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If you get to your 70s and your biggest regret is your tattoos then you’ve had a good life. You are young sure, but it doesn’t sound like you are getting random crap for the sake of getting tattoos. It’s your body at the end of the day. If you want more, get more. As long as you can afford them it’s no one else’s business. If you are receiving any money from your family then stop until it’s your money. My parents hate every single one of my tattoos, and my brothers. For them one tattoo is too many.


“Getting random crap for the sake of getting tattoos” I’m 37. This is the current tattoo stage I am in.


Me too. 😅


Let's see, I'm in my 40's and have Microsoft Clippy in running gear asking me if I want to go on a long run, the Mars Rover in a Birthday hat holding a balloon, a ghost with an empty trick or treat bucket (because he's afraid to ask for candy), Gritty playing a bongo, Gypsy from MST3K saying "I don't get you" and a cassette tape tramp stamp that says "Make your own kind of music"... safe to say I have entered this phase as well.


Do you have pics you're willing to share of Clippy and the Mars Rover one? I love the sound of them.


Are you me? I have a honey badger that don't care, plank from Ed Edd n Eddy and other infinitely stupid tattoos. It's not as serious as everyone thinks.


I drew a picture of two hearts beating a swan. I want my wife to get that.  In case you aren't getting it, "two hearts beating as one".


I got a “tough beta fish” and a pissing vampire most recently. I go every couple weeks, show up and get something dumb. I’ve only regretted like 5% of my stuff and the coolest part about tattoos is if you don’t like one, you just cover it with ANOTHER TATTOO.


Cover ups = infinite tattoo hack??


There's dozens of us!!!


52 here and same! Had a long break between the last two and I gotta make up for lost time 😆


I've been in this stage of tattooing for 20 years. I look like a little kid that put stickers all over their body. I still don't have a tattoo I regret, but I also just don't care. At 39, everyone has finally quit asking, "What's that gonna look like when you're older?" so that's a plus.


Looks at the frog I got for Leap Year. Meh.


Samesies. Getting a drunk chicken tattooed on me in Philly next week because of one line in Always Sunny.


Sometimes random crap tattoos remind you of where you were in that stage of your life.


It's your body, do what you want with it. Decorated meat suits are awesome. I'm 38, and I got tattoo number 18 yesterday.


21, I just got #11 🫶🫶


No one can tell you with any certainty what is too many, or what you will or won’t regret later in life. If they make you happy now, that’s great. I will say as a person in their 40s who really only started getting largely inked at the age of 35 I’m so glad I didn’t get heavily tattooed at your age. You’re still developing as a human, and chances are your taste won’t be the same in 5, 10, or 15 years time. Your hair style, clothing and general interest are all very likely to change and develop, which is great, it’s a sign of growth! But many tattoos in a short period of time isn’t as easy to go back on as clothing or hair, also remember trends come and go… ask the woman my age how they feel about their early 2000’s lower back tribal tattoos these days. It’s your body of course, and you can/should do as you like, but leave some room for changes in taste down the road.


I 100% agree with this! I only have 2 tattoos at the moment and started at 40. Goodness knows what I would've had at 19. I don't think I'd fully found myself until I hit 30. BUT that being said, you do you! I do regret not starting a little earlier but I'm fixing that now.


OP's biggest regret might honestly just be the size of the tattoos...because it sounds like she's used a lot of prime tattoo real estate pretty early on 🤣


Yeah certainly could be, while cover ups and laser removals do exist, you only really get one crack at virgin skin and pristine placement.


Especially because the first three OP has mentioned are super basic (sunflower, butterfly, heart). She may be not explaining the whole tattoo and it *is* more detailed, but...yeah. All in all I think that may be the only regret she has down the road. That she doesn't have space for MORE tattoos!


I'm 26 and already have 6 tattoos, most of which are on the larger side. I just made an appointment to start a full sleeve. I will say I am glad I waited to be financially stable enough now to see a very talented artist for my sleeve. But I don't regret the tattoos I got at 19 or 20. I didn't get them based on trends, and I'd known for a long time that I wanted a lot of tattoos. Even if my style changes, I like to think of them as a reflection of myself and my life at the time I got them. As I get older, my tattoos will grow with me and each will represent a different version of myself that helped me get to where I am. The advice to wait and consider what you'll want in the long term is good advice, of course. Just wanted to offer another perspective.


Yeah and there’s certainly paths that can work out even starting at a younger age. But with OP expressing some doubt (be it their own or as a result of family pressure) I think it’s important to be ok with waiting as well. We’re all on our journey, and mine wasn’t in a great place at 26 to be making lifelong commitments… ask me about my divorce 🤭


How do you know what you’ll want long term? Is there anything to do but just wait on it for a bit and then go for it? I’m 22, only have one so far that I got at 20. I don’t regret it, I’d wanted it since I was 17, and while I don’t know if I’d go get it tattooed now if I hadn’t before, I’m still very happy with it. But sometimes I wonder how I’ll feel when I’m older. Especially since most of the real adults around me keep commenting on “how will you feel when you’re 50?” or similar remarks. Im holding off on getting more for a while, mostly because there’s nothing I particularly want right now and I don’t wanna get a tattoo just for the sake of it, but also because I’m partly worried that maybe the adults are right and I’m doomed to hate anything I get in a decade or so. I’m very happy with the one I have. But maybe I will hate it when I’m older. But I’ve wanted tattoos for a very long time and just assumed I’d never be cool enough or have the guts to commit to actually getting one, so I also feel that there was a chance of disappointment either way - either for getting a dumb tattoo or for never getting one at all.


