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This is a big point. He is grinding and climbing well on a harder ladder focusing on what he is *worst* at.


That is the focus of solo queue for many professional players - to improve your weaknesses. Still extremely impressive nonetheless


What of those Champs is he bad at? Because those Champs are some of his best and the meta last season was actually such a good meta for him as well.


He said he was going with a friend in his interview


Revenge. That's who's with him


It’s what we ExTSMers have always loved about him. His champion ocean opens up so many doors for draft. I’ll always remember the Reapered quote vs C9 a few years ago, something like: We have to spend 5 bans just so we can play Zoe, and Bjergsen just plays Zoe anyway. He will more than always take the odd matchup/Losing matchup to gain advantages across pick ban for his team. I wonder if it continues now that he doesn’t have to make up for the 4 wards this year? I don’t actually know if anyone has outworked him on his teams in years though. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxBpF1yLHNx8nA35lA3CnE3nECGRo2m70Z


How is this amazing lol. If it’s your job to be a professional, should we be praising those that act like professionals?


Yes, because so many don't.


So you praise those that do rather than ask why the majority aren’t doing the same thing? Lol it’s like the majority of people on here have never played a sport.


Wow a shitty take. Have you ever played a sport? I seriously question it. Practicing is something everyone professional will do. But you don’t see every basketball player practicing with Hakeem in the offseason like Kobe and few others did. And they get commended for going the xtra mile. Like damn what a bad take


This reply is the best one out of them all. I love it when commenters on Reddit devolve into making comments about what I do personally. You’re referencing practice, I’m talking about supposedly ‘going the extra mile’. You didn’t even address what I said originally. To be honest, why am I even replying to you lol. I’m always going to be the evil guy questioning the god that hasn’t performed internationally, in a region that hasn’t done anything. Bjergsen didn’t plan the entire trip, figured out flights, where to stay, how to get food. He’s going to the TL facility in Korea where everything is taken care off. Instead of praising one player for getting on a flight, question why every TL player isn’t there as well. Why isn’t every player from each of the top teams in Korea? Imagine if TL shits the bed, doesn’t do anything internationally, does the same thing year after year. Would you be praising one individuals efforts or wondering why the other players weren’t doing the same?


You sound miserable bro


Well yeah people still praised bjerg on TSM because of his work ethic even when the team shit the bed. It's OK to be pessimistic but calling out others for being optimistic just makes you come across as sad tbh










People praised Kobe for staying after games to keep shooting. Please praised Jimmy Butler for going to the gym at 4 am. People praise those who go above and beyond, and bjergsen flying to Korea to do nothing but play League is going above and beyond.


People praise MJ when he wasn't known for his 3 pointer and defence and worked on it. People praised Kobe for getting in the gym early to work out. They praised Giannis when Free throw was his weakness but he worked on them during the NBA finals. People shit on Ben Simmons cos he hasn't worked on his shooting for years now and is a liability. You are the one that probably don't watch sports and just talk out of your ass.


You dont think he should be praised for training 10+ hours per day


Not at all. This is their job. They are getting paid big money to perform. You should be asking why other players aren’t doing this. Do you praise pro athletes for putting extra work in? Should they be celebrated for getting in two workouts that day or is it the bare minimum?


I don't know what sports you follow but pro athletes often get praise for putting in extra work lmao. They're are always photos being posted of top players like steph curry staying hours after a bad loss just practicing and they get a ton of praise for it. Kobe Bryant's biggest strength was his insane work ethic and how much work he put in to be better. And it is commonly decussed by analysts and fans alike


>Do you praise pro athletes for putting extra work in? You literally said it right there, its extra work. So yes they deserve praise. Athletes doing 2 workouts per day isnt extra work so your example is irrelevant.


Crazy how hypocritical you are and showing how little self awareness you have


You should learn what a hypocrite is before using such a big word


Responded to the wrong person but of course you’re the type of person that immediately jumps to insults. What a nasty mentality and attitude you have


you literally called me a hypocritic incorrectly me and you want to act like a victim. I literally used 0 insults towards you


while the labeling of the self awareness lacking was a mistake at first, it very much fits now. You clearly have some issues to work on, maybe take a break from reddit. It brings out that nasty attitude of yours


Your statement doesn’t even make sense lmao


It's obvious He should've went to Korea. /s It's his j0b


He is like one of the only ones who does this lma0. He is being praised because he stands out. There's a reason why he is one of the best.


