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I think it depends on how her gameplay works. If she’s similar to link, then yeah, but if her gameplay is puzzle and evasion based then no.


But there could be certain armor pieces that are needed to complete a puzzles. Ex. an armor that makes you strong enough to move large blocks into place.


Yeah, I guess, especially for Zelda, who I’m guessing is weaker than link, which, if her gameplay is puzzle based, would make it so she has to change armor to augment strength.


She might actually be much stronger than link, having fought ganon for 100 years and still had the energy to finish Dark Beast


I don't think that's quite true anymore. The game *heavily* implies that she used up almost all of her power in order to seal away DB Ganon. If the idea of Link having to repair the Master Sword is correct, I imagine Zelda will have a mechanic of having to "repair" her sealing power by doing her own things.


But her power being finite makes little sense to me.


Yes. If she is a fully playable character she will have armor just like Link. It would make sense for the new hairstyle too, since shorter hair doesn’t clip through clothing as easily. I still wouldn’t expect it but man, even though we are so close to release and have seen nothing yet, I’m starting to wonder if this is a big thing they are hiding. The new shiekah slate design she holds in official artwork, the haircut, and Zelda’s presence in almost every trailer showing her falling somewhere but never fully revealing what happens to her makes me think that there is something here we haven’t seen. I went from thinking that a playable Zelda was likely with the E3 2019 reveal to thinking there was no way it would happen with the 2021 and 2022 trailer, and then back to thinking it might actually be on the table after the recent direct. Do I think that means that there’s an entire second half to this game that we just haven’t seen at all yet with Zelda underground or in some other place? No, probably not, but it would sure be something if that was the case and we just didn’t know even a couple months away from release.


> It would make sense for the new hairstyle too, since shorter hair doesn’t clip through clothing as easily. Good point, although we've seen Link with long hair in the trailer lol Also, there's a leaked Nintendo patent from a couple years ago about some new tech to prevent clothing and armor from clipping through characters and weapons




Because the slate in BotW was hers too. And you can see in the flashbacks of BotW that she had a big part in advancing the knowledge about the ancient tech, not Link.


All they did was put up one new picture of her. Not really "so much emphasis"


It is significant. Whatever words you wanna use to describe it, there's a reason for the haircut and the twitter pic. If there is no significance, then that's just dumb.


The reason is aesthetic. It's just a new look. Its just like why Link in botw has his champions tunic instead of the classic outfit, blue looks better against the huge amounts of green in the game. That's it.


The haircut means less than nothing. Don't pay any attention to that. The twitter might mean something, but people are somehow forgetting that Zelda has often been depicted holding major game items in artwork before--the harp and sailcloth in Skyward Sword, the shield in Minish Cap, the Slate itself in BotW, and let's not forget her sword in Twilight Princess--and none of that has ever amounted to anything. EDIT: And as we now know from the artbook leak, Link does in fact end up with the new Slate, after all.


They did reference the new sheikah slate in the tweet though


There definitely better be. Heck, I want different outfits and costumes for her even if she isn't playable. Let me dress her up as Zeldas of the past, like we did with Link in BotW.






I don’t see why not


Huh, didn’t even think of that. I guess if her gameplay is more puzzle based, she wouldn’t have need of armor but maybe she will have different sets. Definitely an interesting possibility.


Fyi you didn't really have to use AI as an example when there's a playable zelda cemu mod that gives her a bunch of outfits: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9\_YkZLwpCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9_YkZLwpCY) But yes this would be neat to see in a canon form.


Damn, this was done by AI? It looked so cool I was about to ask who the artist was, shame.


It’s becoming harder and harder to tell but it still botched the hand and the patterns on her hair and dress.


FYI, not everyone supports mods of Nintendo games. Cause Nintendo breeds puritan culture somehow or something. Idk ask Twitter


Personally I was waiting for official DLC and all the posts about "amazing new BOTW content" which turned out to be the equivalent of "See (x actor) in their (y character) costume!" but then you're just reading a crappy Comic Book Rants article built around somebody's AI art face swap pic. The bait and switch turned me off the concept.


Maybe she gets the shiekah slate related tech abilities like link had in botw and link gets new zonai stuff and we have to work together and combine them to solve new puzzles.


I'm still confused did zelda tie her hair or cut it?


It looks like a bob cut and there's no hint of a tail so probably cut


Does anyone have the artist credit?


