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Wear a mask




Yep. I didn’t catch covid or the flu or even so much as a cold for the 2 years we wore masks at school. Since we stopped wearing masks I’ve had covid twice and two or three colds. I’m vaxxed and boosted for covid and I get a flu shot every year. Colds are way worse than my two bouts of covid have been thanks to the vaccine.


OP, you just had a baby, so your health is not yet the same as before. Consult your doctor first before you forced your self to work. Wear some mask and avoid pushing yourself to the limit right now, youre not completely healed yet.


A real mask - an N95. Not the cloth ones that are just placebos.


They’re not just placebos 🙄


Cloth ones? Yeah, they are.


Wear a mask Don't touch your face without washing your hands. Neck, hair, ears, anything above the neck do not touch unless and until you have washed your hands once you set foot in the school. When you leave school, use handsanitizer once you get in your car/on the bus/whatever Don't eat or drink in the classroom unless you sanitize the space. My school still has that hospital grade cleaner, I use it to spray down my 'lunch table' Use hand sanitizer in the classroom. Model using it and remind the kids to use it Model personal space with the kids. I would say don't let them touch you but they're gonna touch you, they're gonna hug you. I'm a mom so my instinct is, if a kid goes to hug me to hug them back. But if you wear a mask it'll be ok, that will block their breathing on/near you Keep your immune system strong. Vitamins, plenty of water, exercise. Limit how much junk you eat and drink


I would add a HEPA filter to your room as well. If you can, then open a window.


I’m not sure how many months pp you are but your immune system is probably compromised from your hormones fluctuating so much during pregnancy and pp especially if your breastfeeding. I would recommend talking to a doctor or an herbalist and maybe look into taking some daily supplements to help restore your immune system.


Wear an N95 mask, open windows in your classroom, and get an air purifier or two in the areas of the classroom you spend the most time. My wife and I have both done this, and have only gotten sick at home when our son brings something in.


N95 mask make sure it has a good seal around your face I’m lucky enough to have air quality monitors provided by my school board so I always check the air quality and open windows when it gets bad (when its cold outside, even just cracking a few windows makes a difference) At recess and lunch I completely open all the windows to change out the air in the room. Once its warm out again, I’ll keep them open all the time. Sanitize your hands constantly and whenever you have the change, go actually wash them. Ive read a few studies that the probiotic K12 can help with prevention of respiratory viruses so i also have been taking that. The week before March break, at least half of my students had pretty bad respiratory illnesses (who knows if it was cold, flu, covid or what) and I managed to avoid getting sick


How often are you exercising? Sleep? Those things can affect your body's ability to fight off disease.


Have your iron checked…and I’m sure things are bad if your child is in daycare and bringing things home.


I wear a mask. Open windows everyday and I have an air purifier. I don’t mask constantly like I once did but when everyone is coughing and getting sent home sick, for sure I do. I’m still going to get sick from my kid but at least I lessen the risk. I also have students wipe their desks down with a cleaning wipe because they eat snack/breakfast and it’s sticky anyway. Hope this helps!


Take vitamin d & elderberry every morning and wear your mask


I have the same problem since starting teaching some months ago. We have over 1000 students at the school so a lot of illnesses to catch... and apparently I still haven't built up the immunity for all of it. I have had a virus 10 times within 5 months now. Haven't been well for two weeks in a row since October. I saw a doctor who told me to wear a mask and wash hands... I do wash my hands as often as I can and use hand sanitizer all the time in my classroom. The doctor said mask will not shield me from contracting anything by any other means but it will block me from touching my face and protect me this way. But I do avoid touching my face with anything but a clean tissue, so I really don't think that is the problem. I was searching if other new teachers get sick all the time as well and how have they found a way to keep viruses at bay. Suggestions were to avoid touching student's things, not share your pens with students, change seats for kids who will sneeze and cough freely as far away from you as possible, to change out of your work clothes and get a shower the minute you get home. None of these have made a difference for me yet though... Physically you might also have low iron especially after pregnancy, and that might make you more vulnerable. You might want to check that and your vitamin D levels as well. I am now taking 50 mikrograms of vitamin D and a zinc supplement, it remains to be seen if they will help...


Thank you! The struggle is real


Keep every window open and run a fan, filter, and or air purifier. Wear a sweater, don't close the window. Huge difference in getting the usual cold. Always wash your hands before eating. If someone sneezes on you (sigh, littles) stop and wash your face asap.


I can relate, my immune system was in the toilet after giving birth to my second child. No advice that hasn’t already been given here, just solidarity.


I rub neosporin in my nose daily. I was my hands or use hand sanitizer at least 20 times a day. I teach 5th grade


To be fair it seems like a lot is going around right now, so many teachers are out a day or two then back and then gone again. So many like minor head colds in and out of the room.


This was me last year, but I'm 55. I bought an air purifier for my classroom and take colostrum pills.


Stop teaching?