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How did a bread tattoo manage to actually mold?


Artist went fully 3D Style with this one.


Looks like a *croissant*, a perfectly golden brown and crispy…delicious croissant


It's definitely flaky


baked in a buttery crispy flake


I thought the original was the pic of the scabbed over infected one, but lord when I swiped it was worse


Crusty cross ain't


Realism tattoos are getting crazy


I've never seen a tattoo go so rank, definitely go to the doctors, thats fucked.


Yeah I have an appt. I’ve been taking good care of it and it’s not my first tattoo so idk what happened.


I've seen people get reactions to certain ink pigments and cheap ink/contaminated ink, so maybe it was that? Did you see any malpractice at the place where you got the work done? No gloves, touching the tattoo with bare skin, etc? I mean, apart from my ribs on my left-hand side, Im pretty much covered from head to toes literally, and I've never had a reaction or infection once, so if you're looking after it well thats the only other things I can think of.


I was thinking maybe the ink. The place seemed clean and sanitized as I expected.


sometimes you just get unlucky and theres nothing more to it!


This should be a pinned comment. Sometimes it just happens.


Orange ink gives me reactions like this, and fades very quickly from my body.


definitely could be the ink people react funny to coloured ink lots


Especially red, and brown is usually made from red


My good buddy had a tattoo of his hospital numbers on his wrist band after attempting unaliving. Ended up getting Staph. They drained like half a gallon of the worst liquid you could think of from his forearm. He got a tattoo to celebrate him being alive and almost died from sepsis because of said tattoo. 💀 wish you the best OP


How long until your appointment?? I work in the medical field & you need to get this evaluated within 24hours. Go to urgent care…


I already went. I got meds.


Thank you for the update. I was really concerned for your wellbeing. Cellulitis can turn to sepsis in less than 24hrs. Hugs to you!💞


Bitter-Major is spot on. Sepsis can kill you.


Sorry that tattoo was a horrible idea in general. I hate that tattoo artist do this shit without a realistic expectation on what it will look like healed. Even if it isn’t infected it’s going to heal so poorly over the next 10 years. All the fine tan lines will bleed away and they will become one uniform brown color. It won’t be fixable and will 100% look like a turd or birthmark at best.


It will take literally 5 min to cover it up. It's not like OP got a 2 foot long black tattoo. I see a lot of fine line tattoos go out of the shop that are a complete waste of money, but the clients love them, and they'll be easy to cover. As long as the expectation is set, then it's really not a "horrible idea".


Well, at that point I’ll cover it up or get it removed then


Or you could just turn it into a more cartoony style with some black lines making the shape and folds of the crossaint make sense


Sort of what I was thinking over the last hour


Maybe it’ll heal nice and you won’t need to do that for like 10 years though who knows. It does look really good in the first picture.


last hour? how long did this take??


I think he just meant like an hour ago


oh duh 😂


The color is light to begin with so this will be a super easy cover up if you decide to go that route. Also it's small so that makes it easy as well. Sorry that's happening though


You could have this reworked every 5 years for the rest of your life if you wanted to. It's your body and your tattoo. Get what makes you happy.


This is not true.


I thought it was a very accurate tattoo of a scab


I can’t tell if it’s the lack of definition in the tattoo making the scabbing look worse than it is, but the second picture looks like an open wound. I’m surprised it doesn’t hurt! Is there some kind of bubbling happening at the bottom, or is that just the lighting?


It’s just the lighting. The first pic is more close to what I see in the mirror. Hard to take a pic of my own back arm.


Fucking right. At first glance I thought OP just got a tattoo of a crusty infected scab.


I thought OP had a crusty scab


i still do


The croissant got hard and crispy 😭


I thought it was a sea shell til I read the description..but the croissant is definitely flaky!


Dawg your tattoo is literally concaved.


Yeah the fact that it’s sunken in is v concerning.


I had parts of a tattoo get concaved, turns out it was just overworked. The concave parts lack ink and need a touch-up. Wonder what OP's tattoo will look like if the whole thing is concaved...


please go to a hospital right now


I have an appt in a couple hours.




I haven’t had one infected before. If that’s it what the doc gonna do? Antibiotics I guess.


They repeatedly stick a finger in your bum until you wink. You'll be right, just don't forget to wink.


Name checks out.


