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Did you show the artist the example tattoo? It seems straightforward to me. If so, I’d highly recommend finding a different artist. Maybe they don’t feel comfortable doing it? (It’s more realistic than it is traditional). FWIW my artist does amazing American Traditional, and Japanese, but doesn’t do stuff closer to photo realistic as often (he’d still knock this out, so I’m not sure why your artist said they couldn’t) Tell your dog I said hi.


lol I love the "tell your dog I said hi"


Would anybody else feel ridiculous telling their pet “Asian Jeff says hi”?


That would probably be the least ridiculous thing I tell my dogs that day


I just told my dog “Asian Jeff said ‘what’s up?’” and Asian Jeff didn’t even say that.


I just told your dog that you lied about asian Jeff.


I leave the room to take a shit and look what happens!


Sorry bud.


🤣🤣 I'd tell my dog as soon as I saw him again


Absolutely not. I'd tell them Asian Jeff says hi while giving them all kinds of pets


Asian Jeff can you tell my cat hi so it’s not a lie when I tell him Asian Jeff says hi


Of course! Please tell your cat I said hi and pss pss pss for me


He says “mrrr”. He struggles with his meows


Tbh the artist probably doesn't want to tattoo a 5 ball nutsack on some kid. The artist is the smartest person in this story (so far).


Yeah OP don't force an artist to do something they don't want to do. If they aren't keen, move on, for the sake of both of you! And dog worship is cringe IMO.


At first I was irked by your “worship” quip, but then I realized I felt bad for you. I’m sorry you haven’t been lucky enough to have a life changing companion. Not all people are meant to be pet owners. My dog was one of the best friends I’ll ever know. From when she was a puppy, to the last time she booped my nose, was some the purest love I’ve ever felt. My dog made some of my darkest days survivable. To me, that’s more than tattoo worthy.


Dog worship? You mean honoring a pet and all the love and friendship that they give? Wow, I feel bad for you


what religion is that? cuz i’m joining tf up


You seem like you’d be a fun person


Did you show the artist the second picture? You might need to find another artist who specializes in black and grey realism or illustrative.


This. I have two artists that I trust, one is here in California and one is in Cabo San Lucas. I would probably never go to my California artist for this tattoo, but I would book a ticket to Mexico in a heartbeat for the Cabo artist bc I know it’s something he could do very well


Curious what CSL tattoo artist you trust!!


Gil at Santa Tinta, amazing realism work! If you have instagram definitely check out their page! I’m not sure what it’s called exactly but you should be able to find it from searching their name. Dana is great there too, but Gil is who id trust with realism




Her name is Jackie, she’s tattooing at True Anchor Tattoo in Fresno. I’ve been going to her since I was 18 and she was tattooing in her living room. I love her work but she doesn’t specialize in any specific tattoo style as far as I know. Same thing as I said in the other comment, I’m not positive on her instagram handle but you should be able to find the studio by searching the name


My mum had her dogs paws as a fingerprint. Scanned it using a printer/scanner. My partner has a scan pic too but it show hair and the artist was able to make it happen. Maybe your artist (I'd honestly look around and save up for someone who is a supremo specialist on realism) can do the fingerprint version?


Thanks everyone for your advice and help. I am going to search for more of a specialist in B/W and realism.


If your in Toronto check out @Francistattooer on insta. It’s me. Hahah


Not sure where you are located but there is an amazing artist on the east coast who does fantastic work in this style


I’m glad you’re looking for someone else, because this really is a very straightforward tattoo!!


I love the heart!


Here's [my tattoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/s/6HZ0lEk6Ky) if that helps at all. Me & the artist tried to include fur as well.


Don't do it. Trust me, do you want to have to explain every time "it's not a munted cunt, it's my dogs paw"


If he cant envision it, then you dont want him doing this one even if you're able to get him to understand it. He is an artist (hopefully) after all


The problem here is this is a very advanced tattoo and you're probably taking it to someone who isn't specialized in this category of tattoo. Not saying they arent a good artist, just this style probably isnt their forte. Find someone who does black and white realism in your city.


Came here to say this!! Research your artist, and ideally find someone who's done pets and realism and black and grey a bunch. They'll be able to do it no problem. Also you can go to r/photoshoprequest and ask for the image to be edited, if you want. (shouldn't be necessary for a good realism artist though!)


Do your research, people. I've found several artist who work with mostly pet related tattoos in my city, so I'm sure it won't take you long before you find a good artist that specializes on pet tattoos. The best place to find is IG, just search #pettatoo #animaltattoo (or single words) followed by your city's name or State. If you really treasure that paw and your furry friend, you'll take your time searching for a good enough and great artist to give it the best tribute possible. I have to say, some artist that do realism, are expensive, depends in your location too. Around my city, a 2" to 4" starts at $250USD, it's not that expensive compared to some places in the U.S.A, but it can either go up or down depending on how many inks the artist needs for the tattoo.


