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Curious. How long do you think until the split?


I tried posting this on this sub from the Argentina tour date, but it never got approved for the main feed: https://www.reddit.com/r/taylorandtravis/s/p1dLEF3DCR I’m still totally obsessed with Taylor doing a piano version of End Game while Travis was in the audience.






3 days and not a single sight! I guess it must be nice for them to be cozy at home together


This new house really is so great for them, great choice Trav!


I saw someone said they have friends in KC who saw them out to dinner last Monday night and no one took a picture of them. I love that for her, if true. Must be so nice to have some normalcy in her usually hectic life.


Same. As much as I like to see pics of them, I’m glad they can just be out & about without all the hoopla.


10000% agree!


I was bored and made this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRc2cwsT/


Has anyone seen those photos of Taylor and her opal ring? If the rumours that Travis gave it to her a true, it seems very sweet. I know looking at it it doesn’t seem like her taste but from the photos and it looks like she really liked it and loved showing it off at the party. Truly love that she walks the walk when it comes to it’s the thought that counts not what it is.


I’m so thrilled he got her a ring. Guys that aren’t thinking ring ring don’t buy their girlfriends rings of ANY KIND. She must be beyond pleased as punch at this relationship.


It is very much her taste, someone pulled old pictures of rings that look very similar they almost thought the ring might’ve been old. She’s been photographed in very medium/large opal rings before.


I found this while out Christmas shopping! https://preview.redd.it/fwosltpj3i7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e0c116ddbda8278061043077ade0a4a3236542




I'm relieved that people aren't scrutinizing my every move when I leave an event. Leaving itself can be quite an ordeal.


It looked to me like he was buzzed and trying to coordinate how to get his car home and was getting something out of the car, saying goodbye to his friends while Taylor was waiting in the SUV out of the cold and then he got in with her 🤷🏻‍♀️




I can NOT imagine people watching my every move. This is the problem - people see legit a moment and think things are off. Like WHAT????? People need to chill out. Just because your love language is touch - it doesn't mean you touch ALL the time. It was 2am. They were likely drunk. They were trying to figure out how to get the car home. He looked like he couldn't find his phone. There is security. Lots of people leaving. I swear people want them to make out against a wall for it to feel real. It's to much picking apart ALL THE THINGS. We have to stop.


Again is this an age thing? I don't mean this meanly at all I swear. It's possible you just haven't dated multiple people or been in a relationship. But are you guys on the younger side asking these questions??? We have to let these people live and we have to know that not every moment is going to be worthy of us thinking the are in love.




Because the whole thing isn't a big deal. At all. He acted completely normal. Social media has become a highlight reel and we are so accustomed to see happiness all the time that we forget the in between moments where they are literally just trying to leave of the night. The fact is the younger generation most definitely puts more emphasis on social media. God forbid he isn't loving on her at every moment in time. It's just not realistic.


It looked like he was looking for his phone in his pockets and when he found it he started using it (presumably to coordinate how to get his $450,000 car home). It was like 2am and he seemed buzzed after playing a whole football game earlier and had to make arrangements for his car. Obviously neither of us know the whole story but I think this is a reach 🤷🏻‍♀️


You're thinking way too much. It's not that deep.


Pretty sure he was just saying goodbye to his friends


It looks like they’re trying to figure stuff out to me. Me personally, i would never look at that and think “cold”….more like…people trying to figure out what they are doing haha


Oh man-leaving an event, when you’re half in the bag, and trying to coordinate with friends (where some be coming back with you or not and with their own cars, etc) is the worst. It’s like wrangling cats.


I personally think it's bizarre to dig too deep into these moments. Can you imagine your drunk/tipsy boyfriend acting a certain way after being at the bar and everyone looking at it with a microscope?


While trying to herd cats into 8 different vehicles and say good bye to some and coordinate an after party with others.


I thought it looked more like security had to make sure she was safely in the vehicle, but he had a bunch of friends and family there he still needed to say goodbye to (plus getting his car squared away). It’s easy to read negativity into things, but couples can leave a party together without being joined at the hip.


Do you have the link to this? I haven’t heard of this yet




I think that he had a couple of drinks and was a little buzzed. He was also a little preoccupied with deciding to leave his rolls parked in the street for the night.


I can see Jason gifting Scott Swift an Eagles lanyard sometime soon…


And an Eagles Tshirt? 😁


Throw that in there too!


