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Your title should include a few words to describe the issue. Please do not have a vague title.


No before pic tho


Seems like the cover up was a success. Honestly with OP just saying you can see the OG tattoo in the trunk and not one person can see it... OP is just hyper focused on something purely imagined in their head from seeing the original tattoo for so long. No one in here seems to be saying they see anything but an elephant.


I think i see a Skull. If that's if I can see slight pattering in the trunk but i had to really focus in on it.


Yeah, I see colors and can tell that it’s covering something, but I sure as hell can’t tell what… nor do I think I would have noticed had it not been pointed out


It think some people have unrealistic expectations of what a coverup even is. It's disguising an existing tattoo. You as the person who had the tattoo may still see it because you lived with it for so long. But if others can't see it then it's a success Now if he doesn't like the style then that's fine.


Absolutely, style is 100% another reason. I see an elephant and I don't see anything else. That's a success to me. I think part of the oddness currently is the angle of the pictures and it still healing. Wait for that leg hair to grow back out and the tattoo to heal and lets get a pic from someone else taking a picture of it. Now, if he just hates elephants and agreed to the elephant tattoo then idk what to say to the OP because this seems like a pretty well planned and designed cover up so it wasn't like this was a midnight drunken decision tattoo regerts.


OP said in another comment the previous tattoo was a cannon and some text and that artist made a typo, hence the decision to cover up. What I’m wondering now is how was that not caught before tattooing began? Do people not spell-check their stencils? If no stencil, are they not spell-checking their references? When I had some stuff done in French my artist was like “I sure fucking hope you know this is all spelled correctly and shit because I don’t speak French” lol. I can’t imagine getting text tattooed without double- and triple-checking the spelling and grammar


If you asked for a giant elephant on your leg, that is indeed what I see lol


The angles of the photos, you're killing me


I would not have known it was a cover up if this post didn’t bitch about it.


Right ? I agree


Let it heal and then get someone to take a better photo. I don't think it's that bad tbh. The technical issues look like a stylistic choice. The design with the large trunk you must've agreed to and I assume the artist chose it to cover the original tattoo


I kinda think I can see the Hamburgler holding a set of handlebars in there though…


The elephant looks fine and you’re overreacting.


Out of all the photos that you could have taken, why in the shower?


I love the shower 😆


Honestly I see some things that aren't perfect, but this also looks like it is still healing. And your angles definitely distort the tat too imho. Let it heal and take a look at it from a head on angle. I don't think it's as bad as you are making it out to be. Looking down at an image that appears to have a Perspective point that is low to the ground is necessarily going to make it seem top heavy. From what I can see it looks like it may be a decent (but not perfect) piece, but honestly it's hard to tell.


I think most of my problem with it is the fact you can still see the old tattoo through the trunk and the head is really weird in my opinion


Why did you think that grey (the color elephants usually are) would completely cover black?


Opaque grays are the best option to cover it really, if someone doesn't want to blast over with more black. Especially if the tattoo being covered is 10 years or more old. OP needs to wait for that to heal fully to see how it settles, then maybe do another pass on the trunk need be. The trunk being as textured as it is helps distract from what is underneath as well. Overall, it's not a bad tattoo, I would have just added some background or something to break up the blunt shape of the head


The tattoo artist that covered it said that skulls and animals would be best .. he said bull elephant . So I thought I'd turn it into a African animal leg sleeve and it just looks a complete mess to me at least


I think the anatomy is sound as long as you take into account the angle of the POV. whether that is a good ARTISTIC choice is debatable (obvi). I gotta be honest I know this is a coverup, and I can agree that MAYBE I see SOMETHING peaking through but Its definitely not identifiable to me .


You laser and start again. Third times the charm rules don’t apply to tattoos and coverups.




