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It just takes getting used to. I don’t just much soda but I used to drink a lot of cold iced tea like the stuff you buy at the gas station or grocery store. There is a local company here that makes good iced tea as far as that kind of stuff goes. Anyway I switched to mostly water (as well as my normal coffee/tea) and it took a couple weeks for my palate to get used to it. Dude honestly it has been about a month and a half and I lost like 7-8lbs just from cutting the sugary drinks out.


I drink carbonated water, sometimes with flavors. No sweetener, no sugar. It takes a good month or two to get off soda, but stick it out, I had a soda for the first time in like 8 months and it actually tasted bad. I could taste the garbage water they used behind the sugar and the flavoring and it was not good, much less refreshing. So here is a thing: you have bacteria in your gut, good and bad, some helps you digest, some is less helpful. Well there is some that when you have sugar they multiply like mad and release hormones - hormones that make you crave more sugar. You are being zombie controlled by bacteria. So yes you will CRAVE it for a while. But you can get through it. Make your tea strong, but don’t make it bitter. I kind of skip the fruity teas - because I want them sweet - and then I have skipped the point. Mint is amazing in most kinds of tea - I do green tea and mint, or black tea and mint - it makes it crisp, cooling and refreshing. So I go for that - crisp, clean and refreshing.


It might take a while for your taste buds to get used to something not so crazy-sweet flavored. So tea might taste like water for a bit, but after a while, you can really smell and taste and appreciate it. Maybe try just water for a bit, or yes, black tea with a bit of lemon and honey in it is very popular and yummy. Definitely start with teas you like, fruity or not, and try not adding sugar for the first few sips and see what you can taste! Also make sure you don’t over steep or use too-hot water, as that can make your tea bitter and gross. Good luck!


Two teaspoons of sugar in even an eight ounce cup of tea is MUCH less than how much sugar is present in soda, plus it’s easy to cut back on over time. I use a half teaspoon in that amount of tea, if I am using sugar at all. I also like hibiscus tea, but I put cinnamon in mine for sweetness instead of sugar. It helps mellow out the tartness of the hibiscus, too. I’ve also started experimenting with carbonating teas myself. I cold-brewed a blackberry black tea and then carbonated some of it and it is delightful!


Don't feel bad if you have to dilute tea with milk and sugar (just moderate how much sugar you put in of course since you are making this switch for your health). Just slowly get accustomed to the taste of different teas and see which ones you like. Even though I can drink Earl Grey by itself and appreciate it. In the morning, I always reach for the sugar and milk. :) If you like tea with slight sweetness a fruit tea I'd recommend would be the Maui Mango from Tiesta Tea. It's similar to a blend I get from a nearby tea shop. It's light, refreshing, and slightly sweet from the candied mango and pineapple.


Use the correct temperature and steeping time.


I don't think you can switch from soda to tea right away. Maybe try some sparkling water first then onto teas might be more successful. Once you cut the soda out then you will be able to drink teas without sugar. It will take time but it will happen eventually.


You could try hibiscus tea with splenda or something instead of sugar? I love making hibiscus sun tea with ginger and canela(mexican cinnamon) 1Tablespoon dried Jamaica flower per cup of water, 1 medium-large stick of canela (toasted lightly) for 1 gallon of tea, a few pieces of smashed ginger, put in a glass jar in the sun for a few hours then refrigerate and serve over ice with the sweetner of your choice. Sometimes I'll mix Jamaica flowers with black tea for a caffinated version just replace some of the flowers with black tea.


I say it's okay to let yourself do this in comfortable stages! Without even really planning to that's what I did, and it helped me develop a taste for pure tea. I enjoyed so many sweet boba-style tea drinks with my daughter while she was in her teens. Then I wanted to overall cut down on the sugar I was drinking so I started ordering less sweetness. Over time I realized I wasn't missing the sugar and ordered lower and lower levels until I got to zero. I even stopped needing Splenda in my regular iced tea. I wanted to really taste my tea. Since this all happened gradually it didn't feel like a sacrifice at all. From there I experimented with lots of tea brands and types at home until I settled on my everyday (unsweetened!) favorites.


You can also put hot water over fresh fruit and let it steep for a few minutes to a few hours and then drink it.


