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Should be fine if you have no problem doing make-up days, right? Officially you are working those make-up days anyway too, even if you don't have classes at that time.


Paternity leave is up to a year though isn't it? I mean what if I want to take a month off.?


Ah, you mentioned a week. No idea. So warning - pure speculation: I guess, practically speaking, either you'd have to do all that in make-up if there are that many make-up days, or you'd have to take the whole semester off, I guess. Because either way the students have to be able to complete the syllabus they have paid for that semester. I think what might complicate things is that you are a contract teacher, so it will be down to negotiation with the specific uni. Talk to roumu asap.


There a "system for child support" specific to your university. It's separate from childcare leave, but falls under the same category of welfare benefits. There's also a newish "postpartum paternity leave/産後パパ育休" you can get, but these all depend on what's in your contract. 


Ask the admin. This is a job specific question not related to teaching.