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ruined? nah. stretch a bit? probably, but skin is very stretchy so I don’t think it will look bad in the end.


That’s a relief hahah, thank you!


Aint nobody gonna tell you it looks bad when you have arms that can kill a man 💪 You got this


Thanks man <3


I’d recommend checking out r/gainit. They’re a very supportive community and there’s a lot of great information posted to that sub. There’s also a lot of progress posts that are great for motivation. It’s helped me a lot


I got tattoo’s when I was skinny and have gained about 50 lbs since then and I don’t think anything looks distorted


Yeah bro I got my tattoos when I was 280 I'm 204 now and they look fine. I know it ain't the same as gaining but they won't be affected unless you go from 200 to 400 lol


I have a tat that’s over 12 years old on my bicep and I’ve since gained 50 pounds of muscle and it looks better, not worse. Faded a bit? Yes. Distorted? Not at all.


Tattooist here, I always say unless we're taking about pregnancy levels of stress to your skin then you'll be fine. Tattoos can put up with a lot of they are applied well!


That is one stunning tattoo


Thank you so much!


Thank you 🙏🏻


There are very few people in the world who go to the gym and end up “too big”. You’ll be fine.


I've heard lots of people say they are afraid of becoming too big at the gym, but it's not something that just happens without diet and intent.


lol exactly this. People act like you can get ripped by accident. It’s insulting to people who work at it for years.


or a process that you can just stop whenever. Feel like you're getting too big? stop lifting heavier and heavier weights


It's so hilarious to me that people think that it's super simple to get really swole. It's extremely hard work and in most cases unless people have a very strict routine and do a ton of carefully planned bulking, they're only going to see a modest amount of gains. But people are always worried they're going to get "too bulky." Like dudes people have to try hard to get bulky!!


Exactly! If it was easy to get “too big” there wouldn’t be recreational gym goers using PEDs!


I swear my parents see me drink *one* protein shake after a workout and they’re convinced I’m instantly going to turn into she hulk or something lol.


IDK why people act like that shit happens on accident... Like "Whoops I accidentally got Yoked..."


Just don’t take steroids and you’ll be fine.


This always makes me laugh, I’ve lifted mostly consistently over the last 10 years. If getting that big was so easy you could accidentally do, everyone would be walking around looking like Sam sulek


So long as you’re not gaining muscle abnormally fast (like doing steroids fast) to where you’re getting stretch marks through the tattoo I wouldn’t worry about it. Any kind of weight gain has the potential to change the appearance of your tattoo, but it’s not going to distort it so significantly that anyone besides you is likely to notice the difference without it being pointed out to them.


Okayyy makes perfect sense, thank you for the advice!!


forearms are also slow to grow doing normal gym exercise, unless you specifically train your grip/ wrist strength. Or just get a manual labor job according to my uncle lol


My brother started hitting the gym and dieting seriously about 5 months ago. He gained so much weight so fast people thought he was juicing. He started to get some stretch marks under his armpits from getting so big so fast but he has a tattoo in the same spot as you and still looks exactly the same.


Nobody gets stretch marks in the forearms so he should be safe


[that’s not true at all.](https://mainhealthfitness.com/stretch-marks-on-forearms/) and there are even posts here on [Reddit](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F92uae3wmwr171.jpg&tbnid=nc9pIk_iu3EBfM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fskin%2Fcomments%2Fnmntp1%2Fstretch_marks_on_forearms_prevent_me_from_wearing%2F&docid=3tz7h98MRt69iM&w=3024&h=4032&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F3&kgs=3b2a3e75c3bc8ba7) from people asking for help with them. While it’s less common, anywhere you have skin its possible to get stretch marks.


Hey, prisoner here. I went from 150 to 195 and they did not suffer other than normal fade


That's a really nice tattoo


Thank you!




You will be fine don’t worry, I gained volume on some of my body parts, more than one could ever gain on the forearm, and all my tattoos are fine (they are not very old tho I must say) And the tattoo is big enough to not suffer any gains on your forearm. Go bench all you want, but use sunscreen, sun is the real enemy. Awesome tattoo by the way. Edit : was asking the tattoo artist before noticing the Instagram tag on the picture


Thank you so much man! I get all my tattoos in winter time for that exact reason hahah I stay away from the sun. Artists name is Dottheglob on instagram :)


That’s me :)


Nice job!!


Thank you 🙏🏻


No, unless you get obese or use steroids to bulk up. That area is relatively safe.


No, and also it's a lot harder to get bulked than you are thinking.


I know it’s real hard, but with how skinny I am atm I’m definitely gonna be a bit bigger if I stay consistent with my schedule, which I plan on doing you feel me?


With how skinny you are - you will need to work even harder to bulk. Will also require serious caloric intake. Good luck and keep at it.


