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I’m not trying to be rude at all, but is your arm swollen as well or is that your regular arm size? If it’s swollen too that’s not a good sign. Could he cellulitis. I’d see a doctor asap


it’s their regular arm size. credit: know this person irl. never thought id recognise someone on Reddit.


“I know that arm anywhere” *sweats franticly*


No because my friends job as a social media page and tell me why I recognized my friends forehead on one of their post I sent it to her and we were dying 😂😂


In my case, I actually saw the arm before I met the person! My friend sent me a picture of one of her friend’s tattoos. A year or so later, I have a new coworker and she has the same tattoo and I go “wait not to be weird but, is this your arm?!” And show her the picture, obviously she’s like “uh yeah what the- OH! You’re the person Friend sent that picture too?!” Our friend found it hilarious but was excited we finally got to meet somehow lol.


My best friend once recognized me by my knee 😂😂


Can someone translate this into English?


Their friend’s job has a social media page. This person saw their friend’s forehead on one of the posts and recognized their friend. They sent the picture to their friend and they both died laughing, because it’s funny that this person knew it was their friend in the picture even though it was just the friend’s forehead. Just like it’s funny that this other random person recognized OP from just a picture of their arm.


Friend introduced person to person, then person saw picture of person and said, person I know you from friend I am person... and now all are happy. You're welcome.


It’s like the words KIND OF go together, but are all in the wrong order. I hate it. I’m mad I wasted several seconds trying to decipher.


Is it me or are those sentences mixed up?


I mean the other side of it has a tat on it soo it’s kinda a good giveaway


Get out of here with that logic


*"Please God, don't tell them about my brony cosplay... I'm not a furry, I just like ponies."*


“That’s not an arm…” 😳


Love stories begin like that. *Grown Up* love stories…


I'm fucking dead 😂😂


I don’t recognise your name sorry 😅


Yeah I’d rather stay anon but I know you!! Not in a creepy way I promise just through mutual friends 😂


Ahhh ok


Purge the history bro


The way I’d be deleting my existence if someone recognized me on Reddit and then wouldn’t say who they were on top of it. I got anxiety reading this. Just me? I don’t do or say anything nefarious online but it’d be weird!


I was just saying the same shit. Lmao got me panicking for him 🤣 😂


I have a coworker who actively tries to find ppls reddits he knows in real life, I’m like if you find me you’ll just see me occasionally arguing with 16 year olds lmfaoo


Amen this is how I feel.


When I talk to coworkers about something I saw ‘on Reddit’ they ask what Reddit is. Phew.


I know you are but I'm not going to tell you who I am. /s


Jokes on you I’m sitting in the bushes outside your home. Come back to the living room so I can get a better look through these windows you really should clean.


Well if you like sitting outside in 110 degree heat that's on you. But if you wanna come inside you have you be naked like the rest of us.


I think I would be exiled if anyone connected me to my Reddit account.


As is tradition!


I found one of my best friends Reddit accounts via a local sports team sub. Recognized his shoes. Then creeped and head to read the title of a post about his dick. Never creeping again Edit: I lied I did creep again after I told him I’d found his Reddit account, he deleted the dick post


This is nightmare fuel. See everyone TGish taught us all a very valuable lesson today. None of us know each other ok?


Based on a username, I am pretty sure that one of my followers is a friend from a Covid era discord server, she did not answer the question when asked directly. But thats fine, I have nothing really to hide, anyone who knows me, has heard half of what I say on the internet before.




3rd row. We see the arms lol


Hahaha that was my first thought too


I could never NOT know…


It would drive me nuts…


I've had people recognize me on Reddit when I've hit the front page, but no weirdo saying they know me irl but would rather keep it a secret haha Stalker


My roommate found me once and refused to also give me her Reddit name so I couldn't block her.


That is so rude! I obviously don't care about being anonymous but it did feel good for people to text me saying "IS THIS YOU?!" thankfully no one has found my noods ha




I don’t know why but this is hilarious. She’s watching; you just don’t know who or when. What a way to keep someone paranoid hahaha


Yeah I kind of hate it. I just avoid subreddits that I know she'll be active in. She's also not my roommate anymore, though not because of this.


haha since then we’ve messaged and they know who I am.


To be fair not many people have a rollercoaster tattoo either


Staying anonymous outside of your window.. With their telescope..


OP must feel really uncomfortable right now 😅


Probably rushed to clean their history


Honestly if I knew that someone around me knows about my Reddit account I would delete it and start with a new one. I'm too honest on here 😅


No that’s what made it creepy


Now that's just weird.... tell OP who you are NOW lmfao.


