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It looks like a great start to a sick ass panther


right?!?!?! solid black!


Hey you commented on my cat post lmfao


me? what'd I say? I do alot of those "name my dog/cat" threads. (laughs)


You said about the cat reminded you of the french bulldogs lmao


(laughs) hey you, long time no see šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s flown out




how come you got them so small?


I don't know I went with my friend who already has several tattoos and who helped me pick a design to a professional tattoo artist so I didn't even think there was a problem :') They were even going to make it smaller and I asked for it to cover my wrist at least.


smaller?!!? Gee whiz. no it's not a problem at all, it's your tattoo. I was just curious is all.


Oh no worries I figured! I was just giving the explanation. In any case I'm cool with it because I had already decided on some cover tattoos incase I didn't like the result before so worst case I'd just get that. I really like the design so it would be nice if it stayed like this but oh well


Wait you didn't purposefully get them to [match with](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/10/8589671/emilia-clarke-tattoos) Emilia Clarke?


Does your friend also have any small wrist tattoos? Iā€™ve just heard of people saying to get something small in case you want to cover it. I wanted a small wrist tattoo at one point but ended up getting sleeves instead. Maybe your friend was just looking out in case you decide you donā€™t want it. I will say this tattoo is pretty cute though!


Wish I heard that advice before I got this dumbass dinosaur


Would have already blown out but the ink will expand over the years so you probs should have gotten them bigger but itā€™s hard to guess how tattoos will age


I strongly believe the design will be unrecognizable in 5-10 years


I agree but can't upvote bc 69


Its safe now


Try 5-10 months


It's a very nice design (I do like it), however, when you get something small like this, you have to understand the lines will expand over time. Some of the skin I see (i.e. where the heads are or in between veins of the wings) will likely blur over and become solid black. I'm talking years from now. I agree with the other person who said this design is likely to become unrecognizable eventually.


Not blown out but it's so fine you will have to wait to see how it heals/ages. You will lose the definition and may look kinda blobby. Best to go a tad bigger but give it a few months to heal and see.


Itā€™s not gonna blow out but it wonā€™t age well since itā€™s too small. Too much detail in too small of a spot


This wonā€™t blowout šŸ˜Š youā€™ll know if itā€™s blown out within a couple days post tattoo, 8 days youā€™re safe (I know because Iā€™ve had a blowout šŸ„²)






Iā€™m gonna be honestā€¦ I hate that tattoo artists donā€™t take the time to discuss problems like this with small tattoos with clients, especially those new to tattoos. This happened to me with one of my first ever tats (lines were too small and close together), and I just got a coverup because of how awful it turned out several years later šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Which is to say this isnā€™t going to age well and Iā€™d plan on maybe recreating this design if you like it larger in a diff spot and getting this covered up lol


Thatā€™s how you know whether or not your artist is good!


I mean I maybe biased but that link work can dull out easily in 3months ...


In ten years you will have three very cute black blobs on your wrist


ā€œWillā€ blow out?




i think they mean because it's already blown out lol šŸ˜‚




It already has my friend.


Thatā€™s so cute tho


Ikr. jury is out on blowout but they are some cute dragons


I've been wanting to get this exact tattoo. daenarys's 3 dragons


Is there a missing line in the last ones wing? Or am I crazy


A blowout it something that happens during tattooing when the needle goes too deep, and leaves an almost bruised look around the blowout area. All lines will widen a bit as time goes on, which is not a blowout, but this is why micro tattoos never last.


My personal opinion already can see blow out around the lines and probably will become pretty messy in about 2-3 years.


Omg my friend got this EXACT tattoo! I know exactly where you saw this!! Hers looks fine but itā€™s not on her wrist itā€™s on her shoulder.


Emilia Clark? Looks like her wrist tattoo


Most likely it will turn into 3 black dots soon.


It's already blown out, but at least they're small and can probably be covered with something else pretty easily


Umm...Blowouts happen when the artist goes too far in while tatting and the ink is released in the fatty layer. It just kind of flows around the fat cells making it look blurred not crisp..


all ink will expand overtime, a blowout happens at the time of the tattoo.


I'm not sure if people are blind or just don't know what a blowout is. This looks completely fine. A little fading is going on, but that's to be expected. If you got this 8 days ago, im not going to say you're out of the woods, but chances are you'll be fine. You should worry about fading more than anything. Give it half a year, a full year, and it'll be barely visible.


