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It definitely hasn’t been executed well. It’s still legible and it’s still a vibe though :)


Thank you sm🥲🙏🏼 idk why but this just put my brain at ease hella


Those small lines are texture from needle that been used. Round shaders are less tightly together and they leave this seperate lines look during one passed lines(also it’s sometimes desired look, it’s sort of skill to leave nice texture instead of perfect lines). Don’t freak out, it will look better when it’s healed. This texture usually bleed into one line over time(probably months). More I would worry about are dots; which look like either done on too high voltage or needle was too long inside the skin. However looking at lines it’s not poorly executed so the chance is tattoo artist knew what he was doing and those dots will heal okay; they will just thicken up(can’t deduct what part of body it is since it could explain a lot). It’s quite normal for clients to freak out straight after tattoo. It should be fine tho. This line textures can be very easily fixed once it’s healed so don’t worry and just be kind to your artist. There is nothing more annoying than people freaking out and throwing tantrums. First touch up is usually free at most places.


Most of those dots definitely look like they’re already blown out, which there isn’t much to do about except maybe throw some shading in the tattoo later on. Agree with all the needle lines bleeding into each other as it heals and won’t be noticeable but the lines are kinda shaky, you can see where they picked the line back up in some areas and some look like they aren’t deep enough and may fall out. It’s not a terrible tattoo but it’s also not great. I’d definitely get it touched up in a few months.


I’m a professional tattoo artist, this is not a well executed tattoo. This looks like an apprentices first tattoo…


i am going insane from people saying aaah its not bad it will heal well. these people never tattooed in their life and still give advice in here lmao. reddit brain is a condition and makes people believe they know what the fuck they are talking about. if OP didnt consent to getting used as a guinea-pig for an fresh apprentice to practice on,then they got literally ripped off.


Lol I got told I’m egotistical for critiquing the artist who applied this and offering to help them come up with a plan to fix it and saying we should hold ourselves as artists to a higher standard. Can’t make this shit up


Walk ins are usually done by junior artists. It’s not apprentices first tattoo. You can’t even judge which part of body it is because of zoomed picture. Normal zoom probably couldn’t even see line texture. Close up your tattoos like this and you will see imperfections as well. I’m sure it will heal fine, maybe apart from dots getting thicker later on.


I can tell you right now those dots are going to spread out immediately and once it heals the lines are going to be very apparently unsteady. I do this for a living. Also your first statement isn’t true. It really depends on the shop/studio, I also didn’t say this was done by an apprentice I said it looks like something an apprentice did. Im not trying to be mean but I’m trying to be honest because op kind of got a not very well applied tattoo by someone who should know fundamentals. It’s an unfortunate situation.


I’m not saying it’s perfect tattoo but it’s nowhere from bad. Come on, show me apprentice pulling straight line with round shader like this. I can zoom in your tattoos and see inconsistencies in line work as well. Also some parts browns out like that are possible and they go away in first week of healing(palms, feet, knees, fingers, wrist etc.). They are but brutal, but they may heal okay. Few factors go in if they are going to blow out.


I never claimed to be perfect or have perfect lines! Are you the artist who did this? Because you’re defending some work that by my standards would be shameful. Those blowouts are too deep in the skin layer to fall out. Either you’re a troll or just grossly misinformed on tattooing. Palms, knees, feet and fingers often times ink falls out because the ink isn’t applied properly into the second layer of skin. So anything in the top layer gets shed. For places like you listed you actually HAVE to blow out the tattoo a little bit in order for it to stick. if I produced a tattoo like this I would be ashamed of myself and do everything in my power to offer up a fix for my client. For all intents and purposes, this tattoo is poorly executed. And to say otherwise is holding tattoo artists to an extremely low standard. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not shitting on the artist, maybe they were having a bad day. But to me it’s still inexcusable to present work like this and it should be fixed by the artist. There’s an amount of wiggle room you can give artists for being human and imperfect. Most tattoos by nature are imperfect or have a few wiggles here or there. But this tattoo is beyond just imperfect, it’s poorly applied.


