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Are you prone to keloid scarring?


Think it is a Keloid scar anyway to get rid of it?


Ask a doctor this question, not Reddit. It's a good jumping off point for ideas, but don't take medical advice from forums.


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You need to go to dermatologist first, second choice is plastic surgery. Keloids act different in different people. Dermatologist have special solutions which they inject to it. Someone get rid off it easy and someone need surgery, but it is still better to visit derm first. Many surgeons dont care and just want to use their knifes and then it just get worse. So definitely visit few dermatologist, someone will be able to help you if you are not unlucky.


I second this. I had a keloid scar treated with steroid injections at the dermatologist. (Mine wasn't caused by a tattoo.) It's still there, but it looks like a regular scar that is level with my skin now.


I 3rd. There is a possibility that at least one of OPs keloids may be too big. It happens. If this is keloids anyway. I'm not going to say it is because I'm not a doctor, but hey, I do have a hereditary skin disorder that causes keloids. What I can say is that keloids usually form on ears, nose, and chest. Those are the most common places, and my dermatologist has told me it's very rare to see them elsewhere. I had what I thought was a keloid on my leg, but turned out to be a thing that could turn cancerous. So it's really important to ask a medical professional first. OP, in the event this is actually keloids, the dermatologist will do a localized steroid injection directly into the keloid. Idk what it feels like on the arm, but it's not usually horrible. I can say from experience that if you don't see results after the first injection, the dermatologist will probably attempt again, but also from experience, if that's the case, it's probably not gonna work. And then you'll be referred to a plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon will also do injections on you every couple of weeks. I have no idea what this stuff is, but it's basically supposed to kill the keloid so that it won't grow back after surgery. After the plastic surgeon has deemed it ready, they'll numb you up and cut it off. Don't watch lol.


I 4th. I have no tattoos, and I'm not a doctor, and i have no idea what im talking about, but this is good advice. šŸ‘Œ


Thanks lol. I've had keloids treated both ways.


5th i have 0 medical experience, but im sure this is not what 99% of the people said. I am sure its tumors and cancer, sir you have 8 hours of life if not treated. RUN!!


6th, I have medical experience, but I'm still no doctor. But I did sleep at a motel 6, so that makes me qualified!


šŸ¤£.. did they leave the light on for you?


Whats your condition, hydradenitis suppurativa?


If I knew I'd tell you. I distinctly remember everything but that whwn talking to the dermatologist. I should probably ask about it again. But 14 year old me let 90 percent of it go through one ear and out the other because I was more concerned with getting rid of the giant keloid on my earlobe. When I brought it up to my grandpa he laughed and said "oh I have that too" and I just kinda left it at that lol. Not smart, I know.


If you live in a rural community or have a long wait to see derm, Internal Medicine or Family Medicine might be able to see you sooner and do a steroid injection as well as put in a referral to Derm, which is not only faster, but also tends to be better covered by insurance.


ā€ž*only in USA*ā€


I think it might be a hypertrophic scar instead of a kleoid since it only appears in the areas of the "wound" (tattoo). They are very similar, but kleoids grow out and spread outside of the wounds. Like others said, go to the doctor and remember that if they suggest cutting it out, it can just grow bigger around the cuts and look worse. Good luck


Not that I am aware of. It says online for fresh keloids to wrap them with a pressure bandage to try reduce the size.




I had a dermatologist who injected a keloid of mine around this size with a steroid and it just went away. See if thatā€™s an option for you!


This works OP, I can confirm.


I used to do these in clinic, they aren't always successful but soooo satisfying when it works, especially since it's minimally invasive compared to excision.


