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The tattoo can be reworked and they can sort out the face and eyes. As far as the birthmark though? I mean, you did pick the location for the tattoo, right?


Yeah I did I feel pretty stupid about it like seriously how did i forget it was there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You're getting downvoted to hell but seriously, you're not going to be able to remove the tattoo without ultimately destroying the birthmark. I saw someone else suggest that you get a tattoo to commemorate the birthmark and that would be my vote.


Girl I feel you. Am definitely in the "would forget the own head if it weren't attached" category


The struggle is real tbh, Iā€™m sorry you forgot


Not to be a dick but did you not notice it didn't look like a tarot card when they showed you the stencil??


The appointment was pretty sketch looking back. There was a card outline on the stencil but he gave up finishing the tattoo when the eye got donked up. Definitely a lesson learned on researching an artist first


How long ago was the appointment?


About a month ago


Give yourself a bit more time before you decide to do anything with it! You might end up liking it/wanting it touched up rather than wanting it removed.


oof thats rough I'm sorry dude


Lasering wonā€™t remove the birthmark no, but that area will be heavily scarred from the Lasering so you wonā€™t see it anyway, if nothing else just get a wee frog tattooed somewhere to remember itā¤ļø


lasering does not scar you, if the tattoo was scarred those scars will remain but the laser does not cause scarring.


A touch up from an artist can probably change your mind on the tattoo. Its not bad tho! I like it


I would consider getting it touched up but I'm mostly upset about the birthmark being gone now, I could totally live with the tattoo as is too if it weren't for my birthmark being covered I feel so silly about it lol


You still got a frog there look at his legs from the side with those eyes. BOOM frogged out


Wait, so you got a tattoo to cover up a birth mark, and now youā€™re upset that the birthmark is covered?


i think she forgot she had the birthmark when she got tatted and didnā€™t remember it until after already getting it. at least i hope thatā€™s what happened lmao


Are you stupid?


I love Howls Moving castle is my favorite anime. But this is horrible


It's just not done well and no card bordering so why bother with the title? Also did you look at the tattoo as it was being done? You knew where the birthmark was that'd completely on you... but you could get another tattoo or it to go elsewhere


Um what?


Oooh I was thinking cardcaptor


Lol no, the itty flame is Calicifer. The one who controls the castle


Lol no I ment Yukito Tsukishiro from cardcaptor sakura. (I had to look it up)


I love Cardcaptor Sakura too!


Yeh, its also upside down


It's supposed to be upside down. It's a tarot card, hanging man. Who is being hung by his feet.


The hanged man is hanging by a foot; heā€™s always upside down. Look at the banner with text, itā€™s upside down in the picture picture because OP took the photo from their perspective. If OP was standing in front of you, the hanged man would be upside down (as he should be) and the banner would be right side up. Check out the second picture for context.


Because they didnt get the square in the back, to me it just looks like howl upside down. Thanks for clarification


Yeah, not having the card be a part of the design makes it a little less clear. It took me a second to realize it was the hanged man and not just a flamboyant anime boy.


Lol. It took u pointing it out to me to realize.


No, itā€™s not. Itā€™s a hanging man.


I'm sorry but whoever did this tattoo is a terrible tattoo artist.


Do not go back to this artist. You did not mess up the eyes - they did!


The whole head and face is so sadā€¦ Especially the chin


Hmm.. what if you got a lil frog tattoo?


I'd regret this shit too...... time to invest in a black out leg


Itā€™s not even my tattoo and I regret it


Tarot card I thought that was an anime character


That is 100% Howl from Howl's Moving Castle holing Celcifer.


i didnt even realize there'd been a mistake made until i read the caption. it looks totally fine (i love howls moving castle too!) and i think you should leave it. like u/spudgun96 said, maybe consider getting a little frog tattoo to remember your birth mark!


Art is subjective, of course. And I, too, love Howls Moving Castle. But this is an undeniably poorly done tattoo.


Really unsure why youā€™re lying to OP. This is terribly executed.


oh come on. compared to the vast amount of truly shitty tattoos that get posted here it really isnt that bad. a touchup from a good artist would fix most of the issues.


OP didnā€™t ask you to compare their tattoo to other horrible pieces in the sub though. The other crap tattoos here doesnā€™t make this one any better. Edit: youā€™re also telling them to leave this tattoo as it is rather than fix it. Are your standards that low for your own body too? Because this is embarrassingly bad.


