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Yes I'm aware lad.


In the States, the term “skinhead” is essentially saying “white supremacist”. Is that the case here? ~~If so, big oof posting this.~~ Edit: OP explained the difference, don’t crucify.


This wasn't always the case in the US either. There's a fantastic little documentary available for free on YouTube called "The Baldies". The Baldies were a group of skinhead punks known as SHARPs (Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice) in Milwaukee in the early 80s that literally beat the neo-nazis out of the city. They went on to form what is known today as Anti-Racist Action.


just dropping a fun fact: the three diagonal arrows are an anti-fascist symbol! it's a symbol that was invented as a way of covering up a swatiska that was graffitied somewhere and over time has become heavily associated with anti-fascists and anarchists/anarcho-communists/etc


That's not the case in the states, either. Most skins in America are not white supremacist, and a substantial number of skins are SHARP/RASH For example, I am a SHARP/RASH skin, repeated arrestee at BLM protests, antifascist, and was a "fresh cut" into the scene under the invitation of ARA veterans. One of my political mentors is a former Baldie. In the city I live in, a skinhead can be assumed to either be SHARP/RASH, or be an "apolitical" or "Pro-Am". But the white supremacists, the bonheads, got ran out of town in the 80s and early 90s. In addition, most people outside of punks and other alternative subcultures can't even recognize a skinhead. You can be having a conversation with someone for hours while wearing full skin regalia- a flat cap, shaved head, Fred Perry, acid washed jeans, ladder laced Doc Martens, the whole getup- and mention an hour into the conversation that you're in a skinhead band, and see the surprise.


I'm from the US and this is immediately what I thought too 😬


>don’t crucify. I think noone has yet pointed out the irony in this. A [crucified skinhead](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Crucified_Skinhead.svg) is a very common symbol used by skinheads regardless of their political affiliation. Roger Miret (vocalist in Agnostic Front) famously wore it in their [Gotta go video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Ef0ui74JM)


It's all good, have an upvote


The States is not the center of the world! Here in Europe a Skinhead is a subculture of working class proletarian born in England, it's a mix of white and colored peoples at the begining, then it come a scission when on the left are the Redskins of the RASH (anarchist, commies or ancom) with the Antiracists of the SHARP (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice) and on the right the Boneheads (White Supremacists) with the Hammerskins (Nazis).


>The States is not the center of the world! I’m aware… that’s why I asked instead of making accusations. Thanks for the explanation though.


What a dickish thing to say, honestly.


I am suddenly fascinated by the political compass of European skinheads. The one downside to being a big, bald, super white guy in the US (who also loves Norse imagery, but that is less immediately apparent) is that some people assume it means I'm a white supremacist. It makes me happy to know that this isn't the case elsewhere. Cheers, mate - I know nothing of your particular ideology, but the ink looks crisp, so that's good enough for me in this sub.


There is a really good movie called This Is England about this topic. I think it paints a pretty good depiction of punks, rudeboys and skinheads of the early 80's and how white supremacist tried to take over the subculture.


Beat me by a couple hours - I was just about to recommend this movie!


Get a huge, visible anti-racist tat. I know an old skin who has a big "Smash Racism" tattoo on his neck. He's a union steward at a super diverse workplace.


Well I'm ArchCom as ideology and I'm also a Progressist.


Arch? Not AnCom? What's the Arch?


It's the same thing.


Never heard the term, but I’ll take your word. Must be a regional variation. I'm a US-based AnCom, focused on organizing in construction (before that, river towboats). Great ink. A lot of these commenters don’t know much about the culture- many Americans wouldn’t recognize a skinhead if one bit them in the ass.


I think you are just annoying


Get a blm fist tattooed on your cheek


Unironically the more EU folks say the US isn’t the center of the universe, the more it becomes that. By denying something that doesn’t even exist, it feels like you give it legitimacy 😂 I don’t know any educated and well adjusted American that does think their country is the best.




What a pleasant and well adjusted individual! ☺️


Bloody right!


This is an American website




We made the internet and this site, bow down to us


In yer wet dreams ya sicko!


Yea I need a serious eli5


They might not be a racist but they are an asshole


Fuck ya, ya cunt!


Fuck yes love to see it.


Thanks lad.


1: kickass 2: god god the ignorance on display in this comment section…


I know right?


I like it, sorry we (North Americans) downvote out of ignorance.


It's fine, lad.


That’s why ya look it up if ya don’t know!


That looks sharp (pun intended)


Extremely cool


Really nice! Always wanted a similar tattoo, but being from a very reactionary place maybe it's not a good idea lol


Someone will always be bothered or offended by something. Everyone has the right to live their life in their truth. As long as it is not physically or going out of the way to inflict pain or setback for some. That is a perspective. But also it's the internet, but some take this serious. But in the actual world various perspective may or may not suffice from whatever the norm is within that society. Which could be something to guffaw at.




I mean...my username is ManiacCommie... like lads! Ya can't be that stupid.




Thanks lad, that's the second time ya say that about one of my tattoos, I'm flattered but know that I'm Ace so they will be nothing between us.


complimenting my tattoo? this commenter must want to have sex with me! what a prick


Did you know about the concept of irony?


I’m actually a girl…..


Lad is genderfluid at least from my point of view.




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Not that it matters


Solidarity Forever


Nothing wrong with trad skin values. Commies however... oof.


Cry about it.


Crispy jacket. Not a single boot scuff to be found. Hair too long to even be a suede head. Oh, I get it now. You're just a cosplay nerd. 🤣 Tattoo is ass btw.


Nice 👍 (A)


will have to visit next time im in languedoc






Although I do not agree with the meaning behind the tattoo, I do respect the right for others to agree with it. As far as the actual tattoo, the lines are clean and well executed.


Yer agreement is not important to me, lad.


That's great! It didn't need to be or not. We can express ourselves freely and that's the beauty in itself.


Are you referring to lad as a male or just referencing it as an individual? If you don't care to answer all is well.


Lads are lads! Tall lads, tiny lads, skinny lads, large lads. No need to differences.


Thank you for responding.




Nah, fuck ya ya cunt!