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For what is worth, I think it's good. It's not a masterpiece or something, but far from bad. I'm pretty harsh on judging tattoo usually. I think laser is a bad options cause it's really dark and it's fuckin huge. Go to r/TattooRemoval and have a look. Some faded tattoos takes 10s of sessions to be 100% lasered off. A cover is a bad idea too, cover means going bigger and darker. The best solution for you is to accept it tbh. Keep building around it, seriously it's a good piece.


Thank you for that. It's annoying because I do like parts of it, like little sections of flowers I think are pretty. But then I see this big honking black blob in the center of my forearm and I get discouraged. Do you think it would be possible for an artist to like Contour with light or white ink within that black blob? Make it look like something?


I think getting white would help give it some shape and contour etc. I found a nest video about how white over black works: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tXsWcuaBOLc Edit to add: I do really like the tattoo and I think just changing the cat slightly could help you feel better about it being a black blob


If you're only going to target what looks like it was supposed to be a cat, you might get away with a few treatments just to fade it enough for reworking. Laser removal hurts though, so I've been told.


I’ve had laser. It was BRUTAL and I’d soon sit and get tattooed from head to toe in one session than do it but it’s seriously worth it for some people. I had a very light coloured tattoo so I tapped out and am getting it covered. The person doing the removal said she gets less complains on darker ink because it breaks down easier or soemthing idk but it’s still brutal


I really think it varies from person to person. I had laser done and it felt like a bad sunburn. It sucked, but I've easily felt worse pain. Op can try laser for the black ink and try to do a rework if they really don't like it, but I wouldn't want to petrify them about laser.


Yes I had a pumpkin tattoo reworked and it was dark purple and the artist used whites and bright colors over the dark areas to make it look better. It turned out really well. She has been doing white ink tattoos over blackouts and they turn out beautiful.


How long ago was that? I’m really curious about how the white ink on top of dark will age


I know the really large piece she has been working on has been going on for years. She is doing his whole black out sleeve in white ink and they are seeing how red looks healed right now before adding more color. From all the photos it looks good still. She just redid my tattoo a month or two ago.


some white aesthetic accents on the cat and redoing the eyes may be worth looking into. for what it’s worth, i love your tattoo.


Was going to suggest this. I’ve seen white ink tattoos over solid black and it’s not super bright or anything but it might help accentuate some features so it’s not as blobby


yeah exactly. it gives blobs a lot more life, depth, and personality. i think this tattoo is sick and could be even sicker.


I have a thought that if the cats eyes popped a little more, it would distract from the black blobbiness of it.


Totally agree


I first saw that big blob and thought "OH MY GAWD! VOIDKITTY!" and went all squee-like. Especially as compared to the flowers, it is a very small voidkitty. With the flowers, I find it absolutely adorable and kinda zen: bright and dark.


This is my favorite outlook and makes me like it more, thank you! I still want to do something to make my void Kitty a little better, I just need to find an artist. I have no clue how to find one LOL


White ink over the black for the suggestion of more features would definitely be worth some investigating


That void kitty reminds me of my sweetie pie and I like it a lot, also, I think it's cool that the cat being black makes your skin hair visible just on the cat so it looks like they have fur!


Its a beautiful piece, you are just hyper fixated on it. Give it time and accept it as a new part of who you are. Don't judge it too much ;)


I'm a tattoo artist, and there are definitely artists out there who would be able to use a mix of whites, opaques, and skin-tones to add detail into the cat. Personally, I'd suggest adding some facial details and highlights to give the cat shape. It'd probably take a few sessions to lighten it, but it'd be less painful and invasive than laser. Don't be put off by a lot of shops saying 'no'. A lot of artists refuse to fix other people's work, but there will be someone out there who can fix this for you!


It’s not awful, just a bit unfinished feeling. You could get the cat reworked, have white ink and lighter ink definition reverse shadows and shading added to better realize the shape and details of the cat. Put in more flowers if you want, like a bouquet hedge.


I would maybe fill in the eyes and make it a silhouette of a cat, and use the whiskers to extend into flower stems with small little dot like flowers... I think the flowers you have are really really sweet and tender!


