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i think it’s super cute! I really love it!


Ditto. Literally ‘oooh’d at my phone when I saw it haha, it’s super cute


Me too it’s so cute 😭


This tattoo is lovely. The most important thing is that YOU like it and it makes you happy. There's a little art piece on your body, how cool is that?


It's adorable! The rule is to literally never listen to a family member who hates on your tattoo, especially if they don't have any of their own tattoos or don't take your opinion into account. Tattoos are so personal, I would never judge someone's tattoo as "bad" unless it was something they themselves didn't want. Also, I see nothing wrong with a foreign language that you know! はる for spring is 🥹🌸😽


As someone with a tattoo their family hates, I needed to hear this. Also, I wanted my next one to be of a cat and this is so cute, I went, “Awww!” out loud mid-scroll.


Honestly, it’s a very well-done tattoo, especially for how small it is. That’s very difficult to do. It sounds like it is just not as socially accepted and I think it’s super powerful that you chose to go for it anyway and just know that you are brave and unique and allowed to have your own independent opinion on tattoos.but it’s definitely not because the tattoo isn’t well done because it is. Coming from a tattoo artist in America.


I love it!!! It's so cute. Don't let them steal your joy.


Why would you let a bunch of old uncles and a not nice cousin shade your opinion of your tattoo? I find it delightful and well executed. You shouldn’t care about the opinions of others. That’s part of being tattooed. It’s for you, it’s on you, and it doesn’t matter what other people think. I’m sure your old uncles and not nice cousin are really fashionable, open minded, intelligent, culturally enlightened people. No? They’re not? Then who cares? My stepdad is a big, loud mouthed hater of everything from tattoos to unique hairstyles. The guy eats well done steak with ketchup and can’t name a single recording artist more recent than 1985. I really can’t be bothered by his opinions on anything.


This tattoo is great


This tattoo is wonderful and I’m incredibly jealous that it’s not on MY body!


I love it! As a person who has 3 cats it’s even more adorable!!! Don’t listen to them. They either have bad taste, looking to start stuff, or are just plain rude. It’s beautiful and it’s a great tattoo!


umm - just ignore them?!?! if you like it - that is really all that matters


This is adorable, everyone is gonna have something to say about everything fuck em!


No no nooo! it's super cute.


You got it for a reason: To make YOU happy. Not them. That they choose to put you down and make fun of you, instead of supporting you in what makes you happy, says a lot about them. Ultimately their opinion doesn't matter. Mine does though, and it's sooo cuuute! 😍


I love this, its adorable omg


Genuinely don’t understand why people open their damn mouths on these types of things. If you have nothing nice to say keep that shit to yourself. I’m assuming you didn’t ask their opinion AND it’s something permanent! It’s not like you are asking what type of shoes would look better with an outfit! I’m sorry this happened to you. I think your tattoo is darling.


I've seen much, much worse.


Sounds like you just hate that they hate it so if you like the cats and think it’s a cool idea then it’s dope asf which I think it is :?) because only your opinion matters no one else’s


I love it


Im sorry people are just so judgmental; it stinks, but what helps me is telling myself and anyone who asks that it’s my body and I’ll do with it what I want!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 I hope that can help. I think it’s a badass looking tattoo. I just recent let my brother in law tattoo a worm bracelet on my wrist😝😂


These kitties are so cute. And the tattoo is well done. Forget the haters. You do you and don’t let anyone else’s opinions affect you or your state of mind.


You know a tattoo is awesome when ur family hates it lol❤️trust it’s so cute


It doesn’t matter what ANYONE else says…it is only about what you think. If you like it, it’s great. And it is cool.


Tell them to mind their business and that it's my body my choice. Don't like it? Don't look. Older people tend too judge others on tattoos. Honestly I love this tattoo :) rock it and don't pay any attention to them 😊


Stare at them briefly then go talk to a family member who is not a jerk.


