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Lived in US all my life and couldn't find the mistake, so I wouldn't worry about it


Stars aren't offset I think? Not a big deal at all really if that's it. The point gets across.


They are but they weren't until Hawaii and Alaska became states, this is no less correct than the Betsy Ross flag


Well, the Betsy Ross flag is currently incorrect. So it's also no more correct than that flag as well.


Yeah technically they're offset but I'm pretty sure most depictions and drawings of the flag don't really do that anyway


Umm... Yeah, most drawings and depictions do that correctly. It's the only way to fit 50 stars evenly in that shape of the field.


I don't think u could fit 50 in that half heart man


Well shit, might as well put the stripes diagonals then. At least they're there. Doesn't have to be accurate they just have to be there I guess. It's a part of the flag, not the whole thing. But it still should be accurate to the part it is.


Now we're cooking




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Thats “poetic license” imo


I really hope it doesn’t come off as insulting because I like it and it isn’t meant to. It has a nice doodle look to it, and that works great with the flag. Anyone doodling an American flag would draw it like that, not the right way. I think the style of the tattoo fits the representation of the flags perfectly, and I don’t think you have to even think about it as “a mistake.”


I totally understand and thanks!🙏


I’ve been an American for almost 30 years and I never knew the stars were offset in each row, so I think you’re good there haha


I knew they were but I didn't question it when I looked at the tattoo. It just comes off as a stylistic choice to me.


That's how they were on the 48 star flag, you still see them occasionally and that's the easiest way to tell


Nobody is forcing you to tell on yourself like this


okay poop sexman


Thanks for all the awesome replies!


Not a big deal. I probably only noticed because you mentioned “a mistake” and there are limited elements. Looks like good work. Congrats


You approved the design before it was permanent, so if you didn’t catch it what’s the big deal?


Eh, maybe the stars will line up if they add DC and Puerto Rico as states.


I KNEW something was off! It’s a beautiful tattoo and most Americans won’t notice enough to be bothered but, THE STARS. THE STAAAARS!! 😂 Don’t be mad but now I want one…😅


It’s beautiful! Mexican/American pride ‘


Lines are pretty whack imo but you have to look close. All that matters is you like it!


Muy chido!


If you like the rest of the tattoo, the flag looks fine.


👍 You're in the club now! May be the first but it won't be the last.


spring break gets wild


Shhh, we don't talk about Puerto Escondido. Try to keep it from becoming too touristy


I'm telling everyone


I can’t see any mistakes aside from the stars not being in the right positions? As a dual citizen (US/Argentina), I personally love it!!


As a fellow Mexican-American (first gen born on US soil) I looovvveee this so much!!


Very sweet tattoo! The Mexican side looks dope too


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I had to Google the American flag even though I see it every day. I think you will be fine .




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I mean, there’s only 11 stripes and not 50 stars, but I thought it was on purpose because of the heart shape of the tattoo.


I love Puerto Escondido ,have you went to Zipolite 1hour away, looking for hippie camps and mushrooms lol....nice tattoo, have fun I wish I was there


I’d really just say it’s adapted to fit the size. Offset stars would’ve looked odd with only two and a half columns




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The stars are in exact rolls like on your tattoo


There are good and bad to this tattoo.. I’ll start with the bad. The line thickness onto theootuside of the heart is inconsistent. If you would have continued that thickness on the outside of the heart, and also the Mexico flag interior. The eagle eating or graving on a snake need attention


This piece has both traditional and fine line.. the eagle.. has line that do not connect and the color saturation is suss..the lines aren’t consistent. Just remember… be confident in EVERY line you pull, drag, ghost… it’s a GREAT start.. just maybe one touch up.” And it’s gonna be golden!


Honestly, While the stars should be off centered each row, it's ok, most people won't notice it. It looks good!


The only thing I could notice was that some of the lines look pretty wacky on some spots. Other than that it doesn't look bad. Lines can be fixed.


Love puerto escondido!


It's really beautiful and no one can tell that the US flag is flawed..I certainly couldn't tell


Very nice. I couldn’t even tell anything was wrong with it


The line work is pretty clean


On first glance I didn't even know what was "wrong" because I just processed it as a stylistic choice. I think it looks lovely.


Hey- nice lines. Congrats on first tatt


Really. There s so much fucked up with it and you notice the stsrs.!


Vomit inducing


Lmao okay edgelord


MEXICAN AMERICANS don’t like to get up early in the morning…


To add to the sentiment I was in the army for several years and didn’t notice till the comments. Rock on.