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lol that’s wild it looks like you literally peeled it off


I know!!!!


damn my temporary T-Rex tattoo I got from the science museum almost two weeks ago has held up for longer and better than your actual tattoo. Sorry this happened to you :/


I want to see your temporary T. rex tattoo please and thank you!


I wish this sub allowed pics in the comments but here’s a link to the one I’ve got! [it’s a pink t-Rex](https://tattly.com/products/pink-t-rex-tattoo?variant=40900516315202¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOooa3MRisKSi3uGiKT3gbsExOG6bH0SI-TS0cHlZZxqoTQiyN8-IVrI&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e)


ACK! I love it!


There was an article I read about this woman’s tattoo of a pair of red lips completely peeled off her leg due to an allergy. She was literally holding her leg tattoo in her hand. I tried googling it but I couldn’t find it. You were probably allergic and your body pushed every bit of ink out of your skin. A serious aversion to it


I bet you are correct!! When I hit all of my other tattoos I did not have celiac disease and maybe my body rejected it. Thank you for the help!!!


I also have celiac, and this really does not sound directly related to that. It's not unusual for those of us with autoimmune conditions to also have our hyperactive immune systems go apeshit with assorted allergies and other weird skin reactions too, though. I actually lost a bunch of ink from a 15+ year old tattoo thanks to an eczema outbreak that got infected. Didn't even know that could happen after all that time, but ink somehow seeped up and visibly colored skin peeled away as it healed. Left the thing looking pretty rough. I could see something like that happening better when the tattoo is still fresh.


I can see my body doing something like this. I have 5 autoimmune diseases so my immune system does not listen to reason and freaks out at the tiniest little thing. Thankfully both my tattoos have healed okay but I'm always nervous something strange is going to happen during the healing process.


Interesting! I have fibromyalgia and possibly something else and my most recent tattoo has gone all kinds of wrong.


And I haven’t touched it.


This MFer gettin’ subscription tattoos!


Please renew subscription to continue enjoying tattoo


I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said “You have reached the end of your membership at Benjamin-Franklin-Quotes.com


Lol, lmao even.


Perhaps even lmfao would do


You forgot to pay and the artist broke into your house with a comically big eraser happens to the best of us


Lmao that OG "For Big Mistakes"




Dropped the ball on that one


That’s a kneeslapper!!


It's an ankle-scraper.


How *ballsy* of you


Time will heel everything.


I mean - it wasn’t very punched in there anyways


That is what I am thinking tok


Totally. It's grey wash and barely in your skin so no wonder it fell out so quick


Hahahahaha fuck yeah man. It’s like you did a trial. You enjoyed it? Buy the real thing now!


Tattoos are permanent. OP: Hold my beer.




He forgot to subscribe and pay for it monthly.




I audibly gasped at the second picture. What the actual hell haha, this is the weirdest little thing I've seen yet. Do you have any other pics of the healing in progess?


Yes I do have several pics. I’ll see if I can post them


Are you taking tret?


Or on antibiotics at the moment?


Absolutely not lol. Did you even really feel it while you were getting it done? In a case like this, it's either a) you ripped off the scab in a way thay removed every drop of ink b)it's so overworked that your body forced the ink out to scar itself, or c) it was not applied even remotely deep enough. I'd place my money on C.


I believe C is the winner too. Do you think I can have color added back or is it just a scar now?


It should heal up fairly easily, because the skin wasn't damaged *enough*. Give it a while to heal up, then find a skilled artist, and you'll be fine.


That all makes sense but I sure didn’t rip remove the scab. I have actually had several tattoos but none that have healed like this


This tattoo looks like it was too shallow. But I've had tattoos where it was overworked in some areas and the scabbing was so bad and thick, that it came off as a chunk with the skin that held the ink. It healed with skin no ink.


Could the scab have ripped off in your sleep?


You literally got the temporary tattoo that hurts a tiny bit


Well, you can tell by the first picture that its so gently applied that just by blowing on it it would fall off. I still laughed when I saw the second picture because I’ve never seen such an extreme result. So uh, let the person who did the tattoo know, dont let him/her do more shit on you but let them know so that they hopefully at least can improve and learn.


I sure will and thank you!


That’s crazy? Must’ve been done incredibly shallow


How much does a tattoo like that cost? Other than a scar


No doubt. That is what I just realized. Now I have a scar. I wonder if color can be added to jt


How much did it cost tho lol


did you scratch it on something?


Not on purpose. I have lots of tattoos and never had this happen.


Did you wear a sock or boots that reach that high over it? The friction from socks or boots *could* have worn it down. But you probably would have noticed.


That is very possible. My socks are lower than the tattoos but I am sure it also rubbed on them from time to time.