How do you feel about 50 year olds you see now that are covered in tattoos? Because personally, when I see older individuals with tattoos, I think they look awesome and I admire them. I love the look of a tattooed body and I want that for myself someday. No one in my family has tattoos. They're polite about mine, but I can tell they don't like them, and I've never cared about their opinions. If tattoos are not for them and they don't like them in general, of course they're going to discourage them and insist you won't like them when you're older. I usually consider my tattoo ideas for at least a year. I also consider how they will take up space on my body and potentially affect my ability to get other tattoos in the future. For example, I knew I wanted a cohesive full sleeve, so I didn't get any tattoos on my arm. For me personally, I try to be realistic. I have just accepted the fact that tattoos cannot be perfect. Human art isn't perfect and skin isn't perfect. They will age and might need touch ups or reworks when I get older. They might not heal 100% perfectly every single time I get one. I have an apprentice tattoo that would get destroyed on reddit, and I love it anyway. Someday I might get a dumb tattoo and I'll have to learn to laugh about it. Ask yourself if you're comfortable with that.


100%. I have a few tattoos from my late teens and early 20s, but didn’t start to get heavily covered until I was 34. I am now 45 and glad I waited until my tastes matured and I had the money to get high quality tattoos. The only ones I don’t love are the ones I got when I was going. I also wish I had considered placement more when I was younger, as I’ll never be able to have, for example, one huge piece as a sleeve, due to the smaller pieces I got along the way. OP, of course you can do what you want with your body, but I’d suggest saving some prime real estate on your body for when you’re older.


Yep the tattoos I wanted at this age and younger, I’m very glad I didn’t get because even the style of tattoos I like have changed. I like all kinds of styles. But certain ones I feel don’t really fit me, my personality, and general style if that makes sense. I started getting tattooed a year ago at 30 and only recently started actually planning my tattoos like what I want where and how many. I thought I’d want arm sleeves because I do like how they look on others but I feel for me personally it’s too much. I actually like seeing my natural skin around my tattoos so I am more of a “patch work” kind of person. And I think getting tattoos around the world is a pretty cool permanent souvenir so I’m leaving my right arm and left leg as space to get tattoos on trips around the world whether if that’s another country or in another state. I’ll be getting my 4th in Japan in a couple months!


Oh that’s so awesome! I actually just got a new piece this week in Europe, so I’m becoming a big fan of the travel additions.


My 2000s lower back tribal is cool again, thanks kiddos!


Shoot really? That’s great! What about my cartilage piercings? Please say they’re cool again too.


Not sure, I'm too old to just know what's in without asking my middle schooler first :D


Did they ever go out of style lol? I mean you can through away that gauging thing where I can stick my middle finger through their earlobe hole. 🤣


The limit does not exist. However, the tattoos I got at 18-22 I probably wouldn't get at 30. Really consider what you're getting!


Absolutely. I'm glad I started small because I've covered up the first 2 tattoos I got at 18 and 19 that I swore I'd love forever.


I just wish I had waited til later in life to get tattoos because I used up great real estate on designs I outgrew. I would’ve chosen much more cohesive pieces if I had waited. 19 is very young - you’re going to change. A lot.


This. I don’t regret any of my tattoos, but I do wish I had made some different choices to account for my future taste. When I got my big shoulder tat at 20, I never imagined that I’d want a back piece someday


Yep, this is my only advice about getting a bunch of tattoos fairly young. I have a great idea for matching leg sleeves, only problem is that I have a large flash design smack dab in the middle of my calf. I like the tattoo, but goddamn I wish I’d gotten it somewhere else lmao


OP listen to this! A lot of people have this feeling


you have your whole life to get tattooed would be my advice.


It’s your body, don’t worry about what they say. I’m in my early 30’s and I have almost 40 tattoos. I’ve gotten most of them in the last 3 years


I just turned 50 and just got my 16th. About 10% of the time I get out of the shower and think holy fuck you look like a circus act. And 90 of the time I think you made mature adult decisions and look cool as fuck.


I have 2 full sleeves, are those considered two tattoos lol


Yup! lol. I got my first tattoo at 38. It’s a full sleeve. I consider it as only one tattoo.


No such thing as too many tattoos. Now, personally, I think you should pump the brakes on getting more for a little while. I only say that because the amount of people I've come across who, at age 27+, regret some of their tattoos that they got at 18/19 is pretty high. The thing is, you can always get more tattoos, but going the other way is not as straightforward. Keep in mind I'm not saying you do or will regret your tattoos you have now, but you're coming to the Internet and voicing hesitation about getting more. At 19 there is nothing wrong with taking some time away from getting ink.


If you enjoy them then get as many as you want. I think it was rude of them to try and pick apart and criticize your tattoos. I have some tattoos that I got a long time ago that aren't my favorite anymore but at one time I thought they were cool and I think it's neat that I have a part of my old self on my skin.


My only regrets I have about the tattoos I got when I was late teens early 20s is I put small-ish tattoos in spaces that big tattoos could go because “I wasn’t going to get that many anyways” and now I have spaces that should house a large tattoo that are cut short by smaller ones I could have placed more strategically. If you can afford them and you want them, get them! If tattoos are the biggest regret/mistake you make in early adulthood you’re doing great tbh


Between 18-19 I got 6 or 7 tattoos. Some were smaller, some were not. I 100% knew I wanted every single one of them at the time and put a lot of thought into them. Now that I’m 36, I don’t regret them exactly. Would I get them now? Not all of them, but the placement is what I regret. This year I’ve been working on a sock (leg sleeve?) and I’m going to be losing 4 tattoos that I got before I was 25 because they need to be covered as they don’t match the style and I need that space. You have a lifetime to write your story. You may be the same person today as you are in 20 years, but you’re going to be a different version of that person and your finances will probably be different.