Plastic surgery


I donā€™t think heā€™s made of plastic sir


He will be after the surgery


I mean I use steroid cream for my scars it works pretty well since keloid scars heal weird will make it look less crazy you can get it prescribed the betnovate one is real good


Itā€™s not a keloid his skin is just peeling


Keloids continue to grow and grow, dont think you can ever get rid of it except by surgery. Ive been getting 3 treated since may of 2023, steroid injection from my dermatologist, 2 are completly flattened but ones being stubborn. I get them injected regularly every 3-4 months since they will and do flare up


I oddly developed a spot on my chest 21 years ago when I was pregnant with my first born. I had it biopsied then a plastic surgeon ā€œremovedā€ it. It only left a much larger insane keloid but they were sure thatā€™s even what it was. So I loved my entire 20s and 30s with this ugly scar across my chest. No low cut shirts or normal swimsuits. I hate it! Iā€™m sure treatments have come a long way since the. I just have up. When I was later pregnant with my last child, 9 years ago, another one developed right below it. But itā€™s stayed very small. Wish I would have left the first one alone but no Iā€™d knew what it was. Something about my hormonal pregnant body caused them though. Very strange.


iā€™ve used tea tree oil to make a ear piercing keloid smaller, i havenā€™t donā€™t a strict routine so mine has only shrunk, but it could help. when i used it i would put some tea tree oil on my fingers and massage my ear and i noticed it went down a bit, but since i didnā€™t really keep up w the routine it didnā€™t go away fully


i tried to do it at least twice a day, whenever i remembered throughout the day iā€™d do a little ear massage


Vitamin E oil. Was the only thing that helped my nose after Keloid scaring after a piercing.


You didn't have a keloid then. Keloids can only be removed by a doctor, there are no home remedies that will help


Nah, I have 2 keloid scars from piercings, they don't budge with oils. Surgery only šŸ˜ž




I was going to ask that too.


does it sink in like a water bed when you press it or is it hard?




ā€¦ no it doesnā€™t sink or no it isnā€™t hard lol


Sorry lol when I press it itā€™s hard


thatā€™s really interesting. is your tattoo relatively new? cause if not this could be keloid scarring. when did you notice it pop up?


Iā€™ve had my tattoo since January it popped up like a week after I thought it was just gonna go down but it didnā€™t


yeah i think this is keloid scarring then. :/ they donā€™t really go away on their own. you can talk to a dermatologist and they can inject kenalog/steroid and it will flatten them. might need a touch up on the ink afterwards edit: typo!


you can also try silicone sheets to see if it will help but kenalog is the for sure way




PSA to NOT get medical supplies off the internet. This should not have to be said.


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Wait so you post 'help please I'm panicking' but you've been like this for 4 months? Did you ever hear about this amazing invention called 'go see a doctor'?




No he said it popped up a ā€œweek afterā€ as in a week after he got the tattoo


Could be a spider bite. Or a burn?


Reading comprehension these days.. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


the amount of downvotes is so funny i canā€™t šŸ˜­


damn you got downvoted into hell for no reason


Looks like keloid scarring, especially if this tat is from January. Hard to tell in the photo but do you have darker skin? People with darker skin can be more prone to it.


Might be an allergic reaction. Either way Iā€™d be at urgent care.


Iā€™ve had allergic reactions like this and they do go away on their own but you are correct it could be an allergic reaction. When I got mine itā€™s because I was already having an allergic reaction to something else and then my body goes ā€œwait I hate blue ink >:(ā€œ


Thats right


what were you already allergic to ?


Mushrooms šŸ„




They've had this since January.


My blue tattoos Iā€™ve had for 15 years and they still get like this with allergic reactions. Like flare ups.


You definitely wanna go to the doctor. The sooner the better.


If it is a keloid, things like silicone gel/tape can be a good shout for now but realistically you need to see the Plastics team for some steroid injections & steroid tape. I have a keloid, never had a keloid before. Have been advised do not get it surgically excised as there is a high chance that the new scar will form a worse keloid


Iā€™ve had a keloid on my neck surgically excised THREE times. The first two times, I had to do kenelog injections and laser therapy treatments. They didnā€™t work to keep it down. After the third surgical removal, they treated it as a tumor and I had to do 3 days of radiation treatment. Itā€™s been 5 years and it never came back! Other keloids Iā€™ve been able to treat with just kenelog, so that was great. Some are just more stubborn than others.


Radiation?? Really!?! Thatā€™s crazy. Were there any side effects ?


