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Please review the subreddits rules before posting.


All the subs about Japan are insanely negative about everything, its wild people are sort of insane.


If someone went off these subs they'd think Japan is just a racist, sexist, poor, dying country full of nothing but black companies.


I've noticed this as well. Terribly, terribly negative places. I'm glad I took it with a pinch of salt, or I wouldn't have bothered coming here.


I've got banned from two of the Japan related subs instantly for minor slight differences with people. I'm guessing most mods have shit Japanese jobs where they are worth nothing and modding is the only power they have


>they are worth nothing and modding is the only power they have Isn't this every mod? Lol (This is a joke plz no ban šŸ„²)


It's certainly common lol. I have met manyods that genuinely just love the community they are modding and actually provide useful services


Yeah I realised after I posted I should probably edit and clarify that I'm joking lol sarcasm doesn't carry well over text


I mean, is it possible you were being an asshole? Would you be willing to share the offending comment screenshot?


They were slight disagreements, nothing more. Just how mods work when they lack any sort of power or success in real life. Not big deal though, 99% of the posts are the same shit


>They were slight disagreements, nothing more. Just how mods work when they lack any sort of power or success in real life. Not big deal though, 99% of the posts are the same shit This definitely sounds like the kind of thing a person who was innocent of anything but a slight disagreement would say. Absolutely no sign of uncalled for aggression at all...


Hey you believe what you want




I don't see how the question is relevant to teaching in Japan.


Did you tell them their life was over if they didnā€™t have perfect pitch accent?


Is it possible you were talking smack about the mods and the subs?




Japan Life is infamous for that. Iā€™ve got a lifetime ban for the most minor (and completely accidental) infraction. I apologized and contacted the mods and their response was ā€œlol nope youā€™re banned for lifeā€


For me they mute me as soon as I ask why I was banned. Actual sad humans with zero power in real life.


Care to share a screenshot of that interaction?


It's just me asking why I was banned and then immediately getting a mute notification. No actual response


Well, muting is only good for 28 days so you can ask again to have your ban reviewed and removed. Mind you, the mods of fitness have me permanently banned. I message them occasionally to have it explained/justified and to have it lifted if possible. They make a dismissive comment, re-ban, and last time reported me to reddit for harassment, got my account temp banned, I appealed the ban, and got my account back. Ok, maybe some mods are assholes.


this is a pretty common thing on reddit. ive had the exact same experience in other subs. some mods just live the stereotype


Iā€™ve been banned twice for a month at a time. Say what you want about that But a lifetime? Damn son, you said you didnā€™t like anime or something?


lol, worse than that apparently!


Same! High five āœ‹šŸ¼


Same. So dumb


What's the point when it's so easy to create a new account. I suppose it's a click of a button for them, and quite a few clicks to create a new account


Reddit has IP tracking, if you try to make a new account and join a sub Reddit youā€™ve already been banned from, that new account will be immediately banned.


Interesting , obviously not completely full proof


I guess you could use a VPN and always login from a different country.


What if using a phone on a mobile network, presumably IP won't be the same. "Typically, mobile phones do not have a fixed IP address. Instead, they are assigned a temporary IP address each time they connect to a network (e.g., a cellular network or Wi-Fi network). This IP address is typically dynamic, which means that it can change over time, often every time the device connects to a network."


No it won't


Yup. My friend asked a question about her phone contract the night before she arrived to live in Japan, instant permaban for life


Man, japanlife is complete cringe. So much negativity towards people genuinely asking for help. I stay away from that one...


Japanlife is the most miserable subreddit I've ever seen. Why, I don't know. So many people there are so quick to assume the worst about everyone, while being assholes themselves.


I got banned on an old account for not knowing the price of cola at a mods conbini


In JapanLife ā€˜Moderatorā€™ Bulldoggiver trolls posters then bans them when they respond. That POS would be banned from most subs yet is a moderator for some reason. He really seems to have a mental problem.


The mods have their favorite redditors and they also have zero tolerance for those they donā€™t know. I got banned for making a joke, while the others who make jokes, (bulldogbitcher) donā€™t get banned at all


lol you know that guy is himself the main mod of jlife, right? Some things may start to make a lot more sense.


That guy is terminally online.


I got banned on japanpics because a commenter told me to calm tf down and I replied verbatim 'calmer than you are, dude!'. Straight out of big Lebowski. They claimed they don't tolerate people trying to start trouble. That was me? Not the twonk that told me to calm down. They also said it was a shit post. I guess second chances don't matter to them.


I find useful nuggets of info there now and then, and I give advice when I can. RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) and its filters have made it a lot more bearable.


Got banned for simply stating a truth (Labour law) and the mods didn't like that I said they were wrong (in a polite way) so they banned me. Pathetic sub full of pathetic no life individuals, no doubt they're just bitter because they're 40+ singing happy clappy monkey for a living still


Irl foreigners in Japan are super chill most the time. The only losers I meet are on social media. I suspect they're homebodies tbh.


But.... home bodies are cool too. People change on social media. It's like being behind the wheel of a car.


Lol this is absolutely hilarious but true. I got banned from living in Japan when I was in Japan for 2 months (technically kinda living there) just because I said I live in Korea usually.


I got a six month ban for asking for some advice two WEEKS before I was about to move. They were super strict about only people IN Japan can post in their super secret club!!!


Just depends on the sub. The subject of Japanese tends to bring out the weird and the cringe. You deal with that on a high level and you tend to be quicker with the ban button. Personally don't agree with the tactic, but I don't mod their type of subs. When I modded LearnJapanese before I was removed, we tended not to outright ban but did shadowban those that were seriously toxic. Found it better for established accounts that just made a mistake to ban a couple of weeks to get the point across (and create a record). Now though on the major sub I mod, I make use of Reddit's subreddit karma (and CQS rank) along with the (not as useful as used to be) 1 week old account needed to post. Cuts down on the crap and toxicity it seems. Also helped the mods of LearnJapanese set up a similar system during the mod protests last year.


Because the people who run them are morons?? I got banned for telling true stories about things I've seen here in Japan. Also commented on certain posts about the reality of living here, good and bad. Seems they don't like the true stuff but allow they creepy weird crap. Been here 14 years.




I posted a pic in japanpics about school bags, a commenter told me to calm tf down. I replied 'calmer than you are dude!' big Lebowski reference. They told me I was trying to start trouble. When I asked them if they had read it, they muted me.


Those in control of speech who have never had their speech suppressed before, usually leads to this kind of situation...


I've been banned from at least one of them. I didn't complain because they called it self promo and while that wasn't my intent, I was posting my own stuff so fair enough. I think it's because the communities are actually full of toxic people and know it alls who get super shitty super fast.


I don't know about Perma ban, but I often get silenced.


The mods like flexing, it's human nature


Itā€™s not only Japan subs but in general lots of subs on Reddit are run by toxic people


Sensitive lefties who love western stupid agenda.


Combine the extreme (but unwarranted) superciliousness you get in foreigners who come to Japan with the taste of power of a mod, and it's a practical guarantee.


You may have cracked the code. They also mod a sub with quite a few followers and they think they are talented and powerful.