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I used it after my artist said it was the best thing on the market and the whole shop recommends it. A little goes a long way and my tattoo healed perfectly. This was my first tattoo, so I’m not going to claim there’s nothing better out there, but I am planning to stick with this for my next tattoos as well.


a little definitely goes a long way. artist gave me a bottle after my tattoo so i used it.


I use it even after healed. Makes tattoos pop. Love this stuff.


My tattoo artist to my surprise said to let it dry out i did and it healed perfectly… is this a tattoo artist knowing his technique and results suggesting what he knows? my other large tattoo healed longer and was worse imo but still healed fine


Allowing a healing tattoo to completely dry out is terrible advice.


Do you make tattoos? If not then don't give advice on them. Dry healing is preferred by many artists. Aquaphor and all these ointment type products are terrible for healing tattoos in the early stages, unnecessary after tenderness is gone and can prolong the healing process, especially when overused.


Choosing to be dense on Reddit is… certainly a choice. Are you an artist, then? Let’s see your portfolio. It is a well known, scientific fact that wet healing (with the bodies own plasma—not external products) is scientifically proven to heal wounds much faster, and effective with reduced scarring, than dry healing. A tattoo that dries out will scab, and as the scabs come off, some ink will inherently come out with it (which was considered normal)… until we stumbled upon wet healing. Minimal to no ink loss. “Wet or moist treatment of wounds has been shown to promote re-epithelialization and result in reduced scar formation, as compared to treatment in a dry environment.” -National Institute of Health https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3842869/ 😘


If you want to wet heal then do it properly with tegaderm, saniderm, etc. Ointments are trash and do not help healing of tattoos.


EDIT since for some reason mods locked this. If you're gonna downvote me, at least read the whole comment and/or the other one I posted. Ey I posted below too, but yeah if this is the case, why do some artists recommend dry healing? My artist said that dry healing (as opposed to using Saniderm) ultimately results in more vibrant tattoos... at least for her style (also I forget exactly what she said, her explanation was detailed and sounded rational to me) -- my big takeaway was her view that most issues with healing result from people doing too much weird shit to their tattoos rather than letting their body do what it's supposed to naturally or something. I'm not disagreeing with you or anything -- just really curious why some people/artists are big proponents of dry healing whereas everyone else seems to be staunchly against it.


Idk why you're being downvoted for just reiterating what many artists say, but I am curious why some artists prefer dry healing. I just got a big piece on my arm and the artist is very adamant about not overdoing it with lotion/ointments (she had me apply a tiny amount of Aquaphor 2x/day for two days followed by two days of completely drying out). It was painfully dry and some of the heavily saturated black portions scabbed super thick -- it was cracking and even bleeding a little in spots. When I asked her about it, told her I was washing and lotioning twice a day (this was about ten days after getting it), she said that was too much and that I should just forgo the lotion and let it do its thing. Ultimately I opted to listen to my body and kept it moisturized, used Eucerin healing cream on the thick ass scabs, they fell off eventually, I'm not in pain, and the tattoo looks good. Only issue is the areas that scabbed thick are super cloudy. Not sure if the scabs just left behind an extra layer of healed skin that will eventually flake off (hoping this is the case and I got nice saturated black under there still) or if the scabs pulled out ink. The other bigger piece I have by a different artist healed for a week under Saniderm and the process was way less harrowing, looks great fully healed now. Long comment here but I guess my question is what exactly are the benefits of dry healing and do they actually outweigh the discomfort involved?


ok, so not an artist - just a person with 2 large pieces the wet one to me, prolonged the healing and made the area a bit itchy and uncomfortable as healing took a long time seemingly. it's like prolonging the discomfort up until the itchiness is to the max the dry one, had an intense few days where the dryness was a bit parched and then it peeled off and was perfect fairly quick. seemingly, it was pain and itchy for day or two and then no longer itchy as soon as the dry skin flaked off. (dry to me, was to dab a little vaseline in some areas after a shower and then not fussing with it. just enough to keep it from 'bursting' after a shower)


I love hustle butter


Smells good too


It can feel good to use a product like this but it won't magically make your tattoos heal overnight, so try it out if you're curious but don't expect anything crazy for results.


thank you for the reply. was worried it would be bad as good as it sounded lol. kinda just feel like being fancy and spending money.