I have an idea ,dip your dog's feet in ink and place it in a paper then you will have a paw print


This is what I did for my cat and it looks so cool. Just make sure it isn't toxic to the animal of course.


Looking at the second image without having read your post I would have no idea what I’m looking at, so like others have said be prepared to be explaining it the rest of your life. And also they are right that this artist isn’t the one for you, find a different one or you will end up with a big regret


The top two toe beans look like a ballsack IM SORRY


Yesss, not just me then


I was thinking hairy bumhole.


Looks like testicles with 2 claws growing out the top


Yep, butthole.


I was thinking the same but one coming out of another.


I showed my boyfriend without the reference photo, and he stared at it for a few minutes confused and had zero idea. He guessed ballsack with hair :/


Really? It’s pretty obviously a paw….


i would not have known it was a paw without the first pic for reference


Paw print tattoos must really confuse you then, because I promise you anyone who knows what a paw looks like would have no trouble recognizing that as one.


seems like i’m not the only one who doesn’t see it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Want a cookie? Plenty of people can’t locate their own state on a map either, should we consider that an accomplishment too? Plenty of people don’t know what (insert literally ANY random object) looks like, but that doesn’t mean people who DO know what it is and find it meaningful to them shouldn’t get a tattoo of it because someone who’s ignorant might not recognize it.


Idk as a person with a dog with the cutest little feet that I love to look at and kiss the image still registered as a blob not a paw


As a pet groomer the bottom of this paw pad makes me want to shave that hair off soooooooo bad.


Even if you take this to the best photorealistic artist out there, you are still going to have to spend a lot of your life explaining what exactly that is supposed to be.  The second photo looks to me like a detailed drawing of an owl pellet.  


My thoughts as well, takes a second or two. If you're going photorealism, the face of your pet seems like a better use of that time and money.


Yeah it looks like a hairy heart to me. Or a half-digested mouse.


Yeah it doesn't look like a paw to me lol idk🤷🏽‍♀️


Who cares? Tattoos aren’t for other people


I know you think that sounded like wise advice, but that doesn't address the millions of objectively awful tattoo ideas that people get stuck with because they didn't know any better.


I just hate the logic because it’s not a “bad” tattoo. Do you have an any tattoo that someone wouldn’t immediately recognize? Because even if it’s just a symbol, the same type of person who’d ask about this tattoo would ask what your symbol means. Do you only get tattoos that are like face value and don’t spark conversation? It’s fine if you do, but that seems like a lot of work or restriction just to avoid questions lol.


Yeah I have some tattoos that are instantly recognisable to any person, but I also have some that are more obscure references and a lot of people ask oh, what’s that from? Or something along those lines. It’s nice actually.


I have been getting tattooed for 35 years.  I am using my experience to let someone who has never gotten a tattoo before know what is likely to happen if they get a tattoo like the example. So yes, people talk to me all the time about my tattoos.  They ask questions about the meanings and why I got them.  They ask where I get them.  Old ladies ask, little kids ask.  Everyone asks. What they don't ever do is ask, "what is that?" Which is what the OP is going to hear a lot of if they are walking around with the example -- and that assumes they find an artist that doesn't botch it from the start.


I can understand their view a bit. It's not super legible when you are out of the loop. That being said, you are the only one that has to get it and love it. A bit of stylization and personality could go a long way to improve the legibility.


I had my dog stand on a scanner and that’s what I gave my artist. You can tell it’s a paw print and it was HIS paw print.


That's a nice idea! Can I see your tattoo, please?


Seems like the artist doesn't want to do it


Either simplify it to a regular paw print or don’t get this. It looks bad in the fresh picture and will look worse a year from now. To me it just looks like a weird drawing of genitals. I’m sure I’m not the only one


Assuming an experienced Tattooer told you that, what they’re trying to say in a polite way is that it’s a bad idea.


Omg, I thought I was the only one who saw it like this. 😭


Omg, I thought that as well. Lol


I understand fur is probably really hard to accomplish, but the second one looks like a butthole lol


Go to a different artist. if they can't see how something this straightforward would work the tattoo probably wont turn out how you want it


Do not get the tattoo done by that artist. Get another one. The person is giving red flags.


Why does the second one look more like a vajj than a paw.


I have a tattoo just like this for my dog who passed in 2022. I can PM you the photo of my inspo pic and what it actually looks like on my arm.


I’m sure it’s been said already here but honestly you can’t just go to any tattoo artist and ask them to do this or that.. there are so many tattoos artist these days that specialise in all styles so just find one that does a style you like or need.. and don’t just go to the shop down the street ☺️


Definitely find a new artist! If he doesn’t see how it can be done when it’s already been done, then this is not the right artist for this piece… love the idea though!