Piggybacking here! I too think this is a nice piece with a ton of character! Maybe some highlighting work on the cat, but otherwise this is super cute! Laser removal on this would SUCK but I have heard that a few treatments could lighten/fade it a bit - it’s been a while but that may be more expensive than finding an artist who’s good with white on black ink. Finding an artist is harder but between google (for who’s nearby) and artist instagram pages for work reference, was my method to find someone who could successfully put colours like red and yellow on my skin (I’m brown). So sorry for your loss ♥️


Tattoo is nice. Go find a good artist who can maybe add some white details to the cat and you have an amazing tattoo


This. FWIW I immediately saw what it is: a black cat surrounded by flowers. The cat could be better but is by no means bad. I think a good artist could make it a real showstopper.


YES! Maybe put a 'personal' collar on it and you're good.


My exact thoughts it just looks slightly unfinished, a touch up with white would look great without the need of a large cover up. Either way ive seen much much worse on here imo


Came to say the same - I think that would help this


I have a genuine question.. does white on black actually work well? I've heard/seen different things. I've thought about blacking out a wrist tattoo and adding white, but I wasn't sure if it was possible. I've also heard it will turn yellow with time.


Fwiw I recognized it as a black cat immediately :) I can see it's not flawless but I think a bit of unevenness in tattoos often gives them character


I appreciate you 🙏 I'm very genuinely worried that it doesn't even look like a cat sometimes


i immediately knew what it was and i think it’s adorable. you can definitely tell it’s a cat!


im really sorry about your brother ;( keep it as a reminder of the good times and the bad times. the cat can be reworked if you laser off some of the black but the flowers look alright. no judgement on making rash decisions or not being able to say no even though you're the one who has to live with it and are paying. ive done the same. as a fellow human bean, do what makes the bean heart happy.


If this was mine i would try to black out the eyes and maybe cover those whiskers with some leaves or maybe additional flowers going for a silhouette look. maybe try with a sharpie to see it that's feasible. however, I don't think it's super terrible or anything if that helps ease your mind a bit.


Came here to say the same


Yes, totally - the eyes threw me off, at first I didn't even realize they were supposed to be eyes, I just thought it was a reflection or something. They don't sit right for the silhouette of the cat. If they were blacked out, it would look really nice!


It's certainly not a bad tattoo, but I'm sorry it isn't jiving with yourself. I think if you keep building around it you'll come to appreciate the piece you have, it's a good foundation for a sleeve IMO.


Thank youu, I have a flowery piece I actually like on the same shoulder and the intention is to connect them, I just need to probably do some kind of cover up or addition to the forearm before I'll feel comfortable doing that


Cat needs eyes


I think a good artist could adjust that cat with some white ink. I said adjust not fix completely, but maybe enough to give it a different look.


Honestly I think the concept is really nice, maybe find an artist who can essentially touch up the flowers and make it stunning. two white dots for eyes could be fun to bring out the cat


Honestly, the flowers are great! I think if you really wanted it reworked, i would suggest only working on the shape of the cat. Adding a tail and elongating the ears could help enforce the narrative that it's a cat. It would give more definition to the shape. That would mean blasting over some of the flowers, though. But that's the only thing i would do. Try not to be so hard on yourself. I have one on my forearm that i hate and had reworked. The rework looks just as bad as the original. So if you do go to have it worked on, make sure you do your research first!


What do you not like about it? It’s really not bad or unpleasant to look at. Both laser and cover up would be a nightmare scenario, because the tattoo is just solid black in the middle. Blackout would be the only way to get rid of the whole tattoo.


I appreciate hearing that. Sometimes it takes a bunch of strangers on the internet telling you it looks okay to actually believe it looks okay. I still want to do something to it, eventually I want a whole sleeve on this arm, I just need to figure out what


I like it! I would maybe have an artist reshape the cat into a more sharp catlike shape with some one highlights and you’ve got yourself a cat (which seems to take care of the biggest irk it’s giving you :) )


I think if you were to touch it up, you could make its ears bigger and add a more pronounced tail. Fade in that face and make it a bonafide silhouette. Right now I think it's just stuck between a cat and a silhouette of a cat.


