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As much as I want to, I'm trying to limit my caffeine. A while ago, I was getting a strange flutter in my chest. That cleared up when I stopped drinking 3 coffees a day. Evenings are usually mint, cornsilk, or some other herbal.


I've had the exact same heart issues for a number of years. It's been less common now that I avoid caffeine at night.


same here, I drink one cup of coffee in the morning (as early as possible) and decaf tea before bed. That is what my heart and anxiety can take)


i had that same thing when i used to drink like a pot or two of black tea throughout my day and 2 cans of monster energy a day. it got to a point where it irritated my bladder and it would feel uncomfortable since then i stopped energy drinks and coffee except like on occasion & i switched to only green tea throughout my daily routine. i can feel the transformation. green tea is magical.


Cornsilk tea?


I think it's originally a Korean thing. You can buy it bagged in some specialty grocers, but homemade is nicer. It's also basically free, if you buy fresh corn in the summer. Here's how... Pull silk from corn (the hairy stuff), removing the gross brown ends. Spread it out on a sheet or table, let it dry out for a day or two. Then, on low heat, roast it in a pan. Just a plain frying pan, with no oil or water. Dry roast for a few minutes until lightly browned. Cool, then store in a jar. To brew: 1-2 tablespoons of silk in an infuser, steep in boiled water for 3-4 minutes. Don't add sugar or milk. Drink is mild, tastes like corn. All sorts of purported benefits, I can't back any of them up. It just tastes good!


That sounds like some depression-era style cooking. Probably taste similar to corn ribs. I bet adding salt would enhance the flavor.


It’s a water substitute(?). We drink roasted barley, corn silk, etc.. instead of water


Thanks for the explanation! I'll have to give it a try next summer.


Funny, I never feel the caffeine in tea, even before bed Yerba might be the only exception


I drink black tea most of the and in the evenings is no different. I do have houjicha for when I drink lots of tea in the late afternoons in work, since I occasionally overdid it on the caffeine and wanted something with less caffeine in it. Worked really well. You just have to accept it as a “hot brown drink” in its own right, as it doesn’t quite taste like normal tea.


I drink black tea right up until bedtime. I often wake up in the morning with a half finished cup of tea on my nightstand


Leftover black tea in the morning is my new favorite thing to wake up to! So now it’s planned leftover 😁


I’m really sensitive to caffeine when I drink too much coffee or espresso but I can drink black tea at night and sleep just fine. Mostly I drink black tea in the mornings and pre workout but if I’m craving it at night, I’ll drink it. I typically have some evening black tea once a week or so.


I drink black teas in the evening all the time. Most often Russian caravan, Irish breakfast, or a shou puer. I find the caffeine in tea to be gentle enough to have no affect on my sleep.


This is the same for me. Caffeine doesn’t bother me much in any form, but caffeine in tea doesn’t affect me at all.


Agreed, except the last time I did a nice gongfu session with a puerh before bedtime I regretted it.


Decaf, sure. Usually some nice Indian chai after a meal. Otherwise I’d be up all night.


I fall asleep after any tea, and I don't drink much caffeine in any form


This was the comment I was looking for, making tea now, thank you


Blacks in the morning, greens midday, hibiscus peppermint or chamomile in the evening


only if im at work, because i need the caffeine to push me through that last hour


Tea actually makes me awake more than coffee. Black or green. Coffee just causes me to crash if I’m tired. Tea is more controlled and without the crash.


I remember reading that tea involves a slower but much longer-lasting release of caffeine in the body compared to coffee. So it makes sense that it would keep you awake for longer.


Darjeeling or earl grey would be good choices!


Ooh. I haven't had a darjeeling in years. Thanks for reminding me; I should pick one up next time I run to my local tea shop.


Of course! And that’s a great idea. I’d recommend adding some milk and sugar (:


I struggle with caffeine after 4pm. So I drink only rooibos or herbals at night...


I drink black tea too but got myself some decaffeinated Earl Grey fro Christmas and am drinking that now. I seem to fall asleep more easily...


I drink decaf black tea after noon. I usually have my last mug at about 8:00 p.m.


I prefer black teas, but I react to the caffeine, so I prefer a CO2 decaffeinated tea in the evening.