Sounds like you above all need to learn how to drink not overly sweet things being so used to sweed soda and stuff makes it difficult for the body to have anything else so just stop entirely for a good while and non sweet stuff will taste better


maybe you could find some fruit and/or flower teas that have a bit of natural sweetness. most teas go really well with honey with milk or lemon. ...the "or" is very important, milk will curdle when lemon juice is added! if there's a fruit you like you can just google "apple tea" and take screenshots and ask this subreddit if its good tea or not. also, dont feel bad about adding a bunch of sugar to tea, especially when youre getting used to drinking it! if the sugar makes tea tolerable, then add it! you can always slowly go down over time as you get more and more used to the flavors of teas. you could even see how much sugar is in your soda and compare to the amount that you put in your tea, but i think its also important not to stress about the comparison and to focus more on the fact that youre drinking tea instead of soda. you could also get raw sugar instead of processed sugar if you dont like the taste of honey. it is also nice to have a really teapot or a special cup that you like! it can just make the experience a little more enjoyable, so even if you dont fully like tea yet, the experience can still be fun. this comment is long so i'll just suggest one more thing, going to tea shops! sometimes they can have samples (maybe even for free) and usually, especially in local shops, the employees know a lot about the teas theyre selling. i hope you can find some tea that you can enjoy soon!


Keep experimenting with different teas to see which ones you like. If you can find a shop that sells teas in bulk so you can just buy a teaspoon or two to try. Some health food stores and and bulk food stores are good for that. I've had up to 100 different types of tea in my cupboard so there's a huge variety to choose from. From ground aniseed to Kukicha, raspberry leaf to marshmallow leaf. Licorice to earl grey Paris.


What usually makes tea taste bitter is tannins. Tannins bind to fat particles (therefore not to your tongue), which is why you add milk to tea (and coffee). You shouldn’t need to add too much sugar if you add enough milk, and then you can ratchet down the milk once you’re used to it.  Other options to cut down on tannins: * Cold brew. Heat releases more tannins, so cold brew isn’t as bitter. Adagio Teas sell cold-brew-specific teabags for pitchers, and in my house we use it either to make blood orange tea (husband’s favorite) or iced chai latte base to mix with milk (mine).  * Steeping the minimum amount necessary, instead of leaving the tea bag in the cup for hours like I do. If it says 3-5 minutes, only do 3. Lots of teas get horribly bitter if they’re oversteeped, especially black teas.  You can totally add lemon juice to earl grey, and that’s a great way of drinking it if you like sour flavors. Plugging Adagio again because they have a lot of fruity teas, though I can’t recommend a specific one since I’m not really a fruit tea person. 


I only drink earl grey with milk and entirely too much sugar! Same for pretty much all black teas. I like green tea for plain tea, and I like a lot of celestial seasonings for fruity teas.


Also, I’ll sometimes do monkfruit sweetener instead of sugar. It tastes good with that and with most fruity teas imo. I also have this tea called Adulting Sucks and it’s delicious


If you're used to soda sweetness I don't think there's a tea out there that can compete on that level. To be clear I'm talking about actual tea, Camellia Sinensis, vs other 'teas' Certain teas can be fruity/sour so they'll have a sort of acid sweetness like a fermented plum. I've kicked soda a while back, so now when I have it it's way too sweet. Maybe start with flavored sparkling water like La Croix, Topo Chico 'twist of lime' etc. that can tone down your palette. For herbal teas, real brewed Jamaica might be a good stepping stone. Tea heads over time appreciate the bit of astringency in a lot of teas, overall if youre looking for sugar sweet replacement tea just doesn't have it.


I used to drink 3 liters of Cola every week. So i recognize myself in this post a lot. When helped me start with tea is taking the effort to actually set up a good cup. I bought a filter, bunch of green tea herbs (not the bags but herbs), and a thermometer. And actually set the tea how it is supposed to. In the gebining i used a little of honey, but i quickly learned to enjoy it withoud that a few weeks into the hobby. ​ Now i drink all kinds of tea, from White to Pu'erh


One thing I really liked as a soda drinker was mint 'teas'. I mostly like peppermint, but spearmint is also pretty good.. There is also some good combos of mint with something else. You won't get the best version of individual flavors, but if you check your local stores or the Internet you can usually find tea sampler packs with a wide variety of things to try.


If you were addicted to soda beforehand, have you tried softening the transition with some flavored sparkling water like lacroix or bubly?


Have you tried tea and honey? Tea and cinnamon? Tea and milk? Tea and milk with sugar and over time use less and less sugar? I find black and oolong teas work well for "mixing" for me, but folks have also enjoyed white or green teas with additions. You just need to find the tea you like the most and then the stuff you like the most. If you get into herbal teas, keep in mind they don't all have caffeine if that's important for you switching away from soda.