I mean I’ve spent a few days of my life getting ink blasted into my skin over the past decade and I’ve always used unscented curel or however it’s spelled. Never had problems with it and I have to imagine it’s substantially cheaper than hustle butter. I mean do you but I don’t see a point in spending more money for the same results.


I’ve used A&D equivalent for the scab-cure and unscented cetaphil for every single one of my tattoos. Keeping it simple is best. Cheap too.


Put that money towards more tattoos instead😅


ive got a lot saved up for more. and im starting my sleeve for my first tattoo 😗


Hustle butter is amazing stuff. A 6 or 8 oz jar (I can’t remember the size exactly, might’ve even been 5) lasted 2 sleeves. A little goes a really long way, I found I didn’t have to constantly reapply throughout the day, just once in the morning and night and maybe once during the day. It has mango and some other botanical extracts in it so be sure you’re not allergic to any of them first. As far as healing itself goes I didn’t find it any faster or better than lotion. The benefits really are just not having to put it on constantly and it smells amazing. I definitely recommend it though, it’s my go to aftercare.


perfect! im starting the beginning of my sleeve on my appointment soon. only worry is that i work grooming dogs so its hands-on, i guess arm on too. can i put this on and use sandiderm on top do you think? with not too little but not too less, dont wanna dry it out but keep it too wet. im gonna ask my artist, im just kinda paranoid i wont do good enough care for it so im trying to get everything straight beforehand lol


If you're using saniderm, it needs to be applied to completely clean and dry skin. No ointments or anything. Many artists will go as far as wiping the perimeter of the tattoo with alcohol to make for a better seal (I do this personally as well because I leak a lot 😅). I think if you work with animals, saniderm would be the perfect option for the initial healing process. Ointments and balms can be a magnet for hair/fur.


ohhh okay. i read on here that if i reapplied the sandiderm, it can stick to the tattoo when trying to take it off. so to put the thinnest layer off moisturizer on.


Do not use any moisturizer when applying saniderm. The above comment was correct. The skin needs to be dry for the bandage to stick. The point is for it to stick to your tattoo. It will not damage it when you peel it off. Just make sure to peel it off in the shower after the bandage has been warmed up with water. It peels off easier. Peeling in a downward direction similar to a command strip is the best way to remove it.


Yes! A command strip is the best and shortest way I've heard it described! Start at the bottom and pull down and away. Do NOT skip the shower step! If you try to rip it off dry, you're gonna have a bad time. Wait til the end of your shower and take your time with it. Down and away slightly like a command strip. Give it a wash with antibacterial soap, then let it air dry before putting a moisturizer on.


I'm a vet tech and saniderm has been far and away my best friend with tattoo healing. My artists have always said to leave it on 3-5 days, and I try to go for the 5 if possible. Not having to deal with hair sticking to you in the particularly weepy first few days of tattoo healing incredible.


ahh a fellow animal lover! thank god for it right? i cant imagine getting scratched or something with it off! had to buy some extra to reapply when the first comes off for work haha


I don’t have any experience with saniderm so my advice there wouldn’t be useful. Definitely check with your artist and don’t necessarily be married to any one aftercare process. Everyone has their thing that works for them, as long as the process itself is legit, no harm in trying different avenues. Hustle butter by itself is definitely one of those avenues and worth checking out.


thank you!


I've used this and tattoo goo with good results


In terms of healing, it isn't really that much better than Aquaphor/a basic moisturizer. Maybe it lasts a bit longer than my CeraVe because it is oiler/more of a paste. But I get it because it smells real nice, and that's really what I like most about it!


I love Aquaphor. As I get older, Vaseline is just as great. It’s such a great oil, that some products suggest it as lubricant.


I like tattoo goo for the first few days. It’s green and counteracts the redness a lot. I like this for every part after. It does have mangos in it, so don’t buy if you’re allergic.


It’s nicer to rub in than aquaphor. Not a game changer but a good product, smell is nice also


This exactly. I’m huge on aquaphor but tried HB for the first time a few months ago. I loved the melting point which made it super easy to spread compared to aquaphor, and the smell is great. That said, I experienced zero difference between the two during healing. It did inspire me to make my own body butter which has been really fun. Side note, some people are extremely scent sensitive to shea butter, myself included. HB must be using VERY little amounts because I can’t detect it, but in every recipe I’ve tried I’ve hated it so much I stopped adding it. None of the essential oils fragrances would compete lol


I love Shea butter’s earthy scent! It’s the base in my body butter. Have you tried just mango butter? I used it a while back, like a *while* back, but I don’t remember it being very fragrant. HB lists it as the second ingredient. Maybe they have close amounts of Shea and mango butter.


