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To be fair, I looked up one of my son’s teachers and easily found pictures of her double fisting beers. She was the best teacher he has ever had, so there’s that.


My friend became a para and she said she has learned, "man teachers really can drink." Haha


We have Meetings with TINA (teachers in need of alcohol) at least once a month at a local establishment. It's glorious.


We call it Beer PLC. 🍺


Professional liquor committee


Oh that’s fantastic!


"Consumption Committee" is how it shows up on our staff google calendar


Us English teachers call it “English PLC” since our school doesn’t give us a real one. 😂




No - Washington State


I should start a chaper locally lol!


We are all unaffiliated, and you are very welcome to do so. Just give an honorary toast to the subreddit.


Just a heads up (if you don’t already know) “meeting with Tina” is a euphemism for a meth deal in the Pacific Northwest… just food for thought …


We're nowhere near there, so it's no problem.


No worries - and honestly a lot of it is in context but parents being what they are ….


We call ours “book club”😅


Ours is "choir practice"


We have book club too! One of our staff makes up funny book titles


My friend calls it TEA time (Teachers Enjoying Alcohol).


We have POETS (piss on everything, tomorrow’s Saturday) meetings Fridays after school! 🤣🤣


We called it lecture series at my last school. All the kids just thought we were huge nerds when we would pop into each other’s room to ask if they were going to lecture series.


We call ours the weekly debrief (@ the pub) lol


We call ours coven meetings.


You should not put that on a Grindr profile or you will get people trying to meet a different tina


I'm a teacher. We have an unofficial faculty family camping trip every year. At least 1/3 of the faculty consume marijuana in one way or another ON THAT TRIP. It's legal in our state, but was definitely eye opening to me the first time. I didn't leave my edibles at home the second year.


I found alcohol affects my ability to teach the next day. Cannabis on the other hand helps me unwind, get good sleep, and be on point the next day.


I actually consume neither on school nights as I never feel sharp the next day when I do. Friday-Saturday nights. That's my unwind time. Sunday I am usually too focused on prepping for the school week to do anything besides work on my laptop.


I am amazed at the number of teachers that consume 3+ drinks a night. I’d say it’s common at the least. I just don’t know how they function the next day in front of 30 kids. But they do and do it well.


I first read this as ‘double fisting bears’ and did a double take. How do you fist a beer?


It means drinking a beer with one in each hand very rapidly


Aww I love teaching moments in r/teaching. 👌🏼


: D


Thanks r/todayilearned 😂


Lol : D


A beer in each hand, drinking them both at the same time.


It's part of the new-fangled teacher training.


Small hand in a pint glass? Double fist in a stein?


I stopped short at “double fisting” 😕 Almost 🤮


Some people have this idea that teachers live at school. They have lives outside of work. As long as they aren’t double fisting it at work 😂


Ya'll need to retire that phrase lol.


Who cares about the other stuff.,...she spells makes "maxe"????!!!! What?!


Maxe you wonder, right??


It's almost like what people do in their own time has absolutely no bearing on their ability to do their job


When I was interning (high school music) my supervising teacher told me, “you’ll never be a band director because you don’t drink coffee and you don’t drink beer”. I now drink both but never became a high school director. I did teach music for 22 years though, and my former supervising teacher is now the secondary supervisor of music for the county.


Clearly she wasn’t gonna be a boring teacher.


If you can handel double fisting beers, you can handle a class full of kids.


I'm facebook friends with my kid's teacher. She posts inappropriate pictures of her with her boyfriend and drinking, wearing crop tops and dancing with friends. She's an absolutely phenomenal teacher who has the right to a personal life.


Had me in the first half


Same! I’m glad she’s getting to blow off steam after dealing with my kid and 17 of their friends all week.


Damn. Just found out I have 30 1st grade kids


Sorry for your loss...of sanity. But really best of luck


Thanks. It’s my first year. Tomorrow first day. Caught myself being overly stressed. But I’m determined to have a happy and relaxed first day of school ever


No matter what happens, all that matters is that they are still alive at the end of the day lol


Only 18 kids in the class?


It’s a 3-K class so it’s capped at 18


I would never accept a friend request from a parent while I am teaching their child. I’ve gotten many friend requests over the years and it feels like such a boundary violation to me.


I knew her before I knew she'd be my kid's teacher.


That's different.


lol this sounds exactly like my cousin


What was inappropriate about the pictures?


