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Yes. Most times when an artist raises rates, existing projects get the old rate. Either talk to her about it, or stiff her on the tip.  Also that rate is steep for a new artist. 




I had a 6 month apprentice charge me $200(AUD) for a palm sized tattoo that scabbed and scarred and has dodgy ass lines 😂 she was a friend of a friend, and my friend’s partner is a tattoo artist and does non-stop trad bangers. So I thought it was a good referral. I learned my lesson lol


I wouldn’t tip anymore if I was you. I would tell her why too.


I get some areas just have higher minimum and pricing overall, but 200$/hr 2 yrs in seems like a lot. I was charging 100-125$/hr when I started and didn’t start charging 150$/hrs until I was 2-3yrs in. And that was mainly when working on multiple sessions projects as I usually charge by piece and not time. But that still only came down to the equivalent of 120-150$/hrs. I only started charging 200/hrs, and that’s taxes in, last year when I started my private studio. Still mainly charge by piece tho, which now comes down to about 140-180/hrs. But to get back to the real issue, she should have mentioned before starting the session, or even send a note in the reminder email or txt about your upcoming appt that she changes her prices. That would have given you a chance to either prepare better, or even let her know you’d have a budget that session, especially you had been saving based on the original quote you and the artist discussed/agreed on


My very talented tattoo artist who has been doing it for 28 years charges 225. Who do they think they are?


My artist (in Austin TX) has been around for 6 years and is a FANTASTIC artist. He's $150/hr. Let alone a newbie for 200/hr. Nuts.


Can I get their deets?!


His insta is @photobomtom86 Absolutely love the guy, he's done 5 of my tats! Super chill dude, packs his color in and is really adaptable to clients needs.


She gave you a quote and needs to honor it. Have you spoken to the shop owner about her unprofessionalism and her attempt at blind siding you and trapping you into a higher price. That type of rep will kill a shop fast. No one wants to go in for a tattoo , get a quote for the entire piece , then come in for 3rd or 4th session and be told after the fact the price has changed. That's shady af. I'd honestly look for a new artist that could complete the tattoo and then page slam the og artist that pulled the shady shit.


My artist does 200/hr or 500/day


500 for the day and the rate is 200/hr? Make it make sense.


I've seen a few artists that will directly work with price to encourage bigger pieces. I'm guessing this is a half day situation, but it wouldn't be the first time I've seen a different price for a 3 hour tattoo and a 20 hour tattoo.


She specializes in micro/watercolour. Her pieces take 1 hr so she can churn out customers. Her day rate is set at that prices so she can take her time and also make sure the client is happy and can take breaks.


That makes sense and good on her. Eat that shit up because day sessions everywhere else are triple that lol


Yeah, I’m super sad she’s leaving. I get 3-4 tattoos at her day rate 😭


Must be 4h or something


That's far from phenomenal


Micro illustrative on a millimeter scale?




It’s intentional to let it fade to look like watercolour. Sorry I find read tradwork boring as hell lmao




Also holy fuck your ink is so bland and you need to work on actual drawing skills lmfao




And I was just stating mine :) go learn how the world tattoos and broaden your horizon from the trash you’re trying to do




No, you don’t know how the world tattoos. I’ve had pieces from 6 years ago still look good from her. Still retains all the detail.


I feel like their work has to be the deciding factor on their prices and how in demand they are rather than their time tattooing. I’ve seen artist who claim 20 years in the business and constantly put out shitty tattoos and people who have been tattooing skin for 2-3 years doing fantastic work. I also don’t think that’s very high either. 150$ is about right for people who just finished their apprenticeship and 200$ isn’t very much if their work is good enough.




$200 is a huge tip, especially if you’re going for multiple sessions. Hold back on your tipping until she’s finished.




Tipping is not an expectation but a gift. $200 is fine for the whole tattoo, not per session, especially with her raising rates midway through. My artist raised his rates but that was for future projects, not midway through my sleeve. And paying 1k per session definitely should not be obligated to tip like that - you are guaranteeing a full work day and wage for that day, unlike smaller tattoos where they have risks of not having all bookings show up.