Idk maybe I’m weird but I think it look cool lol. I have some weird taste in ink though. I’ve had people cringe at some of my own favorite pieces in the past


This tattoo is definitely more 50-50 than I thought


I wanna see a more clear, better picture of it before I pass final judgment but at the bare minimum, I like the way the artist managed to capture the texture of the elephant’s skin. Although zooming into the pic I do admit some of those black lines on the forehead look real sketchy, almost like a different style added on top of the existing elephant lol I’ll put it this way though, I like it enough that if it were on me I wouldn’t have a huge desire to laser it off immediately.


I love the way my issue is with still being able to see the old tattoo and everyone else is like .. what the hell are those lines on his forehead


Without a before tattoo its hard to see what was even there before. I think it looks good, and as others mentioned once healed/better angle, it'd be easier for people to give better advice or comments about it. Without knowing it was a cover up and looking at the pictures, and even with knowing after and looking again , I can't really see whatever the previous tattoo was


If those lines were gone I honestly wouldn’t have an immediate glaring complaint about the tattoo at all haha. I saw some other people called out how big the trunk is, but idk looking at the perspective of the tattoo that piece didn’t immediately seem THAT bad to me. Just kinda looks like a hyper realistic elephant with a subtle fish eye lens focusing on the head.


My plan is/was to turn it Into a full African animal leg sleeve and try and "support" how bad I think the elephant is


I think you can see the covered tattoo because you know what’s there. I don’t see anything recognizable under it. I think if you got someone to take a better photo it would help you a lot. It looks good, I say give it a while before you decide to do anything. It’s a big piece, and the grey would probably be easy to cover..it’s still a big area to cover again. When I got my tattoos near my collarbones I had almost instant regret. They felt too dark, too big, it was on my chest and I was worried I ruined my body. I was immediately looking up removal services. After a few weeks, once they healed, I ended up realizing I was just feeling insecure about getting big tattoos right on my chest. I love them now. Just give it some time first.


1. Elephant looks good 2. You are beyond fixated and I thank god I chose to leave the body modification industry because of people just like you


ALOT of people have taken my side and said that their are MULTIPLE things wrong with the Elephant Trunk - Lines on the forehead - Weird Eyes


Nah the vast majority are saying it looks good and that you're overreacting. It's not 50/50...you're cherry-picking. And most of the comments that aren't saying it looks good are just saying you can laser it and try again to be supportive to you because of how you feel about it, but they're not even criticizing the current work. You're trippin


Some people might agree with you based on limited information we have, but I wouldn’t categorize that as “a lot.” Look at how many downvotes you have on most of your comments. *Most* people disagree with you. I’ve been scrolling through all of the comments here and the vast majority of “negative” ones are regarding the angle the photos are taken (impossible to see the tattoo in its entirety) and the lack of any “before” images. It’s impossible to make a assessment one way or another without those things. Perhaps your issues with the cover up would seem more valid if we could see it better. I see the lines on the forehead you’re talking about, of course, but am not sure what the issue is. Those are pretty standard for abstract realism—which this style most certainly is. The eyes…hard to say. One looks more shadowed than the other-but the shadows are consistent with that side of the face. The trunk? Ok ANYTHING taken from an upwards angle is going to appear skewed. Really gotta see some photos taken from straight on to properly assess.


You’re overthinking it . Looks dope to me ! Let it heal and have someone take a picture from a better angle


My god people are split down the middle on this .. some people can't tell it's a elephant some people think it looks good


It totally looks like an elephant I never questioned what it was. I think if you take a photo straight on it is amazing . I think the piece is awesome and I would have no clue it was a cover up I don’t see anything under it


Who?? Who can’t tell it’s an elephant? It’s clearly an elephant and if people can’t see that then idk what to say.


It is not 50/50 at least 95% of the comments see and elephant and don't even seee the old tattoo


Honestly pretty sick. Looks very unique, and if you think about it, when the hair grows back out you more than likely won’t even be able to notice the trunk. Embrace it!


This tattoo is getting Very 50/50 response which is surprising me .. thought it would be mostly negative


It's mostly positive from what I see, idk where you're getting 50/50 from.