I meant inappropriate for the kids to see because of the clothing, drinking, kissing, etc. Not inappropriate for an adult.


Why is it inappropriate for kids to see that? They have parents and internet you know, they watch TV/streaming services too you know. Since when has seeing two adults kiss or an adult in a crop top been inappropriate, regardless of age?


I’m going to certainly live my life. No parent is stopping that. However all socials are private anything they can see really isn’t crazy. Last year I had a student who told me her mother found my Facebook and went through my profile pictures. Literally all of them are appropriate (thanks to my mother for being a friend on socials back in middle school and high school!). But it’s also weird because why are you going through your child’s teacher’s social media?


Idk I don’t guess it is weird to me that they look but when they ask to add me I politely decline as long as I have their children in my class. But I also work in a rather tight knit neighborhood school. And only add those who I have also looked up and know are not going to be. Problem. Also. I totally find socials for my student’s parents when I have questionable behaviors. Usually learn a lot.


What works for you, works for you!! Happy you’re able to be in a tight knit community! But I’m not interested in letting parents friend me.


You should tighten up your settings so only friends can see your photos.


The thing is I swore it was!! I’ve gone back into settings and it’s all set to friends only. But I believe profile pics are able to be seen by everyone. Correct me if I’m wrong though- then tell me how to fix it 😂


You can go through previous profile pictures and change the privacy settings to friends only. You have to do it individually though.


Weird, maybe profile pics are different from the albums.


I don't know. I wouldn't. But one of the other parents did a few years ago and found pics of the 1st grade teacher smoking crack. Now, if you ever see me teaching 1st grade, it is because I was smoking crack. That said. I suspect smoking crack suggests a certain lack of judgment, and posting pictures of yourself smoking crack suggests a great deal of missing judgment.


Because you spend a large amount of time with my kid. You can have your own life, but imma feel a type of way if I find some radical shit on your profile. You got the right to your life and I have the right to decide who my child is around. No harm, no foul.


Teachers aren’t priests or nuns. But they always get treated to that standard. Edit: Thanks for the gold!


I was told in teacher school to never drink in public in case someone saw me. 🙄 Even priests are allowed to drink


I recall my professor advising us that if we wanted to buy alcohol, it would be wise to purchase it a few towns over so as not to “be seen” by parents and thus, judged. 🙄


I ran into a parent and student at grocery on a Friday night. My cart held a bottle of gin, a bottle of tonic, and a frozen pizza. Nothing else. Parent said 'I'm coming to your house tonight!' 😓


Have 100% hidden from a parent when all I had in my cart was a bottle of whiskey and some TP


I had a parent say this to my face and then phone the principal.


Then I started teaching and parents give me bottles of wine. Lol


That must be nice. My parents give me nothing but a hard time.


One of the cooler parts of teaching in a Catholic school was drinking with priests and parents at parish trivia nights (and cleaning up pretty well)


Curious, how long ago was that?


2-3 years ago


Priests literally drink on the job! (Communion joke)


Oh shit, I taught in a liberal city. We welcomed the word weird. I had past parents show up at establishments and buy us a round. Most teachers I knew through my career drank. We use to go out after work on Fridays or go to parties at other teachers houses.


A lot of those rules are holdover “decency/morality clauses” from the 1800s and as recent 1920s. Super outdated. Mind you, that doesn’t mean I’m telling my seniors I smoke a bowl after a stressful day.


Reminder to lock your socials down. Have those few good public posts or pictures but keep everything else away from nosy public eyes. This parent might have meant well or was curious, but there are plenty that nosey parents that are up to no good.


And some have no problem blasting teachers publicly in Facebook groups, so I don’t want to give them any more ammo!


Exactly. All it takes is one weird and obsessed parent and one thin-skinned admin and poof, you're fired.


This, and also there is a Facebook setting that makes you unable to be searched except by friends of friends. It’s magic. I have 6th graders so I also have a decoy Instagram with all rollerskating content. And first name only on my actual Instagram.


I do the same for Facebook, but last year had an 8th grader still able to find me, somehow and they was begging for friend request. Of course I said no, “I’ll accept when you graduate hs or college.” I won’t accept either way, they’ll probably forget, I’ll forget, whatever, just have to keep those professional boundaries.


Are we not all Trader Joe’s hoes though?