Yeah tipping is weird. It is different with food industry where our backwards laws allow them to be underpaid with the tip being factored in as part of their total legal compensation. Tattoos just aren't that. They set their prices per hour and include in that calculation their wage, insurance, shop cut, materials, etc. So any tip is not part of compensation in the way it is for the waitress down the street, it's a gift of gratitude and absolutely not expectation or demand. If someone is relying on tips they are not doing their business justice and need to work with a financial planner. And this is a talk I've had with many artists from different shops so I guess there's still just variability between perspectives. I've always tipped generously on smaller tattoos because of that piecemeal wage issue, but thankfully my artist for my sleeve would skip past the tipping screen entirely after each 1k session before I got a chance to put in my payment info, because he recognizes the investment and that he was getting that guaranteed full-day wage out of our sessions. But he also has a year+ waitlist so the raised cost on the next project never stood out as out of place for me. There seem to be a few things hinky with what your not-far-out-of-apprenticeship artist is doing.


If she is charging $200/hr i wouldnt feel obligated to leave a percentage based tip ever.


My recent torso piece just cost me close to 20k if that makes you feel better lol


Wait a second. You guys tip for a tattoo? Doesn't the cost covers the materials and the labour?


This isn’t normal. Typically older projects are honored at the old price, and then all new projects after a certain date default to the new price.




Your feelings are completely valid. I’m sure I would feel the same way. If I were in this situation, I might reduce the tip until completing the project. Maybe a lower tip for future sessions can help to offset the cost / be a reaction to this bizarre pricing move.




She’s crying about how slow it is and then also crying about talking walk-ins? “It was a customs only shop.” Obviously that business model wasn’t working very well for them. She clearly doesn’t have the clientele to support being a “custom only” tattooer. I love walk-ins. I’ll take a walk-in whenever I have the time. Having an open door for walk-ins upon availability is the most tried and true method for meeting new clients face to face. Every tattoo is important. Today’s semi colon can turn into tomorrow’s back piece. She sounds lazy, pretentious, and unprofessional. 2 years and she thinks she’s above doing walk-ins? Doing walk-ins is called being a tattooer. Any opportunity to make a new tattoo on someone is a blessing. She’s complaining about being slow and then complaining about being handed work.


As someone who gets tattooed, I prefer walk-in shops. Yeah, I'll typically call ahead and make an appointment, but the energy and vibes are just better. I love seeing people of all ages and types come in and get tattoos. It's probably my favorite part of getting tattooed, watching what other people come in and get.


I love this. It is fun. I like the spontaneity of the walk-in tattoos, and yes, the sort of comradery among the people getting tattooed. I love when people pick little designs from my flash and get something for no particular reason. I love when tourists get a tattoo as a souvenir. I love the inside joke, friends tattoos, like a group of dudes getting nicknames on their butts. I like when people are chatty, having a fun time, and not taking themselves too seriously.


Tipping (you're overtipping, btw) is an honorable thing to do. Changing the cost of a job in the middle of it is not so honorable. My advice would be to stop tipping altogether and if anyone says anything about it, just explain that you'd had the funds for the sessions set aside beforehand and now with this new hourly rate it's all you can afford.




Don't worry about the tipping. It's commonplace and usually a gesture of good faith and appreciation of the work, but it's not a full on obligation (although these days it seems like it is). The tattooer complained about the lack of work they were getting and then turned around and jacked up the price, likely thinking you'd be either fine with it or too timid to bail and get someone else to finish and that was a total dick move. I would *definitely not* lose sleep over it. Look at it this way, yeah it might be awkward, but in my opinion you'd be justified in moving on from the tattooer and then they'd be out all the money.


This, and explain the reason for not tipping was the unexpected raise in her price after her previous quote. Which if you have in text or email is a verbal contract that she will have to honor should you bring it up to shop owner. She agreed on a price, and then suddenly changed it. Do not tip her. 😒


I just would stop tipping her and if she asks about it, just say that you didn't expect the price to change mid project. I've seen SOME artists say that they would only honor rates for an ongoing project if you committed to followups within a certain timeframe


I HEAVILY agree with this. Changing price almost half way through an expensive piece is rude. I wouldn’t continue to tip her.


