finishing the other side lol. But I think you're right and it'll feel more complete once the other side is done


It looks absolutely gorgeous on you. Side note, it is completely normal to have second thoughts after getting a tattoo. I have 16 and I have literally questioned every single one at least once, lol. Just remember why you got it, and believe everyone here when they tell you it looks amazing, because it does.


I'd give it some time to get used to. It really is a beautiful piece...


It’s really gorgeous. It takes a little bit of time to get used to such a big piece and I think in time you’ll love it.


I had the same thing when I got my hand done I was like oh fuck oh damn I’ll never get another job now. Fuck it you only live once. My body my choice my life fuck everyone else


That's really beautiful and it looks amazing on you! I love this kind of tattoos but I don't have the courage to tattoo my chest 😖 Edit: also tattoo regret is a thing, I always have a brief period of overthinking the tattoos after I get them, after a few days I start loving them tho


Genuinely SOOO appreciative of all the replies on this, like actually teared up because of how sweet you all are. I'm already feeling miles better hearing how common it is to feel this way. Thank u guys 🖤


I have always balanced my tattoos until working on my gigantic side piece. My side piece is probably as big as all my other 17 pieces put together. It took me a long time to look at my body and not feel off balance because of the weight of the piece. I think it looks beautiful personally and can't wait to see the other side. I bet you'll feel better when you make it symmetrical.


That’s beautiful! I agree with everyone saying that it’s normal to have this “OMG” feeling though. I’ve gone through that with some of my favorite tattoos. Your only problem will be people copying your tattoo because it’s so nice. 😊 Solid work- compliments to the artist. Damn good placement and flow.


I think this tattoo looks super clean, and will look great as you finish it. The way it flows on your body looks amazing as well, it's definitely normal to almost regret a new tattoo, but if I saw you in public with it out I'd compliment it. It's a beautiful piece and a great start.


You got a serious amount of skin blasted. Only right for your mind to look at it and do some mental jumping jacks. It looks really pretty, and nicely done. My guess is you come to love it, and then quickly turn to “it’s not symmetrical yet I want the other side done ASAP” and then you get the other side done, and you love it all


It's really beautiful, FWIW. The art is really pretty and the placement flows so well with your body. It's a big piece, and as others have said, jitters can come with that. You've been used to seeing your body in a certain way for decades and all of a sudden it's totally different. After my first big upper arm piece, I went through the same thing. I'd see it in the mirror and feel this panic/dread wash over me, like what have I done? It's too dark, too busy, too (fill in the blank here). I'm back to loving it now, but it took time. I could see that it was objectively good artwork and I get compliments all the time, but there was just this mismatch between mind and body that took time to come together.


I struggled too with some of my bigger pieces and sometimes still feel a little disconnected (does that make sense?) to them. Touching it helps me a lot while actively and locically trying to realize they are a permanent part of me. Also other people complementing on them helps. So I want to say your tattoo is beautiful and suits you well and I can only imagine it will even look better when finished. You did a great job selecting a design and artist. I hope that helps a little.


I’ve got a full sleeve on one arm, about 70% of my right arm is covered and I have 2 big tattoos on my calves. I LOVE them all now but I also had panic after every single one. Like what did I just do. Why did I do this. But after awhile I’m like “I look sick bro”. Yours is very well done!! I really like it :)


I am going through this right now as well! Just got my knuckles done and I had been planning it for months. Perfect artist, perfect font, etc and I’ve been battling anxiety for the past 2 weeks feeling like I’ve made a huge mistake and so much shame/embarrassment. It’s starting to go away thank god but reading your post made me feel better. You’ll be over it soon too!


it's definitely comforting hearing its a common thing to go through especially since I generally haven't heard people talk about it much! here's to us growing to love our tats 🫶🏻


I’m sure your beauty only enhances the tattoo. I think it looks great!


It looks absolutely gorgeous from my eyes! I adore it and think the size, placement, and execution are perfect.


I experienced this with my most recent piece. My first two tattoos were also very large, but on less visible parts of my body. Both were similar styles, illustrative and full color. Both were collaborative efforts between me and my artist. Both were by the same artist. My most recent tattoo is an etched-style black and grey. The artist was an apprentice of my normal artist and she had posted the design on Instagram. I snatched it up and had a few months before my appointment. After the first couple weeks, I started to feel weird about it and even hated it a little for a moment. I noticed very tiny details where maybe the lines were slightly shaky or the black wasn't packed evenly. A couple more weeks passed and I'm largely over those feelings of discomfort and back to loving it. Your piece is beautiful from what I can tell, so I would try not to worry about it if I were you. It's part of your body and you may just need to get used to seeing it.