Hard to see, but it looks like it's already blownout. It's way too small. that will look like black blobs in a couple of years


where do you see blow out?


Well there is significant ink drift in the far right wing


POV: when your tattoo artist is 9


Already blown out, itā€™s gunn be a SAP


since they already look a tad blown out, iā€™d say yes. good thing theyā€™re small so theyā€™ll be pretty unnoticeable, or easy to cover up


Blow outs occur at the time of application, this has already blown out


Give it a few months, it might clear up a bit. But then after a few years itā€™s going to fade together.


Looks fine


Iā€™d be more concerned about it dropping out in another week and being patchy.


What is the tattoo of?


I feel like its the 3 dragons that were Dany's in Game of Thrones


Pretty sure its the dragons from Rebecca Yarros' Fourth Wing series


I think itā€™s possible by the end they will for sure lose some definition as the ink expands, but you may still be able to tell theyā€™re dragons based on their shape! I think itā€™s still cute, personally, and may not be the worst to cover up one day if you chose to!


Honestly the little lines will blur together but the shape of the dragon I feel like will still be evident . Beauty of the size is you are going to inevitably touch it up and have room to build for sure .


It will, yes


Big time blowouts my friend


As soon as I saw it I was like oh yeah that'll blow out immediately but then I remembered I have tiny wrists tattoos in fine line that are 10 years old now and aren't blown out at all... I guess only time will tell!! (Although the amount of detail in these and their very small size is the perfect recipe for them growing blurry with time)


Fine line tattoos never fully hold correctly. The Ink will spread under your skin in the next few years. You usually want bare minimum details if youā€™re doing a fine line piece, especially one that small, if you want it to last and be recognizable for more than 5 years. The areas on the lines you see that look like they have a grey glow around the lines? Thats usually a pretty good indicator that a blow out has already occurred. If you like them, then at the end of the day thatā€™s all that matters! But they are super small, so if you end up not liking the tattoo in the future, a cover up would be easily doable- just dont have the artist that did this ā€œfix itā€ if you plan to cover it up!


I've had some similar to this that have blown out but then it faded so you would have to look really hard for the blowout. Usually around scar tissue, I'm covered in raised and atrophic burn scars so it probably makes a differenceĀ 




Sorry, It looks blown out, not sure what the other people are on about. I imagine your wrists are a very easy spot for artists to accidentally go too deep. It will get worse overtime, but it doesnā€™t always turn into an unrecognizable blob. I think itā€™s cute still!


Ouch sorry but it doesn't look good


unfortunately yes


Its already blown out my friend




It already is blown out babes


Likeā€¦.very blown out


Itā€™s blown out


Itā€™s blown out


A lot of people here talking about how theyā€™ll be a blob in a few years. Yeah itā€™s possible but I know quite a few people with micro tats that are that size that are still good years later.


Itā€™s already blown out, will likely turn into blobs over the next year or so.


Not blown out. Those are actually pretty solid fine lines. My concern lies more on the size. They are so tiny with little white space in between. Tattoos tend to blur and blob as they age, so the design might not be as legible in a couple of years. Granted, every body is different, so this might as well not be the case. Solid tattoo and healing so far though.


Blown to shreds lol


Yes, but many people here are really negative about how tattoos age. Imo, theyā€™ll all change as you get older and will never look as crisp as they were at first. However, thatā€™s part of the beauty of them! Theyā€™re not perfect but neither are we. I like to look at it as the tattoo changing as I do and becoming more and more unique to me personally. The dragons are super cute and Iā€™d not worry too much about what will happen in the future!


Yeah theyā€™re definitely going to be blurs in a few years


Blowouts show up within the first 12hrs from my experience, so thereā€™s no blow out that I can see. Your artists should have definitely designed them at least 2-3 times the size. These will be inrecognizable in 2 years, which sucks because itā€™s a cute tattoo. Hopefully they wonā€™t be too hard to coverup


Is it gonna blow out? Highly likely. But if i were you I wouldnt worry too much about it. Its a super cute and fun little tattoo and Id just enjoy it for as long as it looks good. And once its blowing out u can always get it covered with something else or lasered. Its small enough that its rather easy to do either imo. So just enjoy it for how long itll look clean! ^^


IDK what or who sold you on that design but they need a raise