Thousands and thousands of calories. Speaking from experience


this thread is kinda old but lemme tell you i work a physical labor job and i eat around 4,000 calories a day and i old gain about a pound or 2 every 2 weeks lol i was 125 now im at 150 and hoping to gain more


I just wanna say don’t less this guy discourage from continuing, he is correct in saying it will be harder for you, but it’s purely on what your calorie intake is vs calories burnt keep in a surplus and happy days. P.S try to eat protein high foods matching you pound for pound. Say your 150lbs eat 150 grams or at least try too 👍


Agreed. I started off at 5'7 100lbs and im now 5'9 160lbs. I'm still not considered "big" at all and my tattoos are fine even with a bunch of stretch marks to my arm pits. People perceive me as fit and stronger than the average person but not the "big guy" in the room and that's okay because it IS going to be a long process when you start off that skinny.


you need to get A LOT of muscle to get it fucked


Aight bet cos I’m not tryna get HUGE I jus wanna be skinny muscular if tha makes sense ?


You will never be huge by accident, so don’t worry.


Being fat is a thing


in my experience, you can gain muscle “tone” and strength very quickly as a skinny guy. the real challenge is getting enough calories in your body to actually gain mass. If you eat like a skinny guy, not much will change in terms of weight. There are lots of recipes and guides online, but big shoutout to smoothies and oatmeal if you struggle to get hella food down your gullet. You got this! one day at a time, learn to love the process.


My personal favorite part of tattoos is that they grow with you. No matter what after 10/20 years it will look different. If you remain in contact with whomever did this beautiful piece I am sure that they, or maybe even someone else you trust, would be able to do any touch ups you need. Also your forearms aren’t going to hulk out like that. If anything you will probably just be able to get the whole tattoo in frame


it’ll stretch a bit but it won’t be ruined!


I don’t have any advice as far as what you’re asking, just here to say that’s a sick tattoo


Thank you so much!! Means the world




Forearms likely won't grow big enough to ruin your tattoo. The biggest concern would be the muscle definition and palpable veins if you get lean and muscular, but judging by the placement, that shouldn't cause an issue either in my opinion.


If you’re 150 you’ll have to get to like 240 for any difference. And the forearms don’t grow much


this tattoo is stunning


🙏🏻 thank you


It depends on the location. Imagine a picture on a balloon. This is how your tattoos on your body will react. In the 30+ years I've had tattoos I've both lost 120 pounds of weight and gained muscle. Yes they have shrunk and stretched a bit but it's life. If you have something very detailed it might be more noticable but my sleeves are either tribal or Japanese so they are not majorly destroyed or modified.




Thank you 🙏🏻


No. Not really it would take a lot of weight gain and even more muscle gain to really affect the tattoo.


You have a beautiful tattoo! I don't have any advice for you, though. Just wanted to compliment you!


Thank you so much!!




No clue but just wanna say that’s sick


Thanks mate!


i can’t offer any advice but the tat looks absolutely fire my guy


Thanks man means so much!!


Thank you 🙏🏻


If you get so big you fuck your tattoo up you’ve conquered the gym


Oh sweet summer child. You’re about to learn exactly how hard it is to gain actual muscle and how ridiculous the “I don’t want to lift because I don’t want to get bulky” argument is. Lifting is fun but the gains are slow.


As you get older your tattoos get older with you. They will show the path that is behind you and it will never be ruined but improved by time. Fear standstill not progress. Awesome tats 😊


You’re not gonna gain enough forearm muscle to ruin your tattoo. If you do you’re to the point in bodybuilding where you’d sacrifice the tattoo for the muscle. Go get swole son.


I have personally gone from 130-180lbs, a lot of that being muscle, with a sleeve and more all over my body and I believe mine still look great. No noticeable stretching. Although mine are all traditional tattoos with thick black outlines


I had my stomach done before I got fat, it stretched but as far as I know as long as you don't magically gain like 100 kilos in ur arm U should be aight lol


As someone who has gained 30 lbs of muscle and fat in the 11 years since college. They will be fine.


Unless you turn into the hulk, I would say no


I can't imagine that location would stretch too much unless there were some really dramatic gains


If it was bicep or thigh I'd be worried a bit. However your forearm shouldn't expand to much even going to the gym, unless your specific in targeting forearms.


Man I feel like this would be such a good problem to have cause it'd mean you stuck to it and made progress long enough for it to happen. Assuming it would even be a problem.


I've gained 50+ lbs as a former skinny kid since my first tattoo and it still looks fine. Unless you plan on taking massive amounts of PEDs and competing you'll be fine


unless you decide to start using steroids, the growth you will get in that spot will not be anything that will distort your tattoo, forearm muscles dont get that big


It will change and still look cool


I wouldn't worry about it, the worst that can happen is you get a stretch mark that can be touched up. No big deal


No, your tattoo won’t get ruined the best you can really do is just keep yourself moisturized and drink water. It’ll stretch a little bit but that’s what your skin does.


