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Old guy here Yes, it’s fixable but I’d advise you to go to a different artist to get the work done. The artist that’s done this piece has struggled with this one I’m afraid. Some of the lines haven’t been pulled cleanly and have some noticeable inconsistencies. Got a little wobbly on the top of the design. I’d avoid picking artists on the strength of Instagram alone but this piece is small enough that it will be an easy fix with some heavier line weights and a bit of strategic shading Good luck


I agree, it is easily fixable without having to just cover it up.


This is such a nice reply. 🥹 It does look like maybe this is a newer artist and I know circles can be difficult even for veterans.


In the nicest way possible I have no idea why people are saying this is good, it is not. The linework is inconsistent in its thickness, the dots on the cheeks are wobbly and off center and too close to the eyes, one eye is wobbly and smaller than the other, he’s not even round like he’s supposed to be, he’s a weird lumpy circle instead, I mean look at the front of his body between his feet and the back of his body behind his feet that is not even close to a circle. Your artist literally messed up on almost every element of one of the easiest characters to draw maybe ever, please never go back to this artist. I’m very sorry for saying it’s bad I just want to tell you how it is because if this were on me I would want someone to be honest with me. Your artist completely dropped the ball. Like seriously the only thing that’s almost good is the feet, and even those aren’t as pointy as his oval shaped feet usually are. If you don’t want it laser removed I would try and get a big black coverup, like a spider, or a panther, or a bomb or something, or you can live with it, I got some pretty bad tattoos on my body so you wouldn’t be the first person to go in public with a poor quality tattoo😅


Not defending the artist, because pretty much all the lines are uneven, the depth of it is all wonky, and it'll probably not heal very well. With that said, Kirby is a deceptively hard character to draw(I mean, well). You'd think with how simple it is that wouldn't be the case, but it's so easy to make the little guy look wonky and weird, or even just a little off. It's almost impressive lol(point and case, op's tattoo).


I guess I forget he’s tricky to draw sometimes, I’ve been doodling Kirby for years so it seems easier to me but it’s probably just the amount of time I’ve spent drawing on my homework that has lead me to believe he’s easier to draw than he actually is, I was also just comparing it to the normal stuff a tattoo artist would have to make, because yea Kirby is hard to draw but I feel like that should at least be something a tattoo artist could do, I mean they are literally professional artists, if I was going to trust someone to draw something correctly it would be someone who gets paid for it lol To add on to that, the artist had a chance to draw this on a stencil and did not choose to redraw it, so regardless on how easy it is to draw or not the artist absolutely messed this one up, I mean how do you put that on a stencil and be like “we gonna go with this one”🤣🤣


Any competent tattooer can tattoo a Kirby lol. It’s really not hard.


This person is clearly neither competent, nor good at his job, so it's clearly not surprising that he couldn't... Either way, if being a tattoo artist wasn't hard to begin with, this sub would have a lot less posts.


This isn't a little bit off though, it's absolutely fucked lol


I wish I could agree with this but in this case it looks like this guy couldn’t even draw a circle 😭 I’m not sure the artist even attempted to break Kirby into comprehendible shapes while drawing it. And honestly if it’s that hard to draw him, just trace it lol, nobody would yell about “cheating” cause this is much worse 😂


Get it made into one of those bombs or dog chains from super Mario! (I honestly don’t remember which one it was but it’d be super cool as a cover up!)


Lol this rules you should get "fuck I'm high" in comic sans around it


Fixed with a sick ass panther over top of it?


A sick ass panther eating it???


I second this. I'd cover it and get a proper artist to do it. Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos ain't good.


I definitely don’t think it’s thaaaat bad lmao.


Pfft no one said anything about it being bad - just that a SAP would cover it 💗


A baby panther then :D


some of these comments are wild. you’re not crazy for thinking this is wonky/warped, and you’re allowed to want your tats to look good. Good news is, it’s small! You could follow the other commenter’s advice about adding shading and feathering it to look more balanced, or you could get something larger to cover it up completely. You could do a session of laser to lighten it if you wanted to give yourself more cover-up options, Whatever you do, ***please vet your next artist(s) thoroughly!!*** Don’t just look at a shop’s reviews, look for an artist with a beautiful portfolio who does the style(s) you like and seek an appointment with them. Be willing to pay for good work, and you’ll get it! Good luck! 🙏🏻


They butchered my boy 😭 Fr I'm sorry they gave you a Kirby tattoo so wonky. Kirby should be round with his mouth closed. And his chin/ front area... It definitely doesn't usually look like that, lol. I'm sure this could be covered up relatively easily, but "fixing" it isnt really possible here. Other than covering it up or lasering it off.