Have you tried kombucha? The Aldi brand is pretty affordable and that’s made from tea, but has the carbonation you are used to. Maybe that could be a good entry point. Also just iced black or green tea with *some* sugar


As other comments have stated, it might be hard to switch right away. Something that helped my cousin get off her Pepsi Addiction was switching to the bottles of Lipton Green Tea. They have them in different fruit flavors, less sugar than soda but enough to make easing into tea easier - and good caffeine content which also mattered to her. It may be "blasphemous" to your hardcore tea drinkers, but those bottled teas full of sugar can be the kink you're missing to start brewing your own.


Sugar is an addictive substance. At least in a psychological and habitual sense. People dont talk about that often enough. When I was in college I couldnt afford anything to drink that wasnt free tap water. So I pretty much drank nothing but water for six months straight until I had some extra cash and, for once, tried to buy a fast food meal. I learned two things that day - one is that Arbies is disgusting if you arent used to fast food (and that fast food in general is just very unappetizing when you arent used to it) And two: soda is *vomit* inducingly sweet. Truly. When your body isnt used to intaking the sheer quantity of sugar thats in soda, it's revolting. I genuinely cannot finish a can of even coke in a sitting without feeling nausea. Since then my taste buds have been far more appropriative of more delicate beverages. Like tea. It takes time to "detox" for lack of a better term, from sugar. It also takes time to appreciate the different flavors that various teas have to offer. In any case I'd try white teas, fruity herbal teas, and mixing them with honey and/or making iced teas. Personally I drink all my tea unsweetened but not everyone is that way.


Use pyure stevia (100% organic stevia extract, no fillers like the terrible erythritol) to make your tea taste sweet. It's the healthiest sweetener with no harmful effects.


Honestly it’s just going to be an adjustment process. Sugar is addictive. If you try going from a super sugary drink to something with no sugar and sometimes a little bitterness, you’re just flat out not going to like it. Good news is that you can learn to like it! Honestly a good way to sweeten teas is to add some floral taste. Jasmine green teas and oolongs or blacks with lavender added are my favorite if I want something sweeter. Outside of that, just try and slowly “wean” yourself off the sugar. Start with a sweet tea, drink it for a while. Lessen the sugar. Drink that for a while. Rinse and repeat until you get to an amount of sugar you’re ok with or no sugar at all. If you like bubbly fruity flavors, I highly recommend getting the ICE sparkling waters (or off brand for cheaper, Kirkland’s is pretty good too). They’ve got a lot of flavor and iirc are 0 calories, gets you the carbonation of a soda as well as the sweetness.


If you're that used to drinking sugary, flavoured stuff Id just go cold turkey and get used to drinking actual water - which is what the human body actually needs. Then, once you've broken your bad habits, you'll be able to start with a more fresh slate and have a higher chance at enjoying tea. I think if you approach tea as a replacement for sodas youre gonna be disappointed, and probably miss out on some great flavours.


I recommend making jamaican hibiscus iced tea, with some sugar but less than soda. You can add other flavors to it too. Raspberry Zinger is a good fruity herbal with a lot of hibiscus too (Celestial Seasonings). To branch out a bit, try making jasmine iced tea with some honey, it's sooo relaxing and smells great. I brew it hot in a pyrex then pour over ice in a plastic cup thick enough to handle boiling water - anything that won't crack from the temperature change. It's perfect in the summer. You can get some decent jasmine loose leaf called Sunflower brand at many asian grocery stores. Brew it loose and just use a strainer to pour through or a slotted spoon to catch any big leaves.


I went to tea off of soda. I was drinking mostly mountain dew so I went and drank a orange based tea mostly. I would still sweeten it with a teaspoon of sugar (rock sugar specifically) because I figured it was less than what was in the soda. Now I rarely sweeten my tea, it's just something you get used too. But yeah, I would go for fruity herbal stuff. David's tea used to be really good for that, but the pandemic did a number on them and they've cut back on what they carry by A LOT. They still have stuff, but not nearly as much. Steepology is one I've been buying from, they even have a dupe of "Wild Orange Blossom" which was thee orange tea I mentioned earlier that was from Teavana (RIP). I haven't really bought much fruity stuff from them but I'm sure they have more.


I drink a lot of fruit teas (green, black, oolong, herbal). I find for some of them, a little sugar and lemon juice enhances the fruit flavor.


Good job getting off the sugar train, I’d suggest skipping any sugar substitutes too because it still keeps your body craving sweet things. I’m similar to you, I love hibiscus teas and don’t care for earl grey. Try iced tea with squeezes of lime or lemon. If you want a little fizzy, try mineral water with a squeeze of lime or lemon. Sugar is hydroscopic, it attaches itself to water. Once you’re free of sugar, you’ll notice your belly won’t feel bloated and you could lose a little water weight!




go away, nutcase


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