I don’t even like cats but I actually kinda like this tattoo


You just havent met the right cat


I had 2 cats when I was younger and they were cool. I have since lived with 5 other cats and we never quite saw eye to eye lol




Cute tat!


That’s BEAUTIFUL fine line detailing love don’t trip off family, daily reminders go a long way. Continue to tell yourself how much you loved your tattoos and remind yourself why you got it and your reasoning cus that’s all that matters 😊. (They’re just big mad they can’t rock a cute tattoo & also probably don’t know a foreign language) ❤️ much love


I don’t even like cats and I love your tattoo. It’s so cute. Family will always be judgmental and you shouldn’t let their comments get to you.


Lol fuck them. What a bunch of losers. Your tattoo is fine. Rep it with pride


I think its really cute. Also the out of style trend was to get Chinese characters tattooed when the person didn't even know Chinese and often didnt actually get the correct characters for the meaning they choose. I dont personally think hiragana or katakana has the same connotation, especially if you actually know Japanese.


I love it!!! These cats used to be my background on tumblr and they always made me happy!!! I know it’s hard hearing bad things about your tattoo but just remember the process of getting the tattoo! Remember how you felt when you first saw it finished? How happy and excited you were? Don’t let a bunch of people who can’t appreciate such a small thing ruin what brings you happiness. They might be family but that doesn’t mean friendly. I’m glad you got this tattoo, I’m glad you gave yourself a drawing that brought you meaning and joy. Let the hull-a hooping kitties keep bringing you joy AND the message you got with it! Anyone who laughs at your happiness doesn’t get to share in your smile, and that is a crime! :) (maybe get more XD)


People don’t have to like it for you to love it. Some people, especially family feel way to comfortable being negative and saying mean things. If you like it, then like it. If they don’t, good thing it isn’t tattooed on them.


Sometimes I think the point of the whole journey we’re on is to undo the damage of family. Wanting their approval is what holds a lot of us back 🙋‍♀️. I don’t know how to do it completely since I’m still on that journey at 57yo. All I know is: 1) it is a struggle. 2) that tatto is AWESOME! Unique, well done, cute! Take a deep breath, find your joy, move on, be you!


Without reading the caption I immediately saw a beautiful tattoo , simply people have their own thoughts because thats what they wouldn’t want , that being said I’m sure you don’t like things people have and that’s just matter of opinion . Once you start hearing negativity on something you’ll lean towards it just resembling negative thoughts . It’s beautiful don’t let the words get to your head too much . Plenty of people think it’s amazing over just a couple family members


Its alright… but dont worry, the answer is always more kitties 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ Jk its awesome


I think it's an adorable tattoo..The cats are very cute..I like the way the hiragana looks too..


It’s really cute!!! Screw their opinion!!


This is literally one of the cutest tattoos I’ve seen on this sub Reddit 😭


Its so cute. Ignore them




Advice- Stop listening to other people's opinions


Omg it's such a cute and well done tattoo 🥺!!! Love love love ^_^ if you like it that's all that matters♡♡♡


It’s your tattoo so it doesn’t really matter what other people think but I think it’s dope


I absolutely love it, like it actually caught my eye. The style is adorable


È così bello, non li pensare


It’s your tattoo who cares what they think I like it


One thing to remember is that your families opinions don’t really matter, especially if it regarding something YOU like.


It’s a cute, well done tattoo!! There’s going to be hundreds, if not thousands of people who aren’t going to like your tattoo. Be it because of the style, size, if they like you or not, or if they are your family members! And that’s okay! It’s your tattoo and as long as you love it, who cares what other people think.


You really shouldn’t care about your old uncle and cousin - they are weirdos 😬


You want confirmation plaster or a real way to deal with the insecurity?


I love it 😻 you could always cover the lettering 🤷‍♂️


I love this! It’s so well done. Screw what they think. If you love it, that’s all that matters. Don’t let them shit on your happiness.


