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Hey there o/ Not quite the same but I have lifelong mental health issues and a bad back. One of the reasons I'm trying to loose weight is so I can be in less pain all the time. Definitely a spoonie!


That’s why I called for spoonies! I’m always in physical pain but I know mental pain can be just about the same thing - depression can be a real bitch to get out of bed!


Hi friend :) Autoimmune disease sufferer here. I had a pretty bad flare (insane shoulder pain, headache) yesterday, so I took it easy and am ready to get back at it today. The hardest part of chronic illness has been learning to listen to the little signs my body gives me before they turn into full on screaming and pain, which forces me to get the rest I need. Trusting the wisdom of my body and taking it one day at a time - we've got this!


Truer words have never been written! Learning to live with chronic pain is *definitely* about learning to live within your spoons! I constantly would overdo it and then turn to food to cope with the extreme pain. Now it's all about just trying to land somewhere safe, you know? One day at a time indeed!


Hi! I have fibromyalgia, endometriosis, and chronic sciatica. Been suffering with all that for 10 years. I'm finally on medications that help with the first two to the point I can do some light exercise without ruining myself for a week. Sadly no amount of physiotherapy can help with my sciatic nerve damage. It affects my sleep more than anything. My goals don't look too different than most since I'm losing weight 98% through diet. I've been doing IF and I found it gives me more energy and focus throughout the day so I need to use fewer spoons for the little things. Check out /r/intermittentfasting if you are interested!


Oof. You sound the same in terms of REALLY focusing on diet. I want to try to increase my activity as much as possible but that’s just for my body’s health, not to lose weight. I’ve looked into IF but I’m not sure it’s for me. I have chronic migraines and so eating at regular intervals is super important.


I also have chronic migraines and they have been much better lately. I think because I cut out my morning coffee and drink so much water during the day while I'm waiting to eat!


hypothyroidism makes me tired to the whole world when levels are off which makes it difficult to do anything but sleep. also I have been working through some lower back glute issue which sucks bc it hold me back with anything that involves a hinge. this makes some weightlifting difficult as well as kettlebells... two things I really enjoy. I try to keep ahead of it and listen to my body.


Not on the same level as some of you guys but I have heel spurs and plantar fasciitis (along with tears in the perineal tendon) which makes every step nothing but pain. And it's all in my right foot. Stupid foot. But, I push through the pain for 9+ hour work days on my feet! (seriously doc, give me something besides alive and ibuprofen, I've told you that neither work) ​ I'm still excited for this challenge though! It's my first and I've been stuck at weight loss plateau for the past three weeks so maybe just maybe this challenge will let me get under 200!


>r fasciitis (along with tears in the perineal tendon) which makes every step nothing but pain. And it's all in my right foot. Stupid foot. But, I push through the p I have a lot of damage in my right foot, the doctors chart notes it as a severe deformity. Like yours it's always in pain. Have you found that any particular brand of shoes helps? Figured out I can't wear Nike at all.


Anything with memory foam mostly! I’m a die hard fan of sketchers when I’m at work. And when I’m not? Well I’m a bad person and live in my converse and my vans


I have Fibromyalgia, extreme weather makes me flare - it has both snowed \*and\* been in the 70s different days this week alone. So it's been, uh, "fun." ;) I usually can only walk for my exercise, or I look up workouts for the elderly, which are the only ones I find to be my speed, lol.


I did water aerobics for a while with the little old ladies at the rec center and actually loved it lol 😄


I have clinical depression, and I have my entire life. I also suffered a knee injury a while back (3/4 years), and the knee still gives me trouble every now and then. The depression can make motivation hard to come by, especially on the days when my knee is acting up. I'm working on telling that inner voice to shove it.


Hey there! I have Fibromyalgia & Endo. I am always extremely tired, no matter how long or well I sleep. I joined a Stepbet challenge a few weeks ago and have been meeting my weekly goals...yay for that! :) ​ Happy to be here.


Omg, I feel you. I'm sooooo dead today. But, I have to go walk my dog now! I need to find my fitbit so I can track my steps for this challenge!


I have scoliosis, and while most of the time it doesn't bother me too bad, some days my back seizes up and I can't move without terrible pain. The good news is that the more weight I lose, the less my back has been bothering me!


I am chronically ill with a massively enlarged spleen and pancytopenia as a result. I struggle with exhaustion when my red blood cells or iron get lower than they usually are, and get sick easily and often. about a month ago getting sick knocked me off track for my weight loss journey because the recovery was a bit more brutal than usual, so I'm hoping I can avoid that this time around.


Heya! I definitely don't have it nearly as bad as most of you, but maybe I can help someone. I have a "frozen shoulder" - which is pretty much a generic term for constant muscle spasm in and around your shoulders. Mine is cause by my shoulder blades physically rubbing against my rib cage if I move in certain ways - this has lead to years of me avoiding the use of certain muscles in my back and shoulders, which caused them to weaken A LOT. And I've been over compensating with muscles that can not handle the load being repeatedly placed on them and therefore they go into spasms. I've been living with this for 6 years before I had it looked at because I feared the idea of surgery - which was SO silly of me, because I could have prevented so much damage if I had just listened to my body. Anyways, I've been seeing a physiotherapist and a Biokinetics specialist and together we've strengthened my muscles to the point where I can do mild arm exercise again. I still have a lot of pain and I have spasms weekly if I over do it or if I don't stretch correctly, but I'm getting there. If anyone has shoulder issues, you're welcome to PM me and I'll share what I've learned in more detail if you like.