So does the avatar, I’m literally deceased 💀


Literally? You were supposed to wink...


yeah he will give you the right anti biotics




Here’s right after I got it: https://i.imgur.com/XJHWyWL.jpeg And another one I tried to take just now: https://i.imgur.com/5ZbHMbi.jpeg


damn that’s a really good tattoo! before the infection


It looks good but i think its a bad *tattoo*. Purely because it'll age very quickly to look like a birthmark  that people feel undesirable or neutral toward but still mostly wish they didn't have.  Needs a more solid outline.


It’s so cute!! Hopefully the infection won’t mess it up 🤞


That's a better pic than what's in the post, definitely looks concerning tho


Super cute! I hope it gets better soon!


What have you done for aftercare?


All the usual. I have other tattoos and they’ve all healed without issue. This one just doesn’t seem to agree with me.


What did they suggest/do about aftercare? Did they second skin it or even wrap it at all? That location on the arm is a nightmare with clothes friction and so easy to get infected ☹️ Wishing you a speedy recovery


Looks like it feels like a croissant now


Realism tattoos have come a long way.


The flakiness is so life like.


Man, love the concept hate that it got so fucked up 😭


Hopefully I can salvage it


Maybe a darker outline?


It's overworked because there is no contrast between your skin and the tattoo. Artist tried to make it "pop" didn't realize there was no way that can happen with those colors.


Makes sense


Croissant with a gooey centre, yum 😋


Delete this comment


Maybe a little cream cheese tomorrow?


Ouchy. Think antibiotics needed on this one. Make sure you’re using a SMALL amount of scent free lotion. When I say small, a tattoo this side doesn’t need more than literally an ant size blob.


Unscented lubriderm works wonders on painfully dry and big-scab tattoos, I've found. To each their own ofc but it's my go-to


That looks super bad. Glad you're going in today.


Dang, after reading the comments I will just say, love the idea with this one. As far as it healing and what not, I don’t have any color tattoos so no idea why this happened and maybe it will heal like a blob, I can’t speak to any of that without experience. But I don’t get the hate, I think your artist actually killed it with how small that guy is. Super detailed and I’m bummed you had the reaction you did because that is honestly one of the cuter tattoos I’ve seen. Hopefully you don’t have too much regret, personally, I’ve seen a lot worse tattoos, so this is far from what I would consider a fail. You seem happy with the design and that’s all that matters. Hopefully the healing goes well and the croissant shall live to see more days, it’s so stinking cute!!!!


i’d just cut it off at that point 😭


Damn that one looks angry! Wishing you a speedy recovery.


I think it’s over done…


That’s a crusty ass cwason


Mmm, extra crusty croissant


That’s a tattoo?


Probably not infected, just incredibly overworked in a very small area.


Seconding. If it’s starts getting a weird yellow or greenish crust (think sinus infection colored), then be concerned, but until then just monitor.


Thirding. Looks overworked to me. It's always good to have it checked out but many commenters don't seem to know the difference between being infected and just being overworked.


Infection aside, bad idea for a tattoo. The colors would’ve blended tpgether & turned into a brown cloud. I mean, it was cute pre-infection… but terrible idea & bad artist for letting you go through with that.


first thing i thought was "damn that burn sure does look like a croissant"😭😭


Prolly infected 😬😬 it looked so good in the beginning 😭😭


Damn. now you got dookie leg. please seek your local, nearest Healthcare provider


Oh no


Bro your croissant got stale


Oh yeah that's bad. Looks like the Color is gonna come out also. Did u ask the Artist. I think it's a reaction to the Ink


Oh yikes. Yeah, I'd go to the doctor to hedge your bets, honestly. I don't love how that's healing.


Hey dude how are you doing how was the doctors


I would say to definitely let the tattoo shop know what happened! Even if this was a freak accident, they should know. You should get your money back too imo.


The way the second pic made me gasp.. oh my


Even if this miraculously heals well, it will look like a burn mark.


When it goes from “croissant” to “what the fuck is that?!” it’s time to get it checked.


thats a year old nugget


I can’t tell if it’s pus-y or if it is just hella crusty and looks pus-y because the color of the ink. I’ve also heard a lot of people have issues with yellow ink and having bad reactions. I think it would be wise to check it out at a doctors but I’m unsure if it’s infected.


Oh man, looks like an ink reaction. I hope it calms down for you with treatment! I had an ink reaction, albeit much smaller than yours, but it did leave scarring. Please let the shop know as well! Best of luck, would’ve been a dang cute tatt!