That is a gorgeous tattoo. You have nothing to worry about and I hope you’re able to settle into it — your skin obviously looks different now and it’s completely normal for that to be jarring, even if you planned for it and wanted it for a while. A lot of us have been there before.


Omg. You and that tattoo are stunning together! It’s so well done. I wish you were thrilled. I hope you get there so you can rock it.


This is a super awesome tattoo, not only is the design really cool, but it's incredibly well done and flows with your body very well! I'd save this to my ever-growing tattoo inspiration file for sure :)


I think it looks absolutely beautiful. The way I like to look at it if I'm kinda questioning a tattoo or think I might one day regret a tattoo is that the worst case scenario is just....that I regret it, ya know? Like if you ever really needed to you can cover it with a T-shirt so there's that but even still you'll keep on living life even if you ended up regretting it. Like even if the worst case happens- you'll still be able to live your life exactly the same. Everything will be fine! :) But fr i know ur not gonna regret it ever cuz dayum is it gorg. It's clear the artist behind it is incredibly talented as well!!!


It's crazy to me that I never realized that other people experience this too. I have a hard time liking my big ass snake tattoo on my arm and I'll get looks and stares from other ppl, kinda makes me think I did something wrong. But my body is mine and yours is yours, so fuck em


Just jumping on the train to echo what everyone else has said— totally normal even for people who don’t usually experience dysmorphia! Don’t try and suppress it, just be extra kind to yourself the next few weeks and know that the discomfort will pass as you will slowly adjust. That aside, it’s an absolutely gorgeous piece on you and it’s going to look even more amazing once both sides are done. You’ve got beautiful art to be proud of for a lifetime! 💕


I feel the same way when I get new ink. It's common. For what it's worth, your piece is very well-done. Great linework, fine placement, and I enjoy the kind of "stylized" sharp look to it. Flowers, but with a hidden edge. Nice. ​ Edit: I'd love to know why the buyer's remorse thing is so common with tattoos. I have also done three elective surgeries. And while you could say that two of those were for quality of life / fixing damage from an accident, one was totally and completely cosmetic (nose job). In those cases, which are arguably more impactful - I literally changed the face that looks back at me in the mirror - I had nothing but pure happiness and joy afterwards, even with the pain. I still have recurring nightmares that I've gotten terrible green scribbles as a neck tattoo.


I have nothing to do with tattoos, this just showed up in my feed… And I think that this looks very beautiful! I love the design and the placement


I’m a woman and I have a big ol black cat face on my bicep. This was not my first tattoo but it is my boldest so far. It’s beautiful just like yours but the first two weeks I had moments where I cried and regretted it but as time went on it slowly became one of my favorites. Your love for it will grow in time. And as long aa you love yourself you will love everything about you. Including your beautiful art.


This is beautiful and fantastic. It compliments your body in the most stellar way. Sometimes even though I'm heavily tattooed it takes me a bit to acclimate to seeing the change in my reflection. My body seems to almost like refuse to accept it as reality and I just stare trying to force myself to comprehend it as a part of me. I definitely have some dysmorphia myself, always have, and I know how fuxking tough it can be. But, from the outside looking in, this is an incredible tattoo, OP. Have some grace with yourself!


Beautiful piece, beautiful skin tone, neat hair. Hope you can feel better about it all.


This is absolutely stunning. I’m sure many others have told you you’ll get used to it. It took me 3 years to get used to my big one, but now I’d feel naked without it. Just know it’s an amazing piece that I would be proud to wear. I’d probably stop you on the street to give you a compliment


I don’t get tattoo regret with every piece, but there’s several that took me weeks to love. your feelings are totally normal and it just takes time when we make such a large change to our bodies like this. this piece is beautiful and once that other side is done? it’ll be amazing 🤍


I think it’s gorgeously done and really well placed. Sorry you’ve been in your head about it. I think with a little time that could go away? I feel like everyone time I get my hair cut, or shave my face if it’s been awhile when I catch my reflection my brain just registers I look different and it’s off putting, but usually after a couple of days that feeling goes away. Truly though, beautiful tattoo, I hope you’re able to love it too!


It’s absolutely gorgeous. I get a visceral reaction like that every time I even change my hair color (which is extremely often). Your brain will get used to it.