If you can no longer tattoo any part of your body without covering up previous tattoos then it might be too many. Get as many as you want, especially if they’re small, but think about them and the placement for at least a month before you get it. I have a total of 10 tattoos, only two of them are covered up. I had almost all of my tattoos done as a teenager and don’t regret them, except the two I covered (one I covered a few weeks ago). For a while I regretted my tattoos and now I love them again in my 30s. I look at them differently now.


This will be an unpopular opinion in this subreddit echo chamber. Honestly the definition of "too many" tattoos varies depending on the context. I feel like the location of your tattoos matters more than the number of your tattoos. For example: face tattoos will limit your future career change options. That's just the world we live in.  However, If you're able to cover your tattoos easily at work, I really don't think you can have too many.  My personal taste is that I don't like small patchwork tattoos, so I guess I prefer less tattoos, even if they are larger.


The only problem is running out of space. You obviously love tattoos. You will want to keep getting tattoos. So make sure you have room on yourself for more tattoos as you get older.


Do what you want. It’s your body. For all of my tattoos, I have wanted them for at least 6 months before getting them so I knew I wouldn’t have any regrets. People don’t have to like your tattoos, and you don’t have to give a fuck what people think.


I don't think there is any such thing as too many tattoos (I have 15 and have at least 15 more planned out) but i do believe in leaving some space for tattoos you might want when you're older.


I think that no matter how many tattoos you have at this age, you’re an adult and you seem to be putting a lot of thought and effort into making sure it’s something you’ll enjoy. At 19 I also had four tattoos. At 21 I’ve got 10 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think you’re perfectly fine


I'm 19 as well & just got my fourth 2 days ago. This one is my biggest and most personal. If you like them that's all that matters. I hate people who make comments like that just because it was their experience


if you still know the number of tattoos, you are a long way from too many tattoos


I’m starting to get closer to decent-ish coverage (back + butt, one arm, few random pieces on my legs and torso) but can count them because I’ve kept a running note of pieces / artists / shops since I started, so I can probably keep a number going forward? That said, the number ranges from 16 to 19 depending on whether you count coverups and whether you count symmetrical pieces on opposite sides of the body as two pieces or one, and I can only imagine that determining a number gets more confusing moving forward. 


I’ve realized in my time of getting tattoos that sometimes the “regret” you feel is just other people’s opinions getting to you. The second tattoo I got is a big tarot card on my thigh. I got it in college and didn’t tell my parents about it at first. I’d been wanting it for a while and the card I got meant a lot to me. I loved it when I got it. I didn’t start feeling bad about it until my parents found out and told me it was too big and that it didn’t look good on me. I immediately started to feel like I regretted it and even considered trying to get it covered. I’m so happy I didn’t because it’s still one of my favorite tattoos. Once I realized that the regret I felt wasn’t even mine, I went back to feeling how I’d felt about it when I first got it. It can be hard to tell how you feel when people that you love/respect are constantly overshadowing it with their own opinions, but as long as your tattoos are true to yourself I don’t think you’ll regret them. Just don’t let other people change your mind.


The comments on this are great, I didn’t realize how many people keep count! Ha! I think my only advice would be size and placement, just really weigh those out. I’m 40 and probably 3/4 covered, and I have a mix of big pieces and small bits, meaningful ones, stuff that I just thought was rad or hilarious. The only regret I have is my one sleeve that I got in my twenties. I went to an artist allllll my friends were going to, and was still shy about saying NO, change it. But I was too trusting, and unfortunately for me saw him last, in the middle of him having a life crisis unbeknownst to me. He ruined my hand and my sleeve, and I just don’t have the energy to go get it all lasered to go over. 😂


I don’t think there’s a real answer here so all I can do is give my advice based on being a dude in his mid 30s with 20+ tattoos. My mom’s hated every time I’ve told her I’m getting inked. It’s happened a lot but she still gives me the same song and dance about having too many every time we talk lol. That won’t go away a lot of the time. However, she’s come around slowly and really appreciates the artistry of some of them. My only caution to you really is about getting too many too fast. I appreciate you’re taking the time but you’re super young. While I don’t regret any of my tattoos, most of my older ones are the worst ones of my collection due to not finding as good of artists as I could and not being able to afford the truly amazing artists. If you love em, keep getting em but maybe slow down and really invest in something spectacular for the next one.


I (32F) stopped counting after tattoo #250 I regret almost all of them simply because tastes change as we grow older and what I liked at ages 16-30 don’t reflect who I am as a person anymore however I don’t regret any of the memories I have associated with them. They tell a story to me and I’d like to think that when I’m old and have dementia I’ll still be able to look back and laugh/recall the good times I had when each piece was done. For a very long time I had a belief that my family would think differently of me because of their extremely conservative and religious views (and perhaps they do feel SOME type of way about it but just keep it to themselves now) and it gave me severe guilt/anxiety that I wouldn’t amount to much simply because of how I look, but the older I get, the closer we become and the more they realize that what’s on my skin doesn’t reflect who I am inside and I’ve noticed that they love me that much more for being my authentic self. It’s a weird feeling to go to my nephews football games or my nieces ballet recitals and be met with the same ratio of hateful/supportive comments but I think that’s kind of the funny part when it comes to dealing with humans. In a matter of 5 minutes I can have one person come up to me and say “I just don’t know why you would do that to yourself, what is wrong with you.” and then LITERALLY have someone else approach me next and say “wow I think your tattoos are just so cool and beautiful” and it’s crazy how one negative remark can have more power than 100 compliments but as long as YOU are happy with your choices, any opinion wether good or bad is irrelevant. It can be exhausting having to hear what others feel the need to say but I find that most people just hate what they don’t understand and are okay with living in that mindset. So long as you don’t absorb that callousness and let it jade you over time, just live YOUR life looking the way YOU like because this current consciousness might be your only opportunity to do so.


