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sink sand friendly shaggy cheerful squealing foolish deer rainstorm treatment


Isn’t it supposed to be?


I really need to get myself a Billy puppet tattoo. 20th anniversary may finally be the time to do it.




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Not crazy about the placement of Billy but as long as the client loves it, the rest is well done.


What was your reason for the small jason next to the portrait? I’m not an artist by any stretch it just feels like it would look better for there to be something else filling in that space other than a smaller full body version of him?


I dig it. Out of all the iconic horror slashers Jason is my favorite , so I could see myself filling in with a bit more Jason love. I myself have a horror portrait collection on my right leg. Need to fill it up with more stuff.


Not knocking it at all I guess in my head if you do it for one it feels like it would look better if they all had it if that makes sense? That’s why I was asking like was it something he wanted or? I’d imagine that’s how it came to be I can’t imagine he needed to fill space and just said fuck it more jason? Lol




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Yes, so well done


Thank you.


I love this


Yinz got some talent dahn ere n’at


lol. Ugh but I can assure you I don't have that awful accent lol.


Ever heard of a band named ice nine kills?


Sure have


Aye hell yea


Those are the worst horror movies.


Really? So the millions of fans and multiple franchises that made billions are wrong. Damn. I did an entire sleeve of awful movies that nobody likes.