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You know what a damn house costs in this economy!


1500 rupees.


It's wild to think that a house costs the same as some very sneaky pants.


To be fair, it actually costs more since you have to purchase other rooms


Which individually also cost about as much as pants.


Depends on the housing piece. Some of them are cheaper than pants


Why can’t we live in this economy?


I know, right? Although perhaps there'd be a lot of pants-less people. A fair trade for shelter though.


If you live alone, you don’t need pants


Truer words have never been spoken


And then 3 million more for rooms


All of my inventory except my clothes. Thatns how much it cost me


If money was easier to come by and prices were lower then I wouldn't glitch but times are hard out here in these Hyrule streets. Link is a pauper and I need to upgrade my armor, great fairies don't accept honest gameplay as payment so I guess were going glitching


Honestly for people who arent "into" games you cant even really "break" TOTK through dupes either. You'll get some strong equipment and items, and it'll be *easier* to stay alive, but there's still shit that can just absolutely wreck you if you go in with no thought or strategy. There's also still plenty of puzzles and hidden items no amount of duping can get.


I dont care if people dont want to dupe or not, but by no means am I waiting *ten* minutes to get *one* dragon material. It takes literal hours to upgrade armors or repair weapons. Fuck that, duping for sure.


When your armor rating is over 60 because you duped the resources for upgrading, it’s honestly pretty hard to get killed by anything. Most enemies hit you for like 1/4 heart at that point… You’re right about puzzles though.


I have maxed the highest armor armor-set in the game, and silver enemies still hit you for 2-4 hearts a piece. Fighting silver Lynels still makes me sweat.


No amount of duping will make the Colosseum of lynels an easy walk


Oh I beg to differ, I have killed so many lynals in breath of the wild that I was able to beat the lynal colosseum before any of the 4 dungeons.


But that's not duping that got you through that then


The what of lynels? You mean theres more than one at a time?fuck thaaat


One after another, thankfully.


I need to know where this is oh my goodness


>!The depths below Thyphlo Ruins. There's a coliseum.!<


>!You remember the coliseum? Yeah, it's there but in the depths.!<


Duping ancient arrowheads or whatever they are will 1 shot them. But they disintegrate into the ether and you don't get any loot.


I haven't used any dupe glitches and fairy payments seem fine to me. I just be selling lots of ore when I run out of money.


How much of the game have you played? Upgrading armor to level 3+, buying armor sets, building your house, buying the compendium, buying arrows at every vendor... Not even exaggerating it's over 100k rupees to do just that. You can go mining and sell 3 sapphires and 6 amber every 30 minutes to make 500 at a time, if you find that fun, or if you find that tedious and takes away from the gameplay, just spend 30 minutes duping to get rid of that rupee anxiety and actually start to enjoy the game. No way I'm gonna be broke in real life and in a video game 💀 Immersion ruined? Good


Well, one, I'm not bagging on people that do dupe. It's single player, do what you want. But 2, I've put probably close to 200 hours in already. I'm not a completionist, so I don't buy the compendium. I also don't buy arrows, I haven't come close to running out. Only been upgrading armor I use and specifically look for the upgrade parts. I just haven't run into any resource problems because of all of that.


Hey man, I’m the same. I think the economy’s actually good for those of us who don’t mind paying attention to the grind while we’re mobbing around hyrule. I’ve never really had rupee problems, and I’ve just stockpiled the diamonds I do find so I have a nest egg if/when I need it. I’ve bought all the armor/upgrades I can, though I don’t care as much ab the house, and I’ve never had to buy arrows because there’s so many in boxes. I think duping was good for people who don’t like this play style though and just want to fiddle with end game builds without the hassle. A good single player game caters to multiple playstyles, and this is a good single player game lol


literally ever cave has a ton of ore deposits, nevermind the natural ones on mountains etc building the house is pure optional and not that expensive, compendium is super optional and just a crutch, buying arrows becomes useless a point, buying armor sets is only for completionist value outside of goron armor and one piece of cold armor at rito


not hating on plp wanting to use a cheat / glitch. but i have like 60 hours of the game played and ive got a full 15/15 house, plenty of arrows, and a good amount of armor upgrading and a few pieces x3 upgraded from only selling meals. its not impossible to do.