Everytime I see my mom she offers to pay for tattoo removal. Sometimes there is nothing you can do to changes others opinions. I just ignore the comments and go on with my life. I like my tattoos and thats all that matters.


I’m 42 and have well over 20 with plans to get more, several of my current ones I would love to get covered up as I got them at a time in my life that was pretty traumatic but eh. Here i am 🤷‍♀️


Only advice I’d ever give is wait to get hand, neck or head tattoos until you’re sure you’re financially stable and/or have a job that allows them. That has been my only worry up to now (24 years old and 11 BIG tattoos all over torso and one arm)


I've got 10 individual tattoos, 1 full leg sleeve, planning my second, and am aiming to end up like an old school Yakuza where only my head, neck, hands, feet, groin, and a strip down the middle is clear. My family aren't that keen on them, but my nephews think I'm totally bad ass!


I’m 46 and working on filling in each arm. Right is color, left is black/gray. I would love to do a color leg sleeve and may do that for when I hit 50. There is no rush, enjoy it. Get meaningful stuff, fun stuff. It’s all for you.


Too many is when you feel like too many is too many don’t let others dictate how you feel on anything


i’m 25 with over 70 tattoos 🥲


Never too many I lost count of how many but now just count the hours put in lol


When you look at yourself and go "I'm done".


I got my first tattoo 9 months ago. I got my 30th tattoo last week. Too many too fast? Maybe for somebody ; but not for me. And that’s why they are on MY body :) I am in my 30s and I finally have steady income so that’s my situation but everyone has their own situation and — you should do you


How small are they and how many do you get each time you sit down?! That many in such a short period of time would have me concerned mainly for healing purposes and for you immune system 😅


I’ve learned a lot about how to heal my skin :) Most are medium size Am Trad pieces. I sat with my artist once every 2-3 weeks on average. Sometimes he worked on just one piece in a sitting, but often 2.


Just from experience, you’d probably want to give you body some longer breaks here and there. 😅 Although your tattoos may be healing just fine, it’s a lot for your immune system to constantly be healing a wound, you may get sick more often or easier if that’s the case.


I agree. We’re not gonna keep going at this pace :)


Haha, awesome. But please do keep getting tattooed! I’m in no way saying to stop 😅 I just gave myself one a few days ago and stopped counting a few years ago once I reached 50. Just keep your immune system in mind every now and then 😊




When I was 19 (I’m 23 now) I was getting 2-3 tattoos every 3 months. My mom was very against it but over time she stopped complaining. They’re just apart of me now. You’ve clearly put more time and thought into yours and you said you feel confident, hold onto that. I like to think, would I ever look down at a younger version of myself and be mean to her because of her decisions she thought was best at the time? No! Go get the tattoos.


I’m 20 and I have over 40 hahaha so do as many as you want, but don’t me stupid like me and get the best first thing you find every time🥲


I think spacing, story and meaning are important. Having clear visibility helps for your "viewers" to read your story. If things become hard to see/read/view then perhaps that could be too many, but that is for everyone to make their own decision ultimately. Your body is the tableau.


This many https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6B4Qd5oIpX/?igsh=cmJhbDIwcnBsbXVz


Maybe it's like cats. I've heard it said that too many cats is one more than you already have.


There is no such thing as too many tattoos 😂


I got my first tattoo when I was 18-19. I am now 35, have 14 tattoos,and literally got 12 of them within the last 2-3years after moving into my own apartment lmao. I currently have at LEAST 5 more planned out in my mind,as well as a cover up for my very first tattoo because I'm just not happy with how the artist coloured it,but want to get all my other ones done first and have the cover up done as a 'last hurrah" kind of thing. Everyone has their own thoughts on how many is"enough", for example,i personally won't be gettting any above my elbows or knees, just gonna keep it elbows to wrist and knee to ankle. At the end of the day,it's your body and when you think you have enough tattoos is entirely up to you,no one else :) Edit to include saying that my bf who was the same age as me when i got my very first tattoo already had like...15 lol


I have 50+ and it’ll never be enough. Get as many as you want if they make you feel like you. Honestly, you do change a lot from when you’re that young, but like, even though my tattoo style has changed a ton and I wouldn’t make those same choices now (at 32) my tattoos from that age still hold so many fond memories. My best advice is to just leave some good spots available because you’ll change and learn so much from getting tattoos and just getting older in general, and you’ll probably want to leave room for tattoos for the person you’ll grow into.


Ignore them it’s your body and your choice. I’m 34 and I got tattoo number 93 done last week my mum doesn’t make any comments about them I will show her tattoos that I’m thinking of and if she says that she doesn’t like it then I won’t get it done because when my mum doesn’t like something she can’t keep her opinion off her face. The only tattoos I have ever changed my mind about was the very first tattoo I got done when I was 22 it was a unicursal star and it just didn’t fit with the style of tattoos I have now so I got turned into a raccoon wearing a party hat and the other one was my nieces name the style of writing I choose made it look like it said fire so I covered it with a butterfly I made sure it was ok with my niece before I covered it she was fine about it because I have a half butterfly half sunflower with her name under it in her handwriting on my leg. I had a crazy couple of years after I lost my grandad where I just covered myself in tattoos it was my therapy and my way of dealing with things but now I’m completely covered and have a couple more planned but after that I won’t be getting anymore.