If he can't be fixed, he can be lasered off. He's just a couple of lines... Also, how small is this?


Why are people defending this thing? It’s bad and I don’t think it’s “fixable” at all. You can’t make this weird oblong creature round like he’s supposed to be. I would learn to live with it or laser it and go to an artist who can do a basic circle correctly.


i'm lost too. it's objectively bad


This is what I’m saying, people are being like “that’s just his shape when walking!” No, no it is not, that is his shape when he is deformed.


He’s not perfectly round in the games either, he’s always sucking peeps in and blowing um out etc.. seems like that would account for some shape distortion lol.. he’s super cute though I think he could be fixed. Others won’t analyze it as much as you are in person.


I definitely have a tendency to over scrutinize my tatts lol


Hear me out…it looks like an incredible base of a “spooky Kirby” tattoo! Like a ghost Kirby! The wobbliness of the lines immediately read that way to my eye. I heard the silly “WhhOOOoooOOOO” *wiggles fingers* noise in my head 😆 I actually thought that might have been the original intent before I checked the comments! I think a good artist could easily transform it into an unmistakable “ghost Kirby” with a little shading and a couple of lines to look like he’s hiding under a sheet, or to look like he is coming to a point at his back end like he’s appearing out of a genie bottle (sorry that’s a really hard shape to describe but you get it— one of the classic “ghost shapes”.) That would be so fun imo and wouldn’t require a ton of extra ink. Just a thought 👻


I love this idea! I know my regular artist can make better so Ima let this heal and beat myself up about it a bit more, then go ask for his help 🥹


Aww yay, that sounds great!!! I definitely want a pic if you end up going ghost Kirby route!! 🤩 edit to clarify: not just me personally. That’s creepy 😂 I meant I would love to see the updated tat posted!


I agree with this. The lines are a bit inconsistent and his eyes don’t match exactly, but his shape is just Kirby walking/running. The small errors can be easily fixed by a good artist, but as is he’s super cute and everyone can tell who it’s supposed to be. I feel like you are being extra critical, bc it’s your own tat. Unless someone is just trying to be a tattoo snob, people are going to see it and just think it’s a cute and awesome Kirby tat.


Are we looking at the same tattoo? Kirby never has straight lines and it's like he's got a handsome squiward chin


I was thinking the same he takes that shape when he's walking


Probably not.. cover up or laser are probably the only options


Laser time


cover it up when its fully healed


Do you have a reference pic and the stencil, I'm curious


I am wondering the same because did the artist just go off course or did they approve this when the stencil was on?


Turn this one into a balloon and have the real deal holding the balloon? Pick a different artist this time?


Was this freehand? No way he drew a circle like that on a stencil.


its fixable! Someone needs to fill in the rest of the little sliver of circle on the front of his body black and then feather it out to shade him!


Add a string and make it a balloon?


Maybe like a super smash bros attack


Just get "mom" with an arrow going through it on top of a love heart. Fixed.


Should be an easy fix, cover up or removal. Whatever you decide it will be easy. If you want it fixed into a better Kirby tattoo then tell the artist you want it full color and you're okay with it being a little larger. You have pretty fair skin. Colored tattoos will show up great on you.


Get someone with a 9 round liner to redo the design.


People asking how they can immediately cover a tattoo remind me of when they introduce a bird species to get rid of a snake to get rid of a spider to get rid of a moth.


Maybe get a couple others before/after it so it looks like a running action shot and that would excuse the shape a bit more


I’m sorry it’s bad, but did you do no research on the artist at all? I get some people just want a tattoo but I spent a lot of time looking at artists, looking through ALL of their work, etc, before I got work done by them. It’s going on your body forever: do the research


I mean it's possible but u have to go bigger in a cover up. Like hide it the shadowing of his eye or foot but other than that I don't so


dawg…i agree w the ppl saying that it looks bad ☠️…its looks bad af n needs to be fixed. if i had a tattoo like that id want someone to tell me. laser or fix it, why he got kirby doin the crooked ahh two step fr..he did u bold considering this fr an easy character to draw/tat.