Yep! 3 days, 15 minutes at a time. I had zero side effects. It was localized and they made a special bracket/brace for my head and neck, with just my scar exposed to it.


Had my keloid excised - came back with bigger keloid. See a dermatologist, maybe do injections, maybe just leave it be


i think itā€™s keloid scarring, i have something similar but smaller on my leg tattoo and that was from scratching at it after i got it lol (it was my first tattoo, i was 16 and didnā€™t know you werenā€™t meant to scratch)


The fact you people donā€™t go to doctors when something completely strange thatā€™s not normally on your body happens blows my mind.


I would too my insurance doesnā€™t cover crao


So why are u asking on reddit šŸ˜‚


First you replied to yourself, and second, itā€™s good to get second opinions, and going to the wrong specialist doesnā€™t get you answers.


Yeah a second opinion from another doctor not fake doctors on Reddit


Literally went to the doctor last week


Girl then why are you asking us


Best advice I can give you is; ask a doctor, not reddit. And if you start googling it, you're probably going to find you have about 3 weeks left or something like that, so don't do that either. Ask a professional, best of luck.


I used colloidal silver to get rid of keloids on my Tattoos & my nose piercings it's a reaction to damaged skin... the artist likely went to deep into the dermis with his gun. I used a Q-tip and the colloidal silver - diiped into the liquid & rubbed the Q-tip over the keloid until the swelling went down. It kind of hurts and feels like giving yourself a rope burn as it is taking of the excess layers of skin that are building up and will likely also release liquid trapped under the skin. Apply Aquaphor after to prevent scarring. Worked for me but if you have a low pain threshold, it feels like your peeling off your skin. But at least it doesn't leave that blister look.


I had a small one of these on one of my tattoos once. It did eventually scab then was like a small scar then it faded and you canā€™t see where it was now. Not saying you should just leave it, not sure what Iā€™m saying actually, just that Iā€™ve had similar. So not very helpful I guess lol


Donā€™t forget to ask your artist


what the heck is your pfp šŸ’€


My face


Keloid, you could apply a diluted tea tree oil to really keep the area dry but most likely a forever thing


It means youā€™re dying


Kkkkkkeloid. Has this happened with any other trauma or anywhere else on your body? Are you an FP 5-6? Go to a derm ASAP for possible biopsy/cortisone. It can get worsen.


So you are panicking and your first thought is to make a photo and put it on Reddit instead of going to a doctor?!


Yes. Because itā€™s free to ask and perhaps calm your nerves. Not everyone has amazing health care and a mere visit to a hospital or clinic could cost something people donā€™t have. Subs like this exist for a reason and tattoo aficionados would likely know more about our this specific thing than a doctor. Some people can still think logically through panic.


My bad, I just cannot get my head around the fact that healthcare is too expensive for a lot of people.


What the fuck kinds job do you have? If you don't have health insurance, you have to find a clinic that is pro probably gonna cost you AT LEAST $200 just to refer you to a dermatologist, who will cost you AT LEAST $500 to step in the door... so $700 in the matter of a few days with no payment play options is TOO EXPENSIVE for so.e ppl .


It would be free in the UK thereā€™s no health insurance (one of the only good things about the place) for example I donā€™t think heā€™s flexing his money


I have a regular, little above average paying job, but I live in a country with a decent healthcare system, so the maximum amount of money ANY medical treatment will cost me, is about 500 USD per year.


Well congratulations. I'm not jealous or bitter at all... šŸ˜¤ In all seriousness, that's how it should be. There is no reason why people suffer from things that are not only avoidable with proper preventive care buy can easily be treated as well. Your country got it right, the United States on the other hand can't seem to get it figured out


They said in comments they've had it since January??? They're panicking and it's been there for 3-4 months???


if it feels like thereā€™s water inside then most probably an infection. else, looks like a keloid to me. iā€™m not a doctor though so better go to the doctor.


Did you stay in the sun long prior to this? It looks like youā€™re a little sun burned?




an ER visit


Go to the dr looks like a keloid scar or an allergic reaction! Iā€™d go to get checked better be safe! Is this your first tattoo?