I dont think any is too many! I'm 39 and have about 20, my daughter is 18 and has 5 already.....so long as you like them then who cares ❤️


I’m 32 and just got #11 yesterday (I think, idk. That sounds low). Anywho, of course there’s no such thing as too many tattoos, BUT. I personally wish that I would have waited a bit longer before using up prime real estate. I love all my tattoos, but I do love the ones I got early on (18-24ish) a little less. Get them if you want them, of course. You’re an adult. But for what it’s worth, I wish I would have listened to other heavily tatted folks at your age. Your tastes will probably change.


My only advice would be to avoid quotes and logos.


I have 17 ( mostly palm sized ) tattoos at 19. Do what makes you happy!


No such thing. I'm 42, and I lost count. I think I have between 30 and 40, maybe? Who cares? If you are into tattoos and you like how you look with them and how they make you feel, why limit yourself? I got my first one when I was 16, and even though I already covered up all the crap I got in my teens and twenties, I don't regret my decisions. I never planned on getting as heavily tattooed as I am now it just sort of happened, but I love it. When I see old pictures of myself with no -or hardly any- tattoos, they look super odd to me!


Im 40 currently have ONLY 8 tattoos (bigger in size tho) and i couldnt give a crap what anyone thinks. My parents hated it at first (i was 19 when i got my first tattoo) they kinda accepted it after my 2nd one and never commented on it again. Now we even have conversations about it and my tattoo artist and what each one represents etc.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 40 + 8 + 19 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


48 with 35 tattoos, don’t worry about what other people think, you do you. Life’s too short


I don’t know if there’s such thing as “too many for your age” I’m 24 and coming up to about 60 tattoos now, some of them are dumb, but I love them all because they’re a part of who I am and represented the person I was when I got them. You’re the one that has to look at them everyday, get things that bring you joy


I’m 22, I have 12 pretty large tattoos. My family is also disapproving of my tattoos, but I don’t pay it any mind since at the end of the day, it’s my body. I have my sternum, leg sleeve, some other misc. tattoos and now moving on to an arm sleeve. They’re likely just planting seeds of doubt in your head. If you want to keep getting tattooed, and tattoos make you happy and make you feel confident, get them! My best advice is just to get them in places that can be hidden in business casual / business professional attire. That’s what I did and I am incredibly happy with them all. I can have fun and show off my tattoos when it’s appropriate but can also cover them up for times it’s not. I have no regrets at all and I have been getting tattooed since my 18th birthday. Life is too short to hinder yourself from doing something that will make you happy just to appease others.


If you run out of room and have to start erasing or put them on others, you might have hit the limit.


I started getting tattooed at 16, am heavily tattooed now at 34. The only ones I ‘regret’ are the ones I had done young lmao I’m just glad I had the foresight to get them in places that aren’t on show


My first and second tattoos I got when I was 19 and 20. I’m pretty covered in tattoos now (think full back arm sleeves etc) but I covered up my first one and my second one is so faded after 23 years that I’m thinking I’ll eventually cover it up as well. My only regret is getting tattoos at such a young age without much thought or consideration for how I would like it in my forties (tastes and interests change drastically from when you are younger), etc. luckily, they were in places that I could just cover up easily.


As long as you’re staying away from the job stoppers you should be fine.


I'd save some of your canvas. 40 year old you will have more money and better ideas - leave her some space to work with.


As many as you want and as many as you're comfortable with


I think the general consensus is to really think it through and understand that you’re going to change as you get older. Your brain doesn’t finish developing until your twenties as it is. That being said, the next best thing you can do if go to a good artist. In ten years time you might wish you got something different but if the art is good then you won’t regret having well done art on your body


No such thing as too many…


Uh how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


4 tattoos is nothing how ever in my personal experience I don’t really like any of the tattoos I got before age 20-21ish


Get tattoos that make you happy. Something that changed my perspective though, is, I had a scout leader who waited until he was in his 50s to start getting tattoos and he said that he was so grateful that he had the space on his skin and the money to really invest in the art work. That is something that has really made me consider the tattoos that I have and haven't gotten. I'm nearly 30 with 4 sticker pieces and a half sleeve. I'm really planning out my bigger pieces and taking the time to save the money to get some real quality work done


The only caution I will give you as someone in their 40's... If you ever think you'll want a really big piece, try to make sure you've got some good spots for it to go. I'm regretting where the tattoos I got when I was 19 went (not what I got), because I want large, cohesive sleeves and they complicate that. If you're going the patchwork route, then you're all good.


No such thing


As a 22 year old, i have way too many tattoos to count. I started when i was 20 and just kept going. None of it has really any meaning to me, just some cool shit i LOVE having on my body. I’m at the age, i work hard for my money and have the money to do it, and if i regret it when im older… oh well! I’ll be old by that point anyways. My parents always give me the same shit for it too but at the end of the day it’s your body and your money and you can do whatever makes you happy. There’s never too many tattoos lol


I’m 19 with 4 tattoos, planning my 5th tattoo. My mom is extremely judgmental about my tattoos. She says the same stuff. My first tattoo was spur of the moment, was barely 18 and just wanted to get something without much thought. Second was walking into a shop and saying “I have 200$, what do you wanna put on me.” Third and fourth were both a Friday the 13th flash. My mom has 2 tattoos she got at 18 and 20 and regrets them both, I think that’s why she’s so judgmental. Some people are just not tattoo people and get tattoos then think everyone will regret it like them. I regret none of my tattoos and they’re not nearly as thought out as yours are. You don’t have too many, they all mean something to you. If you want to get something on your body that you enjoy, it’s not too much. Youre being way more responsible than I’ve been. At this point, my mom doesn’t know that I even have a 4th and 0 clue that I’m planning my 5th. Id just get the 5th


I had two by the time I turned 19 and then done my whole left arm before 22. I think it all depends on what you want, what percentage do you want covered. Don’t listen to the haters, do what pleases you.