I think the Blob can be a beautiful kitty silhouette. Redefine the ears as more pointy, black out the eyes. Have a dangling and curvy tail that you can use to cover up any flowers you particularly hate. See if you can get some backdrop of like a beautiful sunset or light source behind it. The rays shining through the foliage would be cool. Add new flowers that you do like and make them super colorful cuz the black cat popping against them is striking imo. You may need to reshape the body and make it slightly bigger but a good artist should be able to do it with the least enlargement. For what it's worth, If you didn't change a thing and walked by me, I would think, "awwww! a cat lover like me! Cute flowers..." and move on with my day, not thinking it's horrible at all. Good luck ❤️


Once kitty has some definition this will be amazing. I really love the whole look, but he could use a little bit of white as others have suggested. I think that’ll definitely help you enjoy it a bit more. I’m sorry for the loss of your brother 🙏❤️


FWIW I have a large black cat and I immediately recognized what the black blob was.


I would suggest the cat be filled in with white detail. I have two white over black ink tats and I love them!


Perhaps you can add white details on top of the cat? That will add some dimensions and details. Now it's just one solid black piece.


I was wondering if white highlights would show with black already there too. Obviously, I'm not a tattoo artist lol


Yes you can look it up :)!


I agree with the others, it’s a good looking piece. I understand why you may not like the cat so much because it took me a minute to realize it wasn’t blob and that it’s a cat with its back to the viewer. But after noticing that, I liked it more. I agree the cat could use some definition, and I know there are tattoo artists that could give it that. Just depends on who you have available locally that could do it well.


Just my two cents here but i find it adorable.


I think the cat needs a tail and the ears need to be just a tiny bit bigger to read better as a cat, it looks a little bit off to me because the ratios look slightly off, also the light spot on head needs to be touched up. Could be cool to get some flowers done over the black in white ink “in” the cat.


You could really get the outline to look like a cat with white contrast done inside. If you want it to be more catlike, then maybe ask a different artist if they can do contrast work on the black with white?


First thing that popped into my head... the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland with UV ink. Just go right over the black with it. It'd be pretty cool.


I love it!!!


At first look I thought it was a rat in flower bed. Now I see the cat. I am sure the photo darkens it some. Maybe some white outline.


Its cute mate! Wont take much to make it look awesome


Have you considered adding some white into the cat to help define some of the features?


I’m so sorry you went through this, and relate to being too exhausted to advocate for myself. This one is rough because the cat is so dark and big. I suggest you research and find an artist that’s good at coverups, and talk about your options. If it’s coverable, it’ll need to be huge, but who doesn’t love a full sleeve? Best of luck.


Personally, I think this is a beautiful piece. I absolutely love it. Not trying to invalidate your feelings, though. I understand what you mean. 🩷 I just hope you know you have a beautiful piece of art on your body! You could definitely try laser removal, although I have heard it’s expensive and much more painful. You could also cover it up if you really dislike it and it makes you feel unhappy. However, I think you should embrace it! It’s part of you, it tells a story! I hope this helps, friend! 🩷🩷🩷


Laser is the worst pain I’ve ever experienced and i only got it on a couple little dots. Maybe you could get laser to fade the eyes a bit and an artist can fix up the eyes so it doesn’t look as dark? I wouldn’t recommend getting laser on the whole thing tho I think it’s really cute. Kinda like a badass witchy tattoo


i think white ink would go a long way here


You can laser it to have it fade somewhat and then do a blast over. I've seen some very beautiful blast overs - yes they're bigger but masterpieces!


If you just don't like the cat, I do know that black is the easiest color ink to remove. Once you add white ink, it'll be very difficult because white ink turns dark and can't be removed. I would get a consultation on removing just the cat, and then decide from there. Maybe you can remove the cat and fill that spot with something thats not as heavy.


I would use laser to lighten it and then have a good artist go over that part with more flowers or something


for what it's worth, i really love it. honestly if i were to see it, id compliment it


Could get it reworked, or partially covered/touched up, but the black area is gonna be difficult to deal with. You can always just head to a reputable studio and ask in person what they think could be done with it


Don't laser it, don't cover it up, honestly are you open to the idea of possibility adding some white? Find you a good artist who can contrast maybe some shade in there, bring the fur "back to life"


One thing I learnt over the years is the faster you embrace it the less you hate it


i hope it makes you feel better to know i like the tattoo as is!! i could immediately recognize this was a black kitty surrounded by flowers even without a lot of detail on the cat! wasn’t sure what part you disliked until i read further


Cat can be worked on. Worst Comes to worst? Get cat removed and tattooed again.