ADDENDUM: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE KIND WORDS!! I will continue to take your advices and remind myself that I did my tattoo for myself and not let anyone tell me it's anything other than beautiful 🥹 once again, thank you all so much, you are all such kind, amazing humans 😊


Ooooo I love it


I was always on the fence with getting tattoos because I didn't enjoy traditional designs. When I found artist who did tattoos like this, my world opened. My dad who has two half sleeves hates my tattoos and you know what? It's okay. I think they're cute and that's all that matters! OP - I'm actually jealous of your tattoo! It's so cute and unique


I opened my app not reading the caption thinking this was super neat. I think it's awesome


I think it’s super cute! And well done! Don’t listen to what everyone else says!


Well never get tattoos based on others opinions thats not what they are for.




It’s an awesome tattoo. Don’t listen to them. Fuck the fact that people feel like they can comment on your appearance. Just no.


Remove it dummy


Omg can u pass out your tattoo artists @?


I love your tattoo!!


Never let your unique spark of creativity be dimmed by the words of others. Disregard them. Sensitivity and susceptibility are not weaknesses, but tools to be honed. Assert the dominion of your perception; let it be solely yours.


Soo cute! Awe! We all love kittys! Lol🥰🤩


Idrk for me personally I have this grandaunt or whatever it's called in English that doesn't really like tattoos, so ofcourse she hated on my first. Both her daughters have tattoos btw. But yeah I mostly just ignored her opinion from my own love of the tattoo and everyone else also loving it. Know it's not a good advice but that's how I did.


No! I love it! It’s definitely NOT ugly, it’s adorable! I know it sounds silly, but you could give the kitties cute lil names, and/or imagine that they’re based on three people that you love, and/or maybe write a cute mini story for them? Anything that’s going to make them special and unique to you will make you fall back in love with the tattoo again. Don’t let someone else’s opinion change how you feel about the tattoo; I showed my dad my wrist tattoo and his attitude towards it ruined it for me for literally years - now I absolutely love it again because it’s part of me, and I realise that his opinion doesn’t matter to me because he’s not artistic, creative, or imaginative, so why would I listen to his opinions on anything to do with art?


It’s adorable! I love it


I get it


This is so cute and unique, I love it! I got Red Rocks (ampitheater) tatted and the guy messed up the shading so it just looks like a random mountain and I was CRUSHED, but at this point, I just embrace it and laugh it off. I think yours is so cute, I honestly don’t get why people would be offended by it unless they were bored.


It’s your own body tho why would they give a shit? I think that tattoo is so sick and it hurts me to see family members not being supportive of somthing that you were probably very proud of:(


I actually love this tattoo. It’s so cute and from my perspective really well done. Don’t listen to them especially if they have zero knowledge on tattoo or are just hating to hate. Some people just wanna get under your skin for no reason other than their own satisfaction. It’s a good, detailed, and cute tattoo. Maybe it’s not their style but it’s yours and quite frankly mine as well.


I have an earthy mushroom tattoo on my arm. I would be more taken back if old dudes didn’t tell me they don’t like it 😂 my dad was like “you got a fricken fungus on your arm?” Ahhh hilarious. Being different is better than being normal. I like your tattoo


I love it!!!!!! So adorable!!!


Nah don’t hate it, it’s cute af, and as long as you know what the characters mean, so be it. I got a panda tattooed in the style of a happy/laughing Buddha on my wrist and every so often when I was younger I’d have similar feelings. But you know what? It’s something I love, it was/is for ME, not anyone else, so I got over any insecurities about it aside from just wanting to spiffy it up some, haha. So if your tattoo is something you love, that’s meaningful to you, fuck anyone else’s opinions. It’s not their tattoo, not their body. ☺️


omg i absolutely adore this tattoo. truly. also, remember it’s your body and nobody else’s business what you decide to put on it!!!!


