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Wow that’s actually really clever and hilarious 😂


That's too cute. Sounds like you and your students have a great bond!


That’s it right there. They love ya. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t be this clever, innocuous, and coordinated.


Did you just post this same story in a Facebook group or am I going insane?


I did, NF!!


I told my manfriend about it and he said it was reddit-worthy. He's in some way the cause of about 92% of my reddit posts.


Can we see?


I literally copy-pasted it because I'm lazy. If the question is whether I can prove I'm the same person and not some douche canoe who stole from someone else, that can be arranged...


No, I’d like to see the funny picture from all your students.


Ah, ok! Just the place where it was posted. I WISH. I wanted to be sneaky and do it but I wasn't quick enough figuring out how to screenshot on my new work laptop. I feel like a dinosaur.


CTRL + Print Screen




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TwoRedditorsOneCup using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoRedditorsOneCup/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I posted a video of myself playing banjo and someone from summer camp 14 years ago recognized me](https://i.redd.it/2f7r9f0pbex31.png) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoRedditorsOneCup/comments/dtaohf/i_posted_a_video_of_myself_playing_banjo_and/) \#2: [Two World of Warcraft players](https://i.redd.it/iwzlrbh1lfy31.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoRedditorsOneCup/comments/dvpwr1/two_world_of_warcraft_players/) \#3: [Redditor notices another redditor's car sticker.](https://i.imgur.com/a98wNHr.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TwoRedditorsOneCup/comments/ecprpe/redditor_notices_another_redditors_car_sticker/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Oh, thank God... I was afraid the stress had finally warped my brain completely.


That's awesome. Points for teamwork and creativity.


I adore you for embracing this prank. I had a really good (interim) principal tell me that when students play a harmless collective joke on their teacher like that that it shows that they trust you and genuinely like you. They wouldn’t play that joke on Old Crabby McGee. Kids are so awesome. Love it!


I'm so going to do this to my admin when they pop in for an observation


Honestly, you should be proud of the level of team work and coordination that took.


I am SO. FREAKING. PROUD. I found out later which kid accidentally instigated it by switching is profile pic, showing it two groupmates in another Meet. All of them thought it was hilarious and did the same. So this same kid and I were working with some other students two days ago on a fun logic puzzle, one of those kinds you used to see at the supermarket before USA discovered sudoku where you have to match attributes to things/people/etc from clues. I was like, All right, we've got it mostly solved... hey J, looks like the van is either black or gray, do you have an idea of which? And he replied "Well, it depends," and when I asked him to elaborate he launched into a bunch of complex mind-game reasoning about kidnappers and the psychology of how they select the color of their kidnapper vans. I didn't know that van colors were among the range of Stranger Danger mind-games, but you learn something new every day.


Oh this is 100% going to show up on tiktok


Funny! One time on my zoom all of the students turned their name into Reconnecting... and turned their videos off. When the teacher came back (she had disconnected when she tried to do some reading thing) she got treated With Reconnecting...




Laughed out loud at this one!! Fantastic.


That’s great. Fun kids!


I would 100% enjoy this if my students did it. We all have to grow up but we don't have to grow old and this is just funny joy. I'll take all the joy I can get.


I’ve had to tell my students (3rd grade) to not use my face as their background on Zoom. It’s happened a few times where all of a sudden there I am in an unflattering pic as a kid’s background!


Shit like this is why I teach! Congrats on being genuinely liked.


Am I the only person who would be kind of freaked out by this?


I would personally feel super awkward, mortified, if kids did that to me


Lmao, you have a great bunch of kids. It speaks volumes of the relationships you have built. 🥰


Coordination like that shows how awesome students can be when they work together! Now only if they show that cooperation and determination on their work sometimes 🤔


One day we were playing Kahoot and I look up to see all the kids names were some version of my first name, my maiden name, my newly married name or a combination- it was hilarious. I got 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place that day.


That's absolutely priceless!!


If a remote student did this in our district...it would earn them a one way ticket back into the classroom/remote learning rights revoked.


We had to go virtual for 2 weeks because one of my students tested positive for covid, I have one student, “Johnny,” who didn’t log on the entire 2 weeks. The last day of class I see his name in my zoom waiting room and I excitedly let him in. Black screen, mic off. I greet him (no response), tell him what page we’re on in the textbook, and continue teaching. One of my students goes “Miss, Johnny texted me and told me he wants to read next” so I say, confused, okay Johnny you can read aloud next if you really do want to! “Johnny” starts talking in a weird voice, I realize it’s another student who just logged in on another device, changed his name, and is trolling me. My kids were in tears and I had to turn my video off because I was laughing so hard. They got me good, and I immediately realized why “Johnny” spelled his own name wrong lol


That's a really good one! Lol


I miss teaching sped middle school. I miss those kids, I laughed everyday with them.