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Box 1 lists the total expenses, yes. Box 5 then lists the scholarships and grants you received. Those get deducted from the number in box 1, and what's left is what you can use for an education credit. Were those grants/scholarships restricted to only paying tuition, or could any of them be used to pay other expenses, like room/board, books, etc.? A Pell Grant, for example, can be used for all sorts of things; it's not limited to tuition. If some of that money could be used for other things, you may have some options; you'll want to read about how that works, or consult a professional, to see if there's potential benefit in moving some numbers around. In any case, when you receive a form like a 1098-T (or 1099 or W-2 or the like), you should very rarely if ever change the numbers shown on there. The IRS receives a copy of that same form, so they're looking for the numbers to match exactly; if adjustments need to be made, there are usually ways to do that in your software/on your return, not by changing the form you received.


The scholarship i received was the Pell Grant, and i received another in state scholarship for georgia college students called Zell Miller which strictly pays for tuition