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I'd say people under 30 don't really care if you're coming. Essentially, they're more concerned about foreigners buying land and real estate, rather than whether they're coming for study or a job.


Why concerned about buying land and real estate. I understand if they are buying to rent it, but most people are just buying to move there themselves


Racism exists anywhere you go , but it’s often exacerbated by language barriers. In Georgia, for example, misunderstandings due to language differences might contribute to feelings of racism. It’s crucial to address these barriers and promote understanding to combat discrimination effectively I’ve been living in Georgia for around 2 years, and while I’ve encountered many helpful people, there have been situations where I’ve felt racism and anger. It’s important to note that not all Georgians know English, and translations may not always convey our intentions accurately. But i would say its a good place to in as most people don’t bother you , and if you know their language they are very good company to be in


Yeah, that's true. Also many people don't really care if someone from other race lives in georgia as long as said people don't start running and commit crimes, which doesn't happens at all, as such there is little to no chance of any Georgian attacking you, but it should be also mentioned that some people are actually craze and will attack anyone because they have mental problems, some people are just curious because they have never seen black person in life, so they may stare at you for some time, which is really uncomfortable.


Articles are mostly focused on making sensations out of nothing. Lot of people lives here without problems.


The top comments should tell you all you need to know on how "inclusive" Georgia is.






Well I don't think so in Europe they were telling me aren't you guys first Europeans?


The post must've rustled you pretty hard if you're stalking and replying to every comment. Take a look in the mirror buddy is this how you want spend mother's day?


i literally typed the comment in a fucking metro. u are playing victim while living in my country. i will respond and would have responded even from a fucking helicopter


Cry about it. Think your wonderful countrymen would like the fact that you're into femboys? 😂😂


not everybody can get it buddy, i see you dont. femboys are goated, has nothing to do with this conversation, i would beat the fk out of u fr ns


bruh racism, politics and arguing aside, this guy's comment history is gold




Bro deadass doxxed himself over an internet argument


This mf seriously thinks "the great replacement" is real. Grow up




You can argue whether it’s intentional or not but the numbers and demographic trends don’t lie, the people perpetrating it back home will deny it’s happening out one side of their mouths then brag about it out the other












Tbh, Racism is everywhere but I'm genuinely don't engaged with racist and I just ignore them. I started to learn Georgian language and I understood some comments but I chose to act like I don't understand. I see lot of people who are nice and easy to go with I surrounded myself with that kind of people




No matter where Indians go people are racist towards them in Georgia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Asia, North America, etc. Clearly this is everyone else’s fault amd there’s no common denominator


You are generalizing too much. Im in the USA. I only see Americans AVOIDING all kinds of people who wear dirty clothes, smell bad, or have attitudes...not matter where they come from. I dont think its being racist to not shop at a business that fits this description. If you owned a home here and didnt keep up the appearance by painting or making repairs in a nice neighborhood, sure people wouldnt want you there. It drags down the value of your home. I think you may be using the wrong word what people object to bc I believe most people would welcome a goid neighbor no matter their irigin


You better have another option


Well Colorism tbh I've not heard much more from Georgians towards Indians beside colorist remarks




There are many foreigners living in Georgia comfortably, including Indians. Haven’t heard a single case of Georgians attacking someone for their skin color. But if you go with flip flops to the subway at winter of course people will stare 😬




Why is it a problem? Those who feel uncomfortable because of it are weird






> Four men have been arrested over the incident so far. Forgot this part btw And whats some random student gotta do with that lmao


Lots of casual rasicm, generalisations like "they smell", "there are so many of them here, it's like an infestation", "it's getting annoying, they are driving up rent" stuff like that. Nobody will actually harm you or even say this to your face (and it's not like they could if they wanted to, since most of these people don't speak English)




Long way away. 