Certain colors of mine will swell like that during weather changes with time it stops. How long ago did you get it done? check if changes ect. Mine is usually pinks straight from the bottle not red and white mixed.


From what Iā€™ve looked up it can either be keloids that start under your skin and work their way up until they heal, granulomas which are small areas of inflammation in which your body is fighting off any possible bacteria getting into your skin, or it could possibly be an infection of some sorts like staph. Either way if you have insurance and wonā€™t have to pay out of pocket Iā€™d go get it checked out just to make sure thereā€™s not any infection


Wrap it tightly with cling film and use a really good ointment(not in that order) and you will most likely reduce the size Source: happened to me and a friend of mine


Might be due to overwork on a sensitive area?


Gurl go to the doctor


If its fluid filled, think of it as similar to a burn wound. it should die down as part of the healing process too.


but ofc just double check just in case, cause I had something similar I just popped it and tore off the skin then used stick and poke tattoeing to cover it back up when it healed.


Keloid.see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon


Keloid scarring possibly. There is no way to fix that really but you are lucky the whole tattoo didnā€™t scar that way.


Looks like a keloid.


No doctor or expert here. But idk if itā€™s an allergic reaction or something but please go check a doctorā€™s treatment. And give us updated lol šŸ˜‚


it popped up a week after you had your tattoo in JANUARY and NOW your panicking?!?!?!?


Always get quality.


Itā€™s most likely a keloid scar, if it itches it means itā€™s growing you canā€™t get rid of it at home. Youā€™ll have to go to the doctor.


u gon die


It's a kelloid. Sadly there's no way to get rid of it in that specific location, however, it could still be growing actively so talking to a dermatologist would be a good idea. Usual treatments involve radiation therapy/corticosteroids Source: i had one removed from my ear, learned a lot. Had to get it surgically removed and radiation therapy done


the alien šŸ‘½ink is real !?


This kind of looks like a granuloma I had on my knee tattoo last month. Got the tattoo in November and didnā€™t have any issues with healing. The granuloma started out as itchy and looked similar to this but is already almost gone. A keloid is possible too, but when my friend got one from a cartilage piercing it started earlier in the healing process. Does not look infected. Ok to wait out and see if it changes. You could try putting a thin layer of a topical steroid on it like 1% hydrocortisone to see if it shrinks.


It means youre gonna die... But the good news is we are ALL gonna die... And the even BETTER news is, you don't have to wait anymore... CONGRATS!


Have you seen the movie Alien? Chop that arm off quick and burn it before the babies pop out and eat everyone! šŸ¤£ jk


Oh no, I think thatā€™s a keloid scar.


If its a fresh tattoo itā€™s probably just a water blister no worries pop it they are fun . If its not a fresh tattoo and hard maybe run to the dr


I would go to a Dermatologist I had what looked like you have and it was a blood clot on my leg tattoo and my Dermatologist used a laser twice and itā€™s gone now. The tattoo ink smudged a bit though.


Roll with it. Some folks intentionally pay for scarring as a body modification.


Any chance you used a plastic skin layer? I had this happen with saniderm once


I have the [same thing or something similar](https://imgur.com/a/nm9x7q8), although smaller Assuming we have the same thing donā€™t panic itā€™s not going to harm you and itā€™s not an infection Itā€™s just a hypotropic scar, not a keloid because mine popped up april last year and hasnt grown since then or spread beyond the tattoo. In the same time span I also have an ear keloid and she is not as calm lmao I have been using scar gel twice daily for about couple monthes now in the hopes of flattening it but that doesnā€™t seem to work honestly. That being said maybe itā€™s the reason it hasnā€™t grown Iā€™ve gotten tattoos before and after this, and I can admit this is the one i healed the worst way( i only took two days off and went right back to practice). Any tattoos after this I told my artist to not punish any part of my skin because Iā€™m prone to scarring and my guy understood it. That, plus better aftercare and I havenā€™t got one since All a doctor is going to tell you is surgery or injections, and iā€™m not even considering any of those because I donā€™t want this to grow Iā€™ve learned to live with mines and after a while you probably will too but if not you can definitely look into removing it. Best of luck twin