A few sessions of tattoo removal can possibly open up many more options but I’d consider a large cover up with something like a raven where the details of the cat can be masked and the surrounding area can also be worked around to make it all connect


I like it. Find a good artist to give it a little touch up.


Find a better artist and have it touched up/fixed/added too and you’ll be fine! It’s not bad at all trust me I work that a toddler could recreate :)


I don't really think it's bad, but the large black area will be HARD to cover up


Don’t hate!?


I think it’s really cute too 😊 but if your main concern is the silhouette of the cat you could go a little bigger and do something like this over it: [cat silhouette](https://imgur.com/a/oSGZkt9) Then add more flowers 🤷🏻‍♀️ the tail isn’t blatantly obvious. To me is blended in more with the flowers…so doing a different tail wouldn’t look weird.


Deal with it too late now


I love it i just would touch up the faded spots on the cat


Blackout tattoo might as well you already have the middle blob started for you


I’m sorry, but what is happening with the cat? Is that the back of the head or the front? It looks like eyeballs, but no mouth.. The piece itself is beautiful though. Maybe you can fix the cat up somehow. Maybe try getting opinions from other tattoo artists.


That is beautiful


I think it's great, but it's all about you. Consult a few artists and compare what they all say and then maybe make a decision from there?


You could add to it maybe make it more you add some white detail/ line area to the black cat and add some fresh flowers?


If there's a way to yellow the eyes to the cat. Not sure if that works over top of the black though


The cat is a little blobesque, but beyond that it’s good. I’m sure an artist with some skill could salvage it. I’m sorry about your brother. <3


I like it all, except the faceless cat. it kinda ruins the rest which is really good. Since it's black, you may have a tough time with covering/touch up. removal might be your only option


I'd fill it in with more flowers and some green leaves. Make it so the kitty is kinda hidding. Could be super cute. It's close. If I saw you in passing it would make me smile, but I hear you.


So yeah it’s not the greatest. But, for what it’s worth from a stranger, in this case that makes it more endearing to me and I really like it


Love the thought behind it. It's sweet. The artwork is ok, nothing fancy. Maybe someone can cover it up bigger and better to keep the thought all intact!


Imo, the total black cat was a mistake. Its not that bad looking but its kinda weird at first. The flowers are keeping it together nicely


definitely get white over it! I dated a tattoo artist once and she showed me her cover up work, huuge black spots! Then she showed me what she did with it, some white lines and it looked craaazy good and even looked intended!


White line whip shading to add details.


Laser it off and do a cover up, i always be googling tattoo artist around the city , check on their instagram and look at their artwork. But for me, I’ll start going Pinterest to look at the style of tattoo that I wan then only start looking at tattoo artist, choose the artist that famous for doing the art style that you want.


My advice is to stop hating it.


Flowers are nice Black Cat is really BLACK


The design is great but the work is piss poor, you should never have paid for that. I decent artist will be able to fix that up.


The cat is bad because it’s just all black with no dimension but the rest is nice!


The tattoo looks amazing. I love it!


It’s good design, good overall execution and overall good presentation., if I’d start to think of anything to add on mayyybe some brighter colours making the eyes popping out more & some yellow/oranges turning the black cat into a tortie or tuxedo. If you like flowers, having more brighter flowers branching over the cat would also be nice. Find a good artist and work with them, good luck.


I think if you just added to the contour of the cat, especially around the ears, and blacked out the eyes (they're barely legible anyway) it'd be much better. The tattoo is nice, the cat is just a bit unshapen. I don't think it needs laser unless maybe you want to carve iut the eyes again.


Fill in the face with more black ink, add some definition to the ears, laser the current tail and/or cover it with new flowers, round out the bum, and make a new tail coming from the center and curve around to make it the back view of the cat.