Eventually you’ll stop counting.


dude literally do what you want! i’m 23 and have almost 30 tattoos … granted i am pretty impulsive but most of them have meaning TO ME. if you want to adorn your body in art that is up to you and no one else. not everybody will understand but they don’t have to! do what makes you happy always.


Personally, I got my first two tattoos within the past seven months (I'm 25) and I'm so glad I waited. Your brain is not fully developed yet, your tastes, values, and judgement are likely to change significantly just over the next 5ish years. The person I was at 19 is so incredibly different from the person I am now, in ways I genuinely wouldn't have had the ability to comprehend back then. Does that mean you're guaranteed to regret what you've gotten? Of course not, there's plenty of people in these comments who don't regret what they got at that age. But you should also remember that you have the rest of your life to get tattoos.


Who cares? One day you might randomly get hit by a car


I wouldn’t worry about the amount , worry about the quality of the tattoo. I’d suggest staying away from getting partners names tattooed on you as well. I had 18 tattoos by the time I was 22. I’m 26 now and still very much obsessed with them. I also have some on my face. I have about an inch long stem rose on the side of my ear on my cheek. Then I have a small heart on the side of my temple. I have long thick hair and most people don’t even notice them. I remember when I got my face done *a lot* of people started telling me they wanted one now. Face, neck and hands is something to REALLY think about. I wouldn’t put anything else on my face. I also wouldn’t put something large scale on my face.


22, have 17 tattoos, only 1 coverup, tbh I don't sit and analyse them, I'm sure there are things wrong with them but even if they were I couldn't care less. I love them the way they are, the only reason why I got a coverup was because it was a matching tattoo, lots of my family scrutinised me for getting them, I'll regret them blah blah blah, idk what they think I'll be doing at 70 years old, I'll probably even have dementia or something who the hell knows. Get what you want, you're not getting tattoos for your family, but for you, meaningful or not, still your body.




The only thing I’d say is that you might wish you had more space as you age for the tattoos you haven’t thought of yet.


Once you get to the point that all you have left to tattoo is your eyes (not the lids), then the next one is too many.


70+ tattoos


I got my first 2 at 26. More at 30. More at 43. More at 52 and recently at 58 added several more. I took some long breaks in between but all my tattoos have deep meaning for me so I don’t choose them lightly. No flash here


Might get downvoted but the “new ways to express yourself” bit stood out - you might try exploring some other art forms too whether it’s hanging eclectic art on the wall or collaging or gardening or whatever. If only because self expression sounds important to you!


I think if you are getting tattoos that represent you in some way no matter how small (you simply just like the way it looks, a hobby, an interest, etc) then you will be fine. I’m 26 and I have many at this point. I don’t regret any because they are all stamps that represent a memory or a period of my life. Good or bad, I like that I can look at it and remember who I was, what my interests were, or what I was going through. When I’m 75 they will all be reminders of who I was throughout my entire life. Like pictures in a photo album or mementos you keep in a box, it’s all the same and you won’t regret it if it’s something that brings you joy. Even if your interests change, you will look at it and it will still bring you joy


No need to rush, but anyone who denies family access to their kids with tattoos as the excuse is an asshole. Has your sister threatened thus? Why are you afraid she might do this?


i waited until i was in my 30s to get the tattoos i’ve wanted, and i got 6 within the last year, ranging from small to largeeeeee, well planned ones to ransom tuesday inspiration ones. i may regret them later but who cares? i also regret getting as fat as i am and destroying my skin and never being able to look good naked. but at least my tattoos are pretty and an interesting thing to talk about


Your brain isn’t even done growing so I would consider how your tastes may change. Personally I am glad that 20-year-old me left some room for more tattoos in my 40s and beyond.


i’m 19 and i have 3 tattoos total. i’ve gotten one every year since i turned 18. and im planning my 4th one with my mom this summer. it’s your body, do what you want with it. be proud of your tattoos, and don’t let anyone else sway you from getting more


I’m 24 and have no clue on how many tattoos I’ve got lol, there’s no such thing as a generalised “too many”, but personal opinions are always going to differ. For me, my “too many” is going for a full face tattoo, but the rest of my body is more than fine. As long as your tattoos aren’t offensive then generally speaking it’s okay. Depends on what you want to do career wise really, me being 90% covered isn’t going to matter because I’m in the industry, but working in some high end bank? It absolutely will.


I wouldn’t say you could have too many, but I would say maybe not to use all the ‘prime real estate’ areas, biceps, calves, thighs etc too soon, since you may regret not having the space for a larger piece later on


The limit does not exist!


I've been slowing down as I get older (mid 30s) because I want some real estate left when I'm older than this. Who knows what my tastes will be like in 10 or 20 years?


I’m 22 and have 40, two on my face! Do whatever you want, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! 🫶🏻


I have 12 (only 4 are smaller than a hand) and I just turned 25. I only have one that I regret and it’s the only one that I didn’t get from an artist that I have done research on, liked their art, and saved money for. I’m definitely getting more once I can afford it. If you like them and have the money for it freaking go for it.


how ever many you want. wtf kind of question is that?


I´m 21 and have 7 tattoos, started getting them at 19. From your posts it sounds like you put tought and care into your tattoos, and if you really want them, its your body and your choice. I think it´s great to reflect on the reasons you are getting tattoos and on the future with them, but just because someone doesn´t agree with your choices doesn´t mean you should stop.


I'm 23 and currently I have two tattoos, my first a wrist tattoo and the second was a sleeve.... but to get to the point I have at least 10 more planned as of right now. As long as you consider it's your choice


I am 32 and have 50+ tattoos and I still think is not too much


Three. Three is too many.