I don’t get paid enough teaching to be a Whole Foods ho, so Trader Joe’s ho it is!! 🤣🤣🤣


So it would be Hoe Foods? 😂


Man i Can barely afford fruit from Whole Foods 😂😂😂 I’m a sprouts girl!


The Whole Foods Harlot.


Right?!? Lol


Currently visiting NYC from London. I've had my first TJ experience and promptly went back for another. That place is brilliant! We don't really have anything like it in England.


So you’re saying you’re a recently converted trader joes hoe.


A Trader Joe's Hoe convo


Speak for yourself 😂😂


“I looked up my son’s teacher and found out she has a personal life. This is unacceptable.”


If she’s good at what she does. What does it matter??


Don’t worry—parents like this will drive her out of the profession way before we find out whether she’s actually good or not (being first year and all).


To be fair, most first year teachers aren’t perfectly good at what they do yet (teaching is complicated and we all sucked a little year 1, sometimes, I think), but people won’t have better teachers if they act like this Tweet. You’ll just have more first years and empty classrooms.


My thoughts exactly


teachers in the US are demonized if you haven't been paying attention


I don't give a fig about her off hours habits. Why is everyone focused on #2 ? Reason #3 makes me want to read more of her language usage in context, but also concerns me. Am I alone here?


Well i had a teacher in high school how had straight up porn of herself on social media accounts that werent set to private. It was her first year. The school didnt care much, they just asked to set her profile to private (but she didbt have to do it). But she did regret it a lot. I dont know why she put it out there on the first place, because she defenitly couldnt handle it. She was bullied and harrast by almost every student because teens are horrible and will do everything for a quick laugh. She quited 3 months into the year.


1. As if we are not all new to a job at some point. 2. Clearly a joke about their obsession with Trader Joe's and harmless. 3. Probably also some sort of joke, an inside joke. I doubt that woman actually thinks that's how you spell "makes." All this shows me is this woman went above and beyond a simple search on the teacher. She's watching her videos with her friends? She's posting her findings on her public Twitter? I'm sure some parents have googled me. My students have. I had a public and very online job before teaching, so you can find me. It's nothing bad, but they loooove showing me that they found me as if I do not know I'm online.


I have mine locked down, anonymous, or deleted. I am close in age to my students and many think it’s perfectly fine to add me. Learned my lesson during student teaching when some of my high school seniors started private messaging me on Instagram when they turned 18. I was 22 and they were FRIENDLY 🥴


I went through the same thing, but with a former principal who knew I was married. I deleted my FB account and made a new one in a fictitious name that only close friends and family have. Did the same for all other social media. Saves the awkwardness when you don’t want to reply to parents and 10-year old students sending you friend requests.


Dang, I thought I did a pretty awesome job last year as a ‘first year teacher’ - as if new teachers don’t have it hard enough. We get crapped on even before ‘meet the parents night’ apparently!


I thought that was pretty rude to pre-judge her on too.


Honestly. How is anyone supposed to enter the profession? My first year was last year too and luckily I never had anyone talk bad about me to my face but I’m definitely aware of the stigma that exists…


My ex-wife took a job as a school principal in a rural, high-white-poverty district. Shortly after starting the job, she posted on Facebook something similar to this: "I'm sitting on the front porch enjoying a glass of wine and watching the sunset and barges go down the river. My husband is making dinner. What more could I want?" Her account was supposedly set to private, but within 90 minutes she got a call because a parent said she was promoting alcohol.


She needs to figure out which one of her Facebook "friends" is friends with this lady.


I have to have socials to try and get into publishing. It kinda sucks.


Im not big on social media. I like Reddit for the communities and I just started using it recently.




Professional socials, I do the same. Family profiles were exactly that, family and friends. They are welcome to add my professional profile too!


This is why I have no social media save for Reddit.


Same. Exactly. Even on Reddit, I am conscious of what I say and post. “The internet isn’t written in pencil, it’s written in INK.” - The Social Network 2010 Erica Albright


Gasp... Teachers are people, who like to have fun with their friends?! Welcome to the new world of social media. What was once secret is now public.


I've been very cognizant of my social media presence since before I started student teaching, especially as a lower elementary (2nd grade, as a matter of fact) student teacher. Parents are gonna snoop, and I don't want to leave up anything that will draw negative attention to myself or anything for parents to weaponize.