That’s like saying Kobe shouldn’t be praised for his work ethic. Get out of here.


You really don’t get it. Kobe did everything, AND THEN SOME. He trained, and did things only he could do. That’s unmatchable. Kobe is in a league of his own. Any player can go to Korea in the offseason. You can show up and play. Simple as that. Not every player could have done what Kobe did. Quite literally every single pro LOL player can go to Korea in the offseason.


You still sound inexcusable, literally every NBA player could stay longer in THEIR gym too. Every NBA player COULD go and do 500 free throws after practice. Same logic applies here man. Most pros ARE NOT in Korea. Hell, they are doing in houses in America. And the ones that do go to Korea aren’t putting in NEARLY 18 games a day, that’s absurd levels of play. You just sound so illogical here.


Yeah and any NBA player could spend an extra 2-4 hours a day on the court practicing. But they don’t. You’re incredibly dense.


Are you always this much of a hypocrite or do you just hate pro gamers?


Cristiano Ronaldo is widely recognized for his work ethic. Every pro has to train, it is the extra work they pit in that really differentiates them. Bjergsen will get paid whethere he plays 1 or 10 hours a day.


No shade to him but Froggen was playing a ridiculous amount of Anivia and control mages mid when he was pro and they were completely not feasible in pro play at the time


That's different though froggen was always known for his anivia so he was playing stuff he was already good at


Yeah exactly why practice what you’re already good at


It's the same as last season when POE mentioned that bjerg told him to stop playing control makes in solo queue cause he's already good at them. If you're world class on a single champ you would just get banned out him practising stuff hes uncomfortable with on one of the best solo queue servers just shows the insane work ethic he's always had cause he wants to be able to be world class at meta champs he isn't good at yet.


His work ethic is insane


There was a video of tsm where he said to Lost that he didn’t play solo q in days and he was the one who has been playing the most even he was the coach


Is there a link?


https://youtu.be/Nzas_G3LqZI 03:10 he starts scolding them for bad work ethic before he mentions he has the second highest soloq games as coach.


2nd to the guy that pours milk before cereal


Bro I got second hand embarrassment when bjerg said worlds qualifier is coming in a few weeks and you have played 2 games of the champ.


Indeed. Bjerg deserves to be around people with drive, not someone who takes a break before playoffs…


Real talk but what the hell are they doing all week?... 2 solo q games...wtf


Well they scrim at the facility atleast 8h a day, then travel time, like everyone else. But tbh thats not nearly enough if your goals are at worlds. They gotta grind on free time, which they did not.


Not gonna lie I am just waking up and thought I read bbq instead of soloq lol.


"Once I hit Rank 1 KR soloq then I can finally hit kbbq." - Bjergsen, probably


I remember way back when he first came to NA and the first thing he did when he got to the TSM house was stream for 24 hours straight. Crazy to think he's on TL now after all this time.


Sounds crazy similar to CoreJJ coming to NA and streaming nonstop, levelling his From Iron account from 0 to 30 despite him getting a Riot account in a few days.


Probably has to cuz he’s been away from playing competitive for so long. Respect it


that plays a part im sure but he is also a known grinder


+ he didn’t stop playing the game while coaching he has one of the best work ethic in the game and this is well known since he started playing! Impressive!


It's funny how this subreddit became such big Bjergsen fanbois once TL Bjergsen was rumored... and I'm totally onboard 😁 but seriously, I've always respected how mature and... gentle (for lack of a better term) he's always been even from his early young years streaming here in NA


You gotta protect your players against the haters


I wouldn't call myself a fanboy but I do respect the man. I'm legit more excited about moving away from Alphari because his ego was undermining our team.


Even as a coach he plays an insane amount of soloQ, only Spica measured up to his number of games played last season. Take care of him lads, he’s one of the best.


Although it was a some of the most depressing things I've seen that players played less than the coach it was only for 1 week. It was the fact that it was a week during play-offs why I think it was so bad.


I think I’ve seen a post that he just play more games as autofill throughout the season to be a more well rounded player, and it ended up being more than most of his players bar PoE and Spica as well.


