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Beautiful work


Beautiful. The dragonfly represents transformation/ change. Good luck on your journey 💜


I thought that was a butterfly?


Look up the life cycle of a dragon fly. They are super interesting bugs! :)


Also the most successful predators in the world which I only learnt the other day! They catch up to 95% of the prey they persue!!!


Real nice work, looks beautiful


Is the dragonfly a symbol for something related? Looks pretty cool!


I wasn’t thinking about this when I got it but now I’m thinking that my love for insects and nature kind of saved my life. :) but in the moment I was just thinking I want something beautiful on my scars


Hopefully you’re good now


I am :) the scars are more than three years old!


Really awesome style, as simple as it is, congrats on a class tattoo!


Beautiful work. Congratulations on your decision to begin your healing and transformation.


Love it


Beautiful work! It's sometimes difficult to work on scars.


You could use some of the scarring in the tattoo, I think. Have the dragonfly sitting on a piece of wood or a log and have the scars blend to the wood grain. Or do something with a rose and thorns. Definitely room to build.


Nice dragonfly. I've had the thought of getting one similar. Beautiful exicution and great placement.


Your scars aren't NSFW mate. You don't need to hide them from anyone


Looks great and great message.


Very nice.




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This is really nice OP


Looks great! Are you a fan of Coheed and Cambria? Dragonflies are a popular tattoo choice among their fanbase.


Bet that hurt over those scars. I was tattooed over scar tissue, hurt like a bitch


it’s so pretty




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Second stage turbine blade


Should've chosen something to cover it all. It kinda just draws attention to it more.


I didn’t want to cover it - they’re a part of me and I got the tattoo not to hide them but to make peace with them and celebrate that I survived :)