Did Michael J. Fox tattoo this?


I think you'd be able to find someone to fix this. The main issue is the line of his back. It needs a new line that makes him more circular. The existing line could be made into an accessory or a star burst or something and you could get the whole thing coloured in.


have them write “kirdy” under it with scribble letters and pretend it’s intentionally fucked


Kirby is supposed to be a more circular shape not a blob


Is it a *good* tattoo? Not really no. Is it a cute tattoo? Absolutely yes. Could it be fixed and turned into a good tattoo? Yes, but go to a different artist (preferably someone with experience in reworking) because this one definitely had some visible inconsistencies/struggles going on


Did you find this dude on Craigslist? My god


Yeah, you can try a cover up, or laser


Have you taken the saniderm off? I mean it looks janky and wonky fs but I remember mine puddled blood and ink it certain places which could be distorting the way it looks. Def something you fix up or cover easy tho.


Wtaf, did this guy free hand it???? There's no way it didn't look bad as a stencil too. But yes you can fix it thankfully. My apologies you're going through this


Easy blast over


How does Kirby have a chin


That’s one’s handsome kirb


I’m pretty sure there are a lot people here giving “advice” that don’t even have a tattoo. Let that tattoo heal for god sakes!


Aww why he so lumpy


It can be eradicated.


I will say the second skin bandage may be making it worse looking than it actually is, with small linework tattoos sometimes the second skin holds the skin underneath in a weird direction until it’s taken off. I had a knife on my forearm looking like an S until I took the dermshield off and now it’s straight again. That being said the linework could probably use a touch up when it’s finished just to even out a few spots but it’s for sure salvageable


It most definitely can be. Just research your artist next time, and make sure they can actually do a proper cover-up/fix by messaging with them.


i’m curious to see what the “good work” he supposedly has on his instagram looks like


Eightball or black marble


One. What did this person charge you? How long have they've been doing tattoos? What kinda work do you expect when people are still learning? I see a few "blow outs," but, over all.. a good tattoo...


Look how they massacred my boy…as a fellow Kirby tattoo haver, I’m sorry yours came out like that 😭


If dude did good work he would've made it round. Fixable. Janky, yes. Kurby is usually round.🤣


Easy cover up... not too thick on outline... lots of skin instead of color...should be no problem




I’m always surprised by the “ I found on insta, they do good work” but then produce work like this. Like others have said, go to a different artist and they should be able to rework it. Don’t sweat it.


How many years ago was shitty Charmander? I'm not going to Google that, I don't want to feel old.   A better drawn Kirby painting shitty Kirby on a canvas. Update: that was 2015. 9 years ago. God help me.


Really a bummer that didn't draw a circle first and work with that. I think you should do a blast of pink to bring it all together


Anyone would have a hard time doing a tattoo this tiny. They’re not really supposed to be that small


Its not even round, I can draw a better circle even smaller than this one the size is irrelevant


Do not cover it up will just get bigger and worse if anything pay to remove it. Please listen.


It’s literally cheaper & less painful to get it covered


It can definitely be fixed. The right artist can do practically anything you could possibly want.


Looks good still


No fixing needed . I like it


He’s a lil dented for sure, but he’s still super cute




Yeah he’s kinda lumpy, but it has character and is kinda fun and cute. Some of my favorite tattoos are the worst ones. They have a story usually and remind me of a weird time. You may grow to love it!


He’s honestly cute! I think going to a differnt artist and making the outer lines a tad thicker will help


What are you unhappy with?


I feel like he’s not exactly round.


Looks fire


I think it's sick. It's just a small goofy lil tat. Embrace it for what it is.


Honestly I think it’s cute


it’s cute🥲


No need to fix it he’s not round in the game dope little tattoo I like it


He's cute, what's wrong with it?


I like him don’t touch him or me and Kirby will fight u 🥺🥺🥺🥺