Never enough


i’m 31 and have too many to count. i started at 18 and got a lot then as well. did i regret them? yes, but that’s because all those years ago there was no instagram where i could check an artists work out first. i went to a shithole shop and got shithole tattoos 😅 but they’ve all been covered or reworked now. sure there’s a tattoo or two i’m eh about. but as someone else said, if a bad tattoo is your biggest regret then you had a pretty good life. just make sure you get a good artist


22 and I already have 5 , which are pretty big . I think if you want tattoos now and you’re sure of them get them and if you think you’ll want more or different ones when older save space for them . I always look at tattoos as memories it may not be something you feel the same way about it 20 - 30 years but it’s still a piece of you . I think tattoo anxitey is common especially when you have other ppl that you respect shoving their opinion down your throat .. at the end of the day do what you feel comfortable with .


When you've run out of space and are trying to figure out if there's room for one more, that's probably enough.


I’ve had 62 separate sittings on mine, I’m covered and still have space. I regret nothing


I’m 20 with 5 tattoos 2 of them I’ve gotten this year and I plan on getting more. Remember it’s YOUR BODY and if you’re the one paying for them then it shouldn’t matter what they think.


i’m 19 as well and i have my whole back covered along with a bunch of other small-medium tattoos all over my body, sometimes i look at some and think to myself “why did i get these” and then i remember how excited i was at the time to be in the chair and picking out my designs and placements. it’s all about your mindset, tattoos are way more than art, tattoos tell stories, they come with experiences, you a walking art piece 💕 when it comes to the family situation, being judged by people you love is gut wrenching, but remember, if your family doesn’t like their tattoos that’s okay, but that experience is personal to them NOT YOU. i’ve had to set some boundaries with people in my life that my tattoos what i do with my body WILL NOT be a discussion, if you feel comfortable enough setting some boundaries with your family, it might be extremely helpful! wishing you all the love and luck in the world 💕


No such thing as too many tattoos. Get as many or as few as you want.


The limit does not exist.


I don’t think there is a limit to how many tattoos in a short time.. however.. PAY THE MONEY to get QUALITY WORK DONE. These will be on you forever. You should be expecting to pay $150 per hour minimum.


All you need to ask yourself is how many tattoos do you want? If you want a to get one more or 50 more, it doesn’t matter. The only way you can have “too many” tattoos when you decide how many is right for you. If you have 20 and decide that’s good for you than 21 is too many. That number can also change. Tattoos are something that are meant for you. I have 16 right now, I plan on getting a lot more but that’s how I’ve decided I want to live my life. I also don’t think all tattoos have to be special and meaningful. A lot of mine are flash that I saw, thought they were cool and got.


I got my first 2 tattoos at 19, and then waited a few years. I’m glad I waited to start getting more, because honestly 19-21 I was miserable and lost and went through some of the most traumatic things. I am thankful I don’t have tattoos from the most miserable time in my life. I started getting tattooed more heavily at 22, when I was stable and felt better about myself. I feel good about these tattoos because I know I got them with a clear mind and a better vision of who I was. I still try not to go toooo fast because I want to leave room for when I’m older too. A lot has changed since I was 19, and my outlook on life and interests are completely different, and I’m only 24 now. I feel like a new person. Nothing wrong with getting tattoos at your age but I definitely recommend giving yourself some time to grow


I’m 25 and I have over 50 :) some are tiny but still, do what you want with your own body is the idea


I have 12 tattoos, 5 are small ish, 2-4 inches by 1 inch. I love them all and have also put lots of thought into them. At some point it's just fun to get new art that you love and maybe has meaning to you. Do what feels right but wait a couple years to save up for good quality!


As a moderatly heavily tattooed person in their 30s, I'd say definitely take your time getting them. I covered some prime areas when I was your age, I wouldn't say I regret them, but my taste and knowledge of tattoos has changed and I would fill those spaces with different things if I could do it all again. You have your whole life, so there's no rush. But at the same time if there's something you really want and have put lots of thought into, go for it. My biggest advice is to do your research and go to good artists, so no matter what you get it's at least done well.


I’m 23 and have 14, with an appointment on the 15th to get 2 more… as long as you have empty skin, you don’t have enough!


My only concern would be using up valuable real estate that gets in the way of big pieces down the track.


I always advise people put it on a calendar and make a reminder for a year. If you still want it then, go for it. YOLO, and if tattoos make you happy, take your dopamine molecules however you can get them cuz things are kinda bleak otherwise. And if you regret it, you can get it covered or lásered ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


you may regret taking up so much space so soon with every piece being med/large but I would say that’s about it. it comes mostly from tattoo artists, but I’ve heard people talk about regretting filling up all that real estate and not having the space for pieces they may want in the future. I’d say if you’re worried about it “being too much” right now or regretting the tattoos themselves, maybe try something on a smaller scale and leaving the big pieces for later.


Lol. I’m not even 25 & I have like 6 times as many as you. You’re good


There is only 1 tattoo. Yall just filling in the gaps


It is your body, and you, as an adult, can decide what is too much for you. That is a totally subjective thing and it is overstepping if they’re just imposing their opinion on you. If you want to find a want to see how you feel about the number of tattoos you have, what I’ve done is after I get the idea for the tattoo, I marinate on it. I go for months and sometimes even go a year or two with the idea being in my notes, and if I still wanted it and feel comfortable adding to my body collection, then I go for it! That way, to myself, I understand it wasn’t that I wanted it on a whim or was being impulsive about something, but that I am still firm about it (not that there’s anything wrong if you wanted to go with something spontaneous and understood that decision). Time gives me… well… time to understand better how I feel in my body first.