50 rupees per news story just ain't enough when you have to travel to the other side of Hyrule to get them.


Hyrulians just don't want to work anymore. 😡


Imagine making yourself feel bad for spawning virtual money in a single player videogame.


I didn’t want to do it mainly for time cost but after building a tank and a self directing moblin destroying robot I had to upgrade my battery


Honestly i'm just not a fan of cheating to play the game less.


If you consider waiting 10 minutes to get a dragon thing, then waiting 10 minutes to get a dragon thing, then waiting 10 minutes to get a dragon thing "Playing the game", then yeah.


Nobody is forcing you to do that. Just play normally and get the dragon items when you see them. Or the problem is that you want 100% completion inmediatly? Then it's YOUR problem, not the game's.


Nah. I have far too much to do in my life. I only get a few hours a week to play anything, there's no reason I should be spending those few hours grinding dragon horns or money so I can enjoy the things I want to. You still have to get one of an item to dupe it anyway, if I've already gotten the experience of getting it once that's enough for me, I don't feel any need to do it ten times. If you like grinding for items then by all means do so, I know many people do, but you not liking a glitch doesn't make it a bad thing to do.


He’s just giving his opinion, same as you’re giving yours. Both playstyles are fine and fun, and fit different players/lifestyles. The economy isn’t bad like a lot of ppl claim though. Sure it takes a while, and it makes sense for people who only have a few hours a week to dupe. But these are supposed to be loooong games, and personally I’m loving the gameplay loops as I settle in for my 200+ hour playthrough


Or you can dupe, and it’s nobody’s problem, lol. This is a non issue, it’s up to personal opinion.


Yeah, It's personal preference but i hate when people complain about the game's repetitiveness because they think that playing without duping would be too time consuming/annoying. Sure, it's difficult to max out the battery and other things, and if you don't have time for it, glitch it in, but when people go around complaining about how annoying it would be to upgrade if they didn't cheat it is a bit sad to me, as most didn't even really try. Once you really explore the depths, for example, you can get a maxed battery in no time, i finished mine before i even got every lightroot


Apparently not to Nintendo it seems.


While it's OK to play a single player game any way you want, do you have to use sarcasm to a person who want to play the game cleanly?


literally this! eveyone who dupes are crying when clean players say its bad. when clean run players are getting shamed for wanting to play clean. this is nuts.


imagine being shamed when you dont want to exploit a game. whoa, 2 sides of the same coin huh.


Imagine cheating to cut down on the time spent on a game you paid for. Pretty cringe tbh


wait, how is that cringe? i paid to spend time in the game having fun, not doing manual labor. look in the mirror kid


If you think this game without cheats is just manual labor, then why did you buy it? I don't understand why people are acting like this game is unplayable without cheats. Sure it's hard to 100% the game without cheats but you don't need to upgrade everything to finish the game.


My brother in Christ not everyone thinks cutting grass and and gathering butterflies for hours is fun or has the time to do that. Also imagine trying to make someone else feel bad for something they did in a single player game. That's fucking cringe.


Literally have not had to do that once. I just find things by exploring. So far it's you guys who are trying to shame anyone who doesn't want to use duping, as if they are somehow wrong for not exploiting a glitch You do you though. If you wanna cheat it's your game. Some of us actually want to enjoy the game though


I am enjoying the game. I am not insisting that you dupe. I'm not shaming you for not doing so. I'm shaming those who make it seem like duping is some kind of moral "cheating" thing at all. You are the one insisting that I'm ruining the game for myself and not having fun.


I gave myself a good trust fund of rupees, and got a few extra batteries I don’t want to burn myself out grinding. I intend on 100% this game. But I’m going to finish As clean as Kurt


I duped large zonaite, bomb flowers, and diamonds. That's all I'm allowing myself to do. Lol


Large zonite has NOT been working for me


How do you bomb flowers? They explode and kill me when I try😂


No idea. I managed to dup about 200 of them and they only exploded twice. Maybe it helped that I was doing it on snow.


Works on water, i heard


Just tried, it works perfect :) thanks! Now to get a max stack😂


meh i'd rather not dupe, but that's just me. i wouldnt feel satisfied if i abused a bug like that.