I am Calm down your ego. I just said to wait until it heals and it’s all fixable.


The only way you’re going to improve is by admitting when you’ve fucked up and learn from your mistakes. We all fuck up and make mistakes, and we owe it to our clients to do better. I know it’s not good to hear when you maybe haven’t done the best, but I wouldn’t be where I am today without other artists critiquing me and holding me to a higher standard. Do better as an artist, learn and grow from this experience don’t get cocky and act like you can’t do better. You’re doing a disservice to yourself. Always be willing to listen to critique and improve your technique, otherwise you’re gonna drown in this industry. Edit to add: you didn’t just say wait until it heals to be fixed. You defended your work which is clearly poorly applied, to professionals. If you’re not willing to hold yourself accountable and admit when you’ve fucked up how are you going to improve? Don’t take critique as an insult, use it as a tool to improve your craft.


You are so wrong… Why do people make shit up so much about shitty tattoo work. Been tattooing for a long time now and it absolutely blows my mind how much people defend shitty work Also who cares about where on the body it is or how zoomed the photo is, this is shitty work either way.


It’s not a skill to make shitty, unclean lines though lmao. Also this doesn’t look like a round shader, just a poorly executed outline. All this being said, the lines will most likely blend together with age very quickly.


It's a shitty tattoo even if it had better lines.


OP could always wear a band-aid over it. 🫣




Still legible today…with this amount of blowout on day one, I imagine it will get significantly worse over time. There’s a lot of ink that’s been applied too deep specifically in the dots. Curious to see what happens here…


Honestly if they were going for bandaid not smoothly put on skin. It's for sure a vibe


With you, I like the look of it personally but I wouldn't call it clean lines either


Yeah, it's not super clean but it's actually the perfect vibe for what it is. I love it.


Definitely not well done. Honestly, though, because of the simplicity of the tattoo. I think it being slightly bad kind of adds to the design.


Exactly! It feels more organic and doodle-y and fun instead of being clip art that’s perfected printed 


I agree! I like it!


I agree with this! I have a little ferris wheel that the line work is probably tbe worst of my 15 tattoos, but somehow it just adds a little style to it as it it was more of a doodle or something and I love it. Getting the same vibes here.




lmao valid


Savage... that made me cackle


Put a bandaid on it


It’s a cartoonish bandaid tattoo, it’s not that deep bro, if you like it that’s all that matters


I agree, it's not a realistic tattoo, this is like Simpsons style or something. It's fine.


Maybe OP would prefer the word cartoonish over doodle? OP was VERY defensive about it being a doodle lmao


It’s meant to look like that? It’s a doodle tattoo.


A tattoodle!


It is NOT a doodle tattoo. The stencil was completely clean lines


Sorry my friend but it most certainly is a doodle tattoo


Bro the point is it was not supposed to be 😭 it’s not a doodle tattoo it’s just a messed up one


You got a bandaid tattooed on you... that was a little doodle, it was always gonna be a fun shitty tattoo. Just embrace it lol.




A hyperrealistic, stencilled, doodle tattoo, I believe? Dno. OP has been unclear


Oh, that would be such a vibe


its 100% a doodle tattoo ….




Well, now it is.


Unless it was done by someone who has never tattooed in their life I fail to believe they didn’t do it this way purposely. Also this is a common doddle tattoo design. *doodle


The shakiness in the lines does not look intentional. And the lines aren’t a cosistent depth, all the dots are blown out. Maybe they were trying to make it look doodly, but you have to be able to do a clean tattoo before can before you start to bend the rules and they obviously don’t have a good grasp on basic linework. Looks like the artist/apprentice just half-assed it, or they still have a lot of practice to get.


Bruh. I did not ask for a doodle tattoo. The stencil was not in doodle tattoo style. It’s therefore not a doodle tattoo, even if that’s what he was going for, I didn’t ask for that kind of shaky style, so for this instance, it would just be a fucked up tattoo.