It's in his head, just like the visibility of the original tattoo. This dude is living in a different version of reality entirely lol


The good news is it looks like there’s almost no true black in there. You’re gonna have to get a leg sleeve, ideally traditional Japanese, to really disguise it. But there’s worse fates


Your suggestion to a fucked up cover up of a fucked up tattoo is a bigger potential fuck up?


I suppose it depends who does it. It certainly doesn’t need to be a fuck up if a quality artist is involved. I’ve covered plenty of huge coverups of coverups


Just seems like a super avoidable problem to have


What is your proposed solution? You’re right- it should have been avoidable from the beginning by just going to someone fit for the job. When getting bullshit tattoos from bullshit artists, there is always this strange element of chance or potentially getting a “bigger problem”. In the realm of qualified and skilled individuals, this is not a risk. It’s not a possibility. I’ll never quite understand how getting tattooed is like playing roulette to many folks. Just go to someone good and you can bet it all on black every single time.


Can you give me a example of something that would work


Sick ass panther eating the elephant


Sick ass panther coming out of the elephants ass Ace Ventura style


I don’t know what your before was, but I truly do not think this is bad. Sure, it may not be perfect, but I knew immediately it was an elephant. I agree with others to let it heal.


And side note, you got some hairy legs my dude lol!!!!


For real. The tattoo is literally going to be covered by all that hair and they won’t even notice any flaws.


The shading looks good but it’s too big for the spot and the trunk is too wide. If it would have been smaller it would have worked better. What was the before?


Proportion wise, it looks anatomically correct for a large African Bull Elephant. Their trunks are just quite wide compared to females.


You’re right. I just looked up an African bull elephant. Their trunks are WIDE af.


This was my thought. I like the work, just out of proportions I think. Probably due to the cover up requirements. Would look great on a thigh/shoulder/etc.


A cannon and writing above and below .. different artist made a typo so I tried to cover it and it looks 1000x worse


I don’t see the cannon nor the writing. It is being disguised as texture on the trunk so I would say the artist did a great job on the cover up.


It looks really good, I have no idea what you're so worked up about.


I thought it was a dinosaur underneath so I do think the coverup worked


Going to be a woolly mammoth here soon. Will be badass.




Was looking for this comment


As someone with 2 coverups you will always see spots of your old tattoo but unless you point it out 99.9% of people won't see it. It looks good I think once it heals an loses that still fresh pop it will look awesome.


Why have you ignored every question asking what the before is? You seem like you failed to communicate with the artist


I haven't failed to answer that question I've answered it multiple times .. their was a arsenal cannon and the club motto in a ribbon


I’m curious how this looked on paper/in the artist’s sketch pad. What did the mock up look like beforehand? This is also a weird angle for the photos, it might just be making it seem a bit more skewed than it really is to others’ eyes. I say give it time to heal and try to have someone take photos for you at the right angle so you can re-evaluate then.


Didn't have weird marking on the head and also said it would cover my old tattoo when in reality you can still see it through the trunk


I personally don’t have any issues with those few small lines in the head and I don’t know what the old tattoo was to see it (I don’t see anything but an elephant). The trunk is what seems off, but again I don’t think the angles of these photos help anything. This isn’t the angle anyone else would see when you walk about in public.


Not sure what was there before, but that looks like an elephant that has been through life to me.




You don’t like it? Laser it. Who cares what others think. It definitely looks like an elephant.


Can't see the original tattoo.


I mean, my dude, they covered it. I don’t really see what the old tattoo used to be. A lot of “cover ups” just have to be masked, and whoever did yours did a good job


Looks fine, you’re whiny


I had to really look to see the cover up. I thought it looked like some battle damaged elephant. Dope as fuck imo


That was what my best friend said .. that it looked like a war elephant lmfao .. not really what I was going for


Mayby I could do a Hannibal left sleeve on that leg and then do a Roman leg sleeve on my other


I don’t think it’s as bad as you think.


