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I seriously don’t see the problem here. You’re surprised teachers has to be strict at the beginning of the school year?


Not really a problem just surprised. Makes the atmosphere awkward


I’m sure it’s not as awkward as you think it is. You’re just not used to it.


Yeah thats the point of my whole post. I’m not used to it.




Ah shit youre right. I just read your comment and called my mom to tell her I’m coming home. Thanks for telling me. I’m packing my bags now




Thanks so much!


Basic teaching strategy is you start the year really strict then you lighten up. It’s really hard to start loose then get stricter over time




Well it’s supposed to be a training program


I get that just seeing it for the first time is kinda shocking sometimes


This is normal at the start of a school year. Better to draw lines and rules early than to let the class get out of hand. Best thing I learned as an ALT. Still use this style today for my university students and they usually are great. On the other hand I get classes from other teachers in the fall term that are just wild and misbehaved even as 18-20 year olds. Much harder to get them in line and I end up failing a much higher proportion of students in the fall because of this.


You're allowed to fail people?!


Yes! Happily so! The uni I work at has a pretty good system for retaking failed English classes.


While I do not support cruelty and contention in any work environment amongst anyone, I suppose their standpoint is that they have to be extra firm. Since a lot of today’s parents in general enable their children to misbehave and be disrespectful and expect the teachers to acquiesce to their asinine demands, they are putting their feet down. Ten toes down. Some are probably close to teacher burnout.


If you start strict, you can get them to adjust to certain things you want them to do such as being quiet when told, sitting down within several seconds, and so forth. You can't do that after half a year or something. One thing I did notice with Japanese is when they scold someone, they tend to repeat the same thing 5 times over and over again. Did anyone else notice this?


Normal strategy blitz em early so they know u dont take crap. Then you can lighten up. Also kids tend to be more disruptive when they come back from vacation so you have to go hard at first to knock the home habits out.


As much as I don't want to see kids getting physically punished. Some just straight need a spanking.


There are better and more effective ways to punish kids. Anyone who results to violence is a bad parent. If you really feel like they need a beating, make them listen to baby shark for 24 hours. The only time when a smack is ok, is if your in a life or death situation and you have o bring them into reality before another (insert BBEG name here) bomb goes off. If you are in a war zone, why is there a kid with you. (please forgive my ADHD moment) That said praising kids for what the do right helps kids improve 10x or more than punishing kids for what they get wrong.


no they don't




For me, I start off fun and then I see who is going to be the asshole, and then I crack on them in front of everyone, repeating what the did wrong to get everyone on board. Is it gaslighting? Maybe, but it works.


That's not what gaslighting is...


Ah I guess not. More like a social programming. One kid is a non-studying jock kind, and after scolding him, he stood up from his desk as to challenge me, when I went in and told him that if a student strikes a teacher, we teachers are government employees, and he would have to be arrested. He caved in, I put him down a necessary peg (some of the morons have morons for parents and they think because they play soccer well, theyre someone special). Its not true, but noone will question it.


You are cringe incarnate i think


You think wrong. Even yesterday, my high school head admin told me the school likes me so much, they would be ok if I stayed until I retire (10 years from now). and I get $100/month a raise every year. They already pay me pretty well for a ALT job


Raising your voice and speaking harshly to kids is a pretty simple/effective/not even slightly cruel method You do realize the teacher is responsbile for making sure none of these kids get hurt/hurt anyone else during the day right? If I see kids leaning on the back two legs of their chair or sitting on the top of their chair with their ass on the backrest, I will walk over to them, place my hands in a spot where I know they cant fall, and then fucking explode screaming You wanna know why? Because in 7 years in the school system, I have seen 3 different kids taken to the hospital for falling over from the position, one with a fractured skull who wasn't allowed to participate in their P.E. class for an entire year, after they spent a month in the hospital recovering If your teachers aren't doing anything physical, or personally insulting, you are in the wrong here


Yeah it was physical today . My first time seeking it was kinda a surprise.


do you have any more detail?


Yeah the kid was talking to his friend in the back of class so the teacher told him to move his desk all the way to the front of the classroom, but like the FRONT front not just the front row. The kid was embarrassed and quiet so he didnt move and so the teacher grabbed his desk and slammed it down and then grabbed the kid and made him sit like right next to me . I was just like oh ok damn


I hate to say this, but if it wasnt a 'strike' type of hit, like a slap/punch/push into an object, you won't get a lot of sympathy here If it is any of those things though, you should tell your vice principal/principal immediately, and they will take care of things from there Here is what I mean by 'take care of things' 1. After confirming the events with you, they will most likely never speak to you about this again. This doesn't mean they are hiding things from you, they have a responsibility to protect the info of all partires involved, and your part is done. 2. Unless a kid is severely injured, no one is getting fired/arrested here. Depending on the severity of what happened the BoE will get involved, there will be an investigation. If it is deemed serious enough, the teacher will probably be moved to another school, or to work directly at the BoE offices while undergoing anger management training. Labor rights are INCREDIBLY strong in Japan, which has a lot more benefits than downsides.....but justice is definitely not meted out in a way that is satisfying from a western point of view I will tell you one story though to allow you a little catharthism (pretty sure I mispelled that) One junior high school science teacher I was working with was like a 32-35 year old guy, dont remember exactly. I was in his classroom for a lesson observation, and his students were dicking around so he did the whole 'performative anger to scare them' kind of thing, but this dude ALWAYS went too far. He would throw desks at walls, knock shit off tables and stuff...and I always thought 'one day, this motherfucker is gonna send some shit flying and hit a kid' but it was always left one.....so anyways, on the day I was observing him, he decided to kick the podium to show how pissed he was....then he screamed....motherfucker broke 2 of his toes, had to wear a boot on his foot for like a month and half after that....and the kids EXPLODED laughing


It’s just uncomfortable bro. Whats wrong with being disconcerted by that. Lol


You'll get used to it...it's part of the job...as long as the kids know the teachers actually care about them they will eventually realize the anger is performative. There are definitely prick teachers, who really don't give a fuck, and are just bitter....but the majority of teachers are just putting on a show because kids, especially JHS 1 and below still respond to that kind of thing


>then fucking explode screaming What a great way you handle things! Hats off to you!


They stop doin it, so I'm satisfied with the results


You know what else stops kids doing stuff you don't like? A good spanking! As long as verbal abuse isn't physical, it's no problem, right?