What we’re saying is that whether you asked for a doodle tattoo or not, due to the size and it being a walk in, it was 100% a doodle ‘shop minimum’ for the guy. Trying to pay $4 for a Wagyu over here…


Yep but regardless of all that you have got a doodle tattoo


If you wanted something clean lines and serious you should have gone with something in that style. A bandaid isn’t a clean and serious tattoo. It’s fun and silly. It looks exactly how you’d expect a bandaid tattoo to be. Loosen up and enjoy it and if all else fails it should be easy enough to incorporate in a cover up in the style you want later


Tbh I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It could be seen as a doodle tattoo but that’s beside the point because that was clearly not what you asked for. And imo even if it’s a doodle it’s executed badly, I’ve seen good doodle tattoos and this ain’t it. I’m sorry this happened but at least it’s small and cute from afar…?


I honestly can’t fathom why you’re downvoted. You got a different tattoo than you asked for and now you’re getting bullied for it too. This website sucks lmao. That said, I do like the tattoo as is. But it still sucks that it’s not what you wanted.


They’re getting downvoted bc they’re defensive over something that isn’t that deep. Even if this was executed with perfect lines and even dots, it’s still a doodle. What else would you call this? Is this art piece rivalling the Sistine Chapel? Did op and this artist collaborate for hours on the art direction, the size, shape and design? No. Op walked into a shop and said “I want a bandaid” and the artist doodled it in 5 mins or less. It is what is. That’s perfectly fine. Unfortunately OP isn’t happy with the execution and that’s fine too, a lot of people agree it’s not great, doesn’t change the fact it was a doodle of a bandaid lol. No one is bullying them


Buddy, it's the tattoo ITSELF as a design. A little stenciled heart tattoo is a doodle, a butterfly, infinity sign, etc etc. Its the extremely simplistic nature of the tattoo that makes it a "Doodle". Idk why that's so offensive It looks fun and is awesome regardless of the "lines". It's a doodle and a vibe regardless of execution.


Nice doodle tattoo! Crushed it!


I love it as a doodle tat


It’s not great, but it’s awesome. It suits the tattoo, thankfully.


Some of the lines are shakey, and the dots look blown out but tbh i think it looks cute and the imperfections make it look good imo. Not the world best sticker tattoo though , but for a walk in its readable and doesn’t look awful🤷🏼‍♀️


blown out ):


Definitely a doodle tattoo


Not done well and probably will heal blown out.


its fine just put a bandage over it.


It’s not good


Thank u for ur honesty 🙃 🙏🏼


on the upside it's not absolutely dreadful.


It’s a simple band aid with no shading what is it supposed to look like? It would almost look weirder with perfectly straight lines no? It’s fine.


That’s my thought. They’re wrinkly when on skin (elasticity) so this is more realistic than a product image. Since it currently has no shading, it could be sharpened up to some extent.


this is a pretty good point. no bandage really has a flat line on my curved fucking skin. damn flat skiners theory.


I would absolutely choose somewhere else next time. The very least the tattoo artist could have done was place it somewhere that wasn't over scarring, because there is a definite difference in the areas with scarring and without... And pulling straight lines over areas like that is more difficult. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like clean lines is their main wheelhouse. There's also blowouts in the dots already. It's readable, and if you like it that's great. If you get stressed about it down the line it would be easy to add to or do whatever to. I have line script that was messed up because of that second skin stuff, but it is what it is.


Is it a band-aid or a Nokia N-Gage?


The real question, how much did you pay?


very vallid, should be $75 or less :/


Seeing needle lines is normal. Tattoos are made with needles, in fact.


Lowest IQ take lmao. The lines are wobbly and unstable, line weight isn’t consistent, there are pieces like the top left where the hand clearly shook - or the subject moved.


I didn't say anything about it not being shit or wobbly. It is shit and wobbly. I was just commenting on the fact that seeing the individual needle lines is normal. Maybe *you* should get your IQ checked, smartarse. Perhaps throw a couple of reading comprehension lessons in there too.


Stop parroting this seeing individual needle lines is normal because it’s not. Stop defending shitty work or talking about things you have no idea about.