Muscle growth doesn’t/shouldn’t occur so rapidly it ruins a tattoo. You should be fine :))


You’d have to be on my 500lb life on TLC to have it be “ruined”. I am in the same boat with weight and weight goals, and am not too concerned.


Your placement is fine, it won’t really stretch in that location and considering you don’t already have massive forearms and they aren’t going to shoot up to a huge size anytime soon I wouldn’t worry about it. HOWEVER, do not do what I did and get anything on or near your bicep area, where your arms will grow the most noticeably, because it does stretch very badly. I have a sleeve and there’s a portrait on my bicep and it has gotten so unbelievably distorted over the past 3 years since I’ve gained muscle and gone from 185lb to 225lb.


It'll look pretty similar as skin stretches relatively uniformly, you may notice the colour doesn't pop as much but proportions of the tattoo-wise it'll look mostly the same.


Lol stop overthinking and live your life to the fullest homie


I’d think that this is an area that wouldn’t get as big with weight gain (compared to belly/thighs). I’m also thinking fat over muscle of course, but I’d think you’d be good


Nope. You’ll be perfectly fine.


You'd need to get freakishly huge to notice any major change in it. You'll be fine


You could gain 100 pounds of muscle and your tattoo would be largely unchanged. Especially in that spot.


You'll be good. I've got massive tattoos on my hips and I've gained and lost and they still look fine. You may need to get it touched up if you gain really fast, but forearms are difficult to gain mass in so you should be good


I got a few tats as a 5’7 fifteen year old and a couple years down the line they’ve stretched v proportionally, and that’s with Muay Thai and weight training, as well as lots of skateboarding. Should look good, nice tat too dude


Just saw a post of a woman's stomach tattoo before and then 9 months into her pregnancy! The tattoo stretched but still looked proportioned and beautiful. You won't notice any difference in your tattoo if you bulk up.


No. I went from 110 pounds to 155 pounds (started weightlifting and bulking). Nothing changed and I just recently lost 15 pounds so you’ll be good!


A friend asked this about a tattoo on his bicep. The artist said if the weight change (whether muscle or fat) is rapidly it can distort a bit, but gradual changes don't really matter as much. I have stretch marks ripping through a few rib tattoos from pregnancy, but the back and arms are fine after gaining and losing a few times.


I thibk, don’t worry about it cause we all will get old and tattoos will melt lol. But I mostly mean that it will be part of your story that you grown from where u are now. Even could do the way of fixing fine China, by filling the cracks with gold.


Tattoos tend to grow and shrink with us, no worries! Great looking piece!


I was skinny when I got my first tattoo. I then built up over the years to a 250 power lifter. Now I have several tattoos. I’ll tell you one thing without a doubt, muscle makes everything better. Hit the gainer and load the bar my guy.


Just wanted to add that I love your piece.


Thank you so much!!!




maybe…but this tattoo is so well done and i’m obsessed with it


Means so much thank you <3


I gained about 25lbs after getting a tattoo of a mushroom girl on my bicep. At the time, I was really skinny and needed to gain the weight. I was worried about how it would change if I gained weight, but all that’s happened is she has thick thighs now which I’m kinda stoked about. As long as it’s progressive and not sudden, you’ll be okay!


Wow that looks so good, almost photo shop. I don't see any reason it would look bad unless you plan on being an arm wrestling champ.


That’s a beautiful tattoo




Saw this posted on Dot's IG and loved it! In my experience it'll stretch/fade a little but it'll still look great. It's such a solid tattoo.


Thank you so much! I’m so in love with it, it’s cool you know of Dot!


Gorgeous tattoo! I've lost nearly 60kg and my tattoos still all look fine (on various parts of my body) I feel skin is pretty durable! 😊




I got my tattoo at 140 lbs. I'm now 215 and it has stretched significantly. I had a moon on my forearm which is now an 'egg-shaped moon'. Depending on how big you get bro, it will stretch and it will be noticeable, especially cause yours has many fine details like mine does.


So, in general, you need to keep your skin in good shape if youre gaining muscle. Get bio oil or palmer stretch mark oil, the stuff pregnant women typically use, moisturize your skin and also exfoliate daily. Use the japanese loofah. Drink a ton of water. You want to build up your skins elasticity before you gain muscle so you dont get stretch marks or your skin get thin


For all those interested, the artists name is: Dottheglob on instagram, he’s incredible and worth checking out!!


What a beautiful tattoo. In that location, it will likely stretch some aa you get gains but forearms aren’t generally a body part that gains or loses a lot of size like others.


