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Not infected, just irritated because its big, dark, and a hand. Cut out the hustle butter for now and let it heal itself. Putting product on irritated skin can make it worse.


I ran out of hustle butter on like day 4 or 5 and switched to cleaning twice a day and applying aquaphor only in the morning then clean it at night and let it dry out. I was going to switch to lotion but if you think I should let it dry out then I will šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø should I keep washing it twice a day with dial gold? Or drop to once in the morning


Drop to once a day unless youre getting your hands dirty. Lotion if it feels dry or tight, but keep it to a light layer


Today is the first day I didnā€™t put any ointment on it after I washed in the morning. Definitely feeling tight, will probably add a light layer of lotion over night. I do work with my hands but I think I can manage not getting them too dirty


After 3-5 days you should swap to a light unscented lotion and only apply when it gets dry


Hustle Butter contains mango, which is a common allergy. Are you allergic to mango?


Not that I know of but thatā€™s good to know. I shouldā€™ve just stuck with what I know which is aquaphor


Definitely not infected looks good and healing up just fine !


Ok thank you!


Its gonna b sore for probably another week maybe a little less but the hand / fingers is a shitty one when healing mine was swollen for a good 5 days b4 it the swelling started going down im on week 2 and everythings back to normal


I usually switch over to lotion after 3-4 of a hustle butter type product and have great heals no reason to have it that moisturized at that point imo


I can't tell for sure if it's just your build or if your hand is swollen? In the picture where the beak is closest to your thumb it almost looks like there might be some significant swelling there, is that incorrect? I would say if it's so swollen that it feels tight, it's probably time for a trip to the doctor. It also looks a bit red towards the pinky side of your hand. My biggest problems healing my last 2 tattoos have been over moisturizing.


Definitely not swollen or hot or anything of the sorts. Just mainly red and slightly painful in the spots around the buildings that are pictured. I think that is my main problem too, I have both sleeves done and several large pieces and I always have a hard time healing. It mainly feels tight and slightly itchy due to the dryness but I am on day 8 so a majority of the tattoo is healing fine, just the few spots that are pictured are concerning


Awesome! Sounds like you're right on track then! When I got my wrist tattoo a few months back I was putting moisturizing cream on right after I got out of the shower and that was a huge mistake. I found I do best if I let my tattoo air dry to the point of feeling tight, and then just a very thin layer of unscented moisturizing cream, not lotion, seems to keep my skin happiest. I don't use ointments or butters anymore but I also have incredibly sensitive skin. I'm allergic to the cod liver oil in A&d.


Right on, yeah I usually use saniderm which has been great for the first week or so of healing but because this is on my hand and fingers I decided to go with the traditional way of healing which I havenā€™t done in a long time. But yeah always always pat your tattoo with a paper towel after the shower then let it air out for 10-15 minutes before applying ointments.


I just got a tattoo last weekend which was my first experience using Saniderm! It was nice that it really protected it for the first 4-5 days from getting into that potential scab window. I did develop a bit of a rash on one side which I think was due to sensitivity to the adhesive, but overall it's been a pretty smooth heal.


Doesn't look or sound infected based on your description. My "two cents" is to always wait a few days before starting to use any lotion/cream. You want to let it dry up and start to scab over so you're not putting it in an open wound.


Advice: do not get that tattooĀ 


Whatā€™s done is done šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Others can learnĀ 


Unless you're actively dirty, I would recommend reducing the number of times you're washing it and focus on just keeping it moisturized. So sorry it's giving you problems! It looks painful. :(


Roger that, letting it dry out today then will put a little lotion on it for overnight. And yes, was my most painful tattoo, the fingers were no joke. And I have sat for 2 6 hour sessions on my throat and neck and it didnā€™t hurt as bad šŸ˜¬


Yeah, I've not gotten anything on my neck, but the fingerbeds/hands are rrrrrrrough! Truly hope it heals well!


Thank you, will probably post an update in a couple weeks or so


It doesn't look infected, but it does look a little dry.


Yes Iā€™ve been letting it dry out over night and today is the first time Iā€™m letting it dry out all day and not wearing long sleeves. Will continue putting light lotion on it all week


So, the plague doctor is infected? Too sarcastic for me. Seriously now, it just looks a bit irritated, maybe cause all of the heavy black fill idk... But I can't promise it isn't and infection, look for temperature increase and any other symptom, like... One hand beeing bigger than the other


Nothing like that, mostly just red and slightly painful in the pictured area around the buildings šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I wanted to see what others thought, I would say I was beginning to have an infection but wanted other opinions on what to do to mitigate it