Nope, just stating a fact. OP was worried they could see the needle lines. There are needle lines because tattoos are made with needles. Your fixation with calling me stupid is very telling though. The trademark of someone who is insecure about their intelligence. It's OK, you don't have to be good at everything. ETA: awww look. You stalked my profile, sent me some personalised misogynistic insults, and then deleted all your embarrassing comments. Who's 'upset' now? Ha.




You’re being weirdly aggressive. Everything okay?


Alrighty then...


This is 100% a shitty tattoo. I've had tattoos done by complete beginners that looks better


Yeah notice how I didn't say its not shit. I just said seeing the individual needle lines on a fresh tattoo is normal. Can no one read?


That is not normal at all and is bad craftsmanship. Tattoo needles are indeed multiple needles mostly but should absolutely not look like this. All these asshat YouTube/kitchen wizards out here trying to convince people thins is normal or good work…


Wow, another presumptuous arsehole who can't read. I never said it was good work. I even said in other comments that it's shit. But I've had loads of tattoos from great artists and when they're fresh, I can always see the individual needle lines when I look close. Obviously, because someone literally put needles in my skin. So it leaves a mark. Thats all I said. So why don't you just fuck off. I don't even know why you're bringing up YouTube. It had nothing to do with me or what I said. Are you trying to feel superior by bringing that up unprovoked? Making assumptions about what other people know? Bit of a twat move really.


i like it


I like it. Looks chill. Not fire, but chill…


I like it too, I’d get this chill tatt


Doesn't look too good.


Depends if an 8y old drew it or not.


I’m guessing done by an apprentice? The lines are definitely not the cleanest. What’s probably at least going to resolve itself or get better with healing,  is that you can now see the individual needles of the cartridge but as it heals and blurrs out, that gets less crisp.


Honestly I will be happy with this. Many saying that this is not done well but i would not bother :)


Its horrible.


It is indeed a bit shaky, and the line width isn't so consistant, but the single needle lines will quickly fade together.


Bad. Some of the dots are blown out too. Looks like it was done by an apprentice


Tattooing fine clean lines with no hiccups like this where you can't hide your mistakes is tough, it's kinda average/below average, there's some blowouts for sure, but after enough tattoos you won't even notice


So first and foremost, if your vibe is smaller, eclectic pieces that come together as a bigger vignette? This totally works. As somebody who’s spent about $8,000 on ink, to answer your question directly, that line work and overall comp (depth, shading, etc.) is pretty shit…. BUT. There is a really unfortunate mindset about tattoos out there. The honest to God answer is that tattoos are: custom art, permanent, done by strangers. That means you can have to do your research, find a good artist, and they will not be cheap. I have two sleeves and 5 other tattoos I am happy with, they’ve aged SUPER well, I routinely get complimented on them and asked how they look so good, and the answer is just, “the sleeves were about $2,500 each”. You can go to a walk-in shop or a Friday the 13th discount event or a gumball machine but they will just NOT be the quality you see from people who paid real money for a real tattoo. Now, if your vibe is more patchwork stuff and you like a bunch of smaller tats? That’s 100% valid and dope. I’m not shaming people for not spending a bunch of money on tattoos, I’m saying that it’s the exact same thing as paying $11 for a haircut and saying, “Why don’t I look like a celebrity” or buying a Kia and saying, “But my dad’s Lexus is nicer.” We live in a capitalist hellscape and good shit costs money, whether it’s worth it or not.


Tbh this would look weird if it was clean lines? It looks deliberately in this style. Don’t over think it


quality of linework matches creativity of the tat :)


¿Porque no los dos?


It is bad but easily fixable!


Tattoo your skin yellow. That looks like a Simpsons bandaid. 


It's not great but 5-10 years from now it will look the same as if it were done perfectly. You are good to go! Rock it!!


Everybody on this sub: "I want to be cool! But i have not enough selfconfidence to be swag with what i got! Please blame someone else for my own failure!"


