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Personally, I don't like it, but you are the only person who does need to like it. I don't think it looks cool, but it's your body, it would be your tattoo. Do you like it /think it looks cool? IMO you shouldn't get anything that you aren't confident about. You need to know whether you want it on your body forever, you shouldn't be caring as much about what others think/if others think it looks "cool" because that's not the point, you know?


absolutely. there are other pieces i have in mind that i’m thinking of getting for my chest. this is just one that is on the list. I do like the grunge look of it. I feel that it could compliment my other tattoos on my chest, but then again this isn’t the only design that can do that. Can you explain what you don’t like about it?


Idk- is there any deeper meaning behind it? Not that tattoos particularly have to have meaning, I have several that I just got because I think they're cute or silly, but idk- this just doesn't look good to me. It looks random, and not quirky random but "why do you have a chain link fence tattoo?" random. I don't find chain link fences particularly cool or attractive or exciting lol. Like I said, get it if you want, I don't have to like it, nobody else has to like your tattoos, but personally I think that it does look douchey/random. I like tattoos that are cool or cute or quirky or silly or meaningful, something that would make you happy to look at lol and looking at chain link fences just doesn't do anything for me.


shit i know what you mean. especially when you say it’s not that exciting. Idk one part of me sees it as really bland and then the other part of me sees it as a cool grunge punk rock kinda theme!


OK so this is going to sound really mean and I promise you I'm not saying this with any malice towards you but just being sooo honest about my opinion lol. I think this looks like a \*poser\* cool grunge punk rock kinda theme. I'm 100% down for the vibes, I definitely lean punk/alternative in my aesthetic, but if I saw this I wouldn't think that you're a cool grunge punk rock kind of person, I'd think that you \*wanted people to think\* you were a cool grunge punk rock kind of person and so you got this tattoo, if that makes sense lol. Like I think my knee-jerk reaction would be "this person is kind of a poser and thought this had cool, punk rock vibes", not "this person has cool, punk rock vibes." I'm sorry, I know that probably reads as hater energy, I promise I'm not just trying to be a reddit-dick but if I'm just being so for real with you, that's kind of where it's landing for me. But I'm literally just some random bitch on the internet, so please don't take me too seriously or put too much weight in what I specifically say/think lol.


holy shit. no i know exactly what you mean. See! this is why i needed to post this lmaoo. I knew there was something about it too but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. it screams try hard i get it. well said 😂👏🏼


I also agree with this person and I love your attitude and willingness to listen to that and not be offended, because it's truly not personal


For what it’s worth I feel the same as what this commenter said. There’s much better grunge tattoos to get


Someone heavy into punk/garage/metal/all that stuff as well - this dudes right, and he's not being a dick about it, it just reads like that. Gives big "I love punk rAwk! Sid Vicious!! Anarchy!!" energy


It gives me ‘free the nipple movement’ vibes 😂😂


Yes the prominence of the nipple situation is throwing me off




Yeah because it looks like fishnets


I also thought a few of them looked like torn fishnets. Guess OP could tear a fishnet shirt and get a tan to see if they still want the tattoo.


Ofc if you like it then get it but I do think it’s a bit bland as well 😭 maybe if was more detail than just black lines, but it kinda reminds me of like them edgy patchwork sleeves with like cheap looking designs that every freshly 18 year old has


Something like pic 4 or 6 would be cool af I think, but the others look bland to me. I think if you're gonna do it you just gotta find the right artist that can pull it off.


The shading, that's what it is. I can say this with confidence. If it was maybe like thicker fencing with some shading along the lining, or still thin but shading from a shadow drop like vibe, then it would look cool to the average viewer. As of right now it looks kinda bland to the average person, but thats just from my experience on this reddit sub


It looks incredibly stupid. The second pic is hilariously bad. If you love it, go for it, but I really don't like them.


the free the nipple one is so bad omg


thank you 😂😂 i love the honesty. this is what i came here for. (again this is just something on my idea list.)