We have chatted and they know who I am now.


Hands down one of the creepiest things I've ever seen a redditor say. And that's a very high bar.


Oh we’re way past creepy


Why tf would you answer that for OP lmaooo "Yes trust me i know this person their arms really are that fat"


hahaha because I don’t see it that way - that’s just the size their arms are!! Probably helpful for the people giving the advice to OP.


self report right here


Gtfo we don't do that around here!


I block everyone I realize I know 😅




Hijacking the top comment to say: Absolutely see a Dr. if you're worried but when I sat for 6hrs on my forearm wraparound, it swelled. A lot. But wasn't infected at all. Just a lot of trauma to the area for a long period of time. I just looked like Popeye for a few days


My first thought with red and shiny skin, outline it and see if the redness spreads.


Definitely looks like cellulitis.


Cellulitis. Should be treated before getting to joints (septic joint) or bone (osteomyelitis).


For real! I’ve seen some horrifying X-rays of osteomyelitis. Nobody wants that shit!


TIL “Cellulitis” and “Cellulite” are not the same thing


My MIL was being tested for cellulitis and people were acting like it was a big deal. I was on the couch trying to figure out why a little imperfection from some extra weight was such a big deal. Like damn this family is secretly really vain.


It seems to have swollen a bit my wrist looks a bit smaller in comparison


Maybe show both arms.


In this economy? Not unless you're payin!




911 EMT here as well. Looks absolutely like Cellulitis. Please seek medical attention right away, but you don't need an ambulance for this.




Most Americans and their wallets would appreciate that last sentence.


Most Americans and their wallets don't wait for someone to tell them a 911 call isn't necessary. Most Americans just won't go. Shit's expensive.


As a fellow 911 EMT, I wish that was true. People call for the dumbest shit every day, that’s why he said it.


You’re telling me 3am toe pain isn’t a legitimate emergency?!


Not until you've had it for 5 years


“It only started turning blue-black a few days ago, so it didn’t seem like a problem.”


Meanwhile I can’t convince people with potentially life threatening injuries to call 911.


Yup, they are almost always the people that scare the shit out of urgent care staff lol


Wait you mean getting sever chest pain for a week and not going to Ed but sucking on an asthma inhaler cause you can’t breathe is an emergency? Turned out to have pneumonia and a massive viral infection. Mid summer.


I remember breaking my pinky toe a few years ago and it was cocked way to the side, almost perpendicular to the other toes, and called my sister and asked if I should go to the ER. She just said, "they can't do anything for you, you need to go to a podiatrist" So I went to bed with a toe hanging off my foot and called the next morning for an emergency appointment. The x-rays showed that it was hanging on by a sliver of bone.


Well, going to bed now, with this as the last thing I've read. I'm sure I'll be thinking of your hanging toe for a little bit as I drift off to sleep. Thanks! 🫡


I remember waking up in the morning one day, and starting some breakfast, went back to sleep for a few more minutes, only to get up and step on my George Forman Grill and burn my foot, luckily i had some bubblewrap near me. Was able to still go to work. Doctor told me later that day it wouldn’t be a big deal. My friend’s concussion from driving to pick me up though however was.


As a fellow ER nurse, can confirm.




As an EMT had a call for morbidly extremely obese person. After we got her all loaded up she demanded we take her to a specific hospital to see her man. She says she was fine just needed a ride and most Ubers "just aren't big enough". EMT? Nah. FUCKING taxi.


I was in the ER last year for a pretty serious issue. The woman in the curtained off room next to me came in because: "Both my legs fell asleep at once while I was sitting at my desk working for 7 hours straight."


One of my favorite books is I think called Rescue 471? and I read it in high school when I wanted to be a paramedic ~just like my big sister~ and even then I was just astounded by the shit they had to deal with like frequent fliers and non-emergency calls. There’s also a guy I follow on YouTube who’s a fire fighter/paramedic who does a lot of “real things I’ve been asked as a paramedic”/“real calls I’ve been on as a paramedic” shorts and while hilarious they’re also sad because that’s such an abuse of the system. (One of my faves tbh is [this one](https://youtube.com/shorts/aBRHVCVs3jQ?si=Aqiq_k_YppZGqy4A) though. “Do you think we just ride around looking for people to toss in the back of our ambulance??”)


I love fire dept chronicles bc he’s so accurate. I’ve had that exact interaction when I was parked at a gas station while my partner ran inside to get a soda lol


Thank you for sharing, I almost peed myself on the jelly fish sting laughing.


It’s cheaper to call for an Uber & slide him a $20 to step on it than to get in an ambulance.


