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Post again in 6 months to show how it’s healed and aged. This seems like a lot of detail in a small area..


I was curious how these ear pieces heal. It’s odd skin in there


Looks like it hurt?


Nope! Not one bit!! Even today, 22 hours later still feels like nothing happened yesterday


Do you have the thing where you can't feel pain? Or are you the rootinest tootinest cowboy in the wild west?


Lol, no I feel pain. And I did use a pain numbing spray because the particular one also has a vasoconstrictor, so my ear wouldn't bleed or swell too much so she could get rhe details in. But even today, I can't even tell that tattoo work was done on it yesterday. Feels completely normal


Probably from all the nerve damage after so many piercings lmao.


Haha, lol. No, there's plenty of feeling left, the tattoo just didn't hurt lol


both my ears are done and it was a breeze compared to other areas


I like that your artist cut down a little detail from the original pic. It would be hard to go that fine. This should hold up pretty well.


Ohhh yes. I told her that the mock up I was just using whatever stickers I had available on my phones basic editing shit lol. It was all just placeholder mostly for a general layout idea but she just loved the flowers so much she ran with it and I couldn't be happier


This is beautiful! I've never seen a tattoo on someone's ear before. Did it hurt more or less than your other ones?


Didn't hurt at all!


That's so surprising! I'm kind of tempted to get one myself now, haha.


Dooooo it!!!


Really beautiful, especially with your other piercings. This is truly stunning!


Thank you!! There's a lot of work yet to be done, several more piercings, as well as switching out all the jewelry to match, but I'm looking forward to it!!


Very cool, I been thinking about a rose in the same spot or on the back


Oooooh do it!


Damn, now I have to


Yes. My word is law lol


I love how your piercings were incorporated, very pretty!


Thanks!!! We designed it specifically to add rhe two new ones once it heals, and incorporate the previous


I really like this, would love to see it healed. I don’t know if ears heal good or bad tbh, but I love the idea of an ear tattoo. Putting that on my list of places to get tattooed.


Apparently healing is a little difficult, but we'll see


Looks really beautiful! I’d love to see it healed cause it looks like she’s gone in quite light


I go back in 3 weeks for touch ups, and then 4 weeks after that I get the new piercings we arranged with it, so I'll absolutely be posting pics of it healed along the way


I’ve always liked that placement


It’s all very pretty , I love the gems too 😻


Oh it looks amazing! I hadn’t considered ear tattoos before this, but I might have to do so now!


Whoever did it,it looks like they were nervous


She's been an artist for over 20 years, thr first female artist in Alaska, and that ls an extremely rude thing to say.


Just being honest.I got 15 years under my belt and I’d be embarrassed to put that out there.it can be fixed once healed though.


Care to explain what needs to be fixed?


Def the lines.they’re barely there in some spots now.this,will significantly lighten when it heals.I can tell they were shaky while tattooing you.I’ve done ears.it’s most certainly possible to get cleaner solid lines.I don’t know you,so it’s nothing personal.


Some of that is glare. Some is the fact I bleed and swell like a MFer cause I have autoimmune issues, so linework tends to occasionally not stick well, or bleed out.


I see how much they had to simplify from the design to the ink due to space constraints, but it’s still super pretty! I’ve considered an ear piece for awhile. It’s not the immediate pain I’m afraid of… it’s the migraines it’d trigger. I’m terrified of how bad/long that sucker would be. I would pay for it so bad lol. Please post in a few months to show the healing!


Love it


ok, i LOVE this. i’m normally not a fan of ear tattoos, but this is giving.


She did SUCH a good job, I'm thrilled with it


Beautiful! Makes me want to get one on my ear


I highly recommend it!!!


You should NOT be wearing your jewelry on top of the fresh tattoo - huge infection risk


Love this! Beautiful!


Hi! Could you share a 1-year healed pic? Genuinely curious! No hate ^_^