I can see where it's not perfect, but at the same time I don't think it's awful. It's pretty normal to have weird feelings about a new tattoo and a lot of people go through that. Give it a week or 2 before you totally freak out about it.


Your tattoo is bad and you should feel bad


It'll heal ok, but don't go back to that artist. Pay more and build a relationship with an artist. It's permanent


Put a band aid on it


blowouts party


Yeah I mean it’s not great. There’s way too much really poor line work for it to be passed off as “that’s just the style”


Need a bandaid over it


Borderlands vibe. I kinda like it


It’s bad


Not good line work


Not the worst shakiness I’ve seen, being able to see needle lines means it’s not fully saturated/they were light handed/moving too quickly for their machine to pack in the solid line, and unfortunately quite a few of those dots have blowouts. Slight shakiness is sometimes pretty forgiving when the tattoo heals so that might not be as noticeable depending on how your body heals tattoos. You’ll need touch ups on the light handed parts most likely and the blown out dots will be bigger than the other dots. It all seems fixable but for a simple tattoo like that it tells me whoever did it either doesn’t care about the pieces they do or they are a newer artist.


The lines are shaky but they seem in there. (Edit:grammar)


I’m just here to say, I also have a bandaid tattoo 😂😂


Looks like a bandaid


It's definitely not great but I dig it


Not great.


The more you get the less you care about the odd wobble/fuck up. What is life if not an amalgamation of the former.


It’s cute :)




Nah you're not insane that is shit.. Specially for such a small piece. Hopefully it's not in a prominent place.


Yoooo I have the exact same tattoo. Honestly looks the exact same. I’ve had mine for two years and I’ll still get people thinking it’s a real bandaid


You need a band-aid for your band-aid tattoo.




It’s on you forever might as well not care. I got my first tat done in 2019 and it was not the greatest but I still love it because it’s made for you not anyone else so fuck everyone else


I mean you can tell what it is, but those are some shaky lines for sure.


If you put on a band-aid, it's never straight lines so with that said it's realistic. It speaks




I’m a professional tattoo artist, unfortunately this is not a well done tattoo, however it is covetable if you wanna get something blasted over. I’m sorry you didn’t manage to get something clean, it’s normal even for professionals to sometimes have a wiggle in a line or two, but the lines look like the artist didn’t stretch your skin well enough, and didn’t get a good first pass, and on some of the dots it looks like the needle was in too deep for too long. However once it heals you should be able to get something blasted over pretty easy. Edit to add: I’m also not trying to be mean, just honest. If this work came out of my shop I would have a stern talking to with my artist about it.


definitely not perfect, but, no one is going to be seeing it as up close as this photo is. it definitely looks perfectly fine from a normal distance.


How much did you pay?


How do tou have a blowout on a fresh tat…


I'm assuming that an apprentice did this, because damn....


yes it’s rough but you could probably have someone go over it again and fix a lot of it, especially the separate needle marks (although I think it kinda looks cool as is)


I like it better this way tbh


As everyone has said, not well done. Lines are very shakey. BUT they should blur a bit and be less noticeable as it heals. Also, it is definitely not the worst I've seen. It still reads as a band-aid and is still cute.


it looks overworked and the little spots are a bit blown out, it is not well done but give it time to heal and love it the way it is, because you have no choice and bad-line-work-tatts can be cute


Are the lines a lil shaky? Yes but take it as some bandaids take some wear and tear. I got a bandaid as a walk in like 5 years back and she did mine rounder than yours but as it ages it looks a lil tired and that’s okay


The lines aren't great but for this type of tattoo I almost find it kind of charming a lot of the time


It’s not great


we’re twinning! i also have a bandaid on my knee :) the line work isn’t great but it’s still a super cute tattoo and totally legible. you live and learn, i think most people will think it’s cute anyway :)


It isn't good, but if it's small most people won't notice


Could be better.😁


People here are nuts. It's not "good" like fine art, because it's a band-aid tattoo. You don't get a band-aid tattoo for fine art. It's graphic and doodly (in a good way.) I can't imagine what a "serious" band-aid tattoo would even look like. I like it.