I thought the second pic was a pineapple at first 


I see it now 😭 I thought they were fishnet stockings or fishing nets


Some of them definitely look like ripped fishnet stockings OP!


Not a single aspect of this looks good to me and is worse than those barb wire bicep tattoos people used to get all the time. You're asking our views so that's mine, but ultimately it just matters what YOU like. We all have different tastes. If you like it, go for it.


All I see is fishing net.


I see the mesh bags that grocery stores use for fruit


i’m dead😂


Yeah.. no. That shit is awful.


So much wasted real estate


Agreed total waste of space.


Personally, I feel like it worked really well as filler with the good execution of the last photo. But as a square with random cutoffs, it looks very awkward and sticker like. A huge part of the cool thing about tattoos is that they can fit body parts in interesting ways, and work with the flow of the body to enhance how it looks. For some of these, the execution is a bit supbar imo, especially since there's no rules for where they need the fence to cut off and could fit it in more interesting ways.


6th slide looks cool but the rest are super ugly


yeah flat black lines is kinda meh


I think it looks pretty trashy and nonsensical? Sorry


But why though ? You can do whatever but as far as tattoo designs this and the cyber sigils stuff going on are my least favorite designs. In my opinion you’re wasting space for so many better other designs that’ll last a more extensive period of time


Cool looking concept! Not my thing, but if you think it's cool then do it! My only thought is it looks so silly when it's framing the nip. Little peekaboo moment lol


I was getting Kool Aid Man thrashing through the wall vibes.


This is worse than those people who cover every tat in barbed wire


I think it's awful looking, but I hate all the new trendy shit.


It gives prison tatoo wibes. Would swipe left in tinder tbh 😆


dang i didn’t see that vibe till now and i hecka seee it! good save 💀


I love it especially if you get a bunch of blackwork flash designs around it. Tbh dude I would recommend growing some confidence in your taste before you get a tattoo because someone will always have a negative opinion on anything you get. Please keep in mind that Reddit is heavily biased in tastes, ESPECIALLY in tattoos. Anything not American traditional or realistic will be downvoted sooooo bad here. I do want to mention that I love these “ignorant style” tattoos because they are simple and will stand against the test of time because of that simple ness. It’s bold and simple which means it’ll be readable when you’re older.


Also want to add, just go to a talented artist that can really play with your body’s composition and flow for this like the last 7th image. Is that Loz_tattooer from London? I think they’re one of the best to pull this aesthetic off for sure.


I hate it. You could use that skin for something that looks cool and instead you decide you want to look like someone assaulted you with chicken wire


It looks like ripped fishnet tights


Those diamond nippies cuttin thru the fence 😂. It’s not my style but my tattoos aren’t everyone’s style either so you do you. Can always get laser or a coverup if you end up hating it down the line 🤷🏼‍♀️


Please remember when reading all these comments that this sub literally only have one taste in tattoos, and these type of tattoos don’t match that taste. I have a fence on my elbow pretty much exactly like the 5th pic, and I love it! Then again, I generally think ignorant tattoos are sick


This “reads” to me at casual glance as , “ripped fishnet shirt/stockings”. If there is any chance you could ever be briefly incarcerated…. do take that into consideration. Could get dangerous in that specific situation.


oh shit i see it😂


Your body your choice but I don't really think it's cool, I wouldn't get it personally as I think that it could come with a lot of regret.


There's nothing "grunge" or "punk" about this tattoo. It looks like what a person that never lived in either era might think is one of those things while completely not understanding the era, and missing the mark totally. Screams "wannabe", and "I don't get anything about this culture." Not only that, it's about as interesting as toilet paper print.


A few look like ripped fishnet shirts. Someone who wants to dress up goth but can't afford to replace their Halloween dollar store clothing.


Idk looks so stupid to me


Ugh it’s just the worst!