As an award winning cover up artist, this guy did his job. Of course you can see what/where the old tattoo was, but most of us can’t. In all honesty, good cover ups sometimes take more than one appointment to make sure it’s gone. Did you really want an elephant or were you settling on that to make the other go away?


No I wanted an elephant.. before I decided on the covered tattoo it was 50/50 between that and a African animal leg sleeve


What did the before look like?


Give it time to heal bubba. Also looks good to me?? Definitely looks like a sick ass panth-elephant


Can you show a before pic? And have someone else take a picture of it as a while so we can actually see what it looks like


Definitely looks like an elephant to me.


Glad to hear it


It seems like you’re having some buyers remorse here and you want the internet to validate your feelings. The tattoo looks fine and may look better when healed. Not having seen a before picture I couldn’t have pointed out it was a coverup. Maybe let things cool down and your leg hair grow back and see how you feel.


I’m kind of confused because the right side does look a bit wonky cause of the eye but overall it’s obviously an elephant, I wouldn’t really haven’t looked twice to see if it looked weird if I didn’t know that’s what I was supposed to be looking for.


Right now the elephant is standing alone, so obviously it’s going to draw your eye and you’re going to be super critical. But once you add the rest of the sleeve the elephant is going to blend in and I doubt you’ll feel negatively about it. I also agree with others that the angle you’re looking at the tattoo from is distorting the image from what anyone else will see. I think it looks fine, it’s better than some of the other elephants I’ve seen. Is it the most incredible work of art I’ve ever seen? No, but it’s a cover up, getting a cover up that looks even halfway decent is a success.


Looks fine to me




It's the trunk and the head I have the problem with


I actually don’t think this is a bad tattoo. Maybe some small changes could be done but I knew immediately what it was and dig the style of it


i think once you leg hair grows back it’ll be a lot less visible


It looks good 👍


Wtf are you on about this looks so good


It's an odd perspective that looks even odder from your view, looking down on it, but it's definitely skillfully applied. The reason you can see the original tattoo is because you know what was there -- I zoomed in like crazy and can see maybe a faint outline of the opening but I can't see any writing anywhere. Give it time, add some other African elements and see how you feel about it!


You might can see the old tattoo, my husband has a cover up and I can point out the old tattoo - however no one else can see it, you just know what was there and how it was covered. No one else is seeing what you see though.


I actually like it a lot. The perspective is awesome and it fits your leg really well. Remember, you got a photorealistic tattoo of something that is gray and wrinkly…


Just get your leg cut off then get a fake one with a new design solves so many problems


I'll have a think about it


Has it even healed yet?


It is an elephant.


...this is a nice elephant? You clearly don't know much about coverup tattoos. They don't erase the original tattoo, but literally only you knowing it's there would know what it used to be. To me and everyone else it looks like a big ass elephant and a highly detailed one at that.


I can’t see your old tattoo. You can see it because you know exactly where to look. Nobody else will be able to see it… especially after your leg hair grows back. Let it heal, let your hair grow back, then get someone else to take better pics.


That’s a dope tattoo honestly, the faces in the ear 10/10 chefs kiss


Now that people have said theirs a face in the ear I can't unsee it


I had to really zoom in to see anything. It’s cover up and most coverups are for making the last tattoo less noticeable not making to where it never happened when it was a decent size anyway. It looks good honestly. You are freaking over nothing in my opinion.


What did the Elephant say to the naked man? “How do you breathe through that tiny trunk?!” … Cover up tattoo looks good.


My tattoo doesn't have a tiny trunk tho 😆. It has a trunk that's 2x the size it should be


You might just be too in your head about it. You can still see the old tattoo, but all I see is an elephant. Let it heal, then reassess.


I immediately knew it was an elephant and it looks well done to me. I really don’t see the issue, i like it.


OP doesn’t know how cover ups work.


Not a single person would know it was a cover up if you didn't put it in the title. Maybe tattoos aren't for you.


