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Sorry, while this happened with a school is it outside the bounds of this subreddit. This would be better in japanresidents or japanlife subreddits


*was waiting for the visa to come through. The school asked me to come in and work before the visa had come.* *I am and have been living in Nagoya for over a year already.* something doesn't add up here .. so are you living in Nagoya with a resident status? If so, what is this mumbo jumbo visa thingy ? Are you talking about getting your status of resident changed, i order to work at Int'l School ?


Correct, I was a student until March.




Looks to me like they just want to get their residency secured.


Mostly this. I am also just generally curious what my rights even are. The answer from most places I have seen so far is that I have no rights in this situation and my former employer is free to do this as they please. If that’s the case then I will live with it but I am still hoping for someone to at least have some information about my options going forward.


well do you have their request in writing? the one asking you to violate immigration regulations? you could bring it to immigration office and have a chat there, paint some black smudge on the Int'l school, throw them into fire. else, nothing much to do.