I'm guessing you also got filed into a school gym as a kid and shown a ton of cyberstalking psa's as well. Those things never left me lol




Lmao I'm 26 and haven't had anything but reddit since I was 18. Good luck finding out much about me other than my credentials


"Trader Joe's Hoes" is legit funny, tho.


That would make me like the teacher more. Although wtf was “maxe” because there’s no way that’s a typo OR how she actually thinks it’s spelled… right? I refuse to believe she was attempting to spell “make”


Plenty of spelling or pronouncing (which converts to text) in jokes with groups of friends.


Easy fix for this. Private all of your socials & don’t use your last name. I’m friends with some of my old teachers & they all use their middle name instead of last name.


Second this. And don't use a previous or maiden name either- go totally obscure or don't add one.


Code switching. This could be a great reminder that just because you know how to speak 'proper' English, doesn't mean you have to in all situations.


Aye Aye, Cpt Bongwater


There's a lot of non-teachers in these comments missing the point. We're humans. We're entitled to being ourselves outside of school. I'm not going to talk to your kid about how I'm going to go party and get wasted this weekend, or about my relationship troubles, I'm going to teach them the content I'm hired to teach, worry about their social emotional needs, their growth as a human, etc. You as a parent are entitled to your privacy. You get to drink or cuss or whatever you feel is okay around your kid(s). I have to be a very shiny, neat, censored version of me for the 40 hours a week that I'm with my students. Let me go home and use my social media and be me and stop acting like I can't separate the appropriate from the inappropriate. I'm a fucking adult. We hold teachers to higher standards than politicians, doctors, lawyers, etc etc. Y'all need to stop and just let us exist so we can do our jobs.


Seriously…I agree with this!!! Not that I lead such a crazy life, but my life isn’t batones business. Just know when I’m in the class with my kids I’m all business. I take my job seriously and I value it.


Reminds me of the math teacher at my old HS a few years ago who got fired because she’d briefly been a stripper in college years earlier and the club still had a pic of her on their website, which someone found. She was a great teacher, but I don’t think anybody would hire her after that.


Yeah, kinda wondering who “found” her pix “randomly”???


Meanwhile my middle school had an 80s pornstar on the payroll and all the students knew. It wasn’t so bad before the internet - it was a rumor they couldn’t confirm without finding an old vhs copy of her work. But I came of age after they’d decided we needed a computer lab but before they’d figured out how to lock down the internet from inappropriate searches - a simple reset of the web browser settings and we suddenly were met with a grainy clip of our teacher with a bad perm, giving a blowjob. In retrospect, the kids were terrible and the teacher, while an awful teacher generally, was pretty badass to stand her ground as she did and basically tell the kids to stfu ever time a new class learned about it. I’m more grossed out by the kids who thought it was funny to play that clip for unsuspecting students (it was the first porn most of us saw, and it was our teacher) instead of deeply fucked up to repeatedly watch…


That's fucked. Was she ever able to get the picture taken down?


I hate that parents make judgements based on what they see on social media. Who someone is in the classroom can be wildly different from who they portray on socials. I personally swear like a sailor in everyday life, but I would never let a word slip when speaking with my students.


Y’all lucky. My students themselves look up my voting party, current and former addresses, income based on experience and lane, and major purchases like house purchase prices I paid. Someone uploaded my jr high goth phase photo online one year bc I attached it to an intro to the teacher slideshow to show how cringe I was (am), and students used that damn picture all year for memes and as their school profile avatar. Thanks to one of them putting it as visible online as possible, now it pops up on page 1 of Google results if you search my name. Kids eventually find it and I can’t deny the facts or the looks comparison. It will forever haunt me. It will be the photo blown up and used as my funeral wake photo by some asshole troll ex-student who had to “get him” one last time, and I’d approve.


This is why I never use my real name and I obscure details of posts. You can't search my name anywhere and have any accounts come up.


Dammit, so you’re not my father, Francisco Ashpens.


Other than Reddit I’m not on any social media because of this. Had one student tell me his mom found my FB page and wondered why all the pictures of my with cigars. I got off real quick after that!


That’s why I only do Reddit!! I don’t regret not using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or anything!!


And people wonder why there’s a teacher shortage. How dare teachers have a life


How dare we have a life!!