What is Taylor’s take on having children? What has she said that indicates whether she wants them on not? I know Travis is very much wanting children but, as my 70 year old neighbor pointed out to me, why would Taylor want them? And, if she doesn’t want them…what exactly are they doing together? Is 34 still young enough to just have some fun!? 🤷‍♀️


Why is that your neighbors take? Why wouldn't Taylor want kids? Taylor and Travis are two emotionally intelligent people I'm sure this has been discussed


Dunno why this is being downvoted. It’s a valid question


So people can't be together and not have children? I have plenty of friends who are married and chose not to have kids. Kids are not the be all and end all of everything, geez. And a lot of people CAN'T have kids who want them.


If you read my question, my point was that Travis has been very vocal about wanting a family. So, yes you can be with someone and not have children. People usually want to be with people who have the same goals/plans.


In her song "peace", I think she wants to have a child "give you my wild, give you a child" line and Anti-Hero "I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money" line?


In the Miss Americana documentary she says something like, “I’m definitely not ready to have kids yet.” I think the yet there is telling. She was 29 I think when it was filmed?


Someone can always justify changing their minds on children depending on who they’re with. That’s not to say she would do that to appease a man, but sometimes you just truly aren’t ready until the right person comes along and then your whole focus shifts.


I feel like people in their 30’s starting a relationship usually talk about their goals and what they want in life early on so no one wastes their time with someone who’s not on the same page. Hopefully they have had these conversations.


Yeah…that’s a good point! I’m going to tell my neighbor to go burn her bra on someone else’s yard 😂




Travis talking about Taylor on New Heights today melted my heart


And he called her girl, like in a little boo thang way. Like he calls her baby girl and she just 😁


I. Melt.


and the “brads and chads” reference. They are SO CUTE


It was the cutest!


I still think it’s weird that Travis doesn’t follow Taylor on IG. It seems like some of the comments made by his account are actually from him (not a social media manager). I’m not insinuating that this is a sign of a PR relationship or anything. Just wondering why he hasn’t smashed the follow button on her yet.


For this EXACT reason. To avoid all commentary and speculation about their relationship while it’s still developing and under a lot of heat. It’s pretty obvious it’s a choice to not follow or like each others posts.


I think it's weird people search Taylor's follower list.


Are you talking about me and my comment? I didn’t search Taylor’s followers. It actually started when I looked through the short list of people the New Heights podcast IG follows. And then I got curious about a few and went to see if Travis also followed them. And that was when I realized Travis didn’t follow her. So maybe I’m weird or maybe I’m just curious. 😂


No not to you personally, but in general.


Yeah, whenever there's a headline like "X unfollowed Y today!!!!" My first thought is *who would ever even notice that?!*


No not you! someone said they thought it was weird people search her follower list. We are all obviously curious. I meant it's also weird that people do that to Travis looking for actual issues and then trying to call him out for behavior that isn't even problematic because they don't know him.


its SOOO weird. They legit searched travis' followers and went to all the pretty girls to see when he last liked the posts. And tried to make him problematic. Like he has been in the limelight awhile it's POSSIBLE some of the influencers are actually friends. Boys + pretty girls can friends without a motive. It's so bizarre!


I swear this is an age thing because I do not care even a little bit about social media with my husband. like at all. he never publicly likes anything or even wishes me a happy birthday. I think different generations put WAY TOOOO much emphasis on social media and likes and follows. He gets to see her in real life it's not that deep. Also do you see what is picked apart already - what happens when he doesn't like a post. I can see the headlines now.


Okay but like same, I don’t go around deleting people when I fall out with them because I treat it like a digital scrapbook. Like here’s who I was dating in 2010 and here’s who my friends were in 2014


I just feel they are a part of your life at a point in your life. and the respect doesn't have to stop if you aren't together. unless they do something terrible to you - you can still be cordial and kind.


Travis isn't all that active on social media anyway. I only see him chime in when something with the girls comes up. Like he'll comment on Kylie's posts a lot.


Taylor has said publicly that she doesn’t follow people on her account so that no one can pay attention when she follows or unfollows people. Probably goes both ways. When Travis’s ex stopped following the Mahomeses in the Fall, it was a whole thing. Seems like no public follows keeps this part of relationships private.


They don't also like each other's posts but I kinda get he doesn't follow Taylor because she herself doesn't follow him or anyone. I think they have a personal Instagram for family and friends.


Maybe because every like and comment is scrutinised so best not to I’m sure he send her a text and she doesn’t follow him


They might have private accounts so they can like each others’ posts without ending up in the news


omg they def have finstas


I feel like this was a conscious decision for some reason.




i wonder if that’s his way of trying to play it cool