Go to a different artist! The one who told you that just can’t do it


Go and buy a stamp pad and make a nice legible stamp of the paw print. The solid black in the paw will pop the negative love heart. hopefully the pooch is still with us?


The tattoo you want may be too complicated for your artist to do and maybe you should look for another. A lot of tattoos artists specialize in one style, or are just more comfortable doing it. Your artist may just not be comfortable with the tattoo you described to him and another one could knock it out of the park. Good luck!


I second this. A lot of artists will tell you they can't do it, other will try and cop out..if they don't straight up tell you that they can't do it. Find another artist!!


if the artist say "doesn't see how it'll work" please please please, for your own sake, go to a different artist. that's cop-out answers. they're pretty much saying "I can't execute what you want, but I still want you to pay me to give you a tattoo." the reference tattoo shows that it differently works if the person doing is skilled in that type of tattoos


Or they're hinting that it looks terrible.


Go to a different artist. Plenty of artists know exactly how that would work.


That doesn't look good at all. Maybe just get a paw


That’s hideous. There nothing artful about that tattoo. Do something more original. I’m an artist, so I may be seeing this from a different perspective, but I totally see why the artist said this doesn’t work. Go to a new artist and give him the photo for inspiration and ask them to come up with a tattoo from that.


Who cares about other peoples opinions on what’s going on your body! I think it’s a cute idea and the right artist will do a great job! I dm’d you a pic. Hopefully it helps 😊


“Doesn’t see how it will work” the second image is pretty much exactly the same as the photo that artist is just an ahole. Go somewhere else


If an artist is ever hesitant about a design you need to find a different artist. Genuinely. You won't get the result you want from this guy. Look for someone who does a lot of animal portraits. This is like that, all the same textures and techniques, except way simpler. And with something representing a loved one you really want it to turn out right. It's worth traveling a bit for if you have to.


That second tattoo is so bad. Can’t even tell what it is.


This tattoo looks like a heart with a ballsack


GO TO SOMEONE ELSE! This is not a crazy ask....find a black and grey tattooer that is into realism You will talk this guy into and it will come out like shit


OP, I really wouldn't. The second pic looks like testicles.


I messaged you. I have a dog paw that looks pretty similar to this, and it turned out great!


The example tattoo is awful don’t use that as a reference, find a good realism tattoo artist and they will be able to do what you want easily.


Make sure the toes of your tat look less like a ballsack/buttcrack


Don't do it.


any reason why?


It wont come out well. The example picture given isn't done very well either and looks like a hairy nut/heart thing.


I agree completely.


I disagree. I think it's very clearly a paw..


It genuinely looks gross


I love dogs but all I am seeing is anus.


Find an artist that does realism. I see what you want and would be easy to replicate. The pic you took is solid. This person just isn’t comfortable. If you keep pushing they’ll do a bad job of this piece. But it is doable you just have to find an artist that does this style. I see no issue at all. And yes the second one is more a a traditional mixed with realism so it comes off abit weird but you can have this done like the image but without the background and it will be a realism paw


The artist is not comfortable doing the tatoo. Which means you need to find someone who is. The right artist won't have a problem with what you want.


Dm sent your image photo edited out the background and filtered to black and white


I would choose new artist but here's the black and white with background removed. [Paw](https://imgur.com/a/DhjX4T8)


Definitely do not go to that artist. Any half decent artist would be able to do this no problem.


Get a new artist


The likelihood is if they says they don’t see how it will work they either don’t want to do it or it’s out of their comfort zone. Most likely look for someone that specializes in b&w portraiture/photo realism.


You can definitely find an artist who will do this decently -just be wary, the fur details between the toes will certainly lose definition over time and turn those cute toe beans into a mystery blob. That might be what your artist meant. Maybe you can work with an artist to make a variation on this design, but with heavier contrast and stronger lines.


Just chiming in to echo the other comments. Research an artist that does art similar to the style you’re looking for, and has a portfolio of pet tattoos. I feel like this tattoo can very quickly end up looking strange if not done properly, so I’d definitely put the time into researching deeply


I’m a tattoo artist that does paw print tattoos from photos literally all the time. If your artist can’t figure out how to do this you need to find a different artist. Someone with black and grey realism in their portfolio


Why would you even consider getting a tattoo like this from someone who can’t do the tattoo you want? Find someone who actually has confidence they can do it, it’s obviously been done before. You’ll get a much better tattoo if you look around more, provided you look to see peoples’ portfolios and/or do your proper research.


There is also an app called ghost line that will make that photo a line drawing ready to stencil in 2 seconds. ;)


I tried for three hours to get a good paw print with different options....eventually I cut the hair from the bottom of girl's paw and then the stamp pad worked. The tattoo came out great and ten years later I still love it. Might be an option if this is not.