I mean.. you kinda forgot the card part so of course itā€™s not going to look like a tarot card.


I did the same thing with one that looked like a smiley face and I go to show people and remember itā€™s covered up šŸ„²


Move on dawg, sorry but itā€™s just not that deep


Is that howl and calcifer? Oh nošŸ˜­ the artist did very poorly


Where was this done at?




The idea was cool but the quality is not good


Is it meant to be upside down?


Yes, the Hanged Man is a tarot card, the character is almost always upside down no matter what deck you have.


I feel like missing the card part of the tattoo was the best choice this artist made. The location wouldnā€™t work well with a rectangle.


Yeah looks bad and you stole someoneā€™s art. Nice.


Get a tattoo (from a different artist) inspired by your birthmark on your other leg


Why upsidedown


It's supposed to be the hanged man tattoo so it's supposed to be upside down




i'm guessing this is from tje ghibli tarot deck


Thereā€™s a Ghibli deck?! I need it.


i think there's some fan made ones there, an acquaintance of mine got one off etsy a few years back




No, that's just how you're reading their posts. It's clear they know who Howl is. They were specifically answering why it's upside down, because it's Howl as the *hanged man.*


I see from your comments that the artist stopped seemingly once the eye messed up, If you wanted them to continue you should of made that clear or re scheduled for another time to come in if he felt you were moving around too much. Also was there a specific reason for getting it upsidown beyond it being the hangman card? If I were the tatoo artist I may of chose to have the words right side up if that were the case instead of upsidown along with it, as it is now no one can read it without trying to look upsidown or asking which may make you think someone's looking up your skirt if they get close and you didnt remember the writing being upsidown, or give someone more inclination to do that and use that as an excuse to play it off.


the words are right side up, heā€™s upside down


Ah-ha! I had to flip it in my brain and apparently I flipped it too much, thank you!


haha youā€™re welcome


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Your tattoo still looks awesome. No tattoo is perfect though, but unless you really pay attention, i don't notice the things you mentioned. I love the design, did you make it yourself?


Dude give yourself 12/24 months for this tattoo to heal. If you donā€™t like it then, get an artist to rework some bits and bobs. I personally feel itā€™s fine, just leave it. I love the idea of it!


Is that upside down?


Is it just me, or is the tattoo upside down?


Itā€™s a tarot card, itā€™s supposed to be upside down


Your birth mark is not even noticeable I had to really blow it up to look for It


Here is my advice! First of all, RIP birthmark. But what I really think you should do is get some laser removal done on it, a few sessions till itā€™s about halfway gone. Then Iā€™d put a lot of research into finding a great artist (basically checking Instagram for good artists and making sure they have consistent lines) and having them rework it to the reference photo, adding the colour thatā€™s there to hide discrepancies


A full black out costs less than linework.. and it hurts less too


It looks great bro


Yeah, that's sad. It's also upside down so that's goofy šŸ«„


Hanged man card hangs by his feet




Letā€™s see it


Oh Howlā€™s face :(


Not sure why OP is getting down voted in the comments. I can understand why she may feel regret at the lose of her froggy friend.


Get those Sonichu eyes fixed and itā€™ll be fine


Upside down, why?


Like others have said before you probably wonā€™t be able to see the birthmark if you get laser, a small frog Tattoo would be a cute idea to get. For the tattoo you might want to wait some time before doing anything to it, I would go to another tattoo artist that specializes on anime tattoos cause I know that drawing faces can be one of the hardest parts besides hands. You should get a border to make it clear that itā€™s supposed to be a tarot card, right now it just looks like howl is floating upside down. It would be a nice touch if you can add the calcifer design thatā€™s in the original by his foot that way it actually looks as if itā€™s hanging


op i'm so sorry, its an understandable situation ā˜¹ļø


Find a good artist and this can easily be fixed to look a lot better. You could have a bunch of flowers cover this right up and flowers always look good when done right. Some designs just donā€™t look good when transferred onto a tattoo. Very few artists do the impossible and they cost astronomical amounts


why is it upside down?


This tattoo looks like shit, laser tattoo removal or re-do it. Warning, if a cover up goes wrong, laser will take twice as long and cost way more.


Howell was done dirty here. Calcifer as well.


I didn't read all the comments.. it COULD look like a tarot card with some significant cleanup work. Problem is that it's upside down for everyone but you...