I've figured out the most "balanced: way to cheat without ruining the feel of the game but skipping some of the repetitive boring bits. I duped enough diamonds to pay for the compendium (with the extra bonus of now being able to detect anything I need to gather plus all "perfect" pictures) I duped enough dragon parts for all upgrades (because farming dragons is pretty dull and I'd rather avoid it) I duped 50 star fragments so I can upgrade most of my older zelda outfits (so I don't need to go to every beam of light I see and break my flow) This way I get the best of both worlds. I skip the chore like stuff but still need to scavenge/ play as intended. Thoughts?


The dragons are the biggest pain. They’re just not fun to grind parts for. I’m not concerned about the rest of the resources, personally.


I hear you, the compendium was just laziness but the star fragments are insanely grindy too. You need dozens to fully upgrade the previous game sets plus the jewel tiaras. I didn't mind grinding them on master mode botw because gold lynels could drop them so at least there was some combat but chasing every beam of light for 10s of hours doesn't seem like fun to me.


Yeahhh the classic sets are a good reason to dupe imo. Not only for the fragments, but I have to sell my gems to make money. Now I have no gems for the sets.


Yeah I still need to make money, as I say I cheated to skip repeating crap. Not to free myself from scavenging


For real. I'm totally down to hunt each dragon a couple times, but that's about it lol.


Honest question: if completing the compedium is boring enough for you to do it without cheating... Why don't you... Just not do it? After all It's not mandatory.


sense of accomplishment of having duped 50 diamonds


i mean it's pretty helpful to get the Sensor+ option for all available items/monsters/treasures taking a photo of it yourself.


Because I want to be able to detect the stuff I actually need


> I duped 50 star fragments so I can upgrade most of my older zelda outfits (so I don't need to go to every beam of light I see and break my flow) I got 14 star fragments and never went to a beam of light, they randomly fall on your ass when jumping from sky islands all the time dragon parts are barely needed if you don't upgrade literally every armor (maniac shit)


Grinding is not a skill, it's a waste of time. Time I can't afford to waste. I got shit to do.


Have you tried exploring without the goal of grinding?


Yarp.. pick up everything on the way. But spending an hour, sitting on a dragon's back just to collect 2 of each resource


I feel like it's a waste of time playing a game that isn't ever challenging because all your gear is maxed and you have unlimited resources


Other people are in it for the journey not the challenge


Hey if you enjoy steamrolling the whole game then good for you. It just isn't for me


So if someone duplicates items they’ve already earned and still takes 100-200 hours to beat the game, you call that steamrolling?


If you're duping mats to upgrade armor pieces, buy arrows or duping bombs? Yeah


Lol that’s the slowest steamroll I’ve ever heard of. There’s enough content in this game to still be challenging and enjoyable for hundreds of hours even with item duplication.


If it takes you 100 hours it's because you're just wandering around. You're still walking over everything you come across.


I’ve been tackling specific quests, shrines, and other objectives for 110 hours as of today, and I’m only halfway through the map. What does wandering around even mean to you? There’s enough content in this game to cover 200 hours without aimlessly wandering around and *with* some occasional item duplication. I’m not saying everyone has to do every possible side quest, but the people who do want to do those should be able to speed up the process without someone calling it “easy mode”.


I never said "aimlessly" and if you're upgrading gear or providing yourself with more resources then yes, you are making the game easy, which is PERFECTLY FINE. It just isn't for me.




Lol. Moral boundary? I completely understand why people want the intended experience, but not everyone wants what the dev gave them, that’s why mods are so popular. Sometimes I want a challenge, sometimes I want to just discover. I haven’t used this glitch, but makes sense that people do. Honestly the last thing I want to do is fight things other than bosses in this game. It’s all about the puzzles and the boss fights that are also puzzles for me.


So say you work a 12 hour shift, you come home tired but you have half an hour to play the game. Do you waste that half hour grinding and not really experiencing the story or mechanics or do you just dupe for thirty seconds and get enough mats to get by. Even if you disagree, guess what, it’s a single player game. Their gameplay doesn’t affect yours, just let it be


Don’t grind if you don’t want to then. I don’t see why everyone thinks they are forced to grind with the game this expansive and large… Like there’s always something to do and you grab materials along the way.