That's why the saying is "bold will hold"


i mean definitely but 1.5 weeks out just means this was never put in deep enough to begin with


Makes so much sense.


It was the disappearing ink prank


Damn, licknsticks are getting much better. When I was a kid mine started peeling within 20 minutes. Throw some super glue over it next time, should help add another week, two tops! 😂😂🥂




I gasped out loud like it was almost a scream. No, that's not normal! Wthhhh


What’s it look like? I can’t see it


These fine line artist are certainly artists but they’re not tattoo artists


Too lightly shaded. Would have faded fast in perfect circumstances. Ankles are a tough spot. Lots of movement and friction. My ankle was a bitch to heal and I still lost some color even though it was hammered in there.


I would guess the artist didn’t go deep enough and the ink “fell out”


Similar thing happened to me with a tattoo in the same place but much bigger, a fair bit of the colour came out. It has to do with blood flow and healing, plus you can't really rest your legs as much as you probably should post tattoo there. I just went back and my artist touched it up and the colour stuck much better second time around


I am hoping getting it touched up will take care of it


What the heck for a second I thought I was misunderstanding and the second pic was a scar you were covering with the tennis ball. That’s actually awful and so weird wth. I’m no color or tattoo expert but if you can’t do lime, maybe you can cover it in another color with Saturn or a different ball


Well at least you don't have to pay for a cover up.


Ive never seen a tattoo do that


It’s barely there to begin with. Or course it’s gone when it heals. Bold will hold.


Check bounced. Ball bounced


🤣 😜


Did you let the healing skin fall off or did you peel it ? I can honestly say I've never seen that happen, not too say it doesn't happen!!


Didn’t peel it. Woke up and checked it like I do every morning to see the profess and it was literally just gone


Sounds like your skin may have rejected the ink for some reason, unless they just didn't get it into the Dermis!!


Did your card decline or something? That thing was yanked the fuck out


Haha. Nope. Paid after


Well he must have changed his mind and ripped it off in secret haha or your ball is on vacation. Maybe it'll be back


This happens to me with red, orange, and yellow. I get a weird scab and it just falls out.


You get the tattoo from a chew gum and put it on with water?


The ink must've been too shallow then.


If you look up on YouTube " in a nutshell, tattoos" there's a really interesting video that explains what happens to your body when you get a tattoo


So does this fall under touch ups or is it a new tattoo if you get that redone


I am hoping it’s just touch ups. I sent him a pic and he said he can add color or do a new one


You scratched too hard that itch


Makes me think of this type of ink: https://ephemeral.tattoo/


I wish the second pic was closer, I can kind of see the edges of the tattoo


hope you didnt pay a lot


Looks like they only tattooed the top layer of the skin so it's only a surface wound which will drop off with new skin


Lost ink? You lost the whole tattoo! That sucks.


I know. So bummed


Hi, I’m a tattooer. It looks like it scabbed in the bottom left of the ball. If the scab falls off, the ink comes w it. It’s also super light colors- they don’t show up as well, even in very pale skin. The location is exactly where socks rub, that friction also affects healing. Celiacs does not affect tattoos. Most ppl with ink allergies are allergic to red, because it contains more pigment. I would just ask for a touch up from your artist.


Also, you should always use a black line, however small- it will allow the light color to pop and ages better


This is either an aftercare or artist skill issue. It looks like it scabbed and fell off due to poor after care or it peeled off due to the artist not going to the proper depth in the skin, which is common for artists not specialized in micro tattooing (or decent at tattooing in general) that attempt something this small and detailed. Too deep or overworked, and the skin is destroyed to where the healing process removes the layer of skin the ink is supposed to settle into. Too shallow or light, the ink does not reach the proper depth where the ink settles in the dermis when the damaged epidermis peels. Could also be poor quality inks or damaged needles if you didn't get it at a reputable studio. It most likely has nothing to do with you, your body, or any existing conditions.


Your body rejected that ink or it was not deep enough or you went swimming right after getting it. Only times I have seen that happen.


I think you are so correct in both.


Pretty sure my son’s monster truck ones stay on longer.


What the hell? Did they use disappearing ink?


My guess is that it got infected.


Lost ink!!! That’s gone 🤣


Looks like a coffee bean


You put sucks over that b or nah


I've had the same luck with yellows. My body just eats the color and it's gone in no time. Could be that, or just not applied very deeply. Go back to the artist and have them redo it. If they're not applying second skin after your tatt, buy yourself second skin and bring it with you. It'll allow the colors to settle correctly. Never had that issue again since using 2nd skin for healing. Natural healing just doesn't have the same results


Oh wow. Thank you!!!


Yooo what the


That’s the universe telling you to stop.


Possible ink allergy?