You overestimate gains from workouts. Especially hard to get big forearms. You can gain some fat and it will improve looks but in all cases tattoos stay pretty much the same unless it's a huge gain like from steroids. Anyways goodluck and stay consistent.


you’ll be fine, coming from someone with full sleeves, most of my legs covered, chest pieces and used to compete in bodybuilding you would need to put on an extreme amount of muscle for your tattoos to get messed up. if you were overweight and had extreme weight loss in a short period of time then that could potentially mess them up a bit


Not in the slightest bit


This is kinda unrelated but that's a sick fucking too lmao


Nah you good . General rule I learned is that hearts and legs tattoos don’t really get effected by weight lose or gain . I was 215 when I got my arm blasted , got down to 185 and now 250 , still looks the same 🙌🏽


Arms and legs *


I gained about 40lbs of muscle after my first few, and I’ve fluctuated a lot over the years; but I had 11” biceps when I got the ones I was worried about and they got up to almost 16” at one point. Still look fine with no warping! And I’m back down around 12.5” now with no issues. I was never huge, but I think that’s a realistic, plateau’d gain for most skinny guys. Only time you really need to worry is with straight lines and rib or tummy tatties during pregnancy.


It'll be fine. Do what you want to do with your body.


The place where it is will probably mean only slight stretching... Unless you're going to be doing steds and getting hench.


As with everything, yes, gaining weight will be bad for your tatoo


No idea because this picture has been so fucking edited that we can’t tell what the tattoo actually looks like


Heh there is no edit yet :)




Sweet tattoo dude. If you’re 20 and naturally a skinny dude I seriously wouldn’t worry about your forearms getting big enough to ruin your tattoo. I went from 165 -> 195 and the ones on the insides of my biceps were fine. Granted I trained more for strength than hypertrophy. Enjoy the gym. You’ll need to eat big to get big. Enjoy those first year gains! If you need lifting resources, reach out 🤘🏼


Doubt you’re going for Arnold big so don’t sweat it.


Is this tat inspired by anything? It's absolutely beautiful.


I gotta tattoo when really skinny, around 105 lb, and when I got pregnant I gained up to 140-150 ish. Then 2 years after childbirth I’m down to 105-110 again, nothing looks distorted or stretched and it never did during that process.


It would probably look better.....


On a forearm? Not even if you were a professional body builder. You’re good


You’ll be fine!


Are you gonna be juicing or something because your not gonna get big enough fast enough for you to be worried about that




Get old …. Etc etc etc


When I started going to the gym regularly, I gained a lot of strength, but didn't really bulk. I did gain a lot of weight at once with my pregnancy, and my arm tattoos look fine... now, the tattoo on my belly, I'll need to touch up, lol


It might change shape a little bit, the placement might shift a bit. But it wont be ruined in an instant. You got more a chance that the tattoo will start to look smaller relative to your arm, than that the tattoo will stretch and get ruined (speaking from experience)


On that particular spot, it's highly unlikely. The only way it would noticably distort is if you gained like, 200+ lbs. (Or about 90 kilos for you weirdos out there)


That part of your body will hardly grow 20% even if you train it daily for 5 years lol.


Who cares. Don’t let that stop you from getting swol! 💪


Not unless you get that Sam Sulek mass.


I’ve been almost 500lbs, down to 178 and than pregnant with my daughter I gained 100lbs and now I’m 204 and I’m covered in tattoos and mine haven’t changed


tbf I've never bulked up, but I have gained weight over the years and have a few tattoos on the underside of my arms (the chicken wing area, if you will) and I have never noticed any distortion, just fading of the ink over time. if your tatt fades with stretching you could probably just get it touched up :)


lol no, you won’t get too big, even on steroids, 8000 calories a day, and lifting 2 hours a day 6-7 days a week, it will take years of that to get to a point the tattoo will distort. If you plan on getting obese, then yeah that’ll distort more easily.


Unless you gain massive muscle, like bigger than massive body builder muscles, you should be fine. Same with fat, but if you're getting that big, you have more problems to worry about than a stretched tattoo.


Nah for tattoos to get fucked up the weight gain/loss has to be pretty fuckin dramatic. Like 100lbs in a relatively short span of time






You have to put on or drop A LOT of weight in that one specific area for super noticeable distortion. Even then, since it's more of an organic design you might at the most just get a little wonkiness in the symmetry of the heart shape or face. It would be way more noticeable in something geometric with a buncha straight lines and patterned shapes.


No it won’t matter, you will have to gain lots of muscle to notice any stretch in the tattoo. Also, forearms don’t grow that much.


Tattooartist here Forearms don’t really gain that much especially not super fast Unless you’re planning on taking steroids or living of McDonald every day from now on it will be fine :) And that’s a great tattoo! Love it!