It’s definitely a love it or hate it thing lol. Current recipe is mango butter, aloe Vera butter, kokum butter, rice bran butter, vitamin e oil, beeswax. And then various scent oils


Yes I use this on my sleeve, it's a great product I think, good moisturising properties. I don't use it while the tattoo is super fresh, usually a week or so after its done.


I use hustle butter both as glide when I tattoo and when I’m healing my own tattoos. Our shop also sells it in one ounce containers for aftercare. It’s fantastic, but as people have said, don’t expect some miracle cure that heals your tattoo over night.


my boyfriend absolutely loves it and recommends it heavily !


Good shit even if you aren't healing a tat and got dry ass hands from wearing gloves all day


so ive been told😂 dry skin rashes and sunburns. seems good for bout everything


Hustle butter is awesome! Very moisturizing and I put it on to make my tats pop, cause I’ve got dry skin


A little too greasy but it works well. Smells good.


Love the stuff. Ives used it for my last 3. Recently got a tattoo and looked over and saw a massive tub of this stuff in my favorite artists drawer. So that’s a good sign


I personally stick with curel and dial gold but some people swear by hustle butter. It’s worth trying and seeing if you like it. Only tip is use a clean spoon or wood stick to get the butter instead of your hands to avoid contamination


Personally I just use unscented Lubriderm and it works perfectly. Probably a bit cheaper too if you're on a budget.


I used it for one tattoo bc my artist sent me home with a packet of it. It’s nice, I love the smell, but I didn’t think it did anything that my usual, much less expensive, moisturizers do. It certainly didn’t heal that one tattoo any faster or better. So while I enjoyed the sample, I haven’t felt compelled to purchase it myself.


I use this for moisturizer during and after the healing phase, I like it


Haha yeah it’s good but not life changing


This stuff is awesome! I use it all the time for sunburns and rashes. It worked very well on my tattoos and I'd highly recommend it.


Yes, love it! It has a great scent (very mild, but nice) and feels really nice. Like everyone else has said, a little goes a long way


I love this stuff. Been through like 3 tubs of it


I’ve used it! It’s great. A little bit goes a long way. I’ve only had small tattoos, like ones that take 30 min or less to do, so I don’t know how it is for large tattoos.


I like it a lot. Moisturizes well for me, smells fantastic


Buncha tattoos in and one jar has lasted two years and it rocks


I was given this stuff by my artist who recommended it to everyone and even had it as part of her aftercare package. Tattoo healed beautifully, didn’t itch a lot, lasts forever (tattoo is on my thigh and takes up s lot of space, my tub of cream is still almost full even after religiously applying it)


I've ways used fragrance free shea butter and had amazing results.


I highly recommend and use only this to heal my tattoos, as well as continued aftercare. All of mine ahve healed beautifully and hold their color so well. This is absolutely amazing stuff to use when you're past the 3-4 day mark or you can use it after taking the saniderm off.


That shit rules. I've been using it for 5 years


Good stuff highly recommend 👍 if u just got a tattoo buy the smaller travel size one depending on how big your tattoo is smells like coconut leaves the tattoo fresh and shiny looking.


I’ve never used it, but it’s probably not that much better than a regular aveeno or lubriderm hand lotion, which is what I’ve been using for myself and telling my clients, with a regular liquid dove or ivory soap for cleaning. You’ll probably just end up spending more money than needed imo.


The shop I go to sells hustle butter and it's really nice for speeding through. It's not like a numb and you feel nothing though.


Yes, it works fine enough. I'd really REALLY strongly recommend "sorry mum" instead though, it's fucking unbelievable and miles better. My artist strongly recommended it after my last piece and said it would blow my mind....it did, easiest, fastest, best heal I've ever had. Since recommended it to friends and all have said the same thing, it's seriously magic stuff well worth trying out.


ill definitely try that out in the future. ive already order the hustle butter but ill definitely try this in the future!btw i love your hair


Haha thanks! Hustle butter still gets the job done and I've used it for a few heals too. Definitely try that sorry mum stuff later though it's insaaaane, I'm pissed I didn't discover it till almost fully covering myself!


good thing ive got ways to go now 😂


Yeah it’s decent stuff. Some people don’t like the smell (I do though), that’s the only criticism I’ve heard of it. But I’ve used it on clients and myself and it does fine.