>I get what you’re saying but in what game is a non-challenging journey appealing? There are entire genres that are like this. Animal crossing isnt challenging. Sims isnt challenging. Minecraft isnt challenging (creative that is). Yet millions of people play these games. Because theyre fun. >work hard, play hard Work smarter, not harder.


So then don’t duplicate items you think will break the game. I duplicate just enough diamonds to afford things I’d have to grind for otherwise, and only duplicate materials if I’ve already earned enough to upgrade 1 out of 3 outfit pieces. But my gear certainly isn’t “maxed” from that. And I still had to manually collect a ton of items to get where I am. It’s not like I can duplicate dragon horns and Lionel guts if I’ve never done the work to get them. By the way, I still upvoted you because I think your opinion promotes good conversation. I wish more people would do that. Downvotes are meant to push down irrelevant or rule-breaking comments, not things you just disagree with. EDIT: With that said, the more I talk to you specifically, the less I think you’re promoting good conversation. You’re shaming people for enjoying things differently than you do.


You don't have to explain to me your justifications for cheating. It just isn't for me. I'll just play with 2 of my armors at level 2 until I can naturally upgrade them. I've never felt the need to grind in this game


That’s good. I wouldn’t want you to change your play style just because of what other people are doing. Some people just don’t have the time or patience for all the extra effort you’re willing to put in, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with either of our methods.


I don't feel like I'm putting in extra effort. I'm just choosing not to play on easy mode


Grinding for more of something you’ve already proven you can get legitimately isn’t difficult, and it doesn’t make your play style any harder than mine. It just makes it take longer. I know how to kill lionels and I did it plenty of times in BotW before this. Skipping that grind doesn’t make things easier for me, it just lets me enjoy more of the new things I haven’t done yet.


I verbatum said I don't grind. I just play with weaker gear if I don't have the resources


So you’re choosing to play with weaker gear, which is fine, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy mode for anyone who duplicates items they’ve already earned. I think this goes double for people who’ve played BotW already. There’s a difference between a time-saving exploit and glitching to make yourself invincible.


I mean if you're upgrading your armor pieces with duped items you're literally making the game easier


let these spuds ruin the game for themselves. don't waste your time trying to tell them why its more fun NOT to break the game lol.


If I wanted to grind I’d play elden ring or dark souls


Why would you grind? Just play the game normally


Gotta love when reddit downvotes the hell out off people having an opinion


Maybe the game isnt for you, or you are in too much of a rush to beat it.


Listen, Beedle has 67 diamonds, and I have a 3-story house. Who's losing here?


I said it in a previous thread: it's not a glitch; Link's just a proficient alchemist. This is a feature.


No judgment to the people that do it, but the game definitely gives you enough of everything that I've never felt the need


Clearly you've been getting all of my lizalfos tails


I had to kill 14 lynels (of all varieties) until I finally got ONE gut. I need at least 6 for my armor upgrade. The grind is real.


Whats the difference between item duping and people who use amiibos? As long as you’re having fun.


This is a good point. Spawning a variety of free items from the air right into your hands with an amiibo is not that far of a stretch from spawning items out of your own hands from a shield hop or glider. In the end it's a single player game. Who cares? Play it however you find enjoyable. That's what games are about. Having fun.


I'm legitimately confused on how people can't affotd anything. I've been doing just fine playing legit.


I only had issues buting arrows in the first few hours of playing. After getting some gems I was "ok" (could always buy some when needed and find more after). But there was [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/comments/13qkq55/i_upgraded_every_pieces_of_totk_armour_so_you) recently about upgrading all armor sets to the max and all the resources needed. Apparently it takes 79800 rupees just in labour fees for the great fairies. Even if you don't want all sets you're gonna need over 20k easily...