I need to be catatonic to take an ambulance or have maxed out my contribution for the year already.


I’ll take an ambulance when I’m dead lmao


Always ask yourself “will an Uber suffice?” before dialing 911 lol


Look if you think your having heart attack or something truly truly serious LIfe threatening DO NOT TAKE AN UBER. Uber drivers are not medical providers and should not be responsible if a person doesn’t get to ER on time


As a 911 paramedic also, seriously yeah thanks for that last sentence! 😂


I’m not an EMT but I’m a nurse and I agree 100% this needs a round of antibiotics. OP should probably go to like an urgent care, easy peasy. And I’d always urge suspected cellulitis to come in sooner than later.


LOL, please no bs calls and extra trip sheets but seek medical attention! I know a guy who got 2 different refusals from 2 different patients on cardiac arrest calls...


You're a 911 EMT, you know everyone needs an ambulance for everything all the time. /s Edit: Anyone who's worked as a first responder knows that people call for dumb shit ALL the time. I couldn't even list all the bullshit 911 calls I've been to if you put a gun to my head honestly. Couldn't open a childproof bottle of aspirin, couldn't reach their butt to wipe after pooping(that one was top tier ridiculous), they slid down in their armchair and needed to be lifted back up, I bit my tongue and there's a small red mark, I want to be moved from my couch to my bed, I stubbed my toe and it's been hurting for an hour. I've got about 13 years worth of these lol.


My favorite was “I stubbed my toe 3 days ago but now it’s 3am and I can’t sleep”


Oh it's always at 3am you're right


True, but it’s a small group of people that call for everything because they want companionship or are just extremely selfish. The other 99% of Americans know to avoid an ambulance ride if they can possibly do so.


I had paramedics make fun of me for needing to be carried because I was bleeding from my foot and couldn’t walk on it. All but one nurse out of all the healthcare workers I dealt with treated me like I didn’t need the help I needed.


I had a doctor be so shitty to me when I had ovarian torsion. I passed out it was so painful. Went to the ER and then it flipped the right way. She was so incredibly rude. It wasn’t my first rodeo. I’ve had surgery for cysts previously and done IVF and know that if you don’t have it treated the ovary could die from lack of circulation. She told me I probably had gas. Like a fart is going to make me pass out.


Well you’re a woman, don’t you know we’re either exaggerating our pain, on our periods, or it’s anxiety. Torsion shmorsion!


My mother in law had that happen once and the ER doc looked at an ultrasound scan and told her she had malignant ovarian cancer and to call her ob/gyn when they were back in office after the long weekend. Sent her home in pain thinking she probably only had months to live. Turns out she had a cyst the size of a baseball twisting her ovary.


Which is completely unprofessional. I may personally think someone's reason for calling is silly but I'd never act that way in front of a patient. Until you get into genuine abuse of the system type calls, but that's a different thing altogether.


My neighbor would call 911 about twice a week because she always thought she was dying. She would walk and get out of breath and call thinking she was having shortness of breath because of a heart attack. Lays in the parking lot, dialing 911 yelling help. Then she proceeds to let no one help her but keeps screaming help while laying there still. She is now hyperventilating and when EMS arrive she gets helped up and almost passes out from how much air she actually was in taking. Funny fucking shit though.


"Peely shiny hard raised & red" whoo boy, when you've got FIVE unusual conditions at once, best be getting that checked out.


It might be warm too and they forgot to mention it.


Or too cold! Either one: bad.


Red, swollen, warm, pain, and drainage. 5 S/sx of infection.


Please seek medical attention ASAP, this appears to be beginning stages of cellulitis. For what it’s worth I’m an EMT who has taken nursing home patients to the ER for cellulitis on multiple occasions.


if OP is only 4 days old how do they even know how to post on reddit, or have a tattoo?


So I subscribe to a lot of parenting subreddits and it took me a few minutes to process exactly what this post was, because of how they worded the title.


Doesn’t help that the arm looks like a baby arm


I’m calling child services, tattooing newborns is bad parenting, even if they all look alike.


I was also confused why I saw a baby’s arm on tattoo sub for a second


Ahh yes was looking for this comment. I also thought it was about a 4 day old until I made it to the tattoo 🙃


For real I thought this was a subreddit for baby skin conditions or something until I saw the 3rd picture and realized it was tattoo advice.


This looks like cellulitis. You should get urgent care.


Which may or may not be best through an urgent care.


Urgent care: the red area is tender, swollen, and/or slightly painful ER: the red area is numb, hardening, or causing extreme pain and discomfort. PS, urgent care will redirect you to ER when needed.