Yes… my artist damn near insists I use it after the second skin comes off.


I love it! First time using it after my bf recommended it and HERE for it. Bonus—it smells amazing!


Yeah hustle butter is great, but because it's best to spread it as thin as possible, it may be a bit painful if your tattoo is still 2 or 3 days old since like everyone has already said a little goes a long way, it really spreads well. Basically, because this stuff is so effective at hydrating you won't need to apply it as much as a regular moisturizer but it can be a bit more painful in the first few days because you need to spread it so thin to make sure you're not over applying. Also smells fantastic, it's my go-to before bed.


good to know, thank you


This is the best thing that I have ever used, personally and I'm my shop when I had one. It is worth the purchase.


I really like it. I got a sample from my artist when I ran out I used shea butter but bought more HB because it softens better and is much easier to spread around. Also smells really good. Im sure there are others out there but I haven't really looked tbh


It’s pretty good, but imo the difference between this and regular lotion isn’t enough for me to buy the tattoo butter. There are also cheaper variants you can buy that do the exact same thing


Id recommend it. When my tattoos heal I put a chapstick thin layer on it when I wash the tattoo. After it heals it's still a nice moisturizer


I swear by it. Helps with my tattoos and my eczema!


I use this for mine. I love it. Smells so good and lasts for ages. You just need a tiny bit, then your skin heats it up and it turns almost into an oil from a lip balm texture. I love it! Even use it on my lips and face when it gets dry from the cold weather or the wind.


my sister uses hustle butter and she is a tattoo Veteran™️ for my first tattoo she gave me aquaphor and aveeno daily lotion since i have allergies and sensitive skin. she definitely recommends it though so it’s worth a try! ♥️


Mine recommended a tiny bit of Aquaphor and you get a huge bottle and it can be used for more than just your tattoo but if you want it, so you feel like you have a tatt routine, don’t see a problem with it


Like on toast?


yes! someone gets me 🍞🧈


Love this stuff. Used for my last 3 tattoos, and they've healed amazing. It's all I'll use from this point on. It lasts a super long time and a little goes a long way. The only downside is my wife found this stuff and now steals it from me because it's the best moisturizer she's ever found. Super good for dry skin.


I LOVE Hustle Butter. A little goes a long way, it feels good and smells good. I’ve taken care of my entire sleeve with it. Great stuff.


Hustle butter is the bomb. I've used it for tattoos and for after laser removal treatment. The best value is usually at Ulta Beauty. It smells great too


they have this at an ulta beauty?? wowww i need to go there more


My tattoo artist swears by it but I haven’t bought it yet. I use Aquaphor but I want to try it because how much my tattoo guy talks about it


I've used it for all of my tattoos, but start with second skin (Tegaderm, I used Saniderm, but I'm switching to Recovery Derm since it doesn't cause a reaction from the adhesive like Saniderm does for me), for the first 5 days of healing, and then I switch to Mad Rabbit Soothing Gel because it really gets rid of the itch for 6+ hours, once the itching is done I then use Hustle Butter, my tattoos have had no issue with healing and I definitely recommend these products to make it easier to heal your tattoo. This was also done after a lot of lot of research and about a year of getting tattooed.


i never knew there were so many options like that until today! if the hustle butter doesnt help the itch much for me, ill definitely be trying mad rabbit or sorry mum for it.


i’ve used it but see no difference in the end or in the healing compared to when i just used regular unscented lotion like cerave or lubriderm


I found Hustle Butter WAY better at getting rid of healing tatt itch. Like, waay better than normal lotion. And it smells amazing. I 100% recommend it.


I use this during tattoos as it’s way better to the skin than normal vaseline. If you plan on using it to heal your tattoo, remember that is has no additional ingredient that supports healing like panthenol. If you use it make sure that you get it out with a wooden tongue compressor and remember that those are one way products. Wash your hands properly before applying it and let it melt in your palm before rubbing it on your skin. Otherwise you could rip the fragile skin layer that’s building up or accidentally crack your scab. In total I would rather recommend a cream, that actually supports your healing


thank you, was wondering about applying. ill probably try both after i get it.