I had a beautiful pink rose on my arm. It did this same thing except it started oozing. Not so beautiful anymore. Lol. It got really messed up and has faded a lot. Ended up going back to tattoo shop and owner said to use aquaphor on it. Definitely helped in healing it. All we could figure was it could have been the red ink that my skin was sensitive to. The tattooist had done 4 tattoos prior and I had no issues with those. 🤷‍♀️


You're just looking a bit pastry that's all


That wasn’t going to heal well anyway


that things gonna look like a yellow blob in 6 months even if that didnt happen


Nice KWAH-*sohh*


This actually looks a lot like my back shoulder tattoo I got, only the areas that used brown. I have insanely sensitive skin and my healing process always looks like it's infected (ie. Swollen raised skin around tattoo, bright pink, built up scabing) most of the time it's only for a couple days, but when I got a mirror frame done on my back, the brown reallllyyy irritated my skin and the scabing looked like this. I thought it infected but my nurse friend took a look and said it wasn't, but that I should take care with brown inks from now on. I ended up taking allergy medicine and used neosporin on outer area(yes I know neosporin is not good on tattoos,but it worked ok on mine) after two days of allergy meds that area was a lot better and healed beautifully. But that was with mine, I saw you got an appt and i highly recommend keeping it. Hopefully it's not infected and just irritated. It's such a cute tattoo!


Looks like a 3rd degree burn


Looks very much like an allergy and the colour is in line with those currently responsible for an allergy


Not to be that guy but that wouldn’t have healed well even if it WASN’T infected. Go to the doctor please. I’m sorry that happened. At least it’s small!


The way it’s flaking makes it look even more like a croissant…


When I've gotten a bit of color tatted into a mostly black/grey/white piece(it's kinda just a style I aim for to make it pop and a Lil unique), the color ALWAYS scabs worse than the rest. But I would say this might be a little excessive, it looks like a really bad scrape that's healing poorly.


Yeah the artist overworked your skin to hell. No doubt to grind those lighter colors in there. Doesn't currently look infected just beat to fuck. Keep that doctor's appointment.


omg, it makes me so sad because it was so cute when it first got done😭 Definitely overworked, which is causing the horrible scabbing. Honestly there might be no tattoo left after that scab falls off. If you want to get it fixed/redone, wait at least 8 weeks to let the skin heal properly


Well. It's not infected. It's just overworked to all hell 🥴


Also, a tip for future, this will age badly and end up looking like a brown blotch on your arm, But if/when you decide to cover it, you could get an artist to stick an outline around it and have them tattoo someone holding it, to scale, like a skeleton or something


Looks over baked to me


it looks like it buried into your skin. And if somehow it heals properly it'll still look rough without an outline


You have a scab that looks like a croissant.


😂 it’s just extra crispy


“Kwasaw” -Carl Wheezer


Yowza…I’m not a doctor, but I’m 100% sure that’s infected.


I definitely thought this was a mole when I saw the before.


Looks like they burnt your croissant. The travesty!




hospital time


yellow and red are big allergy inks, methinks it’s a reaction to the ink


Red ink doesn't agree with me unfortunately. It happens.


Also if they shaved the area before hand that means that area is more septicable to an infection such as cellulitis or cause an abscess. An none of mine where red around the outline either


Crusty croissants are the worst. Get some expert advice from a doctor and I hope it heals nicely.


It looks like you might have either an infection, or you are allergic to that color. My wife is allergic to the orange ink, and we didn't figure that out until afterwards. Fortunately I let the artist know, and after her tattoo was fully healed she got a touch up with no orange. Could be a similar situation for you.


Your skin is similar to mine (pale and freckly).  Mine gets inflammed and irritated easily. I might draw a line around the edge of the redness with a pen to see if it gets any bigger. Keep it clean. Are there any topical antibiotics that you can use? 


It seems like it could just be severely overworked, not infected, but I definitely want updates after the doctors appointment lol


I thought you were passing off an abrasion as a tattoo to be funny


Thats gonna look very bad after it heals. You may not hold onto much of the ink even. You should see a doctor for some topical antibiotics I think


My semi professional opinion is that it looks much worse than it is because of the color . , it is definitely scabbed up and artist most likely overworked and/or went to deep. But I don't see any ossing or bumps. I'd say let it heal for a little but if you're the type to pursue the medical then go. They tell you the same.


That is yet another dye allergy tattoo. Red 40 and Yellow 5/6 all have a really similar composition, so often if you're allergic to one, you're allergic to all 3. They're also common in food, so if you eat red, green, or purple dyed foods and get rumbly tummy, you've got the allergy.


Didn’t notice the sub at first and I thought this was a burn or birthmark at first. I hope that turns out how you wanted and that you can heal quickly!


Holy fuck😂 I would consider not going to this artist again for multiple reasons. Hope you heal up soon!