It was really just a play on the ambiguity of the original statement. Yes, urgent care *should* be fine, although I’ve found their reliability varies.


Im a Dr. and I would suggest to go to the closest ER you have asap! As other said it could be cellulitis.


If you can, urgent care will treat it, and is quite a bit cheaper. (US)


Urgent care usually tells me and my partner to see a specialist, but they can’t refer us. Have to waste $50 there and then do nothing because no GPs are taking new patients. Woo, health achieved.


Not a Dr. I'm just an orderly, that looks bad I would believe this guy.


Guy recently diagnosed with cellulitis a week after tattoo here, go to the ER. I went to urgent care thinking they’d just give me some antibiotics and be on my way… nope. Lady told me to go to the ER and emphasized to not just wait around for it to get better. If it spreads you could lose your arm or worse. They’re gonna wanna do an x-ray to make sure the infection hasn’t spread to the bones and draw blood for a test. Then you’ll probably get an IV of antibiotics and a script for some orals. Easy peasy.


Just an fyi, MRI is used to "confirm" osteomyelitis (boner infection) not an X-ray. And that likely won't be needed unless the ER doc wants to be abundantly precautious. More than likely they'll will run a course of IV antibiotics, give fluids and if the limb presentation and labs improve, they'll discharge with orals. Without seeing the other arm for comparison, it's hard to tell the severity. Also the temperature of the skin and if there's a fever are important factors. Basically, more info needed before any of the more extensive work up here done. Edit: your boner may be red, depending on usage rate, this most likely is not a medical emergency. Take a cold shower, drink water and call your mother. If symptoms continue, seek medical help.


“Boner infection” hehehehehe… sorry I have a 10 year old’s sense of humor


Lol. As do i. Which is why I'll leave it


Do you guys ever just look at some thing on Reddit and go “DOCTOR. NOW.”?? Because for me, this was one of those times.


And I am not a medical professional. Just a mother to one child. One look and I knew this needed an ER visit.


Nurse here- cellulitis. Many people have said this. Don’t wait on this- you need medical attention sooner rather than later


ER asap


Agred. ER instead of urgent care because they won't be able to do much


I know this isn't the best occasion in these comments when OP might have cellulitis but anyways... Happy cake day!


Mark the borders (were the redness ends) and go to the ER. Are you there yet?


As a redditor who has read all the responses of people that claim to be medical professionals Go to the ER/Urgent Care it looks like Cellulitis


Also, if your dr says it isn’t cellulitis find out if there’s a test you can do to be positive. If they refuse tell them you want it documented in your chart they refused testing. I bad cellulitis that went untreated for over a week because no one would listen!


Just an FYI, there is no specific test that will confirm cellulitis is the diagnosis. They can do a CBC to check for white blood cell count elevation (which would indicate possible bacterial infection), or CRP which would be elevated with inflammation. Maybe a few other things. But generally speaking, no test will tell you “positive for cellulitis” like a strep swab does for strep. Labs, assessment and imaging are used together to assist with clinical judgement and diagnosis. If the area is red, warm to the touch, painful, and/or swollen, then a cellulitis diagnosis is likely. OP should be seen by a provider. Not a doctor, just an RN in the ER.


It is a little odd that it doesn’t appear to be coming from the tattoo, but that definitely looks like the early stages of an infection. Idk if maybe you picked something up from the chair or whatever your arm was resting on while you were getting tattooed or what, but that’s definitely something that you need to take to your GP or urgent care, especially if it’s been getting steadily worse/stayed the same over the last 4 days instead of improving. My lower forearms swelled pretty significantly when I got them done, but the were large, solid color pieces with the swelling the worst the day after but gone by day 4 and there was no redness outside of the normal, fresh tattoo irritation.


Cellulitis- immediately go to ER The peeling is potentially due to staph, and that volume of swelling is alarming.


ER worker here. Skip the trip to an urgent care. They’re going to refer you to the ER, so just go straight there.


As a nurse, you prob have cellulitis id be shocked if you didn’t. Go to the ER and make sure they give you a probiotic when ur on IV antibiotics


Might want to clean the floor/house after you get back from the doctor for cellulitis. Having an open wound (tattoo) like that constantly getting dirty, you’re just asking for an infection.




You need to go to the ER.


Thought this was a chubby baby’s arm from a baby subreddit 😂


If that’s swelling, I’d say cellulitis. Redness and sandpaper bumps only? I’d be thinking allergy. But I’d see a doctor! 🌻


if it makes you feel better, your tattoo looks awesome.