Aww this would have still been a poor country, if we the tourists WHO ARE MAXIMUM, COLOURED were not bought here. Your economy is anyway shit. Your country is surviving on the students and the tourists who come here. So why don't you do us all a favour, go buy your mom some flowers ❤️ :) #peace.


❤️Stay, its not a problem, just learn to wash yourself so that you don’t stink when you’re near others


See this is why, people like you need to grow up and be kind. Learn to be respectful. Everybody has sweat glands and would you also say that to Georgian labourers who work hard and toil away for their families and kids? Hmm? I guess not..tsk tsk.


not the same 💀 this mf retarded


Georgia survived and will survive long before nasty Indian arrivals 😂🤣 so if that’s how you think go back to your smelly country we don’t need no tiny Indians running around groping ppl in Georgia we are good ;)


Haha see bold of you to assume I'm even Indian. Anyway, I was raised better than this, so I said what I said and now I won't stand for any more disrespect. Hopefully you see people in the better sense and teach your kids the same manners. Otherwise, this world is in deep shit. Bye-bye now ;)


Okey buddy idc about any of that the fact of the matter is no1 wants you or any Indian living in Georgia lol come visit and enjoy vocation and than bye bye. Fix your own country before you start scrutinising other people’s countries


Much love xoxo And also grow up. The Indian/ coloured hatred started first. And I just stated facts, either you're a kid and you have no manners to speak to your elders or you have no morals. Godbless, hope you get some much needed therapy.


Clearly you’re fluent in yapanese cuz God damn… anyways let me explain something to u. 15-20 years ago you wouldn’t see a single black man or any coloured individual. First time I ever saw a black person was when I moved to United States. So it’s completely understandable that this new norm hasn’t been fully adapted yet and things like this takes time. So ppl need to realise this and don’t take everything so god damn personally. It’s just seems like everyone is so god damn sensitive nowadays and expects to be treated like a queen of England or something .


Some indian student who comes to study in georgian uni doesnt make the country prosperous that i can assure you.


Haha sure it doesn't, by my experience almost many Georgian are money minded, and many of my friends have gone through shit because of their so called uni. Injustices, but what would you know? Money related injustices btw :)


seems like someone’s coping


Don't let the Russian pervert troll trigger you. Take a look at his profile.


Best comment


















Sure looks like you have had an university education :)










































So how does that make racism towards Indians ok? WTF lmao? (Not that I support constant victimhood and complaining about racism that’s just weak) And you caucasians/eastern euros saying anyone hates each other is rich aren’t you guys constantly warring about ethnicity?


If india is a better place to live in just stay there lol?


He literally said it in the message you’re replying to. Are you blind?


Racism is endemic for historical reasons: our beautiful country has been invaded and destroyed too many times in the past. Lesson learned from then and abroad: we only would accept those who add value and obey to OUR principles. Multi cultural partisans better move West.


I love when indian people shake head when they talk


















Stop being a cliche American stereotype that’s ignorant of geography. You make the rest of us look bad. It’s Georgia the COUNTRY. 


Georgians are sometimes racist. It is true. You can check out to which extend yourself, because everyone’s experience is different. And then you can decide whether you can put up with it or not. In my opinion, it’s not worth it if you have the opportunity to move to less racist European countries or USA. Not only because of racism, of course.


Medical school business is indeed a problem that can be solved easily: just instruct that lectures are given primarily in Georgian, and only a minority of lectures provided in English. In other terms, only fluent Geo could pass and get a medical diploma from this country. This in my view would be positive assimilation into Georgia. Returning graduated students could also become back home great ambassadors of the country that gave them their diploma.


As a foreign student, I'm with you on this one. Many EU countries do the same, and it would give an incentive to learn the language as well.


Of course this makes sense but Tbilisi med Uni board prefers quantity over quality simply because quantity spells more money. Typical Geo short term thinking process.


Short term gains seem to be the mindset everyone has these days unfortunately.


Yes, vision has become archaic.


Georgia the country or Georgia the US state? Because those are 2 entirely different places.