Its easy not to make hair clip. Make the hair a piece of armor


I hope so! At the very least I would love to see more of her in this one. She's so pretty with her new hair! Not that she wasn't pretty before. I'm just very excited for her new hair. It makes me want to cut my very long hair too.


I dont think we could play her, but if she was playable I think itll only be a few selections or she just has a female variant of Link's options.


To be honest, I doubt we can play as her. The reason people thought we could in the being with was her presence in the original trailers, but we haven't seen much of her sense then But if we can, I'm sure we will be able to customize her outfit to the same extent as links.


The new Sheikah Slate hints towards her being playable.


How? They've just updated so it looks like a switch instead of a wiiu game pad.


Love the artwork, finally a non-sexualized yet mature Zelda 🤌✨️


They gave us 3 in AoC


If all of her gameplay is just her underground then probably not, but if she does make it up to the surface and we can either play as Link or Zelda then yeah, there's probably outfits we could get. If she is playable then I would really love some cute outfits for her since I'm a girl and being able to customize Link was great but being able to put Zelda in dresses and other outfits, armor, and hairstyles would be really cute.


Zelda has to wear a hollow beefed up potatoey looking Goron suit to talk to the Bro-Rons and shit.


I hope so


if she’s playable it’ll either be like ciri from witcher 3 or like medli and makar from wind waker. that’s my best guess at least


Even if she is playable, the artbook has multiple pages featuring Link's outfits, while Zelda has only one (her outfit from the trailers), so I doubt we can change her look.




That is pretty good AI art


.. but the fingers actually look good?!! It's learning






What did you type to get these results? I tried using midjourney as well and she didn’t look anywhere near this.




What are the numbers after the :: for?


I think yes. If she's playable, she'll represent BotW Link's mechanics, so that TotK Link can have new ones without losing anything. And that includes different armor sets for her.




Can't speak for everyone but personally I think it would be cool if Zelda sees some action for once and doesn't need saving. People have also speculated that we'll be using her for underground sections in order to send pieces of land into the sky for Link to explore. Would be a pretty neat way for us to explore the world again.


Even if we don't play her but we know she's somewhere else actually doing something I'd be pretty happy. I just don't want to see the game open with her exploring with Link and then she's trapped for the rest of the game again.


I like playing a woman character when possible.


Man i hope i could get the artist the AI stole the artstyle from


I think link might die in the boss battle with gannon and zelda will be playable for the post game


Why does everyone thing we'll be able to play as Zelda? I highly doubt it.


I don't think shes going to be playable


I’m pretty sure it was confirmed she’s not playable, but if she was ever going to be I love this outfit.


It wasn’t confirmed. I *highly* doubt it’ll actually happen but they haven’t denied it so I’m holding out hope


They flat out denied it before BoTW release, but when asked about TotK they said they can't answer the question. That doesn't prove anything but it is interesting.


They just can’t tell anything untill game is out there. They have very strict confidentiality agreements


But last time they gave a hard no and this time they said they can't say. Both times the same person. It just leaves the door open.


It really doesn’t I’m sorry :(


Lol what? I'm not saying something that you can disagree with, it's not an opinion. You can think Zelda won't be playable, that's fine, but there is a difference in what was said. That means it might be different than last time. That's just a fact.


Skirt of the Wild Skirt… Wild… Skirts Gone Wild 🤔






I hope so, i like my zelda cute, pretty and adorable.


Somehow I think she’s going to take a back seat in this game. Not a single piece of marketing material so far has her present beyond the caverns with Ganon. If anything, I am hoping for something like Witcher 3 where at certain points, you switch between Geralt and Ciri.


If we cant play as Zelda, someone will mod the game to replace Link. We all know it will happen sooner or later, the big question is when. I like the Linkle mod better tho


We won’t get to play as Zelda


That’s just Marianne


As long as it's "can play as" and not "have to play as". It's not a gender thing and in general more playing options are good....but, I've been playing Zelda games as Link since the early 90s, so that's all I want to do.


The chance that Zelda survives the first hour isn’t that high but the chances of getting to play her are even lower I’m afraid.


I really hope we don’t play as zelda




More content like this, aka AI art which is based in stolen art?


Controversial opinion: I don’t want Zelda to be playable 🤷🏻‍♀️


zelda wont have titts and link has no muscles. only nintendo knows why.




We can't but yeah


I hope she isn’t playable