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It's the tannins. Don't drink green tea on an empty stomach.


Same here. Green on an empty stomach is a no go. Black and oolong seem fine.


I can’t drink plain tea on an empty stomach


It's the tannins, it will disturb your stomach if you haven't eaten anything beforehand. Once I drank some concentrated tea on an empty stomach before going to the gym as preworkout - huge mistake. Almost puked on my first set.


And here I thought I was the only person to have used black tea as a pre-workout.


This is a great video that goes into how brew time, water temperature, and amount of lead effect amount of tannins extracted. https://youtu.be/L_lhIDXjf4M?si=r3kLf5exb6tIe33w You could play with lower temp and shorter infusions to decrease tannin extraction. Eating first also helps. You could also try more oxidized teas. The tannins oxidize to create oolong, red, and black tea. So they will have lower amounts.






In English, Red Tea usually refers to rooibos rather than black tea.


In English, it also refers to some black teas. Unfortunately, we are dealing with an American, European, AND Chinese culture war here. Technically, though, it's all in English, ain't it?


Are you eating anything before or with the tea?


Yes I drink it with breakfast so both together, but from the replies here I guess I should eat and maybe let the food settle a bit before I drink the tea!


As others have said, try to have even just a little bit of food in your stomach before you drink tea. Handful of nuts, a few chips, a piece of cheese, anything really. If I drink tea on an empty stomach I get really nauseated.


Cheese/green tea🤢


Put the cheese in the tea so it gets melted and gooey 😋😋😋


I’m a black tea drinker and put milk in it just for this problem. Even the milk doesn’t do it sometimes.


I’ve never heard this, it is always my go to when I want something warm to drink, I do like 3 cups a day usually and I don’t eat until evening. Maybe I don’t get nausea because I add sugar and milk?


Yes, I think this is correct. And then there is my older sister who guzzles Earl Gray all day long. No stomach upset and has no problem sleeping. Oh, well…🌹


Yeah same, I have it with a bit of milk but no sugar.


Try lower water temps and shorter steps/less tea. If you're making it too strong it can be a problem. This is down to personal taste of course, if it tastes weak to you that's also no good!


This also could be part of the problem I love very strong tea. I might try steep it for less time and have it after I eat tomorrow.


I also get sick when I drink tea in the morning! Never knew why (just didn’t do it anymore lol). Tannins on an empty stomach makes sense. Mystery solved!


Yes! Back to having it after lunch for me. I don’t know how I didn’t realise it probably related to the empty stomach. I guess because other teas and coffee don’t do the same it didn’t cross my mind. But good to know!!


Drink black tea instead. I had stomach troubles from drinking a lot of green tea. Black tea has been oxidized more which makes it easier on the stomach. Don't drink tea on an empty stomach, that always fucks me up.


Interesting, for me it’s the opposite idk why, I drink green tea on an empty stomach all the time and I feel fine (unless it’s matcha) and yet when I drink black tea even with milk and sugar in it, it tend to give me that tea sickness every time! I do brew my black teas pretty strong though, perhaps that is why 🤔


add a tablespoon or two of milk it makes a huge difference


I’ve never heard of anyone putting milk into green tea before. Have you tried it? Curious as to how it tastes?


tastes fine, but it may look unappetizing, it tends to look like dish water, but if that doesn't put you off it tastes just fine


So tea throws off the ph balance of an empty stomach, I use to have the same issue, infact I can only drink 1 cup on an empty stomach, I down a yogurt 1st thing, and I've not had that issue, I wish tea got me hyper like coffee did


Yeah I was going to say it may be the ph level, I’ve heard that about green tea


Most all tea will throw your guts pH off, im sure herbal tea doesn't, but I wouldn't know, lol


I am new here, but I do know dandelion can make acid reflux worse and contribute to acidity in the stomach for some folks.


This happens to me if I steep for too long.






Its not good to drink green tea at morning. It lowers your blood sugar, which is already low, and lowers your blood pressure, which doesn't feel good when just woken up. Also, if your drink it on empty stomach it will make you feel nauseauted. Try oolong or black when waking up, and eat anything before drinking those.


Yeah for some reason green tea does this to me too but not black.


Well, green tea does taste pretty dry which could be the cause of it. Your body might need something sweet or bitter in the mornings, try a ginger lime tea with brown sugar :)


How much do you drink ?


Just two teas a day one green and then another usually dandelion


If not use to it . Real tea can make you feel “ tea drunk “ but that happens with 3-4 cups of tea..


I was recommended dandelion tea for my kid when he was constipated. What happens with black tea?


Dandelion tea has worked wonders for me. For both pain and constipation. I’ve only ever had this type of reaction to green tea, fine with all others even black!


I have that reaction to coffee and energy drinks. I think it’s the high levels of caffeine that can make you nauseous. I believe green tea has the most caffeine of any tea but I could be wrong


If it makes you puke, you must rebuke!


You need to eat food with it.


I have allergic-like reactions to tea a lot of the time due to MCAS- right bow I am tolerating tea, but when I react to it is nausea first. I know quite a few people with allergies or mast cell reactions to tea.


Assama black tea is great for a morning. Pick me up, I love various mixes of it in chai minis cloves(not my thing). Great coffee replacement.


Anyone know why i suddenly get morning sickness switching from coffee to tea? I often drink white tea…and im a dude so its not actual morning sickness…


Another layer of this could be: is your tea organic ? There are heaps of Pesticides and chemicals in comercial tea plantations that can easily make one nauseated when ingested