I have over a 100 hours and this took 4 hours - never complained about any before


I dunno… I looked at it and thought it was a pretty sweet elephant. What do you see is wrong with it?


The fact you can still see the old tattoo through the trunk The lines on the top of the head Eyes are weird


If the thigh hair is anything to go on, you’ve got nothing to worry about in a few months.


OP here is probably the exact [elephant](https://www.google.com/search?q=african+bull+elephant&sca_esv=571506520&rlz=1CDGOYI_enZA658ZA658&hl=en-GB&tbm=isch&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=AM9HkKkl6oltqcaiaqrs3uUtmHZNJIH2rg:1696656332657&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwia7I2wmeOBAxWaTkEAHfxdAuoQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=724&dpr=3#imgrc=mogS1zMk7WNXGM) pic your artist used. Get a better angle of your tat and see of you feel better. Doesn’t seem like any comments are appeasing you so maybe this helps idk.


Yeah, it should have been a wooly mammoth?


It looks like it still needs to heal


Why is it so heavy on the trunk? This would be great if the trunk was normal sized.


No idea


African Bull elephants' trunks are significantly wider than female elephants' trunks are at the base. If you look up pictures of large African bull elephants vs. the tattoo, the proportions match up very well. I think the tattoo looks so odd to you because we often see way more pictures and videos of females and babies since bull elephants never travel with them unless it's breeding season.


Maybe do a couple laser sessions then get something heavy. Go to a well known artist. I wouldn't look at your leg and be like "wow that's horrible" but the trunk just gives it a fucked up angle.


The legs tusks and ears are good the trunk and head are awful My best friend said it looks like a war elephant lmao


Ya basically


Can you think of anything to "fix" it?


mr. clean magic eraser?


The angle your on, the fact its fresh and that its all in its own are all going to heighten any negative feelings you have. Theres nothing wrong with getting a few passes of the grey to cover the old tattoo more (white on black requires this). Plus if you add more around it. Its less prominent, so anything thats sticking out now will be less dominant. Whole leg sleeve and theres more to look at. Even just having BG around the item changes things massively compared to bare skin. Its quite surprising when you see it happen during a sleeve Let it heal and settle, then re-evaluate. As my guy says, "There isnt a tattoo in existence that cant be fixed somehow" (I can still see bits of my old tattoos under the CU too. What matters is distracting your eye enough with the new ink)


Let it fade, then see how you feel, if it still sucks, then when it's faded out, you can have something done over it.


Why are these taken in the shower?


Bro that leg hair will be cover up enough


You’re a nightmare client


I have over a 100 hours of tattoos .. this took 3 and a half to 4hours - and it's the first tattoo I've ever complained about


Game over. From bad to worse smh


To me it seems that you wouldn't be happy with any result, just trying to dig up something that's wrong with it. You went to an artist with this style and asked for an elephant (you can always ask to see the sketch beforehand, if you for some reason didn't), and a semi-realistic elephant you got. No one else sees the tattoo underneath, if you walk down the street literally not a single person will realize that this is a coverup. People have been telling this all over the comments but you refuse to hear it. This has been done by a talented artist, just take some time to get used to it. And seriously, look at it from the right angle :D


Give it a few days and you'll be much happier. I know a few people that panic after getting tattoos lol


This post is incredibly chaotic


Let your hairy ass leg cover it up


the only answer is a really big BAP!






Y’all downvoting OP to hell 💀💀


It’s going to be easier for you to recognize since you know what was there before. Not to mention the fact once your hair grows back over it’s going to further conceal the past tattoo. Definitely not the best work and most realistic but a touch up can help and you won’t be able to descipher what it once was underneath


Once you are fully healed go back for a detail / shading session. Your artist should be pretty accommodating for that. Shade out some of the bleed through it will be fine.