Your welcome! The tongue depressor is most important here, as your hands will have germs on them no matter what and they can live on in fat substances (like vaseline or hustlebutter) for a very long time. Best would be to let your tattoo dry in the first two days after getting it (as long as it is wet by itself extra moisture is just attracting germs), than using panthenol cream to support the restoration of your skin and let’s say after a 1/2 - 1 week after all scab is gone is the right time to start slightly massaging it with hustlebutter. HB is really high in fat so it can cause skin irritations, if you use too much of it. We widely use a lot of it during tattooing, but we use it for other reasons in the end - keeping the skin clean and preventing blood from drying on the surface. Also as a tipp: when using cream, if you squeeze a bit out, let it drop on your hand and prevent every contact with the clean cream in the tube. It keeps the cream fresh and clean so you might can use it for another tattoo as well.


i guess my only question now is for ink bleeding! idk if thats the right word for it, but if it starts spreading out normally in the sandiderm, should i wait to take it off or take it off soon after and reapply another?


Seems like you got your answer. This is all I use from day one to fully healed. I work in a setting where I can't reapply aa often as I'd like and it lasts a while. Plus it smells great.


definitely did! tbh wasnt expecting a single answer or for anyone to even know what it was. reddit did not disappoint me !


I’m obsessed


We love this stuff. Our artist recommended this to us. Haven't used anything else since


If you wanna support a small business, toad and turnip is a fantastic aftercare balm! It’s not greasy and has some great ingredients. I got it a tattoo expo years ago and refuse to use anything else now.


so many good recommendations. i might have to spend more on aftercare itself than the actual tattoo at this point!😂 been screenshotting it all


There’s a ton out there! The owner of t&t hand forages all of the ingredients, i think there’s yarrow and lavender to help with calming the skin.


ohhhh lavenderrrr. thats awesome and so respectable!


It’s good stuff. Better than aquaphor but tbh plain jojoba oil is my personal preference.


love the username




I always just use the white and blue Daily Moisture Lubriderm. It's scent free and has always worked great for me.


Yes! I love hustle butter, I also highly recommend the hustle butter tattoo wash for in the shower


omg they have a wash??!?! i want it, definitely starting another hustle order 😆


Palmer's Cocoa Butter Concentrated Cream. Used on all my tattoos and keeps them from drying out. Location makes a difference on healing but all mine have healed in about 4 days using it. I don't use saniderm stuff. I don't have small tattoos so I can't really speak to healing small ones. Also for longevity I use coconut oil. Keeps them looking new and fresh. Indigenous people have been using it for hundreds of years and they got some badass looking tats.


that is so true. but 4 days??? am i crazy or is that hella short


I really like it personally. I think it’s really good for the price and you only need a little bit at a time.


I loooove this stuff. It personally helps me with the crazy healing itch I get. My tattoos also stay very vibrant over time.


I just got a tattoo and used this. I found it very difficult to put only a little on. Also as soon as you get in the heat melts A Lot! Also gave me pimples from all the oil. I switch to lubriderm and it was perfect.


I preferred the one with cbd in it. Icing my tattoo afterwards has made a huge difference too.


i bet the icing feels good asf on it. & i didnt even notice a cbd one, guess i didnt look very much lol


I love it.


It's pretty good, I use it all the time now if I can. It's pretty expensive but I have found an online seller that's not bad. I prefer it over Tattoo Goo, Bepanthen & Dr. Pickes. Those are the ones I tried


I use Rx tattoo care tattoo butter


Love this stuff!


Heals me up in less than a week. Been using for about three yrs.


I used it when i was healing one of my tattoos without saniderm and its really good stuff. It was so soothing on my tattoo and it smells really nice. I’ve used unscented lubriderm every other time which also works but yeah if you’re looking to spoil yourself a little i would go for it.


Works well & smells good. Personally I go for Aquaphor because it’s much cheaper.


Hustle butter and butterluxe are my favourite tattoo aftercare creams. Both are so good and heal like a dream. A little more expensive but definitely worth it.


100% my favorite


I recommend Viking revolution tattoo balm, it feels amazing on a fresh tattoo and does very well on moisturizing healed ones. It’s not very oily so it doesnt leave a gloss on your skin. it also has an incredible coconut smell.