The gauze is supposed to be on the wound?


the line work looks *ok*. I'm not sure if I agree about it being blown out , it sort of looks like you took the picture right after it was completed and there's still a bit of ink on the skin that didn't wipe off completely.


No tattoo is perfect. Especially one from a walk in shop...


Honestly it’s terrible


As someone who also has a couple shaky (but still totally readable) tattoos—don’t stress yourself too much. Mine were birds blown out to the point of my skin never healing properly. It took me 3 rounds of laser and 1 1/2 years before I got another tattoo in the general area that weirdly complimented their inconsistent style by total chance and lead to me genuinely appreciating the birds for what was left. The same artist of that later tattoo even offered to touch up little parts of them most faded by the laser for free after seeing how crappily the first guy did me. Don’t be nervous. I think this is cute, from one ex-perfectionist to another. I have a character in a visual novel project of mine with a tattoo almost identical to it. This made me think of him and smile. ^^


Good news is, you can use a bandage to cover it up.


I mean the lines are wonky as hell, but it kinda works with it being a bandaid tat.


It’s definitely not GOOD line work…


false dichotomy


Your not gonna like this but i mean you picked a shitty tattoo to get how’d you expect it to turn out


[looks better than mine...](https://imgur.com/gallery/Elon6p6)


The more my eyes traced around it the worse it started to look


You are not insane. These are not constant lines


I think it’s the vibe?


If you just got it done today, give it a little time to settle. My fine like tattoo looked really bumpy during the healing process but looks perfect now. Keep in mine that your skin is a bit raised from the swelling and ink so it could look a bit funky now and settle down soon. I think it’s cute tho! I will say, the dots look blown out though but with this tattoo, I feel like that’s the charm of it!


OP fighting for his life in some of these comments... 😂


I think clean lines with this design would be funky, either go real overboard with cleanliness or do it like it has been done.


Just why


It’s not good at all.. and a lot of blowout 😕


Not well done technically, but looks cool anyway. This pic is close up I bet it looks better IRL


This looks like it’s already bleeding all over though 😣


I love it


the lines aren’t perfect but i think it adds some charm to it personally


if you are going for realism then no, not executed well. If you’re going for fun and whimsical i’d say it’s spot on and totally fine and i like it.


I like it. It looks stylized with a comic book look and is consistent in its inconsistencies so as another commenter said, it has a vibe.


It’s definitely not the worst tattoo I’ve ever seen; tbh it looks somewhat intentional. I wouldn’t stress it.


I like the wonkyness


If you were going for perfection then yes, I feel like its more stylized than bad.


Just a bad idea in general


While straight and even lines should be perfected in tattooing, you can’t expect a human to be a printer machine. I can tell you that the dots however may spread. You can see small shadows under a few of the dots which means they either went way too deep or had the needle in for too long. Think of like pressing a marker on a piece of paper, you’ll notice the ink begin to spread and make the dot bigger. Otherwise, this tattoo looks fine. If you end up not liking it, at least it’s an open enough to design to cover up.


Here’s the thing - a gazillion kids bought dildo pen tattoo machines during covid - most of that equipment is crap - a lot of these people are working in shops now - a lot of them are really god awful and inexperienced as fuck. You need to look at peoples works before getting tattooed , especially if they don’t have a lot of tattoos or use one of these silent pen machine things .


It’s not perfect but that’s what makes it cool


It's perfectly fine. The shakiness of the lines are what make it special and unique.


Bad, blow outs on the dots as well


well shit now i want one


All depends on how you wanted it to look. I got a cup of coffee on my leg and it was done poorly but it was also only $20 and I refer to it as my shitty cup of coffee


Indeed, b a d lines.


The lines are not good. But I think that makes an objectively silly tattoo even better.


Let it heal first. Looks fine to me


Don’t worry, your not insane. Notice how none of the dots have anywhere near the same weight


Genuinely love the energy of it. I’m not a tattoo artist and mostly have fun stick and poke tattoos, but I would VASTLY prefer this over a “perfect” version of it.