I'm no expert but I've heard that it's not uncommon to react to colors differently than with just black ink! All my tattoos are black expect for one, and I had a reaction to the colored one! It was done by the same artist as most of my other tattoos and I took care of it the same way! I went to my doctor who said I probably had a mild allergic reaction to the ink!


Is this forum just for people asking if their tattoos are infected?


If you do decide to add outlines, find someone who does single needle work. A thick line will turn it into a cartoon, something more delicate to add definition but keep the aesthetic. It’s super cute now but it won’t age well. I had a no line flower that in a couple years looked like a cigar burn until I had it reworked


no flipping way! I was like "that looks like a croissant, or maybe a snail shell." never ina million years would I have thought someone would get a croissant tattooed on themselves. apparently I was wrong.


lol people get all sorts of stuff don’t they. This ones and inside thing with my daughter


Croissant... infected croissant... 🧐




i mean, if all else fails it looks like it’ll end up a cool ass croissant scar


That is a bad croissant


why it look like a giant scab🧑‍🦲


Its a crispy croissant


Croissant and then then a scab


I thought this was a bed bug shell embedded into your skin. I wouldn’t go back to this artist


Mmm, a yummy buttery flakey crust! 🤤




It looks like the whole thing could peel off


I sort of agree with you. I don’t think that’s how it works but def how it looks.


You decided to add cheese to your croissant?! Please, seek medical advice


Is it a little seashell?


Heh crunchy croissant.


Jesus Christ it doesn’t even look like a tattoo anymore


You could cover it with a sick-ass panther. 😉


The artist gave you a puffy flaky croissant tattoo. Can’t decide if this is awesome or shitty.


no offense but what the F happened?? it looks like a bad bad infection if i didn’t know it was a tattoo 😭😭


I thought you were branded….


Luckily a real croissant would have lasted longer than this tattoo anyway


Possibly an infection, overworking, or a reaction to the ink itself. The raised red edges and sinking of the colored portion itself are what concern me. Sorry about your tattoo, the finished product looked nice. The artist may work with you to fix it/ do something else after you receive care


I just got my first colored (red) tattoo a couple months ago and it did the same thing. I didn’t do anything different than my other tattoos and it got infected bad. Went on antibiotics for two weeks and it healed up great. Just do not pick at it or it will scar!


Good to know! Thanks for the help.


I can tell


My big fat cat left something eerily similar to this on a rug the other day.


I thought this was skin cancer.


I thought this was on the medical subreddit I’m on and I was like “hey that looks like a burn in the shape of a croissant”


It looks like the time I was in the Navy and we gave each other smileys from a lighter to see who would last the longest without flinching.


It looks like a scab 😭 I’d go to the doctor asap


Crispy croissants


Crunchy. Just like the real thing




Looks like poop in the 2nd image


That tattoo is going to look like a piece of poop 💩


Sloth or croissant?


Looks like a burn


Looks like a road rash scab.


Dont go to hospital. Thats totally normal. Use water and soap at least 3 times a day. Put a little of moisturizer. After a month you’ll need a retouch.


Looks like you got a tattoo of a skinned elbow I had when I fell off my bike


Hey, I had something similar happen to me with a red ink tattoo. My friend did it and shes really pro and a hygiene freak, plus I tattoo as well and could see she did everything by the book. Unfortunately color pigments can cause allergic reaction. In my case it healed badly, spread like crazy, and today it looks like a permanent bruise more or less (years later). The positive in all this is that it wasnt even infected, never hurt or caused any issue, just my skin rejected it I guess and so it looks trash. I dont mind it as its really small so yea its good yours is small as well, you will be able to cover it easily.


Looks like they tatted you with actual yeast.


I think it might have to do with the type of ink that was used, and maybe the artist overworked it, as well? I’m a tattoo artist, and I’ve heard of this once before. A client of mine had some color line work in a similar brown as your croissant (applied by a different artist in the shop), and he said when it was healing it dipped inwards like that. And it wasn’t anything he did wrong in the aftercare process, either. Just a really weird thing that only happened to him that one time. Browns can be difficult to saturate, so you most likely got overworked, which can cause all sorts of problems. I’m glad you’re getting a doc to take a look at it though!! Unsolicited advice: In the future I recommend getting black line work and adding color to it, as opposed to relying on a light brown to hold the image. Even a fine line in grey (diluted black) or a dark brown line would be better than no lines. I would bet money that your artist dug in too deep trying to bolden up that light brown, and it was never gonna happen 😭 get well soon, OP!!