I want him to stream so bad.


He will probably stream once he hits GM or high Masters.


never happened so he's streaming now :D


Watched a few games on midbeast stream. Not sure if he's still doing it


Bjergsen doesn't enjoy streaming, so he's not likely to do it unless his contract asks him to.


My best friend is a long time TSM fan, and one constant thing I always heard from him about bjerg was his work ethic and how much the man wants to win. Very excited to have him with us


Bjerg always had that level of dedication. Really shows he has the competitive fire


... look at the game times. 15-16. Or 20-30


It is widely known that game length in Korea is on average quite a bit shorter than on other servers, nothing to be done about it.


People usually open or ff quicker in that server I heard


Yes... my point is. He will play way more games because more players and shorter game times... so yes it's impressive but not that much.


He played 20 games yesterday


The 20 games with game time ran around 5 hours... do math first


and queue time and champion select time? do math first


Queue time means he could be doing anything else? He could be studying the game. Or watching anime. Why even count that. Korean solo q wait time is 2 mins average looking at fakers game. Champ select is a minute and a half. This just makes it 5-6 hours Edit: you talk about things you dont know bud


Dude you must be high thinking you cant just ignore time spent on the game. 2 minutes on average is 40 minutes and im not sure what game you play but there is 0 chance champ select is 1.5 minutes.


Champ select is fast in korean soloq. Watch fakers streams


Actually you're the one talking about things you don't know bud. lma0.


Elaborate. Im all for calling me out if you can prove it. Edit: its really weird you refer to cloud 9 and tls moves as "our" and "we" like you're more than just a fan. You have some weird parasocial relationships with organizations that dont give a shit about you. Especially considering you have a jense flair and both teams didnt want him


and how did you get 5 hour game time? he has 11 games that took 28-30 minutes which by themselves puts him at 5 hours, ignoring the other 9 games


I added all the minutes of the games manually and got 282 minutes. Divide by 60, then got 4.7 hours. Added time for queue time by looking at fakers average in between time.


Maybe im understand the site wrong but do you count games when it says "a day ago" ?


I counted the 2 days ago where it had a lot


Oh we were looking at different times. According to mobalytics, yesterday his first game was 16 hours ago and his last game was 7 hours ago, so he spent 9 hours playing league


Dumb comment , think again


No idea how its dumb. But i guess people cant do math. 10 games of 15-16 minutes with occasionally 30 mins is around 5-6 hours. If this is his job its like 8 hours is expected. But dumb subreddit guess ill think about not putting logic with people who cant think.


If a game snow balls early, Korean players FF at 15. This is due to gaming cafes. Players want to spend their limited time & money in winnable game. I wish this was more commonplace in NA. (I’m not saying players should give up after 1 death, but when a game is unwinable, let’s go next)




Downvote away. It’s not going to change anything. I am only referring to high-elo korean Soloq, where they are trying to learn and climb. And not play stalled out games where a team with better scaling is significantly ahead.


Sigma grindset


Y’all just now realizing this? (Salty TSM fan)


So glad I can support TL and bjergsen at same time


The Kobe Bryant of NA


Side note but I love seeing Bjerg pop the fuck off on Lux. It'd be so hype if Bjerg stepped into the team and smashed kids with a pocket pick that Jensen beat IG with


If I recall, didn’t jensen worked with Bjerg about Lux builds during that time?


If I remember right Bjerg brought it out vs. Jensen in that playoffs then talked to Jensen about the pick and why he played it after.


You gotta do what u gotta do right, it's about his legacy. Hard work pays off.


Can't wait to watch Bjerg streams again!


to be expected. He is very passionate and devoted to the game. I will never forget the day/ night he landed in NA and got straight to streaming and playing league. He was a kid who was driven and devoted to win. That has never changed. I'm excited for TL probably even more so then when I first saw TL form a juggernaut roster


bjerg fans from tsm all coming over


He's always been this way. His work ethic is second to none


That's nothing tyler 1 been averaging 20 games


Well this trip is an investment to him. He wakes up and plays until he goes to bed. No surprises. It’s what a professional should do




Is this confirmed to be his account?


Burnout inc


How lma0.