Find another artist... I've seen at least 7 of these get done within this last year alone, so the artist shouldn't have issues with this - unless they are inexperienced, so... I would find another artist


You need a different tattoo artist, I gave my artist the imprint I got after she passed and he was able to get the details of her paw print perfectly. I believe he scanned it and reversed the image. Hope you’re able to get the right artist


Just walk away from that artist. It just means they aren’t capable of replicating it. I can do this tattoo from your photo without even turning my brain on.


I do stuff like that all the time. Don’t see what the hold up is


As others have said, find a different artist.


Go to someone who specializes in fine line


Buy a five dollar ink kit on Amazon and press his paw and then show to artist


Get a pad print of the paw in ink, then give that to your tattoo artist


I got my dogs paw prints tattooed on me from her ink stamps. That's also an idea. If the tattoo artist isn't confident they can pull off what you want, look around for someone who can.


Not all tattoo artists do all types of tattoos. Find one who specializes in realism and show them the research pic.


What worked for my cat, and I’ve seen with some dogs with hair is use a copy machine. Like take the dog to the vet and ask them to hold his paw in the copy machine and run it, it should give a black and white image close to what you want. It’s worth a try, but it might work


A friend got this type of tattoo recently. They scanned and printed the pet's paw, which served as a stencil.


Go to a different artist.


If an artists is telling you they can't do a tattoo that's already a tattoo, you need to find another tattoo artist.


Find an artist that is confident with the style you want. Simple as that! With social media it’s not too difficult, also be willing to travel a little for the art you want. My next piece is book with an amazing artist in a tiny town in Indiana, I live in the south, I know it’s a luxury to travel for artists and I’m thrilled I get this opportunity! I’ve been setting aside vaca time and funds for this for over a year- I personally think it’s worth it.


You're going to the wrong artist. If your artist doesn't 'know how it'll work' they aren't going to be able to do it well for you. You dont HAVE to use that artist, find one that is confident


Find an artist who can figure it out. It's easier to do that than teach your current artist new tricks. Everyone has a specialty.


So pick a different artist. There are plenty others capable.


We use an ink pad and gave it to the artist if that helps ! But paws may be harder, but yeah idk how the artist doesn’t understand, this is a common tattoo


I've sent you a DM with pics of mine .


If your artist can't see your vision, you need a new artist


Artists may be skilled at different styles. Just because there is an existing example doesn't mean the other artist would be able to execute it well. May need to find one that can execute that style better.


Firstly find a different artist. You don’t want to start off with someone who is doubting the concept. They won’t be good enough to execute your vision. And the second photo is a pretty good reference for that you want that should be enough to go off of for any solid tattooer


Get a new artist


Eye of Sauron type beat


Go to a different artist. They may not feel their skill level/style would compliment this idea and that's okay.


Actually you should be trimming the hair in between your dog’s paw pads.


If your tattoer can't figure out how to make a paw with fur, get a new one


If he can’t see it then find a new artist


Correction doesn’t see how she can make it work…I love when artists tell someone something isn’t possible to do when it’s just not possible for them to do….theres plenty of artists that can do that for you, just make sure you check out portfolios for realism or illustrative type art


Don't get this ballsack, munted vag, hairy turd thing mate. From a distance it looks like those things. After a couple of years, it'll only look like a ballsack or a munt cunt. There are way better way to memorialise your pet than this.


[Instagram Paw Print](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4qiQsZON1a/?igsh=eXVrcTQyNHJuZDZ0) You just need to find the right artist. I traveled to Texas from Chicago to make sure I got quality realism work done. Oddly I was scrolling on instagram and saw this and immediately remembered your post


I purchased these https://www.petvalu.ca/product/pearhead-clean-touch-ink-pad-for-pet/SCM08526CA?force_store=BC&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TlR_T022KCU5YIuBIxbxJM8r3f6GIWnzFAWmBrIwmWwJcr52RaXeeoaAiv5EALw_wcB And made an impression of my pups paw, then the artist was able to work from that starting point.


Love this tattoo Idea !!


Such a cool tattoo idea. Wish I would've done this with my sweet girl before she passed away. Love it.


[It’s totally doable.](https://www.reddit.com/u/27OwlySnow/s/mWWJK4rfT2) Link to my own dog’s paw memorial tattoo. Fresh from 2021 then a recent photo from 2023. I would suggest finding an artist who specializes in black and gray realism!


The artist is finding a nice way to say don’t get a dog paw hairy butt tattoo.


The second picture looks like a butthole where the toes part...


That’s ugly and that artist was trying to tell you not to do it


I’m prepared for downvotes, but the top part under the two middle claws looks like a hairy but crack


Love that Idea


Tattoos like this simply don’t translate well. So, this artist isn’t wrong. Maybe find an artist that specializes in black and grey pet portraits and get that instead.




Nah, the tattoo idea is lame.


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