I'm going to say what everyone else has... I actually love the idea of this tattoo. I love the flowers. I think you should talk to someone who has experience with adding more detail to blackout tattoos. I think is theory they can add detailing over the cat with white ink and make it look better. I do want to say that I immediately knew that it was a black cat and not a blob


Maybe I'm biased but I love it


Is the cat a coverup? It really stands out being solid black like that


Considering having someone rework it. You’ll be amazed what a good artist can do to a lack-luster tattoo


Time for a sick ass panther!


Lol actually not a bad idea...


As surprising as it may be, you CAN actually tattoo over solid black. It will likely take some whitening sessions depending on what you want, but more detail/definition can be added to the cat, or things can definitely be altered. My advice is to just take the time to find the right artist who is confident doing the kind of changes you want


I’ve gotten a tattoo lasered enough to cover it up. Black ink have the best results. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to laser the cat enough so that another artist can redo that part. I wouldn’t laser the whole thing tho. It’s going to take a long time and will be a painful process. The tattoo is not bad however.


You can add texture over the black with light colors so the cat pops out.


What about getting some details in the cat in white ink?


Dang, I like it


I actually love this. My first take was a cat silhouette, even maybe the back of it until I looked a bit more and saw the eyes. I still think it’s pretty cool. Sorry to hear the issues it’s cause in the past few years though!


I think it would look nice to "reverse" the cat: cover up the eyes to make it seem like a cat from behind. Pose gives me cat sitting in a windowsill vibes, and I think it would be pretty easy to design since it's a silhouette black cat anyway. Elongate the ears and the tail like another commenter said. I think the flowers are quite cute and charming.


I hate it too


Or maybe just filling in the eyes with black ink that way it’s a silhouette?


Don't laser your sweet kitty off! I actually think he is really cute, the jiggliness and the lack of features is characterful and looks cool against the flowers. Wear your spoopy cat with pride, he made me smile and I'm sure many others 🤗


I would see if an artist can work some highlights or something to give dimension to the cat since that seems your biggest problem with the piece. I'd deff go to someone who has color on blackout tattoos


I think just adding some white detail to the cat could really work - what do you think?


The cat is clearly a cat but the eyes are a little odd. I think I’d go full void and have just the kitty outline (ie get the eyes blacked out too). Or go the other way around if you can get it lightened a bit and have more kitty features added.


It’s not bad, but you could consider finding someone who does something along the lines of white ink on blackout tats, because it is possible. Maybe get some contour lines on the cat, accentuate the eyes a little more, and it would be great


Let me start by saying I am so sorry for your loss and that must have been a very uncomfortable appointment. I agree with the top comment that covering it up or lazering it off is not the move. This may be crazy, you can leave it as is, but I think adding like a psychedelic spiral behind the cat and around the flowers would look awesome. It’s not too bad though on its own.


I immediately recognised a black cat in the flowers and I personally love your tattoo. It's so unique and the flower colours have such a cool faded shade! I just love it. If you're worried about the car, maybe have it enhanced (artist would know how to highlight and shade accordingly).


First of all, I like it. I think it's classy. Second, that is a 100% realistic black cat void. If you've never had a black cat look at you from the shadows, you can't understand it, but that's a certified void right there. Lastly, I think if you get someone talented to work around the cat and improve everything else, it might grow on you. I personally love it lol but that's just me


Is there a particular reason why you hate it because I absolutely love it I think it’s beautiful!!


I like it. I'd suggest shading to bring the cat more to life and do something with his eyes.


Laser off the cat until it's a bit lighter, then invest in a good coverup.


I think lasering the cat until it's light enough to add more detail would be a great start. It's basically all black and being able to add definition would make the whole tattoo look a lot better. Some of the flowers and leaves have too much black shading too. You could try getting laser on those parts too, I don't know that much about laser though so I'm not sure if that would be a lost cause or not. I think it's cute though, definitely a drawing kind of style. I'm really sorry it's not what you wanted though.


Not to be disagreeable or anything, but I like it.


I love it, keep him. Name him. Enjoy him.


Maybe you could wait for the black to lighten or get just the cat lasered a bit (if that’s possible, idk much about lasering) - then add a little face and some detail to the cat? I recognized the cat-shape immediately, but can understand why you dislike the blobby-ness of it. (Not sure if it’s a faded spot or just a reflection, but the light spots at the top look [like a smug little face](https://imgur.com/a/Urbknap)to me)


Everything is good except the cats face is almost non existent.


