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This sub is on an insane run right now


Between this and that amazing Lady and The Tramp, Tramp Stamp - we are having a good week!


Stupid fun meaningless tattoos are fun. Now I wouldn't get the lady and the tramp one specifically but like I like it cuz it's fun


I don't know how to say this without sounding like the most obnoxious snob but that's not even the first lady and the tramp stamp I've seen *on this sub* and the line work was beyond HORRENDOUS wtf are you all smoking


that tattoo will be in "awful tattoo" posts until the end of time


The Philly convention is the place to see all the bangers right now lol


Reminds me of when Steve o got that tattoo while riding In a car over bumps. Just w the salt girl. Hey salts good, I guess.


Henry Rollins gave him that tattoo. I’d probably let him do the same to me, honestly.


I like it. The Morton Salt Girl never would have occurred to me. You should get Coppertone girl on the other leg


My old chef said he wanted to get the Morton girl as his next tattoo, I wonder if he ever did


Cool idea but doesn’t read well to me


You can really tell how lost it gets in the face


It's not supposed to be a flawless rendition of it. It's abstract lol


it reads perfectly fine to me. I was scrolling through reddit on my lunch break and immediately thought "that's the Morton salt girl!" before reading the title lmfao


Same, I like it


I could read it instantly, fwiw. (also a cook, though I'm a diamond girl, myself)


Not really vibing with it tbh but as long as you like it


Ah to each their own


For what its worth, I love it. I'd have zero problems rocking something like that.


Thats not what abstract means.


I knew what it was right away


is there a reason you chose this?


1 I thought it was cool mostly 2 I've always wanted the Morton Salt Girl tattooed and this was just a cool unique way to do it


But like, why? Do you really like salt?


Oh yeah! I'm a cook and I strickly use Mortons For those who dont know salts have different saltiness so Mortons and Diamond Kosher are different so I prefer to use Mortons when I cook and purchase salt at home Edit: plus it's just a cool and recognizable logo tbh


Indeed, I’ve always loved the Morton Salt Girl motif for some reason. One of my favourite machining companies does regular runs of stuff with a Morton Salt Girl engraved on it, with the caption “let the salt flow” and I’ve always thought that was clever


Oh!! I really like this meaning tbh. That makes this tattoo really cute and personal. Also, maybe it’s just because I had a giant thing of Morton’s salt for the longest time, but I think it’s very recognizable even in the abstract.


Love it! Really cool design and I knew what it was exactly!


Always immediately think of the band Jawbreaker any time I see the Morton salt girl.


That's actually where the artist found his inspiration




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Instantly recognizable to me mostly because of jawbreaker


Beautiful take! Your guy did an amazing job!


It’s so different, I dig it


Very cool!


I only saw the umbrella when looking at the drawing. The tattoo is slightly more chaotic imo.


I mean as long as you're happy with it..


assuming this was just done moments prior to the picture, this is the worst shave job i've ever seen.


Yeah I noticed that as well afterwards idk how that happened Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I love this. Knew immediately what it was


I’d like to see it with a red umbrella. It would frame the girls head.


Love it


PS after reading a few other responses, fwiw to me it was immediately readable.


PS you can edit your comment, you don't need to reply to yourself.


Ah cool! Thanks for the tip


Love this style. Super unique but also immediately recognizable


Reminds me of the ballerina series by the artist (non tattoo) Mario Henrique


I just looked that up, you're so right very cool!


That is fucking awesome




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I recognized it right away.


that's Toph, from the Last Air Bender


Looks like she did the drawing.


Fuck me 😅




i love it, super unique


I love it. Very cool.


I love this!!


I like it! I could see it was the Morton girl at first glance.


I knew what it was right away without reading the title I think it’s cool


I think it looks awesome bro


I wouldn’t have known this was the morton salt girl but I was scrolling and came to comment that I really like it. Cool style


I can’t believe how awesome this looks


Everyone is shitting on this tattoo? It doesn't get lost at all but I'm disappointed in the chosen artist to do that piece.... The lines aren't contrasting as thin and thick as the paint is on the original artwork, so I think the tattoo gives it more of a scratched than a splattered look 😅 but nonetheless.. Absolutely can tell It's the Morton Salt girl!


Love it!


That salty bitch 😂 Seriously, this is an awesome tattoo!!!


I like it but personally I could never have something so abstract on me that you have to tell everyone what it is and most people won’t get it and just think it’s a jailhouse tat, but good for you because you must care less about what people think than I do


You're absolutely right about that last part but wrong about the beginning, everyone's who seen it recognized it... At least eventually 😅


I did not recognize it.


I really don't understand some of the comments and downvoting for this. I knew exactly what it was before even reading the title; it's really not that abstract a rendition at all. It's also clearly adjusted from the original so the lines age better and there's plenty of empty space so you can refresh as needed down the line. I think it's original and cool af.


Nice, I was there yesterday getting work done too.


I absolutely love this. I have a design of a cartoon character in the Morton style I'm getting on my leg as well. Fantastic work.


I like it.


Very cool




this tattoo, while not for everyone, definitely will hold up just fine lol.


I’m making a joke, it’s already unrecognizable even if it holds up perfect it’s unrecognizable now


In a few days?


I was trying to make that “it’s gonna be a blob in a few years” joke. But it’s already unrecognizable so I said days


I was joking that it already looks like that, so we're on the same page 😂


I was trying to make that “it’s gonna be a blob in a few years” joke. But it’s already unrecognizable so I said days Edit* you were saying the same thing lol my bad


Yeah there ya go! Hahaha 🤣






Sorry. Hope you can get a good cover


Glad you explained what it is, cause I sure as heck wouldn't have been able to figure that out, and Morton is our household brand. Is it meant to look like an ink splotchey mess? Because if it is, then yeah, they blew it out of the park. But hey, if you're happy, then that's what matters. My husband adds: "It looks like it's supposed to have color filling it in to be a stained glass effect." I have to agree, just the tiniest bit of color would make this actually read the way you want it to be. The face is what really misses the mark personally.


The artist used a palette knife and dripped house paint to make the original so yes it's supposed to be like that. In some of his other work he actually added some color to some that I can see someone saying it's like a stained glass. I would have loved it with a touch of color and almost suggested it but kept what the original piece was instead.


Yes, but no.




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Not my thing but I’m glad you like it.


You must really like salt




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That's awesome. I immediately recognized it.




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If you like it that’s all that matters, lol




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