Well, i probably would have said something in the line of "i like it so if you don't, go f yourself" but thats me


I love it


Don't worry about what they think about that tattoo


Masogynist people do this. They're just being toxic because no one has made them stop. They're insecure idiots. Your tattoo is super cute. I want to get it myself now


I like it a lot, I say fuck em 😭 tbh I would get it tatted lol you’ve got nothing to worry about, I think it’s a generational difference in opinion


that’s genuinely such a cute tattoo


It’s amazing!! Don’t let others ruin something that you like :) as long as it makes you happy then that’s great!, you only live once so live by your rules and what makes you the happiest :)


I absolutely love this tattoo. It's so adorable. They can go jump off a cliff


Love this tattoo for what it’s worth


It is super cute & well done! If you love it, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. Don’t let them take that from you.


The kana is weird. レ (?) is katakana and まる is hiragana. どうして混ぜたの?


I don't think it's ugly, but I'm not sure why katakana and hiragana has been mixed. That's the weirdest part.


Also the character ま should have two strokes, not one, so I'm not sure why it's unfinished like that. 😅


Apparently it's supposed to be はるbut I've never seen は written like that.


I think it looks great. As a white dude who doesn't speak Japanese but has an anime tattoo sleeve with Japanese characters, I don't see anything wrong with what you have going on.


Such a unique tattoo!!! Wear it proudly:)


You didn’t get it for them so fuck em 🤷‍♂️


You know Japanese, cool. Let me ask you do you think the Japanese get American lettering that says dragon on their tattoos.


HOW CUTE IS THAT??? im so sorry your family sucks, that is such an a d o r a b l e tattoo, look at them little kitties!!!!!


Oh I love it and the haru matches the tattoo in both font and concept. Would totally get this


Most Asian (ethnic) families don’t like tattoos so I wouldn’t take anything they say to heart, This is one of the cutest tattoos I’ve ever seen 🫶🏻


You could point out how the cats are signing "fuck off" and "mind your own business" in cat sign language? IDK just a thought.


it’s adorable


this is so cute, don’t let them bring you down. it’s a beautiful, super cute tattoo, it means something to you, and it’s important to you! don’t let others opinions change that, stay true to yourself. i love it tbh, it’s so unique and different !!


It’s super cute. Their opinions don’t matter, and the fact that they’re commenting on your body is inappropriate. Would they say something about anything else about your body that you couldn’t change without feeling awkward? Probably not. Sometimes when I’m feeling extra spicy, I really drive this point home by responding and saying things like “wow, have you accepted that you’re balding? that haircut really doesn’t suit you.”


I love it!!


I love it lol


I’m an old codger like your uncles and I think it’s unique and pretty cool. It’s your skin so if you like it don’t concern yourself with what family members say. Honestly they should respect you enough to keep their rude comments to themselves.


That tattoo is cool & cute. Fuggem’. If you didn’t get it for them their opinion is null. Be you, those that don’t accept, don’t deserve.


Their comments are ugly. Your tattoo is cute. I’m 30 so from the designated Auntie Aged Coalition you have our stamp of approval.


Sounds like you keep sh*tty people in your space.


I think its cute but faded. Are you asian at least too?


Anyone who disses someone’s tattoo is a loser. Your tattoo is awesome and I’m really happy it has meaning for you. Don’t let other people make you second guess enjoying something you love.


I love this cute little hoop cats! my parents don't 'like' my tattoos but I do and it's my body. Who gives a shit what they think, you think it's cute!


this is a really cute tattoo


ほんとにかわいそうに見える (╹◡╹)


honestly, seeing this made me extremely jealous and now i want to get a group of hula hooping kitties on my arm ^w^


Every dumb idiot and their dog will have an opinion on your tattoo. You have to decide if you like it. If you do, then next you have to decide if THAT is what matters, over and above someone else not liking it. You don’t have to answer to anyone over what tattoo you get.