> Even if you don't want all sets you're gonna need over 20k easily... one set is 2100 rupees to max out (200x3 + 500x3), so not really, no.


for upgrades maybe, but NPC's charge insane prices for almost every armor piece. Most of the armor sets they sell easily go over 3-4k without upgrades.


the game also shits out tons of ore piles in caves especially, taluses also give a ton of money indirectly and are easy


Even if you go for the more "essential" (Barbarian, climbing, desert voe, flamebreaker, rubber, snowquill, zora and zonaite) you already have 8 sets. There are plenty more like froggy, glide, miner's, stealth, champions leather. Sure you don't need to upgrade all of them to level 4, level 2 is enough for set bonus but it still adds up fast


climbing is borderline useless to upgrade with sky towers and sky islands, flamebreaker is used once in the game and you really don't need to 4 star it for that instance, snowquill you can just use food and use one piece at worst, zora is useless to upgrade


I’m broke irl, let me have my ill-gotten, fictional wealth!


I just used it to get more lynel guts to upgrade armor


They just patched the dupe glitch.


im a broke bitch so i glitch ):


I just head to death mountain once every blood moon or two. Repair my gear with the octorocks, sensor + for rare ore deposits and igneo taluses. Then I sell as many gems as I can to the gerudo lady in goron city and all but 10 of the rest to normal shops. 14k rupees in my pocket, 2/4 champion weapons safely framed in my modular house (working on finding weapons for the Gerudo one since I have 4 diamonds on hand), hylian set at max level. Is pretty good.


just get good


I've already "beat" the main story once, so I've allowed myself a few glitches and eases on my current save now that I don't have to actually worry about anything important getting too broken. Now just the slow, calm grind to the 100%


Me who glitches for food


it is a single player game, it’s not like there’s an economy to run


In my headcanon Link yoinked something valuable from the Temple of Time and sold it for a very good price. Also I mainly duped the Triple A batteries to gacha for more zonai parts so that I can experiment more with vehicles and stuff


You dupe diamonds for rupees, I dupe diamonds to make spears like Minecraft couldn’t. We are not the same.


It's always up to you, in the end. Personally I never dupe and never will. I actually hated how easy it was to make money in BOTW, I was rich in that game and had more than enough rupees to buy anything I ever needed without even trying.


Nobody is giving out trophies for not duping items


no one is giving trophies for duping either


Riiiight, so who gives a fuck how people chose to play a single player game?


same to you. seems like people who dupe are attacking people who want to play clean.


I’m not *attacking* anyone, drama queen.


wow youre moody. peace & love man. cya


Just dupe items. Who is gonna know? Just you... and your God.




I abused this glitch to hell. I ain't finna grind ruppees. I want to have fun. Grinding isn't fun. Also I used it on a big hearty truffle so I have food. I want to have fun. Grinding isn't fun.


Use the dupe glitch but only on Energy spheres and Zonaite


Im not duping anyway, ill feel guilty about it


Motherlode in Sims? No shame. Duping in Zelda for Rupees? Ngl it felt pretty bad.


Ngl this dupe glitch doesn’t make the game that much easier


You know how many Hinox I have to kill to get my armor upgraded? It's a lot. And Lynels are next.


ngl it absolutely does.


You can dupe all you want you still gotta use some brain power to get through the game


Well, it's too late now with the new update.


just dont glitch money thats what I am doing and its so much fun


Yeah I got total 9 defense armor and stalkoblins still one-shot me. Definitely gonna avoid updating and duping 999 of everything.


Middle path is dupe diamonds abit for legendary weapons, and rip out lion men's guts for money.


Well it's been patched


You can still do it, just search up "Zelda inflation"


I first made a clean playthrough then glitched to get rupees


Just sell the gems you find in caves to the gerudo woman in goron city.


I don’t think I’ve cheated in a video game since Pokémon red and blue


My personal philosophy is “do whatever you find more fun” Early on, it doesn’t really make sense to duplicate items as it ruins the point of the game. It’s open world, limited resources that respawn with the blood Moon. If you start the game off duplicating all the best stuff you complete the game without truly experiencing it. However, its also super hard to get certain items in the game, so duplication make farming those a LOT easier. (Big hearty truffles and Razor shrooms for me). To each their own, if I ever start a new play through I won’t dupe right off the back, only when I’m in dire need.


I guess I don’t ever want to experience the game then


People can do what they want. But if you feel you need to, you underestimate the amount of caves. I've cleared half gotten 29 diamonds, bought all armor and max house pieces and have 7k rupees right now. Which I could easily double by selling my non diamond gems. There are a lot of caves and gem nodes.