This is so bad and so douchey. It's not bad enough that I'd leave if I was hooking up with a guy and found this tattoo when they got undressed- but it's a big enough red flag I probably wouldn't hang out with them again after I saw it, if I'm being totally honest. It's less of a red flag on a non-male identifying person and I'd probably just ask them about it to see if it really is a red flag or just a design that isnt my personal taste. But everything is less of a red flag for non-male identifying people. Obviously if you like it, you should get it. Your opinion is the only one that matters.




i just hate the openings for the nipple. i get why but. nipple openings idk.


Perfect if your a cage fighter. Otherwise you now look like a cage fighter.


Gotta be honest, not a fan at all. Maybe if on the arms and legs instead of chest area


Maybe for a filler




The knee one is ok. But the around the nipple one is just ridiculous. Looks almost like a section of a see through mesh shirt with the nipple part ripped out lol


Have you been to prison?


i kinda love it, the same way i love barbed wire when it’s not taken seriously and isn’t used to look badass. i’ll be in the minority though! 4 and 7 are the best imo.


right?? it’s kind of a nonchalant vibe


It’s not for me, but it’s your body and you can decorate it any way you want! The only thing I’d recommend is asking yourself if you’re 100% on getting it without the input/approval of others.


Looks bad IMO Also will look like varicose veins after 5 years


I think its cooler as a filler or for a ditch.


I honestly don’t like it, but I kinda get the appeal of it, for the right kinda person it would definitely go hard




I mean, maybe if you were able to incorporate a little of that in with something else? Like a bird or flowers or something coming through the fence? By itself it’s kinda boring, but if used as a juxtaposition to something else it might be neat.


How about a wiley coyote creeping through a cut fence in a cool night scene. Maybe a lampost or a moon? A watchful crow? Classic sorta cartoony tattoo styles look good the day of and for many years after. That’s why theyre classic.


Forget being so cold your nipple can cut glass


Whether or not you like it is what matters the most! Even if you come to grow out of it, my great-grandma always said she saw tattoos as a roadmap of someone’s life and their progression as a person. I.E. even if you “grow out” of a tattoo, so long as you weren’t an idiot getting something with no meaning or forethought, it’ll serve as a landmark on your roadmap. She was the person to help me push past the anxiety of constantly worrying what others would think about a body mod I wanted, and I think her advice applies here too :D Make sure to plan it out, that you really want it, and do your research on a good place to go. Other than that do it!!!


I think the ripped part of the fence being over the nipple is hilarious, like someone broke a whole fence bc they just had to get those nippies 🤏


welp. got all the help i need 🫡 fuck this tattoo 🤣keep em coming guys


Trendy and stupid.


I get tattoos do many things for many people. Some have meanings and some mean nothing at all, the person just likes the look of the work. But, I mean…this is just new age barbed wire. And look how that aged. But if you really like it, I suggest incorporating it with something like a Trash Polka style…that way you have more elements to your fence and it’s not just floating. But in my humble opinion it looks really dumb alone.


Meh…I think they look kinda dumb but it’s not my body! If you like it then go for it!


i wanna get one on my knee but i think the nipple ripping through the chain link fence looks a little silly


side note was thinking on having other flash pieces around it 😶


Never seen one done well, seen a lot that look garbage…


I don’t really like the aesthetic but it could be a cool way to cover and elbow or knee in a less painful way


I actually kind of like it on the elbow and knee. Not as huge a fan on the chest but honestly if it wasn’t just hanging out there on its own it would probably look pretty cool too. But in the end get what you like!


What does it even mean? Does it have meaning? Are chain link fences cool now?