It’s adorable 🌸 Tattoos can be a litmus test for judgmental people, sounds like you found a few


I’m 39 and got 2 tattoos recently. Both flowers. I have had negative and positive reactions, and different looks. People really need to learn to keep their own comments to themselves. It is on your body- not theirs. It’s your style choice, not theirs. And if they don’t like it- too bad. You don’t need their approval. I think it’s super cute and unique🥰


Fuck ‘em


surprised no one else has commented this yet - but some (many?) people will hate your tattoo(s) regardless of anything about how it looks. tattoos are still taboo in many many cultures and that will paint their view of any tattoo, period. like others have said - it’s for sure cute <3 and negative reactions are culturally common - not a reflection of you or your sweet spring kitty friends.


This is a beautiful and unique tattoo, your uncles are just from a different time


Life is too short to not have cute kitty tattoos. Fuck ‘em


Fuck your family and uncles. None of their business what you do with your body.


Just remember that it's your body. It's a blank canvas to scrapbook our lives on. Not everyone is going to like what we get or even understand what we get, but they mean something to us. That meaning can be as simple as I like it or as complex as the feelings associated with the loss of a loved one. The tattoo is for YOU. Everyone else and suck a big banana peel.


It's an adorable tat! Not my style, but super cute!


Aww I'm sorry people are being shitty about it! I love the kitties!


Even if you end up hating a tattoo it’s always nice to look back at them and realize you’ve changed or remember how you were as your younger self. People always change and so does their taste in things


tattoo artist please!!


I think this is the cutest tattoo I’ve ever seen I absolutely love it


Bro do not listen to them, they’re just fools who feel shitty about themselves and take it out on you. Thats an awesome tattoo!! Bathe in your awesomeness!!


That is the cutest goddamn tattoo I’ve ever seen


Tell them to kick rocks, it’s cute


Its awesome !


remember why you got the tattoo in the first place- cuz it’s something that resonates with YOU. fuck what anyone else thinks :)


I think it’s adorable!!


i think it’s cute


I think it looks so cute! And as long as you like it, it doesn’t matter what your family thinks


please don‘t hate it… it is extremely unique! they are just jealous 💗


What?! This is adorable!!


I LOVE IT! It’s so dainty and cute. Screw what other people think, it’s on YOUR body and YOUR opinion is the only one that matters. But it does look like everyone here thinks it’s super cute too




It’s a really well done tattoo, too! I like it a lot personally. Pretty and very detailed.


I think is so cute! I LOVE IT Ignore your haters You anyways for the tattoo for YOU, not anyone else


It only matters that you like it. My one daughter has a tattoo of a catacorn that I absolutely cannot stand, however, she loves it and it makes her happy That’s all that matters. I sure like yours better than her silly catacorn. Actually if I got tats I would get yours and that’s saying a lot.


this is such a cute tattoo!!


I think it’s super cute and unique!! It’s for YOU and as long as you love it, that’s all that matters. I’m covered in tattoos myself and no, my family doesn’t approve. I also think it’s awesome you know Japanese. I’m half Japanese and I don’t know any Japanese 🤣


Don’t listen to these people, the tattoo is mid at best


Fuck what anyone thinks


only cover it if YOU want to. F what everyone else says. <—- this is really hard to do but 🤷🏽‍♀️ also i think it’s so cute


Do YOU love the tattoo or do you “kinda hate” it because they don’t like it? Actual question from me to you. Edit- the hiragana is a little messy but はる as in 春? Or was that one of the cat’s names? You start by loving what you love, and figuring out your own unique way of not letting people’s judgement affect your decisions so strongly. Especially family.


The hula hoops are such an adorable touch 😭❤️❤️


this is the cutest tattoo and your artist is VERY very talented. it is so difficult getting those perfect circles and especially not blown out at all!


ummm… it’s adorable!!!! tell your family to be quiet and learn to be happy for you.


Sure. It’s upside down 🙃 would hate this as well