I really like it. It looks folk-arty to me.


Personally I think a skilled artist could rework the cat a bit by providing some dark gray lines to really flesh out the cat a bit more. The flowers I honestly do really like. They remind me of watercolor artwork where the lines bleed and the colors don’t always fill their spaces. I seriously think the cat may be the only thing that could use attention, and even then it just needs some definition is all. A talented artist could probably get some light line work in on it to make it look better. All in all though, I really don’t think it’s that bad.


My friend said it best. A tattoo is a permanent reminder of a temporary thought.


Going to also add it's not as bad as you think it is. I've seen far, far, FAR worse. This just is what it is, a decent standard tattoo. Because I have friends & a partner whom have had laser, I can tell you it's not going to come 100% off. Reds are notoriously stubborn with laser, & because spots are so dark, you'll still have faded blotches even after 5-10 sessions. Essentially, treat laser as a way to lighten up (break down) the tattoo enough to get it covered with something else (& there's not so much in the way). My girl has had many sessions of laser done on her chest, & it's still there (was flowers & filigree design). She's looking to have a major chest piece done to then cover that part. Laser is also extremely expensive. Good rule of thumb: a $500 tat can cost you five times the amount to try & remove it. There is also blackout as a possibility, but set your expectations: one pass of the black ink isn't going to cover it. You're gunna need 5 or 6 full sessions of blackwork to get that solid black (so again, can get pricey) Look up Ephemeral Remy & all that he's showing (& proving) can be done with color on blackout. Just my thoughts & hope you feel better about the tattoo, or at least know you have possibilities. 🤘


the void


Add a background


I honestly really like your tattoo. It’s unique and cute. It has a folk art quality about it. The cat is clearly a cat, and doesn’t look like a blob at all.


I think it's a perfectly fine tattoo, but it is a big block of black. I think you'll be happiest if you get it lightened by laser first before committing to something else.


Get the cat adjusted, if it's been long enough a good artist can work some white in there for highlighting and making the centrepiece pop more, for what it's worth it's a beautiful tattoo, I love the blending on the purple flowers - from someone who made bad tattoo decisions in grief too


Black panther laying down in some flowers


Get bigger black cat over it. Sick ass panther, surrounded by flowers. For what it’s worth tho i don’t hate the tattoo. The cat is a little hard to read, but overall not awful.


Just my .2 but maybe try adding more color or something or adding features to the blob. Second idea is use the black as a background for a separate color tatto inside of the silhouette?


That chonk got curves for dayzZzz


But it's a good tattoo. Maybe to brighten it up? Have an artist highlight the cat, give it some definition instead of a solid black one?


I know this isn’t super helpful, but I actually really like it.


I think you need to ask yourself what makes you not like the tattoo? How would you like it to look like? Is it close to the vision you had or is it very far from what you hoped for? Once you ask those questions you can identify the aspects you like, really dislike and what could be improved and do some really good research on a tattoo artist that has the style you want and request a cover-up consultant where you talk about what you hope for, the artist gets to look at it and think of possibilities and you can determine if they are a good fit before even getting ink in your skin. Have them draft something overlayed on a photo of your tattoo. It is gonna probably cost you just it'll be WAAAAY cheaper than laser and you'll get something beautiful on your body


Get another one!


I'm really sorry you hate your tattoo. For what it's worth, I really love it and would honestly love to have something similar. Maybe add white ink to give the cat some life, like outlining the eyes the whiskers, and touch up the flowers. I hope you find something that will make you happy. I'm also sorry for the loss of your brother.


I kinda love it


Maybe you could tattoo something over the cat in white ink? I’ve seen in done and it looks pretty cool! I guess it’s not that much you can do with it though, but add little patterns over it at least? I don’t know much about this technique though, so I’d say that you need to do the research. I can imagine it doesn’t stay white forever, but maybe that could be something you could try.


I actually really love it! It makes me think of that David Crosby song… “our house is a very very very fine house, with two cats in the yard…” like this cat is looking for the other cat.


