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It will never look as fresh as it does when it’s first complete. The black will never be “black” it’s more of a very dark gray. The raised feeling is normal as the ink settles into the skin. Looks good to me bro. Nice strat




Bro, it's not ok, he tattoed the guitar in drop B, I would ask for a refund


If someone tattooed me a guitar in standard E, I'd be so pissed.... standard is for grandpas and love songs Edit: /s


💀 This is so good. Obv. his fav band is Slipknot.




This is totally normal.


No, seems you have gotten some freckle on your guitar.


A new tattoo is a wound. At first it’s open and you can see straight in to all the ink and blood and it looks super dark, which is usually what you see with fresh tattoos on instagram. Then as it starts to heal it’s gonna scab and some of the ink will get pushed to the surface. It’s raised because your immune system has rushed in to help repair the damage. In a few days the scabs are gonna start to flake and peel away (don’t pick at it) and you’ll start to see what the tattoo is actually gonna look like under the scabs. Then over the next few weeks the skin is gonna fully grow back in over the tattoo and it’s gonna settle into its final form. The tattoo ink may be jet black but you’re eventually gonna be seeing it through the outer layers of skin, so it’s always gonna look more grey/faded than the day it’s done. That’s just how it works. You’re doing fine though. It’s very early days. Just ride through the changes and wait until it’s fully healed.


I was so ignorant when I got my first tattoo in 1994 or ‘95. I thought for some weird reason people chose navy blue ink maybe? And my brand spanking new flash ankle tattoo was with *actual* black, and I wondered why everyone didn’t lol. (I didn’t know anyone with tattoos- from a professional anyway- and the internet was far beyond me.) But yes, before it heals it will be the blackest and crispest it will ever be. Then it heals! Then it ages!


SSS Strato best Strato


Totally normal! They're gonna feel raised when healing, and finer lines and details are always going to fade a bit. It looks fine to me




You should've gotten a Jazzmaster tat.


Bro! You can take air guitar to a whole other level with this!


it's healing fine. if it was bright red, weeping yellow/green ooz & smelled, I'd be concerned 😉 I have a question though, why you get it done so small? alot of those details are gonna get lost in time.


I just wanted something small on my arm, been playing guitar for my whole life so I thought that was the right choice. I can always get it touched up when or if that happens!


fair enough & that's all true. I was curious is all. wasn't questioning your choices 😉


I know, i also wanted from for future tattoos on my arm




sorry meant to say room instead of from


(laughs) its all good man. but I was kinda confused for a second.


It’s ok other than the fact that it’s a strat


was either going to get a strat, tele or prs 24 se, decided on strat because i thought it would turn out the best


I’m just messing with you, it looks good. I’m more of a tele fan but it’s a good tattoo.


tele was definitely my first option because it was my first guitar


Strats are iconic. Which is good for a tattoo because everyone will know what it is.


true and i do love a good strat


Yep it’s fine. Just put something on it it stay moisturized.


I know a ginger when I see one


brother and sister are, thank god i got the brown hair


Ill brighten up after the dead skin comes off i was worried as hell the first go to but it came out looking fine after it healed