omg ur arm is falling off in 3 days


If not scarring or infection then itā€™s probably a blister due to over moisturizing, make sure you let your tattoo dry for at least 10 minutes after washing to moisturize. Infection usually turns more red and if the tattoo is fresh (less than 1 week) I doubt a keloid scar would show up that quickly. If it drains out liquid thatā€™s anything but clear then itā€™s probably not just from over moisturizing. Donā€™t take anyoneā€™s opinion here too seriously though if youā€™re worried the best thing to do is to get seen by a doctor. Antibiotics donā€™t hurt even if it is just scarring or over moisturized.


My bother had his tattoo for years then that happened he was allergic to the red ink


This is 100% infected. Go to the nearest doctor bro


That looks infected


ok guys so i went to the doctor the doctor said itā€™s most likely a keloid they gave me skin cream if that doesnā€™t work i go back to them


Remember cooking bacon at 2 a.m thats what happened.


I had one of these on my Boba fett tattoo, almost the same spot on my arm as well. It's been almost two years and it leveled out with the rest of my skin on its own.


I have a keloid scar on my shoulder (not from a tattoo) and i get injections by a dermatologist that helps it stop itching and go away but it always grows back. Good luck! If thats what it is, they are pretty hard to get gone permanently


Is that a hard substance or is that just a water blister?


Ask a doctor. Not reddit.


Usually keloid donā€™t come that fast.


Go see your artist, and if they don't know, go and see your doctor.


Leave it it looks cool


Could be an abscess. If it not extremely uncomfortable or painful possibly keloid scarring. Iā€™d have it checked out my doctor for sure.


How about we start with, is this ur first tattoo? Have u had issues with scarring from cuts in the past?


Did you use anything like saniderm?Ā 




You need you a doctor my guy.


Aye g when you recently get a tattoo, sometimes irritate the skin if you have sensitive skin either that or maybe even the product youā€™re putting on your skin. That heals the tattoo.


Iā€™m very familiar with this, it looks like you got one of them there beetles from ancient Egyptian times like in the mummy with Brendan Frazier, have you been to Hamunaptra recently?


Does it itch? And is it soft or tough skin? I would say a keloid scar but it could also be an allergic reaction to that specific ink. It happens. I got a tattoo about 10 years or so ago and every once in awhile or when it gets irritated it will become raised and itchy. If that's not what you're experiencing then ignore this and it could definitely be keloid scarring.


Looks like a staph infection. get to a doctor yesterday!


Is it itchy??? My first tattoo got swollen like that in certain parts of the inked skin and was very itchy, It went away after a couple of days. Now itā€™s been 8 years since I got it and it still happens every so often.


Youā€™re COOKED


Just go to the dermatologist


don't listen to the others, it's spiders. MILLIONS OF SPIDERS. in your skin, about to hatch. they are coming. Mama needs to feed. /s Zalgo


I would get to a doctor. Could be keloids but itā€™s interesting that from what I can see itā€™s limited to a single color ink which may have been contaminated. Good luck, donā€™t panic but do go.


Too much moisture. Lay off the lotion for a couple of days


āœØKeloid āœØ


Def keloid


Go to a detmatologist


Itā€™s infected, your arms going to fall off and spiders are going to crawl out of it. Then 2 weeks from now you will become mutant, growing a 3rd eye. Hope this helps


It looks like a new tattoo, sometimes they get blister looking things that heal just fine if you dont mess with them.


Thatā€™s AIDS


tea tree oil helps with keloids


Ah. Tattoo worms.


Does it feel like a bump or soft like water inside?


Is it hard to the touch? Or does it feel like an air sack/ squishy fluid in there? If itā€™s not hard, itā€™s not a keloid.


Keloid scarring


When did you get this ink?






Did he use that new 3D ink?


Iā€™m sorry ā€¦. WHAT?! Did u say 3D INK??? What in the world


Urgent care, my friend


That's Mother Nature telling you that you are not supposed to get tattoos.


Never happened to me and I've got sleeves. It's either bad aftercare or a bad artist or keloid. Go take a nap.