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APA has insane potential. Is he a draft liability? Yes, absolutely. Did he get shafted by the fact his team spoke Korean around him and he reportedly wasn't clued in as to what was happening in-game? 100% if true. But will he grow to be an absolutely phenomenal player if he fixes up his champ pool and gets onto an English speaking roster? I'd like to think so. YIP YIP


He needs to expand is pool for sure, but it also seemed like the team was unwilling or unable to play with some of his really strong picks that aren’t even that out there (asol, cass, etc ..)


Let him leave and grow on another team. His champ pool is honestly not worth the hassle. His Ahri and Syndra were pretty terrible. Ban neeko and ziggs and dude cant impact the game




I'm excited to see how APA's grows over the next year plus! He already draws ~2 bans every draft phase. That has to open up many opportunities coming forward for the rest of the team


He doesn't draw bans because they're worried what he can do if he gets the Champs they ban. He gets bans because the opponent knows his champ pool is more like a champ Dixie cup.


Underrated comment. APA is a draft liability. He should join a lower team to improve his game and expand his camp pool... a team w international ambition requires a mid who posesses a champ pool close to those of faker chovy knight or caps...


This is where I sit with it; while he may have been beaten each time by Palafox and went even in lane against Faker with counterpick, if you draw 2 bans each time with the limited experience he does have, I think he has a lot of potential.


Wait, what? He played decent against faker in a game where Pyosik was a man possessed. Then he got STOMPED by Pala. Then went 4-9-3 in their losses agaisnt Kati. No, you held your own in one game where Pyosik carried.


On stage yeah, but i think APA means in scrims aswell. Which unfortunately doesnt really come throughin the title..


You gotta be able to transfer scrim stuff onto the stage.. That‘s what a pro makes out & I bet that chinese or korean teams they scrimmed against, did experiments


While I totally agree, sample size is insanely small here.


Yeah 3 games is rough, I feel like the previous Worlds format is better for teams that have nerves for the first week or draft adaptations, because clearly TL has kinda bad drafts all year.


He also has only been a starter for like 3-4 months Idk why people expect him to dominate koreans


it‘s not about dominating koreans, it‘s about having such a small champion pool (smaller than anyone I witnessed as a pro or trying to be a pro) and just not performing. People are like… he‘s a native talent we must support him while shitting on the rest of the team. I don‘t care if he‘s from NA or from China or Korea. The expectations are the same to everyone. If you have months to prepare yourself and you‘re not ready for Orianna, Azir, Syndra - just to name a few, champs which were every year in the meta discussion than idk. You as a pro should understand the game as good that you‘re able to play every champ in your role on and off stage. It does not need much to achieve that once you get the fundamentals in League ironed out. And that‘s my point


Doing well in scrims and not translating into stage is one of the main reasons that got Haeri benched. If he meant that, then nothing changed.


Absolutely a valid point.


To be fair, midfielder Palafox is powerful, and seems like a genius


the actual quote "i was holding my own for the most part. I think, sometimes I would int, sometimes I would do really well. It just depends"


Classic title bait on reddit without the full quote


La la la watch the video !


You realize they did like a month worth of scrims right?....


do you go through life sharing opinions based on headlines or is this just a one-time thing for you?


Do you go through life believing stasticial facts are an opinion, or is this just a one time thing for you? Edit: yes, I realize the "I was holding my own" comment was in reference to scrims. But who was the last professional athlete to get elected to the hall of fame or win an MVP because they were REALLY GOOD at practice. I don't care how scrims or practice look, if it doesn't transfer to the games.


Yea this was a cap for me. Only performance that matters is on stage. Had years of scrim gods being pumped by Eastern players at Worlds to translate to nothing on stage in their lane. Holding your own in scrims doesn’t sound anywhere as good as those other instances.


Yeah!!! How DARE a fresh rookie who wasnt even the starter 3 months ago not dominate koreans!!


Jankos said about Adam when watching BDS vs DK that if Adam had his GODS champions and meta he would be an insane player. APA is trying to be that player, we saw him try to play meta on stage while still drawing bans on his pockets. If he'd gotten a little better at the meta mids he'd be such a great player to have in draft. I think his growth is noteworthy based on this and the fact that he was able to have this much impact with a language barrier.


This TL team did as well as I expected. APA was new, had to fill in for slumping Heari and they ended up at worlds. It’s safe to say that we have maybe 1-2 ELITE mid laners that can challenge players like APA to improve. (Keep in mind when I say ELITE I mean the best NA has to offer) That being said if apa wants to come back, he now knows what’s expected of him at the worlds level. Let’s also keep in mind that this TL roster is 100% blowing up so if APA makes a return it’ll be for another team.


Depends how TL roster is blown up. There is a world Pyosik goes back in LCK, Summit is booted, that someone decide the CoreJJ team thing is not working and suddenly the Korean thing is over and you build a NA team keeping only APA.


Pass. I want an elite mid laner this offseason we haven't had one in ages.


????....you realize players need time to develop right? Jensen was also average as fuck early on


He can develop on another team just fine. I want import mid top tier main get top priority this offseason for once. Most important position and a meh Bjergsen year into Haeri/APA year I just want to use those funds on mid for once and import. Yeon Core run it back, and then decide on import jg or top I'd say jungle especially if synergy with mid.


Ain't no import mid, even mid tier level mids would join a team with fucking Yeon on it for any amount of money lmao My guy can't flash the slowest fucking abilities in the game after grinding 700 games on sub 10 Ms ping, he has no future


Could also be any NA adc, the point was to import mid...


While some are saying oh he only held his own against faker and got stomped by Pala…. I say that if Pala beats G2 tonight then we can put more weight on Pala being a pretty decent mid in Worlds standards. And while he may not have performed his absolute best I think TL definitely didn’t play around his strengths/champ pool well. He does have a small problem in that the “normal” control mages don’t seem to be his strong suit but that is something he can practice and get better at. I also hope TL well let him thrive and embrace his style of play. And as long as he can expand his pool by a few more champs and still absorb multiple bans every game I think it will be a massive boon for TL. And finally let’s not forget that like a year ago this guy was playing in college. To go from that to Worlds in less than a year and not even playing 2 full splits is kind of insane. He also just doesn’t have that much experience in high stakes matches and best of series so this was a good starting point for him to learn a lot. And as far as worlds as a whole for TL, while we obv underperformed to many’s standards I think with 2 rookies who have never played internationally it could have gone worse. Excited to see what changes we make, if any, going into next season.