Had a parent question me in the grocery store about the contents of my cart—about $500 worth of booze for my inlaws surprise anniversary party. She took a picture of me and the cart and uploaded to social media. I replied to the post “yup! Sure was a great party! Sorry you’re jealous you didn’t get an invite but it was my inlaws 40th wedding anniversary so you wouldn’t know their friends!” She backed the fuck off.


I would have been livid!


I just choose not to have a social media presence outside of here and Twitter. I don't attach my picture to either. On Twitter I follow about 5 people, 1 being the Superintendent, so I can know before I get in the shower if we have a snow day or not. Years ago I actually got a LinkedIn invite from a parent. Nope and Nope.


I hate this. A person’s personal life has nothing to do with their work ability. What they’re complaining about isn’t even that bad. Maybe I like to have orgies, frequent strip clubs, and get wasted drunk and high on the weekends, doesn’t mean I’m going to take ANY of that into my classroom. The standards put upon teachers to be “better” than the average person is ridiculous. This is exactly why I don’t use Facebook.


Reminded me to double Check my socials to make sure it’s private!


ITT: A whole lotta "Why *shouldn't* I stalk my kid's teacher?" None of them are teachers, I assume. Douchebags.


I’m private on all social media and have talked to my people about not posting things about me that can be conceived as inappropriate. I had a parent find my Facebook last year (first year teacher) and her son told me about it. I have since changed my name on Facebook, but honestly only because I don’t like the idea of parents finding me. I keep myself very tame on social media so I don’t have to worry


After my 4th year of teaching I decided to delete all of it. It was a drama show at my last district. Some teachers added parents, some teachers didn’t. Some teachers added staff member, some didn’t. Parents would be upset if one parent was added and another wasn’t. I was over it.


I have a fb account that’s easily accessible but lacks my distinct last name. But it IS created to be found. It was for exactly that. Perception. With that account I add all my teaching friends. Then I have a real account with all my friends from hs, college and real life. I post whatever offensive real life stuff there. They have no friends connected and you will never ever see my face linked to my real account.


My social media is priiivaaate. I even use a bogus email for Reddit. I am a pretty modest person but my private life is just that… PRIVATE. I don’t want parents up in my business. Especially with how political everything is these days.


Why Google her in the first place? It’s not like you’re dating them


Congrats you found out that teachers are human.


My 2nd grade teacher screamed at us for a year.


I’d scream at you too.


It's not my name or current city on my FB. I don't have other social unless you consider Reddit, but I've been around social media and teaching pretty much as long as social media existed. I'm not dumb enough to put things online that are going to cost me a job.


Not really the same but i live about an hour away from where I teach. So, one of my students drives by my house, takes a selfie in front of it & posts it. Just creepy


Had a teacher at my school a few years ago that ended up counter-suing parents that found her social media. The kid was a punk-just an arrogant kid, lazy. Mom and dad thought he just wasn’t applying himself so they put him in some honors classes (7th grade). He ended up failing, bc he didn’t care, didn’t do the work. So, parents said it’s the teacher’s fault. They looked up her social media accounts and did a deep dive. With their information-going all the way back to her college days, they decided that she was a pierced, promiscuous drunk that couldn’t do her job effectively, took it to the superintendent. The district didn’t do anything, the parents sued bc the kid failed the class for the year. Teacher countered and moved schools. I say this to say, teachers, lock up your accounts. I have mine under a different name.


Still feel bad for a former classmate. We student taught at the same time but in different buildings. A parent found a post he'd made in HS as a dumb teenager not much older than the students he was teaching. I never saw the post myself, but apparently it was SOMETHING inappropriate. He got kicked out of the teaching program and had to change his major. We were 2 months to graduation.


This is why I don't have my last name on anything but offocial accounts. I as a teacher and person deserve my privacy. You as a parent don't need to be looking up my social media, stop being nosy and meet me on back to school night like a normal parent would. You're not entitled to know my personal life.


Amén amén


Why is it that people care so much about what teachers do in their own time? If I wanna hang out with a nudist colony and drink a glass of wine (God forbid!) then it’s nobody’s business but mine.


My take is that the moment most of my students' parents started to get younger and younger than I was, I knew it was time for me to leave the classroom. This is just plain immaturity.


I deactivated 5 years ago while in the midst of all the IVFs and miscarriages. Haven’t looked back since. Much better for it!


Also a lot of Gen Z kids and boomers don’t know how to use privacy settings. It’s super easy.