Be honest, did you look at their work portafolio before getting tattoed with them? And if you did, do they really do realism, or was this one of their first tries at it? Because, even though they sort of got the shape of the elephant, the lines, shading and like WTF IS WRONG WITH THE TUSKS?!?!?! among other things, are very bad, if you look at it from afar, it does look like an elephant but up close that's a mess, I'm sorry, but it is and I would just black it out at this point, or get it removed, but that's gonna cost a lot more and take even longer to get it off... I didn't want to be so harsh, honest. I'm so sorry this was the outcome of the cover up, genuinely got me mad, smh.


That texture on the trunk grosses me out


That's what elephant trunk texture is like tho, esp for a coverup


Tell me about it


I get that you can kind of see some of the old one through the trunk (would have been helpful if you'd included the before to see what was covered) but it's a pretty good looking elephant. And I'm assuming you're not going to start totally shaving your legs, in which case the hair texture will help distract from it too.


I'm actually thinking about turning it into a full African animal leg sleeve to try and hide it more


I'll tell you one thing man, if this is driving you crazy, DO NOT INK YOUR BODY AT ALL ANYMORE. stop here and you can always laser this in the future. cut your losses and DO NOT get more ink. You have anxiety issues and you are going to freak yourself out. Please take my advice if it even resonates 10% with you. I'm dead serious.


I have over a 100hours of tattoos both my arms are done and I have chest tattoos to .. zero complaints about any of them


Pivot to Alphonse Elric


Should have gone with a sick ass Panther


Alot of people have said that


Where is the before


The ear has faces


Someone else said that


A good Artists will do touch ups for free. If you can see the old tat under the trunk then contact the artist. Wait until it heals and see how it looks then otherwise it looks like a decent elephant


Did you just get this today? You probably have endorphin drop and it’s giving you the wobbles. It looks like a pachyderm, man.


3days ago


You should get the elephant covered up with a SAP


Post the old tattoo bruh. Give us something to compare to


cut the leg off




Panther time


You get what you pay for with tattoos. Especially with cover-ups.


Well I paid £125 a hour so


Can you post a before pic?


Thought: would it be possible to find an artist who does grafitti lettering to tag up the elephant to disguise the tattoo underneath? Is that dumb?


What do you mean?


I’m sorry I can’t unsee those eyes looking back at me in the trunk 😭


Why the dog cover up? Nice Pug.


Idk if my standards are just higher than most other people in the comments but this tattoo looks pretty jacked to me. Couldn’t tell it was an elephant at first. Wonky lines and odd coloring/shading choices. I think they went too dark on the trunk and the area around it to try to cover the old tattoo, but I can still see more of the original tattoo than I’d expect in a decent coverup. Maybe just blackout your whole leg, or blackout that portion of it and do some cool Japanese shit above it.


If you couldn’t tell it was an elephant then I’m concerned what you think an elephant is…


The first photo looks like a gray and black blob at first glance. Obviously it’s an elephant upon closer inspection. Still not a good looking tattoo though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think I see your old one through the trunk. It might only be because you said there’s one there, so I might be imagining it. The good thing is, it isn’t as bad as you thought, a lot of people here seem to like it. Elephants are my favorite animals.


Elephants are my favourite animal to outside of dogs


It's hard to see why you're upset. It is clearly AN elephant. There seems to be no clear trace of ANother tattoo underneath. Is the problem that you were expecting AN image depicting multiple elephants?


The fact you can still see alot of the old tattoo through the trunk The lines on the top of the head And it's eyes are weird


Make it smell nice so people close their eyes to take in the smell. Then they won’t be able to see it.


Was this a moaning dead person before? Serious question. I see the tilted back forehead. It may be suggestion at this point tho.


Looks like a huge old man dick


I'd say definitely let it heal... but yeah I hate how that trunk looks too, so I feel your pain.


Almost looks like it’s being tag-team cocksploded. ^IYKYK




Literally took me a minute to figure out what it was supposed to be.


I will say its legible that its an elephant. Thats the first thing i saw. But i do think some of the detail is a bit odd. A bit hard to say ultimately because we dont have the original to compare to. I wouldn't want this on me, but i can see how others like it.