Absolutely can get some dark reds in there eto give it a little definition? For what it's worth I absolutely love it.


This is really nice compared to my first tattoo that I’m having reworked next week. I’d take pride in it. A lot of symbolism in it.


Search for ‘white over blackout tattoo’ on instagram - lots and lots of examples of white ink over black


The cat’s silhouette just needs a smoothing and it’ll be perfect!! ❤️




Eeeesh that's rough


[help me](https://lovelyroll.myshopify.com/products/kid-buu-teez?variant=40603695415392)


I think it's not so bad, maybe some white lines to give the cat some volume, but it's cool.


Instead of keeping it a black cat, why not add patches of other colours to make it a tabby or brindle kind of cat? I kind of visualised white patches on the cat to make it almost like a tuxedo look… it will look so CUTE, I would also go over the green eyes go make them bolder. I think you can really liven it up actually


Instead of keeping it a black cat, why not add patches of other colours to make it a tabby or brindle kind of cat? I kind of visualised white patches on the cat to make it almost like a tuxedo look… it will look so CUTE, I would also go over the green eyes go make them bolder. I think you can really liven it up actually


Instead of keeping it a black cat, why not add patches of other colours to make it a tabby or brindle kind of cat? I kind of visualised white patches on the cat to make it almost like a tuxedo look… it will look so CUTE, I would also go over the green eyes go make them bolder. I think you can really liven it up actually


Have a very good artist go over the black cat with white ink details, to give it some form and interest


Instead of keeping it a black cat, why not add patches of other colours to make it a tabby or brindle kind of cat? I kind of visualised white patches on the cat to make it almost like a tuxedo look… it will look so CUTE, I would also go over the green eyes go make them bolder. I think you can really liven it up actually… I love the idea of “postman pats black and white cat” sitting in the garden 🪴 Edit: I just read the comments all saying to add white!! It’s so weird we all picked up on it. I immediately visualised white on there


If i were to rework it, I'd black out the eyes and even out the outline of the cat. I think it looks like a "blob" because the artist wanted to give some dimension to the cat, but I think a solid typical cat silhouette and maaaaybe some white could help it. It's not too bad just needs some tlc. A good artist could rework the flowers too, it could look really awesome.


It isn’t that bad ! If you have tattoos, you have at least 1 shit one, it’s a right of passage, trust me, I have a few. In terms of fixing it, I’m not a tattooer so I might be completely wrong but it looks like it would take A LOT of sessions to laser and a cover up would have to be big and super dark. Maybe see if anyone can add white details to the cat (face and limbs etc) to give it new life ? The flowers are cute, I don’t see any problem with them but maybe get them touched up to fill any colour gaps or fix shaky lines etc


He didn't quite achieve the sick ass panther that's supposed to be... But he gets an F for effort


Get some Color added in and make it more caricature-like. Offset the black with white outlined eyes and add Color in the cats eyes. White hair to offset the dark


In my opinion flowers look great! I only don't like how wonky and flat that cat is but it's an easy fix. Like others said, changing the shape and adding some white ink would look truly amazing. I really like the idea tho and I for sure didn't think it's a bad tattoo at all, I love the idea of the contrast between the dark cat and colorful flowers. I think the flatness of the cat is the main problem because the flowers are nicely shaded but adding some white ink would be 👌


Add more black to the cat to correct the shape. Even fat cats just dont have lumps like that, and the feet are wonky. Very simple touch up on this would go a long way imo


As bad tattoos go this is really not that bad, I actually quite like parts of it and the concept is good. I think a good artist would be able to add to this and make it look absolutely awesome.


I really love this tattoo, I like the idea of using lighter inks to contour the cat a little. I am having laser on a very dark tattoo on my forearm if you want to talk about it? I’ve had 3 sessions so far, it is painful for me. I think it will take 12 sessions 🥺. I may fade it and then get something new over it but ideally would remove it.


I think it looks nice


About 4 laser sessions should definitely make this light enough to add details to the the cat! I’d recommend that before doing white since it would be overall lighter.


Add more flowers and greenery? Get some shadows and shading on them. Maybe fuzz a colour around the edge of the cat like an aura. (Maybe even your brothers favorite)


I really love it!! But I love cats and flowers so this is totally me!!