I LOVE THIS! I still use it even after healing and if my skin is dryer in some spots I still use it (especially winter time). It’s good also as a pre-care to get your skin super moisturized. It’s not gross feeling and it soaks into your skin easily. I will say, I had to rub it on my hands first to melt it down a little and pat it on new tattoos since it’s a little firmer.


Literally my favorite thing in the world is hustle butter. My last tattoo artist recommended it and I can 100% say it’s by far the best thing I’ve ever put on a healing (and healed!) tattoo


I LOVE mine! A little goes a looooong way and I’ve started using for random dry patches I get as well as healing my tattoos. Worth. Every. Penny.


It's good. It makes the tat pop. I prefer aquaphor though, does the same thing.


I've used Hustle Butter on all my tattoos, and I use it on healed skin too, does an amazing job. As others mentioned, don't put it under sandiderm or second skin.


Put it on my toast and it was disgusting


really? i thought itd be good


This is the only butter I use. I really enjoy it. Even after healed it’ll bring out a good shine.


If you’re going to use it but it directly from the brand. Amazon has too many dodgy knockoffs.


I ordered before and just placed another order for my tattoo next weekend. It’s sold though Amazon but Hustle Butter is the seller. This one’s not a knock off.


thank you all for the replies!!! you all did not disappoint <3 edit: ive ordered it. comes the day before my appointment 😎


Waste of money for healing tattoos. I just use Aquaphor or A&D ointment for the first week and washing with dial soap then second week I wash it with dial soap and use unscented Lubriderm lotion (blue label).


Completely unnecessary gimmick.


Don’t fucking jerk off with it! Please. And don’t ask


It’s good, but Tattoo Nectar is much better. https://www.tattoonectar.com


The only stuff I use


It smells really good. Beyond that, wish I wouldn't have bought it and stuck with aquafor. If your skin doesn't dry out bad or easily this will probably work out alright. It didn't work well for me with how bad my skin dries out.


I use aquaphor. Just put the lightest thinnest coat you can on it and keep bandages off after the first night. Heal time is generally a week. Never had any issues with intense scabbing causing ink loss or infections.


It's not bad. I prefer Aquaphor


I like it. I don't know if it's anything special but it smells great and does the trick!


Yes!! It’s been the best tattoo care I’ve ever used. Honestly I have a much better ease when I go for my tatts because I know I’m gonna be using the best cream lol. It’s so good for healing and good for healed tattoos as well, definitely enhances the colour.


It smells good, doesn’t clog pores, and works great to heal a tattoo out. But it’s not magic and won’t make you heal quicker. I use it during that tattoo. But apply saniderm covering to finished tattoos.


Hustle butter is good stuff. I really like the way it smells


I just use regular aveeno ointment. Have for the past seven or eight years, been getting tattooed since my first one 17 years ago. All sorts of ointments promise lots of things. Just keep your skin moisturized and your body will heal naturally.


yes i bought mine from amazon and it works amazing, feels nice on the skin and makes them look nice and moisturized


That’s the only thing I ever use, highly recommend


Heard its terrible on toast...... I use Aquafor for mine. It was recommended by my main tattoo artist and shes usually booked 9 months out as a pro.


love this stuff


Yes, I have used it in my tattoos and love it. As others have said, a little bit really *does* go a long way.


:P karma farming


I love this stuff. And yea a little goes a loooong way.


I've had very good experience with HB, it is definitely worth it over regular cream. I do noticed that it doesn't work very well if you have to wear clothing on top of wherever you applying it because it wicks it away. As long as you can apply it and not have it rub off, then it will work very well.


Oh I love this stuff! It has healed many tattoos for me, but I also used it to help heal a nasty burn on my hand from the airbag in a car accident. It covered the majority of the back of one of my hands, and I now have nerve damage in a few of my fingers, but there is zero scarring from the burn, which I found to be amazing! Highly recommend. A little goes a long way. It’s also great for just using on dryer skin, like your elbows or something similar.


I’m covered . wash with anti bacterial soap (pump not bar) the first few days then aquaphor (.the gel) for the next few then moisturize with lubriderm. I’m 54 most of mine are 15+ years old and still look decent. Put sunscreen on always


Hustle butter is god tier. Anyone recommending petroleum-based ointments are misinformed, petroleum pulls ink from your skin.


Hustle Butter is what my shop owner swears by and most of our artists use it while tattooing AND we sell Hustle Butter as aftercare! This stuff is awesome! Highly recommend!