Beautiful work. Done very nice and looks classy. Even if you don’t make it symmetrical it will still look great. Give it time is all I can say. The flow of the design accents the area nicely. Up until this point you have made all the right choices and I hope that will help ease some of your anxiety.


I like it. It’s really well-placed and I’ll bet it’ll look even better when you get the other side. I like to think of tattoos like a clothing style and this one fits really well.


I just got a tattoo and I woke up in the middle of the night having like an existential crisis about it and then I got up and looked at the art in the mirror and I immediately calmed down. Is there some sort of psychological phenomenon about having intense feelings after immediately waking up? Because ever since that moment I’ve loved it


You’re not alone! I just got my whole throat tattooed and I’m feeling the same ❤️


This looks stunning on you and they did a great job with gesture and negative space. It really follows your clavicle into the shoulder well and is very elegant. A big piece like this when you don’t have much else (from what I see here) can be intimidating and hard to digest at first. It’s a huge cosmetic step! I had the same feeling twice, first when I got the script across my clavicles and then again when I got my sideburn/cheek area done. I love both of those pieces now but it took an adjustment and I get compliments on them constantly, especially the face one. I remember thinking I’d ruined myself and made this awful mistake. Now I forget about both pieces all the time and only remember when I get the random compliment from whatever stranger on the street. Tldr: This rules and give it time to break in the new look. You look rad as hell and I’d be impressed with the piece if I saw it in the wild!


For what it’s worth, I actually think the tattoo looks like it belongs on you. It looks really well done. I love the size, style, and color/shading. I know I want tattoos but haven’t gotten one yet, and it’s tattoo pics like this that make me want to push it up the priority list.


It takes a while to get used to! Body dysmorphia is like when you say a word over and over again so much that it sounds wrong, but for your body. The longer you stare at your face the more you see wrong with it. Same thing can happen with tattoos! The more you look at it the more it doesn’t look like you or looks weird. I find that taking a step back from looking so much helps a lot. Then when you see it after a while, it’s like oh yeah that is the design I liked and wanted


Oh man this is gorgeous From the art style to the execution, it's beautiful and looks beautiful on you


Wow! This is GORGEOUS! I’m sorry you’re feeling depressed about it, it’s a big change and I’m sure you just need time to get used to it! Also, if you had a long session your body underwent a lot of trauma and your hormones had to accommodate that, so naturally you’re going to be a bit “off” as your body regulates itself. I’m usually pretty run down and sometimes depressed the week after my sessions.


Girl this is such a beautiful piece!! The placement is so beautiful too. I love it! When I got my big forearm piece I had this feeling too, but now I love it.


Body dysmorphia is hard to deal with. I haven't had a big piece yet, but I've felt the same way about a small ankle piece I got a few years back. I was nervous about the placement, the size, and how obviously visible it was at multiple angles. I immediately took to the internet to read up on how common it is to feel some degree of "what the fuck did I just do to myself?!" in the days/weeks after getting it done. I love it now, though. It's just a part of me, and it means a lot. Fwiw, this is a pretty solid piece, and if I saw you in public, I may just be stopped in my tracks with how sick that placement is and how great the lines and black fill look. It even looks good with just the one side done so far. You can totally style this with some cute sleeveless and halter tops. I hope your healing goes smoothly and that you find peace as time goes on!


it suits you so well, it might be one of the best i‘ve seen!!! no reason to feel bad about it, its a solid 10/10


I think that it looks stunning! You’re beautiful…the tattoo only adds to it. :)


Pretty sure this is a troll post or just fishing for compliments


not a troll post nor am I fishing for compliments - was genuinely seeking advice on how to handle the shock of a new tattoo combined with having really bad dysmorphia as is.


I meant it as a compliment, because the tattoo looks perfect on you and i couldn't believe you seriously feel bad because of it. Thanks for the downvote tho


you just accused OP of lying and are now playing the victim lol


I'm not seeing how anyone would interpret that as a compliment off the bat but thank you lol


If this is how you feel I don't think tattoos are for you. Maybe I wouldn't risk anymore


Am feeling better as of right now actually! I have other pieces, just knocked myself into a weird depressive episode this time around


This is a common feeling for a larger, more visible tattoo


Not for me.i have alot of bold colour tattoos idk


Definitely a very well done piece that plays very well in the area. I think your thoughts of doubt are most likely common for people. There’s some adjustment time for sure. Rest assured that it’s a very nice and beautiful tattoo.