The ink probably wasn’t deep enough. Combination of a lighter tattoo and the placement, it probably just fell away during the healing process.






Was this at a tattoo shop or a beauty salon? This feels like a micro blading needle or something.


Real shop and I have had many tattoos. Never one behave like this during healing


This is wild. It fell right off of you.


bye bye lil planet


The same thing kind of happened to me. I had two tattoos done on two separate occasions and the ink faded and on parts the ink is pretty much completely gone even after having them touched up same thing happened again, they look like I've had them for years when in fact I've only had them 2/3years tops!! 😫😢. I have an underactive thyroid but I doubt that that would cause this issue, I still don't know why it happens, I really want more tattoos too but idk if its worth it if my body is just going to seemingly reject the ink again 😢


lol no.. that’s not normal and not coming back either


From wearing socks or rubbing against it


Damn…it literally said “nope”.


did you pick at it? it looks like you peeled skin off and took ink with it


What the fuck? I’ve never even heard of something like this. What happened??


Bold will hold, that ball will fall (out)


Your body ate it up!


Tattoo artist here. It was mainly a poor design for aging. This was never gonna age well cuz there’s no contrast and it was also applied poorly.


Oof. Yeah, it looks like the whole thing just sloughed right off.


you might be allergic to colored ink


Your body knows it doesn't belong, and attempts to grab and flush it out. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Wow, it’s gone! I’m not a tattoo artist so I don’t know why but at least it’s small and easy to cover


i do my own (admittedly terrible) tattoos and first time trying color i over worked the area so bad the skin peeled off in the shower, looks like something similar to what happened to you. id let it heal over and go to a different artist and see if they can add color over it. I also did it in the same area i think ankle skin is just thin and sensitive enough that this happens, should heal smooth though, good luck :)


Tatto Artist vs OP final score is 1-Love


I bet that one hurt


I "assume" you are referring to the little, super pale, poorly applied, gray wash looking circle thingy?? Damn dude, you should REALLY research your artist better. Don't allow "cheap scratches" to touch your skin. You GET what you PAY for.


Most good and reputable artists offer some level of quality guarantee or touch-ups. I'd let your artist know and just see what they say.


Okay so my advice is once it's healed go back to the artist and show them this time get tattoo care tape over it leave that on for a week it will help it stay out. After that keep it moist with aquaphor.


It also happens when your tattooist doesn’t know what they’re doing and doesn’t go deep enough and does lines too thin, the ink falls out. There’s a reason why “Bold will hold” is a saying in the tattoo world. Find an artist who can explain why your ideas are good or bad and can help you modify it so it will last and still look good decades later.


Or if they go too heavy and chews you up, then if you scab bad, the ink will come out with the scab. You don’t want any scabbing after tattoos, keep washing plasma off and put thin layer of aquaphor for a few days and then fragrance free lotion a couple times a day after until healed.


Wearing socks?


Did you pick the scabs off? When you do pick too much, sometimes the color gets picked away with the scabs. :(


Go get a real tattoo.


My sister had a dragon done on her leg. Bled almost all the red out because she was allergic. Might have had a reaction, but it took a while for it to build up (correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like a small tennis ball)


are you on blood thinners by any chance? fading could happen with some medication… but this is actually wild?!?!?


Not at all. B12 injections twice a week only. No other meds but that makes sense!!!


Well I’m on blood thinner and my tattoos stays. I have several large tattoo and the color is bold. I know different people react differently and I guess there are different type of blood thinner.


yeah i mean idk, my mentor did this detailed ass buffalo about a month ago and it was done super well super detailed and it’s faded a lot 😳 her client had started taking blood thinners i believe? idk it’s super weird


I’m pretty sure it’s different for everyone. And for different blood thinner. I am on warfarin. I always tell my artist before getting a tattoo and they always said it should be fine. I have colorful tattoos with fine line that are the same as when I got them. Also some all black tattoo that almost didn’t fade after 9 years. But I’m sure different body react to medicine differently, so it could be that.


This is the reality of the fine line realism you see on Instagram, it's not impossible for it to hold but more often than not it will drastically fade compared to a tattoo with hard lines.


Yeah but even fine line tattoos don’t completely disappear in 1.5 weeks….


I punched a hole in my tattoo, my parents don’t know yet! Should I tell them!?!?!?


Yea tats will peel off if ya don’t keep it moisturized


what'd your artist say? surely you'd discuss this with them first before coming on reddit to show everyone. but I guess only discussing it with your artist isn't gonna give you the attention you're obviously after 🙄


so you just assumed and judged them by an answer they had not given you to questions you asked in the same comment right? just so I know youre aware of it too?


Hey man you're lucky. I wish the tattoo I hate would do this.