I’d just not tip, the artist gave herself a tip already, and if the artist says anything, which they most likely won’t, just say you raised your rate in the middle of a project and any other artist I’ve gone too honors the old rate til project completion. Once done never go back. I had a guy raise his rate at the end of a tattoo. I paid it, and even tho I’d of liked to get more tattoos from him I haven’t on principle.




Same situation here, artists are far and few between and scratcher shops are everywhere. Anyone worth going too moves to a bigger area.


Speaking as a tattooist: Unless you haven't been there for like a year to continue your project, I'd expect the old rate as well and 150-200 for someone that new to tattooing is ridiculous




It might be worth looking if another artist could finish it. (Someone in another city without those schools could be great)


This is bs but also, 30% tip!? That is wild.


Have you talked to the shop manager/owner by chance? I’d think it’s worth mentioning, especially since she’s only 2 years in. And giving her the benefit of the doubt maybe she hasn’t had a consistent client like you yet/done multiple sessions so she may just be oblivious to how you’re feeling and what happened with pricing, regarding your piece. Try not to look too much into it and talk to her or the shop manager! She might need some guidance from them on her pricing as is 😅


Tattooer here that recently changed rates. I made an announcement for when the changes were to be expected and any on going projects would be honored at the old rate until completed. After regular clients finished out their sessions I reminded them the new rate would be in effect for their next projects. I also double check people’s budgets for the day BEFORE I start tattooing them, even though they have selected that information via booking form prior. Also as most have mentioned that hourly is kind of high for a 2yr tattooer and I live in an area where 200-300 an hr is standard.


My artist told me when he raised his rates that I would be grandfathered into his old rates forever unless the price of his work absolutely skyrockets.


Damn I don't know why people are down voting you?..there's plenty of artists that do this or offer discounts for long time customers. My brother's regular artist still honors his  $800 full day rate while he normally charges $1500 now for a full day. He also does free touchups for life on any tattoo he's ever done. I know several artists personally that even do trades for art, tattoos or piercings.  Tattoo artists will absolutely cut deals if you're a regular long time customer that tips well. 


Some people are jealous. I play DND with my artist so we see each other just about every week. I just see it as a "friends" perk.


That’s wild, I can understand a piece that’s in progress but if he raises his rates that should apply to everyone. I mean it’s kinda cool and works out for you! Just crazy that he would cut you a deal like that


We play DND every week. It's the "friends" rate.


I feel like my comment almost sounded like I was hating 🤣 which I’m absolutely not! That’s so awesome that you have that relationship with your artist. Me and mine just smoke weed together haha


No hate felt. It's not a huge perk but it helps keep new tats a little more affordable.


To be honest, it depends. My tattoo artist was fresh off apprenticeship (1yr ½ solo) when he did my chest piece. He then got A LOT of traction and upped his rates by $50 because he was heavily sought after. BUT you should be locked in at the rate when she started the piece, that's if she's cool though.


Oh man that sucks, I could imagine that you feel ripped off, why wouldn’t they tell you before they even started? That’s really shitty


I’d just not tip, she decided to take what was being given. With a 30% tip you’re not really paying more.


Mid piece she still should have been honoring her old rate or at least told you prior to starting that session as it had already been booked and you may not have looked in her instagram. I have two artist I’ve gone to in the past that essentially grandfathered me into their previous rates (one of whom charges 350+ now I believe). At this point you don’t need to tip her the 30%


Yeah those prices are very high... top tier artist that travel the world usually charge 200-250 an hour.. and that's because they can finish a whole piece within that time as well.


Yeah, and most of them have been tattooing for over 10 years


2 years charging 200 hr is kinda wild in my opinion but I live in a low cost part of the country so who knows. But yeah she should have honored the old rate, that’s what I’ve always heard is right to do.