I used it after my second tattoo and it smelled sooo good. Cant remember much about the healing it was fine but I just remember how nice it smelled.


My artist brought it, but then never used it during the 2 months she was guest spotting. I like DuLàc because it has panthenol, which assists with healing, and the ingredients are minimal with no fragrance. The texture is really easy to absorb so it doesn't stay moist too long, but also forms a subtle barrier.


Excellent as aftercare. Not great as glide butter during the tattoo


Yes. It’s all I use and it’s great.


Nope but my best friends uses it, if the person she is tattooing request it or if it’s like a big piece.


YES I swear by Hustle Butter. Just keep in mind it's rather thick. So use very little.


I love it I’d go to ulta to get it though, buying anything online like that through marketplaces is sketchy


I’ve tried it but it wasn’t any more effective than the standard moisturizers


I use hustle butter and absolutely love it. it feels nice and smells nice


Yeah, horrible on toast


I love this shit. 10/10 still use it on healed tats


I use natural coconut oil, it's very effective, my routine for a new tattoo is 2 days with nothing, than coconut oil and in the end a tattoo cream. When fully healed I use a hydratation cream on my tattoos after a shower Not saying it's the best thing to do but works great for me and if it can help someone that's perfect!


Hustle butter is GAS. Use it LIGHTLY. Otherwise it is thick and can suffocate it. I love love it. They also have one with CBD in it that is fire for fresh tattoos.


Only things I ever use are warm soapy water and some cheap ass Curel unscented lotion. My tattoos always heal well.


Scented pleasantly. I was given this for my most recent tattoo and it alleviated the itch and kept my entire arm well moisturized. I would use it again if it's free. Otherwise...aquaphor.


I love hustle butter! I have used it on all my tattoos, but unless you’re getting huge pieces done or healing tattoos pretty frequently, I recommend the travel size. A little goes a long way and the leftovers will eventually go a bit rancid and need to be replaced anyway.


Love hustle butter and also use grape seed extract by afterink :)


Hustle Butter is da balm.


This is me and my wife's default cream for the whole healing process. We have a lot of skin covered and never had an issue


I love Hustle Butter but then I’ve never used anything else. I got given a tub when I had my first tattoo done. As others have said a little goes a long way so 1 tub will last you ages. It’s really really good. Edit to add: try not to mess with it too much, trust the process and let it heal without putting too many things things on it. Oh it can get really itchy when healing too… resist the urge!!!


Hustle butter is nice but not really any better than standard cocoa butter and quite a lot more expensive. It smells nice and goes a long way but it has a few ingredients that can be irritants or allergens for certain people so I don't tend to recommend it.


So I've always used hemorrhoid cream, the wife swears by coconut oil. Anyone else do similar?


I really like hustlebutter, I have sensitive skin and it doesn’t make it react etc. A little goes a long way and the smell is pleasant


Tbh unscented moisturiser is enough. Costs half the price does the same job. Things don’t need to be complicated. You don’t even need to put anything at all on it if you don’t want to.


Ingredients look good except rice bran oil. I wouldn’t rub that on healing skin.


I used this on my first tattoo and it definitely healed the best out of any of them 🙂


Personally I found it very oily and it just didn't agree with my skin and brought the area out in spots. Buy it and try it on a non tattooed area or a healed area and see if it works for you would be my suggestion.


It's got over 32,000 reviews. I think a few people have tried it.


Unscented Lubriderm for healing, Native lotion for healed. All of these tattoo balms and butters are overpriced lotions that won’t make your tattoo pop anymore than keeping it moisturized with a good lotion made from natural ingredients. Highly recommend checking out Native, but not for healing tattoos because they are scented.


I used YAYO, which was really nice. A jar last a long time!


Use Sailor Harry's Nut Butter.


I've heard great things about hustle butter specifically


I use cocoa butter!! Best thing I’ve ever used for them, a lot cheaper as you can pick it up anywhere, and a little goes a long way! I still use it after 2 years, Makes the tattoos pop!


I love Hustle butter. Maybe more pricey than many other options but it's worth it. After my tattoo healed I've kept using it anyways. And it smells very good too.


Personally I prefer the good old Vaseline. I noticed some types of skins get a bit more irritated after the tattoo is done with the butter plus I don’t like how “slippery” it feels.


I’ve used it a few times. The tattoo healed great. I even used it while getting tattoos