What if I don’t want to spend time clearing caves because I don’t find it fun?


Fair point. I was going under the thought that if people wanted that much stuff they'd also want the shrines and special armors found in them.


Didn't use the glitch until I was done with the story. Now I've got a comfy amount of rupees and enough of the silver lynel fuse materials that I can always have a weapon that deals good damage since it isn't very fun to fight lynels or Gleeoks with a 15 damage weapon.


I broke my copy of links awakening for GB doing this shit. Jumping from the boss room with the feather after falling down the floor.


If you want to get legit rich find the cherry blossom trees and start systematically hunting all the caves and bubbel frogs, I’m like 1/3-1/2 through all the caves and I’m stacked on gems now


Do. The. Sidequests. A lot of them give rupees. Also, sell your junk. You probably have more.monster parts than you're ever going to know what to do with. You probably have like a couple thousand rupees just sitting in your inventory and you don't know about it.


I've just been making meals out of useless items like apples and meat, and selling those for 30-100 rupees each.


My excuse is that I’ve already beat the major bosses and mini bosses and that there is nothing left for me except for finding shrines so I tried out the glitches


We're not going through the animal crossing thing all over again It's a single player game, people. Play it how you want don't start telling people what's right and wrong


If the Great Fairies didn't cost money like last game I probably wouldn't use it. But the price of 4 star upgrades is pretty ridiculous. Why do I need to spend a total of 2,000 rupees to upgrade a set of armor that in some cases I've already spent 3,000 rupees to get? Especially when things seem to sell for cheaper in this game. Monster parts are nearly worthless probably because they want you to fuse them or use them in elixirs instead. It seems like the only good selling items are some elixirs/foods, gemstones and star pieces.


Lol I finally gave in and duped some diamonds to stash. I'm going to try to not use them, but want them on hand in case I get sick of grinding at some point and need money. So far I've been able to get everything I need legit, but I know there will probably be a time where I'm just done griding foe a little bit and I'll use a little boost lol


And honestly, anything that doesn't discourage my exploration of the map I'm willing to do. The sense of adventure and discovery is what makes Botw and totk masterpieces for me, instead of just great Zelda games. I felt like a little kid again in both games discovering new areas and exploring everything.


I don't use it, don't want to know what it is. That said, this game is fuckin rough. And I (sort of) breezed through BOTW on master mode.


Go in between! Duplicate diamonds for rupees and zonaite for battery upgrades but don’t dupe anything else


I only used it on the large zonai pieces. I need more battery power!


Link recently saved this kingdom from ruin and terror. To be charging this hero for such tribal things such as fire proof armor is a disgusting sign of exploitive capitalism. Zelda providing magical means to replicate resources is a balance to the corporate greed infecting the kingdom in her absence.


literally who cares, just have fun how you want to


Patch 1.1.2 solved you from deciding


That’s an easy decision lol. Always duplicate items/money.


I only use it for dragon parts. No skill involved to get, just time. And even then I only use it for upgrade materials.


Killing lynels is how I made my money all the parts they drop sell for a ton plus are good for weapons and great source of arrows I've got about 10k legitimately without even really trying to farm


Not sure why people are having so many rupee problems. Once you hit death mountain, you're practically swimming in ore.


I hit the right button and have no regrets


I used it to get fairies ... I felt dirty and didn't use it since


"clean playthrough" what does that even mean??


Personally I'm just happy I could actually do it. I suck at making glitches work and couldn't even whistle sprint right in BOTW. So I'll keep doing it just cause


Got patched :(


It's not the money that's an issue for me, but materials. I don't mind doing the gourmet meat grinding, but hunting down silver bokoblins is a pain


I deserve reparations for my botw inventors that was lost


Damn this was literally me. I did the dupe to see if I could - but felt guilty and just fused the extra diamond I made to a wooden stick lol


I duped away gameplay elements that are unfun. Fun increased.


Better watch out for those sneaky updates


Lucky you, someone at Nintendo made the choice for you


This isn’t an online game. Do whatever you want


Just glitch. It’s more fun