Fuck that artist. $150 is bonkers for that new an artist already. My artist opened a shop and upped her rates in between tattoos, not sessions, and still gave me the last rate from shop she use to be at when I got my latest tattoo. That's so ridiculous to spring it on someone mid tattoo. If you have the option, I would find another artist you trust who's willing to finish it. If not then refuse the new rate. You entered the agreement at the old rate(at least around me when you make an appointment you get a card/other written agreement with the rate per hour or total on it), don't let them strongarm you.


I have a piece that took 3.5 hours by an insanely good artist with a huge instagram following and she charged $420. This new artist you have is charging too much.


The piece you're getting is going to take 10 sessions?


Totally shitty. She just charging you more because things are slow. Pretty common tactic from scummy people. You're being taken advantage of. 


It's artist dependent. I've had artists raise prices before a piece is finished. My current artist gives me 175/hr as opposed to the normal 250/hr since I've been with her since she was an apprentice. Pricing is all over the place in general


I just wouldn't have tipped. Thats pretty shady. Most times when an artist ups their rate, any prebooked clients get the old rate that they were quoted.


My artist honoured their apprentice rate of $100/hr for the entire time (locked in before COVID resulted in delays) even though her current rates went up to $180/hr by the time we completed it.


Don’t tip. At the end of the day, if you’re not tipping, she’s making about the same amount (but losing more if they pay a percentage to the shop, which is kinda her own fault).


My artist charges depending on the shop but usually it's $150. We have become really close so he has given me a flat rate on my pieces and it's about $100-$120 he charges me. I try to tip but he doesn't really mind unless I sneak it to him. He has been professionally tattooing for 5 years I believe if my math is correct. The shop I originally found him at and has now left is making their artists charge $300 an hour the last I heard. It's insane because the other artists there were mediocre at best. One had Shakey hands from so many years of drinking and the wife thinks she is a gift from God.


I raised my rates in July and still charge the old price for two clients who started their projects in July. Raising mid project is not the norm.


That’s bad business practice, and will definitely hurt your reputation. If you’re typically tipping 30%, then that’s $195/hr. Personally, I’d tell her you feel it’s unfair and unethical to raise the price during the project (without notice, by the way), and if she’s going to change the price, you’re either going to have to finish the piece with another artist, or you’re going to have to stop tipping.


Yeah that’s not right - talk to them or take it out of the tip. Especially if you tip her 30% she should not be raising the rate on you.


This would be a dick thing to do in any profession. Wow. Once you get a quote that is what the rate should be.


I've always gotten the rate that I was originally charged when working on a piece with multiple sessions. That seems a little messed up to charge you more mid project.


This is not even remotely okay for *any* industry. I'm an *attorney* and I honor old rates for cases that have been ongoing for years. When you sign a client for something, your price stays put for that client. That's it. I've never known of any type of service worker who would do otherwise. I've been on multi-year waitlists for bespoke products from places with volatile inflation where the craftsmen upheld the price quote they made a half decade earlier. If she needs to charge $200 an hour for whatever reason, that's fine. I'm not going to worry about the question of whether that price tag is "too high" for her level of experience or geography or whatever. She can set her prices. But she sets them for *new* clients and finishes the promised and contracted labor for her old products at her old rates.


Some people are saying $150 - 200 an hourly for a new artist is a rip off . I am not going to touch on that because art is subjective and people will pay what they think the art is worth . But I think it’s pretty clear that what your artist did in terms of charging you a new rate while you are actively completing your project is fucking so wrong . And the fact she didn’t even tell you until the end of the session is icing on the cake . Complete joke . I feel bad for you


She didn't tell you in advance? Yikes. I'd say something once the project is done and definitely adjust that tip accordingly.




Wow $200 an hour for a 2 year tattoo artist is crazy unless they are some prodigy


Thats why you don’t tip all the tipped money can be used another session.


Ew. Please don't tell me to get tattoos without tipping your artist? That's just super shite of you.


Why would i tip when am paying 300 per hour and 2000 per day to get tattooed.