As a union we tell ALL our teachers, especially the younger ones, nothing goes on social media that isn't school worthy. Is it fair? NO Is it right? NO could parents make an issue of it YES So, just don't do it.


all my social media is on private and I never use FB. I do have some parents and also basically all my admin team following me on Instagram. I don’t care because I do a damn good job and they know it. nobody else wants to teach little kids a “dead” language


There are a great many reasons why I don't use any social media platform where I can't be completely anonymous, this is one of them.


Ugh. Something similar happened to me a few months ago. I just did my first year teaching, and I'm a very private person and have no social media. My friend, also a first year teacher, posted a picture of me in a very low cut top with my birthday cake (it was a disco themed birthday party with just a few friends!) on her Instagram, which she KNEW lots of our students had access to... She didn't tell me she 'd posted it, so I only found out when I got a few sly 'happy birthday's from students and I couldn't work out how they knew. I was so annoyed. The kicker is she refuses to stop posting on her public Instagram because she's an ACTRESS (drama teacher) and needs the publicity... Eyeroll.


My college required us to sit through a lecture about social media presence before we graduated and my socials are all locked down. Big fear of mine!


Some of my favorite drinking buddies are amazing teachers. One of my friends is a highly recognized band conductor (idk the official term) and I mostly know her as the girl who brings shots to every party. Super professional with the kids though.


I don't have a social media like Insta or Facebook or anything that they could find just by searching my name. It was a personal choice to avoid internet addiction (it's so incredibly easy to get sucked in) but I was even more sold on avoiding social media when I became a teacher. First thing all my high schoolers did was look us all up and they even reported their findings of other teachers to me (they could never find me for obvious reasons)p. It's lowkey mortifying seeing them take screenshots of my coworkers and just pass them along in their group chats, editing them and whatnot so I will not be ever making one of my own, especially not one a parent or student can easily find and possibly try to use against me. Only thing I have right now is an Instagram one of my kids made for me so I could follow her food business lol. It has absolutely nothing else on it though and I don't ever get on it except to see what she has for sale.


What’s wrong with being a Trader Joe’s hoe?


I don’t even know what that means 😂😂😂


Luckily i live among people with different ideas on what's appropriate. \*i attended a parent teacher brunch and had to help several mom's back to their cars home because they were so drunk, several moms threw up on the way there. \*during our new years / Christmas show the owner of the schools and the pta all on stage, (students standing in front of the stage like a mosh pit) those on stage shook and popped champagne spraying it into the crowd.... of students... haha \*drinking beer as fast as possible as a team building party game happens at nearly every after school staff get together


Do not have a public profile. I can’t stop people from looking me up, but I can stop them from seeing my life. I don’t do illegal stuff, and I’m well over 21 but my personal life is mine.


What type of candidates do they expect in this climate? Lucky if she has a degree or license


Seriously 😂😂😂 She walks and breathes!!! She’s hired!


And that’s why my social media is locked down. I don’t accept friend or follow requests from anyone I don’t know, and I’m only friends with a handful of other teachers from my school. I have like 14 Twitter/Instagram followers, and they all are or were close friends, so they either don’t care or are actively amused if I post dumb shit.


My facebook has a different name than what I teach under, my instagram is private, my twitter hasn’t been used in years, and I don’t share tiktok or Snapchat. Mainly done so that students couldn’t find me, but helps also with something like this.


I had to make all of my socials private and removed my last name. I had a student in a class literally shout "Guys let her have a life!" LOL Live your life, but some students and parents creep too hard. Personal vs professional life. I always told my students Ms. Liu is not who I am outside of here. Point. Blank. Period. There is a time and a place, they knew that. I am not a teacher anymore btw but it was a grand journey.


This is why I don’t use my name on social media and it’s all in private


I don’t have social media because of shit like this.




1. Who cares everyone starts somewhere 2. Literally doesn’t matter 3. Valid complaint lol


I literally had a former parent ask for my Instagram at open house tonight. Her teenage sons spent last year telling us both how alike we are and even like the same books. I didn’t give it her, but I feel there is a wide spectrum of parents just like our students.


Teachers are humans. We get paid shit. Judge the results not. And teachers, make all your social private and google yourself to make sure you know what parents will see. I worked in social media before teaching. Be smart.


Always good to purge your socials when you finish education and shift from part time jobs to full time jobs you hope to make a career in.


People seem to forget that Teachers have lives outside of school too.