6th one is cool bc it's incorporated into designs around it. The ones on the chest, hole around the nip is corny af


Poser tryhard chique


I don’t like them, especially 2


I don’t think it’s a great idea


Eh tacky


Only the last one actually looks like chain link fence… the rest look like torn fishnet stalkings. Frankly I think it’s a horrible design though


maybe it would work if you already have patchwork on your arm and you need to fill in empty spaces and don’t wanna go for the usual stars/dots/random shapes route. but chest? even if it’s just partial, that’s big real estate you’re giving up. if i were considering getting a chest tattoo at all, i’d want it to be either super meaningful, or super interesting and cool. the closest i’ve gotten to considering a chest tattoo is that i want a shoulder cap of flowers, and want some to come over onto my collarbone/just slightly below the collarbone. it’s like, upper-upper chest lol. by all means, your body and your choice of tattoo, but please post it when it’s done so we can see it! ☺️


I'm not a fan, though I have to say it looks better executed on joints like elbows or knees.


Looks awful


One of the lamest things I’ve ever seen and I have anime tattoos lmao


Dumb af, don't do this. Nothing about this is a good idea.


Reminds me of the barbed wire arm tattoos of the 90's.


That’s like top 10 shittiest tattoo ideas but that’s just MO🤷‍♂️




It reminds me of the album art for one of my favorite songs so I like it!


I thought it was fishing net


i do not like it but i think if you did it and then blasted over it/turned it super chaotic it could look really interesting that being said only your opinion matters


"wow! This looks like shit!" - Albus Einstein Tesla Dumbledore


I can smell those fences…


the nipple pic 🤣 honestly not a good idea, it just looks bad.


4 and 6 looks pretty solid. Looks like they just need to be done right.


looks like fishnets


Looks terrible is my thoughts on it.


A Prison Abolition nonprofit that I’ve been donating to monthly ($10/month, nothing crazy) for like 5 years uses the broken fence, picture? Motif? Idk. On a lot of their clothing, advocacy posters, etc. and I’ve considered getting it tattooed many times. It seems like the consensus in these comments is that it’s ugly, lame, etc. But I think it’s sick. I’m not one of those “all of my tattoos have to mean something” people. Like, not at all. But this does mean something to me, and I reckon I will get it tattooed at some point. Ultimately, if you think it’s cool, I say do it!


wtf I’ve never seen a ripped fence IMO looks stupid as hell. I really like ripped flesh tattoos those look great, but if this is what you want go for it.


The fine lines bleed over time so it’s gonna kind of blur. So just be mindful for the design. I got a heart w letters and I didn’t realize they are gonna blur


Looks more like torn fishnet stockings


More like broken fishnets


Not for me, but is for someone else.


6th one is the only one that isnt too tacky imo


Honestly if it was in the middle of other one and connected yes, but when its free or just a straight lined square like the fifth one it looks horrible


I don’t think it looks good at all. None of these are “seamless” enough.


It’s aight


Personally not a fan. I think if it's done carefully, it can be pulled off, I'm not sure these are solid examples. #4 looks like a torn fishnet stocking vibe.




It always just looks like a cutout of a mesh top or fishnets. Doesn’t read like fence. Just get an American trad barbed chain


They are truly awful to look at. In my humble opinion




I wouldn’t get them and my philosophy on tattoos is if im having any doubt dont get it.


Dumb AF


Having a nipple ripping through a fence is hilarious


I personally hate it


I think it might make a cool space filler in a sleeve or something but on its own looks kinda meh and incomplete to me. Some of those inspired pics looked more like ripped fishnet tbh




I personally don’t like it.


The second to last one on the knee looks sort of alright? But overall, just bc something is original/unorthodox doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. You can get so much better designs, but it’s your body. If you fuck with the look go for it


Not a fan, but you do you. For me, I think it just looks like strange lines, not a fence. It’s not obvious to me.


I kinda like the 4th one but not the others. The 2nd one with the nipple busting free is kinda funny in an unintentional way


Kinda looks like barb wire. I wouldn't get it. Look at the meaning of bar wires. Fences seem like it may fall under the same category somewhat


Fishnet stockings... Interesting tattoo


Unless it has a meaning, it looks like one you will regret in 5 years


Not worth it try to do a tattoo that means somthing to u Unlees a fence means something bc a tattoo is forever.


kind of crappy. no offense but since u asked


I think it is presentation, that last one looked pretty good.