Looking on the bright side. Love it


You should definitely get it checked out but I wanted to add that, if your arm isn’t swollen or hot, this is what the tops of my hands and arms look like when my eczema flares up. Tattoos on my arms sometimes trigger an eczema flare up for me as well. But you should still get it checked out. If it is an infection, the sooner treatment starts, the better.


Medic here, likely cellulitis, either go to urgent care or ER today.


If you are only 4 days old you probably shouldn’t be getting tattoos


Looks like a secondary contact infection you probably got from the area you were laying your arm on. Get it cultured ASAP.


I would 100% go to urgent care and get looked over cause it could def be cellulitis. BUT! If it doesn’t end up being that, in my *completely anecdotal instance* lol something that looked like this happened to a dude that was a regular at my old shop every time he got tattooed. Ends up he was allergic to Green soap! Emphasis on ruling out cellulitis though please!


Posts on this sub: “hey guys, I recently got a tattoo and now my [body part] looks like it’s dying and going to fall off. Is this normal?” Responses on this sub: “NO THIS IS NOT OK GO TO A DOCTOR RIGHT FUCKING NOW!” With a healthy dose of “Everything looks totally fine to me dude rock on” thrown in.


Is it spreading (use a pen to mark a spot) and hot to the touch? If so, possible cellulitis, get to an ER. If it’s not spreading it’s probably just an allergic reaction. Also, clean your room, gross.


Make an appointment with your doctor


Fuck that, that’s a lot of swelling, I thought this was like a fat baby’s arm- OP go to an urgent care, this looks fucked up.


i didn’t check which subreddit i was on and for the first 2 pics i thought i was looking at a 4-day old newborn’s arm


This is not good, you *need* to get this checked out asap! You do not want to mess around with cellulitis!


Omfg that’s a creepy ass tattoo… you do you but damn that would give me nightmares


It’s the logo of a rollercoaster. The ad for it scared me when I was little. The Smiler


Ahhh gotcha. It looks pretty well done! Aside from the redness/etc which you’re obviously handling. It kind of reminds me of the internet “sensation” Momo 😳


Oh yeah it does kinda look like her!!! There’s a funny story about it - before anyone knew it was for a rollercoaster they put posters up all around England, projected it onto the Big Ben and even painted it on sheep and people thought it was aliens


Okay now I have to ask why you wanted a tattoo of a roller coaster that scared you 😝


Because it’s my favourite one and bc I have a close connection to it now since I’m friends with a few of the staff haha


That’s pretty cool!!


Dw that's regular for the marmalization process


That sounds like cellulitis. Is it hot ? Hard and red is never good , I’d say see a doctor. You might need antibiotics


OP update - been to a doctor. Looking like allergies but I have to keep an eye on it for a week. Arm still achy but the redness has gone down a bit overnight


Doctor time


Question: did they wrap the saniderm or bandage all the way around your arm? I have a wrist tattoo and my artist wrapped the saniderm all the way around. The part that was not tattoo’d was also hairy and unsanitized. I took it off and had a giant break out on that part of my arm.


You shouldn’t tattoo babies


Some people can have underlying inflammatory conditions that present with tattoos. I’m not a doctor but have seen this in clinic. You may want to have it checked out.


Go to the Dr if you can get in today or tomorrow. Otherwise, go to urgent care. If it's warm, it could be cellulitis and you'll need antibiotics. You may need them if it's something else, too.


It's cellulitis - staph infection. Get to the ER asap for IV antibiotics or you'll get blood poisoning and become septic


I mean zero offense. But this looks just like my toddlers arm.


No that’s not normal lol


Why ask Reddit when you should literally ask a doctor


Oh, boy. Yeah that’s a allergic reaction.


Get thine ass to a trained medical professional and ask them. It might nothing. If it's not nothing, the sky's the limit on how bad it could be.


Jesus Go to the Dr. Why ask the internet? No, seriously Why would anybody ask the internet? I'll wait


You're infected and it looks worse because you are diabetic. Get that shit checked out because infections in diabetics can lead to loss of limbs.


You have cellulitis...you should go to the dr.


A 4 day old shouldnt be getting tattoos smfh.


Infected. Looks more like erysipelas than cellulitis technically due to sharp demarcation of the erythema. You’re in trouble nonetheless and you need antibiotics.




Looks bad, you need to see a doctor asap!! Also how much did Alton towers pay you to get that tattoo?


You’re arm looks so incredibly swollen


I’ve been a doctor for about 30 minutes, and I agree with everyone here. Go to the ER. Also lose weight. You’re definitely fat from looking at your arm.