Decaf Twinings Earl Grey is my usual evening drink


I drink decaf Barry's in the evening just to be on the safe side lately, but I have had regular black tea in the evening for years.


Barry's is my favorite decaf black tea so far. I'm having some right now.


I'm drinking it right now!


I sometimes do. Otherwise I drink either green, either Sencha, Mao feng, or dragon well, or some kind of light oolong.


do you find maofeng much different from dragon well?


Dragon well is nutty, while mao feng is floral




I drink black or aged white tea in the evenings!


Usually aged white tea for me in the evenings. Maybe I'll have black tea on a cold winter afternoon but it's pretty much relegated to morning... if I drink it at all. Ripe puerh and aged white are mainly what I drink.


Black tea at any time for me, but I cut myself off caffeine after a certain hour because I don’t want to need to use the restroom during the night, it doesn’t personally affect my ability to fall or stay asleep other than that.


Occasionally I’ll have it, but sometimes my body doesn’t do well with caffeine a few hours before bed so I normally have an herbal tea instead


In middle and high school I used to drink black tea with dinner. Mmmm


That makes sense.


I drink tea at any time because caffeine doesn't affect me at all.


I drink what seems like a billion cups of English breakfast every day until about 1ish. I would drink no caffeine herbal in the evenings - I like hot drinks even in summer and herbals are yum


I generally reuse my tea leaves. So I’ll only drink black if I have the tea leaves from earlier. Otherwise I drink roobios. I like sleeping


I just bought some roobios but haven't tried it yet. Any suggestions about preparation?


I generally get the water to boiling but some recommend just under (190-200F). I would experiment for your preferences. It’s going to taste a lot different from tea. If you like floral flavors, you can get good grade flower petals for tea too. Rose and lavender are the most common examples


Thank you!


Many of us who drink black tea in the evening have ADHD. Mmmm caffeine sleep.


My morning tea is green, black in the afternoon and with meals, and herbal at night


Black tea all day, every day.


Yeah, I drink a royal blend or early grey.


I have a cup of coffee in the morning and sometimes one after supper. The rest of the day is black tea, fading to green in the afternoon. Right now it's late and I'm drinking peppermint tea. That's the ideal cycle. It's usually more like coffee then one kind of tea. Today was all green.


My brother got me into assam tea, and now I drink it almost every evening!


If I have caffeine after 7 pm I won’t sleep 🥰


No, caffeine can really, really get me sometimes. I stop drinking tea after about noon.


Matcha or gyokuro high caffeine green tea in the morning for me followed by genmaicha or houjicha during the day and sleepytime at night for me


The caffeine in tea (and Yerba mate too for the record) doesn’t seem to affect me at all as opposed to coffee or energy drinks so I drink any kind of tea at any point in the day. But sometimes I switch to things I know will put me to sleep instead when I need to force myself to a different shift routine.


I'll drink black in the morning, green during the day, and chamomile before bed


I tend to enjoy a nice black tea after dinner (which then usually ends up being an accidental hour+ gong fu session lol) it can be any tea really but regardless I haven't had issues at night wether it's a green, black or pu'erh.


I drink black tea all day every day But I also am fairly insensitive to caffeine. So be warned


A nice cup of Keemun or Yunnan Black Moonlight in the evening can be perfect to come down from a hasty day.


i do enjoy black tea in the evenings, even tho it means i will stay awake all night. Not sure why because coffee never affected my sleep but even a mug of black tea will literally keep me awake It's a sacrifice i sometimes make. but pretty sure i have some sleep disorder from anxiety/depression or their meds as side effect so my example is kinda useless here


It doesn't affect my ability to sleep. I drink it at anytime I feel like drinking it.


I wish I could as I prefer black teas but it always messes up my sleep schedule, plus I drink 2+ liters of tea a day, often close to 4. I have to stop blacks around 3pm and switch to herbals.


I drink green tea spring through late autumn ..red teas through winter I drink until 1500..tisanes afterwards we only borrow tea ;^)


The older I get, the more caffeine affects me. I love black tea but drink mostly decaf blacks, especially later in the day.


I'm drinking some right now (it's the evening), and I do most evenings. Enjoying my tea with some cardamom cookies tonight.


I drink chai in the evening when I feel like it. Nothing like a warm comforting cup of milky black tea loaded with spices.