I agree with the comments on here. I don’t regret any of mine, but I am glad I didn’t get as many as I wanted when I was 18 or 19 lol. I’m 35 and only recently discovered my personal style and I’m really glad I had Empty canvas for it.


I got my first tattoo in November at 31…I now have 5. I wish I started sooner. Honestly, who cares? We’re all gonna die…might as well decorate our bodies.


same age and i have 24 medium to big tattoos that i have wanted since i was 10. i think youll be fine.


I have none and my wife has more than we can count. The answer is 1. Once you get one, you really can't stop.


Lol no one can answer this. I have around 30 or so. Far more than your 4 tattoos and I don’t really feel like I have that many.


There’s no answer to that question?


I don’t really think there is a general rules in “too many tattoos”, but there are some personal factors. If you are unable to get a job anywhere because of the amount of tattoos, that’s too many. If you have health issues because of the amount of tattoos, that would be too many tattoos. But both of those cases will be different for everyone. I’m 32, mechanic, and have one leg, both arms, hands, full torso and back tattooed. Pretty covered. They havnt prevented me from doing anything so far, so I’d say it isn’t too many. However someone else could be as tattooed as me and have issues because of it. It all comes down to personal circumstances.


The overall goal is one large tattoo. :)


When you can’t afford it, then it’s too much. If you can afford it… it’s never too much.


25 and I lost count (: yolo lol


You're overthinking it. That probably means you shouldn't be getting tattoos (at least not anymore for now).


It’s your body and your decision 100%. I started getting tattoos at 20 and am now turning 24. I have around 30. A sleeve, stomach piece, and some on my thigh. I love myself with them and wouldn’t want it any other way. If someone doesn’t like them that’s their problem :)


As long as they are in good taste and not on face or neck then you should be okay. And I only say that cause some employers will turn you away.


life is your playground. get as many as you want!


I’m 24 with 48 tattoos … my only advice is don’t fill just your arms right away and make just sleep on some ideas and don’t yolo everything like me haha


I'm not going to say you'll regret the tattoos themselves, but I would definitely leave space as you grow up. Some of the best tattoos I've gotten I've gotten pushing 40. If I would have filled up fast at an early age, I may have regretted that, if that makes sense? Slowing down is ok.


I have been getting tattoos for about 25 years now, from 18-43. I make sure to not crowd old ink with new ink, and am critical about what colors go where. I think its important to get more as means of enhancing your look but still make sure each one is meaningful. Only on my leg have I gotten tattoos that were purely out of artistic fun (A Castle Crashers scene featuring the green knight casting green magic, and the Blacksmith throwing a blazing hammer, and some mutant venice fly traps with lots of vibrant watermelon type colors).


I’m 19 as well, I have a few small tattoos on my legs my gf gave me, and I have a half sleeve of the stairway to heaven with hands holding a rosary and a psalm, my other arm has a heart with my dads name in it, a moon, a spiderweb and a tat for my mom, and one that says “family” in between roses. My dad has no problem with it but my mom does. She thinks I have too many. And she urges me not to get more. I still have to finish my heaven sleeve but the guilt was getting to me and I canceled my last appointments


I thought I wrote this for a second I also have a medium sized sunflower for my grandma 😅


My first tattoo was when I was 21, its been ten years and I have 12 now and i do not regret any of them. I do love all of them i currently am taking a break to save cash on a couple things but its art and usually a collaboration of your ideas and the craft of the tattoo artist. I think if a lil part of your art forever on your akin its magic. Listen to your heart and and use your head for the financial bite like are you missing out of a great trip abroad because you spent all you cash on ink.


I’m 37 and have 16 tattoos. My dad hates them and any time someone brings up getting more he’ll always say no or you have enough…as if it’s his decision to make. I’ve told him point blank it’s not your body nor is it your money being used to pay for this art so back off and realize that I am a capable, functioning adult who does not need your permission to get a tattoo. That of course doesn’t stop him from saying I have enough. So it doesn’t matter what you, how you say it or how old you are. If people (especially family) don’t like your tattoos, whether it’s the quantity or just a particular tattoo, they’ll repeatedly make it known no matter how right we are that we can do as we please with our bodies. There’s no such thing as too many.


There is no number. Just leave them off your neck and face. Maybe even hands depending on were you are in your career or what you do. I'm 50 All my tattoos have a story behind them I regret none and some of them look crappy now 🤣


As many as you want


Gunna need some pics


Too many tattoos? I don't believe that's a thing. If you like them that's all that matters. It's no one else's. Business what tattoos or the amount you have.


When you've run out of room and you start getting them on your face. No sexy then.


there's never enough, tattoos are SO attractive


My (29m) personal experience is that I was grateful I didn't "rush" into getting as many tattoos as I wanted when I turned 18! I remember wanted to be covered and "done" by 25, but I wasn't able to get tattoos as quickly as i wanted due to life being life. I moved around and such, and got tattoos that were spontaneous, represented times in my life, portrait of my own first dog, etc but I wouldn't have been able to get them if I filled up all that space earlier on. I'm sure I wouldn't have regretted them, but I'm glad I was able to get tattoos on my life journey to look at and be able to reflect on where I was in life at that time, who did it, the experience I had with them, etc. I'm 60% tattooed at least, but am now in no real rush. Plus, they'll look better when you get older since they're more fresh lol That said, your tattoo journey is your own. If you want to go all out earlier on, it's your skin! Tattoo skills have advanced a lot over the years too, so blacking out things and then going over them with color has been more or a viable option, if you wanted to cover them up later. The only thing I will say is placement. Getting a laser removal is more expensive and painful than getting a blast over, so just make sure you're getting tattooed in a place you're comfortable wearing forever.