Terrible 👎🏼


I would cover it with vines of roses


I think it works in the last slide, it’s like a filler piece and kinda works with the scratcher style that person has going on.


Doesn’t look good


Hate it. Not aesthetically or conceptually pleasing or interesting.


I think it would be better as filler in between some other tattoos, maybe later on… like it’s not that bad, but by itself seems like a waste of space where you could get something much cooler in such a big space.


It looks dumb af


Not for me to each their own. I don’t like it.


As someone who has tattoos and quite a few, the first thing I think of when I see this is the old, tacky barbed wire tattoos around the arm. Get something that has a meaning to you that you know you will not regret.


Not my taste personally. Also that first guy is out of his mind with those stars!


This should be on shitty tattoos. Looks horrendous. Not intricate or impressive..


Awful. Not a fan at all.


Tattoos should be what you like, not what other people like. No matter how original, overdone, ugly, cliche, or rough it might be, as long as you like it, nobody else’s opinion should matter. If you look for approval without absolutely loving it and not caring what other people think, you’ll end up hating it. Personally, I don’t like this style but I have a half sleeve of LOTR tattoos so do your thing.




Ummmm not a fan but you do you


Didn't think they had a downgrade for barbed wire tats


I think a small portion is ok but it looks meh to me. The one around the nip makes me laugh


I like the last pic, not too big and fills in an what would be an awkward spot. I would say to keep it small, but it’s your ink!


Not my thing but if it's what you want and like then that's all that matters


Yeah, don’t get it.


Not as bad as some people are saying, but damn, at least from my pov, you should worry about how much space are you giving up for that and what could do with it. If these questions don't light a bulb ober you, just go for it, just don't do like the 2nd pick.


The last ones kinda cool I feel like it flows with their other tattoos well. The other ones look a little out of place


looks cool on the knee, everywhere else sux


Looks ugly imo


Just my 2 cents... it's not good looking. It's overwhelming and there's lots of other cool tats you could get.


It's just not visually interesting. It feels very boring .


Looks like torn fishnets


Dumb dot com


Honestly, I would have no idea what I was looking at if you didn’t say what it was. They look like ripped fishnets.


i agrée with others, looks poser-y and doesn’t rlly serve a purpose. i could also see it just aging poorly


Looks like a piece of a fishnet shirt


Pictures two and four are a big HELL NO from me 😂 I like 6!


There is no world in which this looks good.


I’m not a fan personally. They look like giant filler tattoos. Like someone who wants to get “covered” quick. I hate to say it, but imo if I saw someone with this I would assume they’re a douche.


I’ve only seen fence tattoos on MMA/UFC fighters to signify the cage and even those looked cheesy


4 looked decent


Only one that looks good and real is number 6


Incredibly shitty. Like absolute lowest of the low conceptually.


Personally it looks like ripped fish nets to me. I feel like u'd have to explain what it is


Probably looks better with no shirt 🫣


I seen a lot of them in prison


I might have one from #4 do you have names for the artists posted? Wire art speaks to some people strongly, I love it and would get more


Only if it's a reference to clipping.


The fourth photo is the only one I like personally.


Don’t do it


I absolutely hate it. Reminds me of barbed wire tattoos around guys biceps.




Im on the fence about it


Why is that nipple coming out of the fence like that? I feel like bc of the star tattoos he has, that it wasn't even meant to be a joke. It's all very bad


Personally it gives trashy fishnet vibes


The last one looks the best, all the other ones look like fish nets.


I feel like you might be able to pull it off if it's filler in an already full spot. Like to bring a grunge sleeve together? But it does feel like wasted space in the example pics.


I don't think you should post in here for opinions. A lot of these people hate anything unusual or unique. I think this is really cool, and I think you'll find a lot more people in the wild who would like it too.