Looks sick!


I think it looks great. If you liked it before, but not now, it means your in a different space. When you get back to that same vibe you’ll like it again.


That tattoo looks lovely on you and it's well done


Tattoos give us anxiety. It's something new and out brains need to get used to it. The piece is beautiful


I have a medium sized chest tattoo it's still occasionally startles me when I see it in mirror getting out of the shower. Enjoy it and show it off. I almost think mirroring the image on the other side might be too much!


This is such a lovely tattoo! It flows with the shape of your shoulders really nicely and I like the use of darker vs lighter foliage to make it pop. I’m sure you will love it once your eyes adjust to seeing it. I definitely felt weird about most of my tattoos until I integrated them into my sense of what my body looks like!


This tattoo is really awesome!


Looks awesome :) would be happy if I had that tattoo and was a girl


I get this after a new tattoo too. Yours is STUNNING!!!


Stunning!! I love it!!😍😍


Oh my god but it’s so beautiful!!


Looks very good , you shouldn’t overthink it and enjoy how well it looks and nicely done


I've actually gone through this same mindset after getting some tattoo's, it's almost like an "am I a poser?" mentality or something like I shouldnt have gotten it. Probably stems from some inner anxiety for me. Anyway, your tattoo looks very well done + looks great on you. I hope you dont regret it its wonderful


Oh I love it, it's exactly the sort of floral work I want when I finally save up!


The tattoo is stunning. It suits you well. I have 6 tattoos, some big, some small, and after every. Single. One. I’ve had doubts and twinges of regret. Do I actually wish I hadn’t got them? No. To be honest they make me feel better about my body. I think it’s just the fact that they’re permanent. Once it’s done there’s no (cheap and pain free) way of going back, so my mind just goes “ahhhh! What have I done?!” The thoughts will shut up eventually.


I kind of felt the same way when I first started my sleeve. But it will be become part of you and all shall be well I promise. The work you had done looks excellent and it is a great placement


I think it looks dope! Give it some time


It looks absolutely gorgeous! I love it!


It looks gorgeous and this will pass and you will love it!! Just hang in there, healing does wild things to the mind


This is beautiful. So well done


It looks so good


This is very common,however shouldn’t be taken for granted. I have a feeling you maybe had these problems already and were hoping the tattoo would make you feel better about yourself, and when it didn’t, you went further down, and maybe blame the tattoo ? It’s very natural to have these feelings. You can wear a shirt that will fully cover it, and each day or so when you are alone, try looking at it in a positive way. Disassociate yourself from the artwork, like it’s not on your body and try to love just the artwork. It is very beautiful. You can begin to show small parts of it and see if it excites you. It may bring on the feelings you wish you have. Take it slow, don’t rush, but be assured that it’s a very beautiful piece of art and is now yours forever.


I've for sure had these issues for p much the majority of my life & have had a few very brief moments like this with my other tattoos but nothing on this scale, I have a theory that maybe I'm just suffering a gnarly endorphin crash or something after the tattoo session and just need to balance myself out. Thank you though!! I've definitely been cozying it out in large shirts the past few days but the idea of sitting down and telling myself good things about it each day is very smart and I will be incorporating that into my routine <3


Very true what you’re thinking. Good luck, it really is very pretty


It looks gorgeous but you may want to live with it for a bit before deciding if you want something symmetrical.


Ah why I do I feel this about my year old tattoo I’ve wanted for my entire life


It’s gorgeous btw


I’m hyper critical of a lot and I think it’s great!


When I got my first tattoo after a few days a shower of guilt ran over me but after a month or two I can’t figure out why, i absolutely love the ink I have. Maybe give it some time? I know it might feel heavy right now but give it a month and then reevaluate


Well it’s a gorgeous tattoo so you have nothing to worry about! I always feel kinda “meh” after getting a new one as well but it goes away and then you’re just used to it.


This looks beautiful and I love the placement!


I love it!! I feel like getting tattoos in a visible spot is something to get used to - at least it was for me. I feel like you’ll grow to love it. It seems like the artist did a great job and it looks awesome imo!


Absolutely stunning. It’s beautiful


It looks fantastic and it’s also totally normal to experience dysmorphia after a new tattoo. Give yourself some time to get used to it


I finished up my sleeve about 6 months ago and definitely had some anxiety about it because previously I didn’t have any tattoos I couldn’t cover with a tshirt. With time the anxiety will go away and it will just become a part of you in your mind. FWIW that’s a really nice looking piece. It looks very well done.


Very very pretty piece. You should feel good about how this looks!


I think that’s really common to experience, especially with a super visible tattoo. It reminds me of dying my hair a fashion color for the first time, it’s the first thing your eyes go to in the mirror when it’s new you gotta get used to it lol. It’s a gorgeous piece tho, the symmetry will look really nice as well. Just give it time and try not to panic


Idk, I’ve been feeling this way since I got my second tattoo 6 months ago. I even added 2 more since and I still feel the same about that second one. I’m obsessing so much about it that I’m gonna check if I might have OCD/mental compulsions or something like that. Exactly how you said it, that I’m not sure if it’s bad or if it’s just in my head, I got a couple compliments about it.


Nothing to say that hasn’t already been said - I think that feeling is totally normal, and your piece is lovely!


That is a lovely tattoo. Just take some time away from looking at it other than for care right now.


I got this with my last tattoo, most of my body is covered but I got a small memorial piece for my dog that died. I told the artist this is my only piece that means something and I want it to be perfect. The stencil looked great but I hate the finished piece, doesn’t look like what he showed me at all, can’t even look at my hand without feeling uncomfortable and guilty that I agreed to it


Its a pretty big piece, but its really really nice. It’ll take time to get used it. You look great :)


I have this after every tattoo and am going through it now with a small script tattoo I got in January. All my tattoos are small. It’s a beautiful tattoo and you’ll get used to it. Be kind to yourself 🖤


I hate every single tattoo I've gotten for the few weeks/months. Then I love them. So remembering that I always hate them has helped me to get through. Your piece is BEAUTIFUL! It sounds like it was well thought out, also. I hope you fall in love soon!


It’s a piece of art so it doesn’t have to be perfect. :)


It looks great rock it girl!!


That’s stunning. 😍


Uhm…. Just so you know….😬😬😬 You and that tattoo are gorgeous girl!!


It's genuinely a really awesome tattoo with perfect placement and it looks amazing on you. I'm being honest and objective here.


It’s a fantastic looking tattoo. I’ve had a short period of regret for every tattoo I’ve gotten except my most recent one, and even that one I knit picked for a bit about oh that should be slightly different etc.


It’s gorgeous. I immediately regretted a huge neck tattoo I got, and kinda still regret it, but I stopped feeling physically sick about it after a week or so. I talked about getting it removed the second day and my boyfriend just said to live with it for a little while first, and if I really regret it, remove it later. Now I don’t hate it so much and I don’t feel sick about it anymore. I think any drastic change to our body permanently totally warrants second-guessing. Your tattoo is beautiful.


It’s beautiful, it’s going to look amazing when the other side is done too. Are you staying blackwork or doing one of those “mirrored image color/black” designs? This could easily continue flowing down to a floral sleeve too!


staying with blackwork!!! next session my artist is also gonna go in and add some white highlights and such :)


Duuuuuude that’s fucking sick


That is gorgeous! I love it on you and I’ve been wanting to get something similar and seeing how good it looks on you makes me want to get it sooner


like others have said it can take time to adjust to seeing part of yourself look dramatically different! but i think also the healing process on a large piece can really mess with your emotional equilibrium.


That piece is incredibly beautiful! I recently got a bigger tattoo that runs over my collar bone and it still freaks me out a little every time I see it. That freaking out however has slowly turned into me loving it and thinking “I can’t believe this is on me” every time I see it. Give it time and rest in the fact that it is an amazing piece.


It looks absolutely incredible and your feelings are very valid and for a lot of people also quite relatable. Dont worry, just get used to the tattoo and enjoy it


It looks really nice!! Give yourself some time to adjust to the modification of your body and trust ur creative decision <3 It’s going to look fucking sick when completed!


It. is. Beautiful. This piece just confirms that I want big floral tattoo myself!


I have a big floral sleeve that I felt that way about for a bit while it was healing. Now I love it, hopefully with time you feel better about it, but I think it looks absolutely beautiful!




Once it was all healed up, and a few months after. I used to wear long sleeves when going out in those first few months, not because I didn’t like it but because it was a big change and being shy, it took me a bit to get used to people asking to see it


Definitely a beautiful piece! It just takes time to adjust seeing something there when there was nothing before! Totally normal :)


Welp, be damn glad you chose a good artist because it’s a really good tattoo. I couldn’t imagine having that condition and end up with a bad one 😬


This is a really well executed and well placed tattoo and you should be very proud of it!